public function TrackBook() { $connector = new connector(); $sql = ""; $sql .= " SELECT"; $sql .= " ReferenceNo"; $sql .= " , DelSender"; $sql .= " , DelReceiver"; $sql .= " , Status"; $sql .= " , Reason"; $sql .= " , ServiceLevel"; $sql .= " , DeliveryBoxSize"; $sql .= " , WaybillNumber"; $sql .= " , LBC "; $sql .= " FROM booking_details "; $sql .= " WHERE"; $sql .= " ReferenceNo \t= '" . $this->referenceNo . "' OR "; $sql .= " WaybillNumber \t= '" . $this->referenceNo . "' OR "; $sql .= " LBC \t\t\t= '" . $this->referenceNo . "'"; $mysqliQuery = mysqli_query($connector->GetConnection(), $sql); $counter = 0; $trackBookOutput = new TrackBookOutput(); $row = mysqli_fetch_array($mysqliQuery); $trackBookOutput->onlineReferenceNo = $row["ReferenceNo"]; $trackBookOutput->waybillNo = $row["WaybillNumber"]; $trackBookOutput->provincialTrackingNo = $row["LBC"]; $trackBookOutput->sender = $row["DelSender"]; $trackBookOutput->receiver = $row["DelReceiver"]; $trackBookOutput->latestStatus = $row["Status"]; $trackBookOutput->reason = $row["Reason"]; $trackBookOutput->serviceLevel = $row["ServiceLevel"]; $trackBookOutput->size = $row["DeliveryBoxSize"]; return $trackBookOutput; }
function onclasssave() { parent::start_template(); $inputclass = $this->fun->accept('inputclass', 'P'); $integra = $this->fun->accept('integra', 'P'); $integra = empty($integra) ? 0 : $integra; $rankname = $this->fun->accept('rankname', 'P'); $isinter = $this->fun->accept('isinter', 'P'); $db_table = db_prefix . 'member_class'; $date = time(); if ($inputclass == 'add') { $db_field = 'rankname,isinter,integra,isclass,lockin'; $db_values = "'{$rankname}',{$isinter},{$integra},0,0"; $this->db->query('INSERT INTO ' . $db_table . ' (' . $db_field . ') VALUES (' . $db_values . ')'); $this->writelog($this->lng['memclassmanage_add_log'], $this->lng['log_extra_ok'] . ' rankname=' . $rankname); $this->dbcache->clearcache('memberclass_array', true); exit('true'); } elseif ($inputclass == 'edit') { $mcid = $this->fun->accept('mcid', 'P'); $db_where = 'mcid=' . $mcid; $db_set = "rankname='{$rankname}',isinter={$isinter},integra={$integra}"; $this->db->query('UPDATE ' . $db_table . ' SET ' . $db_set . ' WHERE ' . $db_where); $this->writelog($this->lng['memclassmanage_edit_log'], $this->lng['log_extra_ok'] . ' subjectname=' . $typename . ' sid=' . $sid); $this->dbcache->clearcache('memberclass_array', true); $this->dbcache->clearcache('memberclass_view_' . $mcid, true); exit('true'); } }
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function lib_menu() { $this->softbase(true); parent::start_template(); $this->ectemplates->caching = false; $this->ectemplates->libfile = true; }
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function ongroupedit() { parent::start_template(); $db_table = db_prefix . 'admin_powergroup'; $id = $this->fun->accept('id', 'G'); $db_where = 'id=' . $id; $rsList = $this->db->fetch_first('SELECT * FROM ' . $db_table . ' WHERE ' . $db_where); $powermenulist = $this->get_powermenulist(); $powerlist = explode('|', $rsList['powerlist']); $this->ectemplates->assign('tab', 'true'); $this->ectemplates->assign('groupinfo', $rsList); $this->ectemplates->assign('powermenulist', $powermenulist); $this->ectemplates->assign('powerlist', $powerlist); $this->ectemplates->display('admin/admin_group_edit'); }
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function onsave() { parent::start_template(); $inputclass = $this->fun->accept('inputclass', 'P'); $lng = $this->fun->accept('lng', 'P'); $lng = empty($lng) ? $this->CON['default_lng'] : $lng; $typename = $this->fun->accept('typename', 'P'); $content = $this->fun->accept('content', 'P'); $content = empty($content) ? '' : $this->fun->Text2Html($content); $purview = $this->fun->accept('purview', 'P'); $ispage = $this->fun->accept('ispage', 'P'); $isclass = $this->fun->accept('isclass', 'P'); $pagemax = $this->fun->accept('pagemax', 'P'); $listmax = $this->fun->accept('listmax', 'P'); $isaddclass = $this->fun->accept('isaddclass', 'P'); $ismail = $this->fun->accept('ismail', 'P'); $putmail = $this->fun->accept('putmail', 'P'); $mailcode = $this->fun->accept('mailcode', 'P'); $ismenu = $this->fun->accept('ismenu', 'P'); $isseccode = $this->fun->accept('isseccode', 'P'); $inputtime = $this->fun->accept('inputtime', 'P'); $iswap = $this->fun->accept('iswap', 'P'); $issms = $this->fun->accept('issms', 'P'); $smscode = $this->fun->accept('smscode', 'P'); $istemplates = $this->fun->accept('istemplates', 'P'); $istemplates = empty($istemplates) ? 0 : $istemplates; $templates = $this->fun->accept('templates', 'P'); $db_table = db_prefix . 'bbs_typelist'; $date = time(); if ($inputclass == 'add') { $db_field = 'pid,lng,typename,content,purview,ispage,isclass,addtime,pagemax,listmax,isaddclass,ismail,putmail,mailcode,ismenu,isseccode,inputtime,iswap,istemplates,templates,issms,smscode'; $db_values = "50,'{$lng}','{$typename}','{$content}',{$purview},{$ispage},1,{$date},{$pagemax},{$listmax},{$isaddclass},{$ismail},'{$putmail}','{$mailcode}',{$ismenu},{$isseccode},{$inputtime},{$iswap},{$istemplates},'{$templates}',{$issms},'{$smscode}'"; $this->db->query('INSERT INTO ' . $db_table . ' (' . $db_field . ') VALUES (' . $db_values . ')'); $this->writelog($this->lng['forumtype_add_log'], $this->lng['log_extra_ok'] . ' typename=' . $typename); $this->dbcache->clearcache('bbs_typelist_array_' . $lng, true); exit('true'); } elseif ($inputclass == 'edit') { $btid = $this->fun->accept('btid', 'P'); $db_where = 'btid=' . $btid; $db_set = "typename='{$typename}',content='{$content}',purview={$purview},ispage={$ispage},pagemax={$pagemax},listmax={$listmax},isaddclass={$isaddclass},ismail={$ismail},putmail='{$putmail}',mailcode='{$mailcode}',ismenu={$ismenu},isseccode={$isseccode},inputtime={$inputtime},iswap={$iswap},istemplates={$istemplates},templates='{$templates}',issms={$issms},smscode='{$smscode}'"; $this->db->query('UPDATE ' . $db_table . ' SET ' . $db_set . ' WHERE ' . $db_where); $this->writelog($this->lng['forumtype_edit_log'], $this->lng['log_extra_ok'] . ' typename=' . $typename . ' id=' . $btid); $this->dbcache->clearcache('bbs_typelist_view_' . $btid, true); $this->dbcache->clearcache('bbs_typelist_array_' . $lng, true); exit('true'); } }
function onsave() { parent::start_template(); $inputclass = $this->fun->accept('inputclass', 'P'); $shippingsn = $this->fun->accept('shippingsn', 'P'); $content = $this->fun->accept('content', 'P'); $oldshippingsn = $this->fun->accept('oldshippingsn', 'P'); $db_table = db_prefix . 'order_shipreceipt'; $db_table2 = db_prefix . 'order'; $date = time(); if ($inputclass == 'edit') { $osrid = $this->fun->accept('osrid', 'P'); $db_where = 'osrid=' . $osrid; $db_set = "shippingsn='{$shippingsn}',content='{$content}'"; $this->db->query('UPDATE ' . $db_table . ' SET ' . $db_set . ' WHERE ' . $db_where); $this->writelog($this->lng['shipreceiptlist_edit_log'], $this->lng['log_extra_ok'] . ' SN=' . $oldshippingsn); exit('true'); } elseif ($inputclass == 'add') { $oid = $this->fun->accept('oid', 'P'); $osid = $this->fun->accept('osid', 'P'); $ordersn = $this->fun->accept('ordersn', 'P'); $userid = $this->fun->accept('userid', 'P'); $shippingmoney = $this->fun->accept('shippingmoney', 'P'); $isclass = $this->fun->accept('isclass', 'P'); $username = $this->esp_username; $db_field = 'oid,osid,shippingsn,ordersn,shippingmoney,username,content,userid,isclass,addtime'; $db_values = "{$oid},{$osid},'{$shippingsn}','{$ordersn}',{$shippingmoney},'{$username}','{$content}',{$userid},{$isclass},{$date}"; $this->db->query('INSERT INTO ' . $db_table . ' (' . $db_field . ') VALUES (' . $db_values . ')'); $db_where = 'oid=' . $oid; if ($isclass == 1) { if ($this->CON['is_moblie']) { $rsMember = $this->get_member('', $userid); if ($rsMember['ismoblie'] && !empty($rsMember['mobile'])) { $rsMember['ordersn'] = $ordersn; $rsMember['shippingsn'] = $shippingsn; $this->membersmssend($rsMember, $rsMember['mobile'], 'orderre'); } } $db_set = "shippingsn='{$shippingsn}',shippingtime={$date},ordertype=4"; } elseif ($isclass == 2) { $db_set = "ordertype=8"; } $this->db->query('UPDATE ' . $db_table2 . ' SET ' . $db_set . ' WHERE ' . $db_where); $this->writelog($this->lng['shipreceiptlist_add_log'], $this->lng['log_extra_ok'] . ' shippingsn=' . $shippingsn); exit('true'); } }
function onadverttypeedit() { parent::start_template(); $tab = $this->fun->accept('tab', 'R'); $tab = empty($tab) ? 'true' : $tab; $type = $this->fun->accept('type', 'R'); $type = empty($type) ? 'edit' : $type; $atid = intval($this->fun->accept('atid', 'R')); if (empty($atid)) { exit('false'); } $read = $this->get_advert_type_view($atid); $input_default = $this->CON; $this->ectemplates->assign('defaultinput', $input_default); $this->ectemplates->assign('lng', $read['lng']); $this->ectemplates->assign('read', $read); $this->ectemplates->assign('path', admin_URL); $this->ectemplates->assign('type', $type); $this->ectemplates->assign('tab', $tab); $this->ectemplates->display('advert/advert_type_edit'); }
function onsave() { parent::start_template(); $inputclass = $this->fun->accept('inputclass', 'P'); $bankname = $this->fun->accept('bankname', 'P'); $bankaccount = $this->fun->accept('bankaccount', 'P'); $content = $this->fun->accept('content', 'P'); $paysn = $this->fun->accept('paysn', 'P'); $db_table = db_prefix . 'order_payreceipt'; $db_table2 = db_prefix . 'order'; $date = time(); if ($inputclass == 'edit') { $oprid = $this->fun->accept('oprid', 'P'); $db_where = 'oprid=' . $oprid; $db_set = "bankname='{$bankname}',bankaccount='{$bankaccount}',content='{$content}'"; $this->db->query('UPDATE ' . $db_table . ' SET ' . $db_set . ' WHERE ' . $db_where); $this->writelog($this->lng['payreceiptlist_edit_log'], $this->lng['log_extra_ok'] . ' SN=' . $paysn); exit('true'); } elseif ($inputclass == 'add') { $oid = $this->fun->accept('oid', 'P'); $opid = $this->fun->accept('opid', 'P'); $ordersn = $this->fun->accept('ordersn', 'P'); $userid = $this->fun->accept('userid', 'P'); $orderamount = $this->fun->accept('orderamount', 'P'); $isclass = $this->fun->accept('isclass', 'P'); $username = $this->esp_username; $db_field = 'oid,opid,paysn,ordersn,orderamount,bankaccount,bankname,username,content,userid,isclass,paytime,addtime'; $db_values = "{$oid},{$opid},'{$paysn}','{$ordersn}',{$orderamount},'{$bankaccount}','{$bankname}','{$username}','{$content}',{$userid},{$isclass},{$date},{$date}"; $this->db->query('INSERT INTO ' . $db_table . ' (' . $db_field . ') VALUES (' . $db_values . ')'); $db_where = 'oid=' . $oid; if ($isclass == 1) { $db_set = "paysn='{$paysn}',paytime={$date},ordertype=2"; } elseif ($isclass == 2) { $db_set = "ordertype=7"; } $this->db->query('UPDATE ' . $db_table2 . ' SET ' . $db_set . ' WHERE ' . $db_where); $this->writelog($this->lng['payreceiptlist_add_log'], $this->lng['log_extra_ok'] . ' paysn=' . $paysn); exit('true'); } }
function onmodenlist() { parent::start_template(); $db_table = db_prefix . 'apply'; $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . $db_table . ' WHERE isetup=1 ORDER BY appid ASC'; $rs = $this->db->query($sql); while ($rsList = $this->db->fetch_assoc($rs)) { $rsList['updatevol'] = $this->appupdate($rsList['applycode']); $array[] = $rsList; } $this->ectemplates->assign('array', $array); $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . $db_table . ' WHERE isetup=0 ORDER BY appid DESC'; $rs = $this->db->query($sql); while ($rsList = $this->db->fetch_assoc($rs)) { $noinstallarray[] = $rsList; } $this->ectemplates->assign('noinstallarray', $noinstallarray); $loadurl = convert_uudecode($this->CON['getnetval']); $this->ectemplates->assign('loadurl', $loadurl); $this->ectemplates->assign('sql', $sql); $this->ectemplates->display('admin/admin_app_list'); }
function databnf($connector_path = "") { parent::connector($connector_path); }
function in_del() { parent::member_purview(0, $this->mlink['enquirylist']); $lng = admin_LNG == 'big5' ? $this->CON['is_lancode'] : admin_LNG; $eid = $this->fun->accept('eid', 'G'); if (empty($eid)) { $this->callmessage($this->lng['db_err'], $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], $this->lng['gobackurlbotton']); } $db_table = db_prefix . 'enquiry'; $db_where = 'isclass=0 and eid=' . $eid; $db_set = "isclass=2"; $this->db->query('UPDATE ' . $db_table . ' SET ' . $db_set . ' WHERE ' . $db_where); $this->callmessage($this->lng['enquiry_edit_del'], $this->mlink['enquirylist'], $this->lng['gobackurlbotton']); }
function lib_order() { $this->softbase(); parent::start_pagetemplate(); $this->pagetemplate->libfile = true; }
function oncreatesubwindow() { parent::start_template(); $read['lng'] = $this->fun->accept('lng', 'R'); $read['mid'] = $this->fun->accept('mid', 'R'); $read['sid'] = $this->fun->accept('sid', 'R'); $read['time'] = time(); $is_html = $this->CON['is_html']; $this->ectemplates->assign('is_html', $is_html); $this->ectemplates->assign('read', $read); $this->ectemplates->display('creat/create_subject_window'); }