/** * get list */ public function getList($publish = 1) { require_once 'models/common/common_taxonomy.php'; $Taxonomy = new common_taxonomy(); $list = $Taxonomy->getTree($publish); return $list; }
/** * main action */ public function mainAction() { require_once 'models/ecommerce/ecommerce_product_taxonomy.php'; $ProductTaxonomy = new ecommerce_product_taxonomy(); $node_id = $this->GET['id']; require_once 'models/common/common_taxonomy.php'; $Taxonomy = new common_taxonomy(); //listing if (is_numeric($node_id)) { $current = $ProductTaxonomy->getRelationsToNode($node_id); if (is_array($current)) { foreach ($current as $c_id) { $taxonomy_data = $Taxonomy->taxonomyItemDetail($c_id); $option = $taxonomy_data['label']; $this->tpl->assign("OPTION", $taxonomy_data['label']); //check if it is a Product Options if ($taxonomy_data['parent'] == $ProductTaxonomy->conf['options_id']) { $taxonomy_list = $Taxonomy->getChildren($taxonomy_data['id']); foreach ($taxonomy_list as $item) { if ($item['label']['publish'] == 1) { $this->tpl->assign("ITEM", $item); $this->tpl->parse("content.option.item"); } } $this->tpl->parse("content.option"); } } } } return true; }
/** * main action */ public function mainAction() { require_once 'models/common/common_taxonomy.php'; $Taxonomy = new common_taxonomy(); if ($_POST['save']) { if ($_POST['taxonomy']['label']['publish'] == 'on' || $_POST['taxonomy']['label']['publish'] == 1) { $_POST['taxonomy']['label']['publish'] = 1; } else { $_POST['taxonomy']['label']['publish'] = 0; } if ($Taxonomy->labelUpdate($_POST['taxonomy']['label'])) { msg("Taxonomy label updated."); } } if (is_numeric($this->GET['id'])) { $taxonomy_data['label'] = $Taxonomy->labelDetailByLTT($this->GET['id']); //display if ($taxonomy_data['label']['publish'] == 1) { $taxonomy_data['label']['publish_check'] = 'checked="checked"'; } else { $taxonomy_data['label']['publish_check'] = 0; } $this->tpl->assign('TAXONOMY', $taxonomy_data); $this->tpl->parse('content.editor'); } else { } return true; }
/** * main action */ public function mainAction() { require_once 'models/common/common_taxonomy.php'; $Taxonomy = new common_taxonomy(); if ($_POST['save']) { if ($id = $Taxonomy->labelInsert($_POST['taxonomy']['label'])) { msg("Taxonomy label inserted."); } else { $this->tpl->assign('TAXONOMY', $_POST['taxonomy']); } } return true; }
/** * getImageThumbnailSrc * * @return URL string */ public function getImageThumbnailSrc($label_id) { if (!is_numeric($label_id)) { return false; } require_once 'models/common/common_taxonomy.php'; $Taxonomy = new common_taxonomy(); $images = $Taxonomy->getLabelImages($label_id); if (is_array($images) && count($images) > 0) { return "//{$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']}/image/" . $images[0]['src']; } else { return ''; } }
/** * post action */ function post() { parent::post(); //dropdowns $Offer_Group = new ecommerce_offer_group(); $Taxonomy = new common_taxonomy(); $conf = ecommerce_offer::initConfiguration(); $groups_in_progress = $Offer_Group->listing("schedule_start <= NOW() AND (schedule_end IS NULL OR schedule_end >= NOW())", "id DESC"); $groups_scheduled = $Offer_Group->listing("schedule_start > NOW()", "id DESC"); $groups_past = $Offer_Group->listing("(schedule_start < NOW() OR schedule_start IS NULL) AND schedule_end IS NOT NULL AND schedule_end < NOW()", "id DESC"); $campaign_categories = $Taxonomy->getChildren($conf['campaign_category_parent_id']); $roundel_categories = $Taxonomy->getChildren($conf['roundel_category_parent_id']); $this->parseOffersSelectGroup($groups_in_progress, 'In Progress', $this->node_data['component']['offer_group_id']); $this->parseOffersSelectGroup($groups_scheduled, 'Scheduled', $this->node_data['component']['offer_group_id']); $this->parseOffersSelectGroup($groups_past, 'Past', $this->node_data['component']['offer_group_id']); $this->parseCategorySelect($campaign_categories, $this->node_data['component']['campaign_category_id'], 'campaign_category_item'); $this->parseCategorySelect($roundel_categories, $this->node_data['component']['roundel_category_id'], 'roundel_category_item'); $this->parseTemplatesSelect($this->node_data['component']['template']); }
/** * main action */ public function mainAction() { /** * input variables */ if (is_numeric($this->GET['parent'])) { $parent = $this->GET['parent']; } else { $parent = 0; } if ($this->GET['publish'] == 1) { $published_only = true; } else { $published_only = false; } /* optional node_id and relation to show only related items (associated categories) */ if (is_numeric($this->GET['node_id'])) { $node_id = $this->GET['node_id']; } else { $node_id = false; } if ($this->GET['relation']) { $relation = $this->GET['relation']; } else { $relation = false; } if (is_numeric($node_id) && $relation) { $related_taxonomy_label_list = $this->findOnlyRelated($node_id, $relation); } else { $related_taxonomy_label_list = false; } require_once 'models/common/common_taxonomy.php'; $Taxonomy = new common_taxonomy(); $list = $Taxonomy->getChildren($parent, 'priority DESC, id ASC', true); foreach ($list as $item) { // process only if filtering by related isn't required or current item is matching if ($related_taxonomy_label_list === false || is_array($related_taxonomy_label_list) && is_array($related_taxonomy_label_list[$item['label_id']])) { $this->assignAndParseItem($item); } } return true; }
/** * main action */ public function mainAction() { require_once 'models/common/common_taxonomy.php'; $Taxonomy = new common_taxonomy(); /** * check input variables */ if (is_numeric($this->GET['source_node_id'])) { $source_node_id = $this->GET['source_node_id']; } else { msg("taxonomy_move: source_node_id is not numeric", 'error'); return false; } if (is_numeric($this->GET['destination_node_id'])) { $destination_node_id = $this->GET['destination_node_id']; } else { msg("taxonomy_move: destination_node_id is not numeric", 'error'); return false; } if (is_numeric($this->GET['position'])) { $position = $this->GET['position']; } else { msg("taxonomy_move: position is not numeric", 'error'); return false; } /** * move */ //msg($source_node_id, $destination_node_id, $position); if ($Taxonomy->moveItem($source_node_id, $destination_node_id, $position)) { msg("Moved"); } else { msg("Cannot move taxonomy to ({$source_node_id}, {$destination_node_id}, {$position})", 'error'); } return true; }
/** * main action */ public function mainAction() { if (is_numeric($this->GET['parent'])) { $parent = $this->GET['parent']; } else { $parent = 0; } if ($this->GET['publish'] == 1) { $published_only = true; } else { $published_only = false; } require_once 'models/common/common_taxonomy.php'; $Taxonomy = new common_taxonomy(); $list = $Taxonomy->getChildren($parent, 'priority DESC, id ASC', true); foreach ($list as $item) { $this->tpl->assign('ITEM', $item); /** * image */ if (is_array($item['label']['image']) && count($item['label']['image']) > 0) { $image = $item['label']['image'][0]; $this->tpl->assign('IMAGE', $image); if (is_numeric($image['link_to_node_id'])) { $this->tpl->parse('content.item.image_link'); } else { $this->tpl->parse('content.item.image'); } } /** * content */ $this->tpl->parse('content.item'); } return true; }
/** * getRelatedTaxonomy */ public function getRelatedTaxonomy($product_id) { if (!is_numeric($product_id)) { return false; } require_once 'models/common/common_taxonomy.php'; $Taxonomy = new common_taxonomy(); $related_taxonomy = $Taxonomy->getRelatedTaxonomy($product_id, 'ecommerce_product_taxonomy'); return $related_taxonomy; }
/** * getTaxonomyBranch */ public function getTaxonomyBranch($parent) { require_once 'models/common/common_taxonomy.php'; $Taxonomy = new common_taxonomy(); return $Taxonomy->getChildren($parent); }
/** * getRecipeTaxonomy * TODO: this should re-used or merged with /api/v1.3/recipe_category_list */ public function getRecipeTaxonomy() { // get categories from taxonomy require_once 'models/common/common_taxonomy.php'; $Taxonomy = new common_taxonomy(); $recipe_categories = $Taxonomy->getChildren($this->conf['taxonomy_tree_id']); return $recipe_categories; }