Exemplo n.º 1

/* Some code examples for TbsZip
Skrol29, 2010-09-03
include_once 'tbszip.php';
// load the TbsZip library
$zip = new clsTbsZip();
// create a new instance of the TbsZip class
// start a new empty archive for adding files
// or
// open an existing archive for reading and/or modifying
// --------------------------------------------------
// Reading information and data in the opened archive
// --------------------------------------------------
// check if a file is existing in the archive, the name must precise subfolders if any
$ok = $zip->FileExists('subfolder/help.html');
// count the files stored in the archive
$file_nbr = count($zip->CdFileLst);
// retrieve the content of an compressed file in the archive
$text1 = $zip->FileRead('readme.txt');
// retrieve the content of an compressed file in a subfolder of the archive
$text2 = $zip->FileRead('subfolder/readme.txt');
if ($ok) {
// -----------------------------
// Modifying data in the archive
// -----------------------------