  * Compares two dates of type class_date.
  * @param class_date $objDateLeft
  * @param class_date $objDateRight
  * @return int
  *         0, if the dates are equal
  *         1, if $objDateLeft is greater than $objDateRight
  *         -1, if $objDateLeft is less than $objDateRight
  *         null, if $objDateLeft or $objDateRight are null (then no comparison is possible)
 public static function compareDates(class_date $objDateLeft = null, class_date $objDateRight = null)
     if ($objDateLeft != null && $objDateRight != null) {
         if ($objDateLeft->getLongTimestamp() < $objDateRight->getLongTimestamp()) {
             return -1;
         if ($objDateLeft->getLongTimestamp() > $objDateRight->getLongTimestamp()) {
             return 1;
         } else {
             return 0;
     return null;
Exemplo n.º 2
 protected function updateValue()
     $arrParams = class_carrier::getAllParams();
     if (isset($arrParams[$this->getStrEntryName() . "_day"]) && $arrParams[$this->getStrEntryName() . "_day"] != "" || isset($arrParams[$this->getStrEntryName()])) {
         if (isset($arrParams[$this->getStrEntryName()]) && $arrParams[$this->getStrEntryName()] == "") {
         } else {
             $objDate = new class_date();
             $objDate->generateDateFromParams($this->getStrEntryName(), $arrParams);
     } else {
Exemplo n.º 3
  * Calculates the number of working days between the given dates.
  * The start and enddate are included in the count.
  * @param class_date $objDateFrom
  * @param class_date $objDateTo
  * @return int
 public function calcNumberOfWorkingDaysBetween(class_date $objDateFrom, class_date $objDateTo)
     $intNumberOfWorkingDays = 0;
     if ($objDateFrom->getLongTimestamp() > $objDateTo->getLongTimestamp()) {
         return $intNumberOfWorkingDays;
     if ($objDateFrom->isSameDay($objDateTo)) {
         return $intNumberOfWorkingDays;
     $objDateCompare = clone $objDateFrom;
     if ($this->isValidTarget2Day($objDateCompare)) {
     while ($objDateCompare = $this->calcNextWorkingDay($objDateCompare)) {
         if ($objDateCompare->getLongTimestamp() > $objDateTo->getLongTimestamp()) {
         if ($objDateCompare->isSameDay($objDateTo)) {
     return $intNumberOfWorkingDays;
  * Returns the latest new_value in the date range per systemid
  * @param $strClass
  * @param $strProperty
  * @param class_date $objDateFrom
  * @param class_date $objDateTo
  * @param array $arrAllowedSystemIds
  * @return array
 public static function getNewValuesForDateRange($strClass, $strProperty, class_date $objDateFrom = null, class_date $objDateTo = null, array $arrAllowedSystemIds)
     $arrParams = array($strClass, $strProperty);
     //system id filter
     $objRestriction = new class_orm_objectlist_in_restriction("log.change_systemid", $arrAllowedSystemIds);
     $strQueryCondition = $objRestriction->getStrWhere();
     $arrParams = array_merge($arrParams, $objRestriction->getArrParams());
     //filter by create date from
     if ($objDateFrom != null) {
         $objRestriction = new class_orm_objectlist_restriction("AND ( log.change_date >= ?  )", array($objDateFrom->getLongTimestamp()));
         $strQueryCondition .= $objRestriction->getStrWhere() . " ";
         $arrParams[] = $objDateFrom->getLongTimestamp();
     //filter by create end to
     if ($objDateTo != null) {
         $objRestriction = new class_orm_objectlist_restriction("AND ( log.change_date <= ?  )", array($objDateTo->getLongTimestamp()));
         $strQueryCondition .= $objRestriction->getStrWhere() . " ";
         $arrParams[] = $objDateTo->getLongTimestamp();
     $strQuery = "  SELECT change_systemid,\n                              change_newvalue\n                         FROM " . _dbprefix_ . self::getTableForClass($strClass) . " log\n                        WHERE log.change_class = ?\n                          AND log.change_property = ?\n                          {$strQueryCondition}\n                     ORDER BY log.change_systemid ASC, log.change_date DESC";
     $arrResult = class_carrier::getInstance()->getObjDB()->getPArray($strQuery, $arrParams);
     $arrData = array();
     $strLastId = "";
     foreach ($arrResult as $arrRow) {
         if ($strLastId != $arrRow["change_systemid"]) {
             $arrData[] = array("change_systemid" => $arrRow["change_systemid"], "change_newvalue" => $arrRow["change_newvalue"]);
         $strLastId = $arrRow["change_systemid"];
     return $arrData;
 public function testChangelogIntervalChanges()
     $strSystemid = generateSystemid();
     $objStartDate = new class_date();
     $objEndDate = new class_date();
     $objMiddleDate = new class_date();
     $objChanges = new class_module_system_changelog();
     $objChanges->createLogEntry(new dummyObject($strSystemid), 1);
     $strQuery = "INSERT INTO " . _dbprefix_ . "changelog\n                     (change_id,\n                      change_date,\n                      change_systemid,\n                      change_system_previd,\n                      change_user,\n                      change_class,\n                      change_action,\n                      change_property,\n                      change_oldvalue,\n                      change_newvalue) VALUES\n                     (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)";
     class_carrier::getInstance()->getObjDB()->_pQuery($strQuery, array(generateSystemid(), $objStartDate->getLongTimestamp(), $strSystemid, "", "", "dummyObject", "edit", "test2", "", "1"));
     class_carrier::getInstance()->getObjDB()->_pQuery($strQuery, array(generateSystemid(), $objMiddleDate->getLongTimestamp(), $strSystemid, "", "", "dummyObject", "edit", "test2", "1", "2"));
     class_carrier::getInstance()->getObjDB()->_pQuery($strQuery, array(generateSystemid(), $objEndDate->getLongTimestamp(), $strSystemid, "", "", "dummyObject", "edit", "test2", "2", "3"));
     //start middle  end
     //  1      2     3
     class_module_system_changelog::changeValueForInterval($strSystemid, "edit", "test2", "", "dummyObject", "", "a", $objStartDate, $objEndDate);
     $this->assertEquals("1", $objChanges->getValueForDate($strSystemid, "test2", $objStartDate));
     $this->assertEquals("a", $objChanges->getValueForDate($strSystemid, "test2", $objStartDate));
     $this->assertEquals("a", $objChanges->getValueForDate($strSystemid, "test2", $objMiddleDate));
     $this->assertEquals("a", $objChanges->getValueForDate($strSystemid, "test2", $objEndDate));
     $this->assertEquals("2", $objChanges->getValueForDate($strSystemid, "test2", $objEndDate));
     $this->assertEquals("3", $objChanges->getValueForDate($strSystemid, "test2", $objEndDate));
  * Creates a form to edit a users data
  * @return string
 private function editUserData()
     $arrErrors = array();
     $bitForm = true;
     //what to do?
     if ($this->getParam("submitUserForm") != "") {
         if ($this->getParam("password") != "") {
             if ($this->getParam("password") != $this->getParam("password2")) {
                 $arrErrors[] = $this->getLang("passwordsUnequal");
         $objValidator = new class_email_validator();
         if (!$objValidator->validate($this->getParam("email"))) {
             $arrErrors[] = $this->getLang("invalidEmailadress");
         if (count($arrErrors) == 0) {
             $bitForm = false;
     if ($bitForm) {
         if ($this->arrElementData["portallogin_editmode"] == 1) {
             $strTemplateID = $this->objTemplate->readTemplate("/element_portallogin/" . $this->arrElementData["portallogin_template"], "portallogin_userdataform_complete");
         } else {
             $strTemplateID = $this->objTemplate->readTemplate("/element_portallogin/" . $this->arrElementData["portallogin_template"], "portallogin_userdataform_minimal");
         $arrTemplate = array();
         $objUser = new class_module_user_user($this->objSession->getUserID());
         if ($objUser->getObjSourceUser()->isEditable() && $objUser->getStrSubsystem() == "kajona" && $objUser->getObjSourceUser() instanceof class_usersources_user_kajona) {
             $arrTemplate["username"] = $objUser->getStrUsername();
             $arrTemplate["email"] = $objUser->getObjSourceUser()->getStrEmail();
             $arrTemplate["forename"] = $objUser->getObjSourceUser()->getStrForename();
             $arrTemplate["name"] = $objUser->getObjSourceUser()->getStrName();
             $arrTemplate["street"] = $objUser->getObjSourceUser()->getStrStreet();
             $arrTemplate["postal"] = $objUser->getObjSourceUser()->getStrPostal();
             $arrTemplate["city"] = $objUser->getObjSourceUser()->getStrCity();
             $arrTemplate["phone"] = $objUser->getObjSourceUser()->getStrTel();
             $arrTemplate["mobile"] = $objUser->getObjSourceUser()->getStrMobile();
             $arrTemplate["portallogin_elsystemid"] = $this->arrElementData["content_id"];
             $objDate = new class_date($objUser->getObjSourceUser()->getLongDate());
             $arrTemplate["date_day"] = $objDate->getIntDay();
             $arrTemplate["date_month"] = $objDate->getIntMonth();
             $arrTemplate["date_year"] = $objDate->getIntYear();
             $arrTemplate["formaction"] = class_link::getLinkPortalHref($this->getPagename(), "", "portalEditProfile");
             $arrTemplate["formErrors"] = "";
             if (count($arrErrors) > 0) {
                 foreach ($arrErrors as $strOneError) {
                     $strErrTemplate = $this->objTemplate->readTemplate("/element_portallogin/" . $this->arrElementData["portallogin_template"], "errorRow");
                     $arrTemplate["formErrors"] .= "" . $this->fillTemplate(array("error" => $strOneError), $strErrTemplate);
             return $this->fillTemplate($arrTemplate, $strTemplateID);
         } else {
             return "Login provider not supported.";
     } else {
         $objUser = new class_module_user_user($this->objSession->getUserID());
         if ($objUser->getObjSourceUser() instanceof class_usersources_user_kajona) {
             if ($this->arrElementData["portallogin_editmode"] == 1) {
                 $objDate = new class_date();
     return "";
  * Returns a list of events available
  * @param bool|int $intStart
  * @param bool|int $intEnd
  * @param class_date $objStartDate
  * @param class_Date $objEndDate
  * @param bool $bitOnlyActive
  * @param int $intOrder
  * @param null $intStatusFilter
  * @return class_module_eventmanager_event[]
 public static function getAllEvents($intStart = false, $intEnd = false, class_date $objStartDate = null, class_date $objEndDate = null, $bitOnlyActive = false, $intOrder = 0, $intStatusFilter = null)
     $objORM = new class_orm_objectlist();
     if ($objStartDate != null && $objEndDate != null) {
         $objORM->addWhereRestriction(new class_orm_objectlist_restriction("AND (system_date_start > ? AND system_date_start <= ?", array($objStartDate->getLongTimestamp(), $objEndDate->getLongTimestamp())));
     if ($intStatusFilter != null) {
         $objORM->addWhereRestriction(new class_orm_objectlist_restriction("AND em_ev_eventstatus = ?", array($intStatusFilter)));
     if ($bitOnlyActive) {
         $objORM->addWhereRestriction(new class_orm_objectlist_systemstatus_restriction(class_orm_comparator_enum::Equal(), 1));
     $objORM->addOrderBy(new class_orm_objectlist_orderby("system_date_start " . ($intOrder == "1" ? " ASC " : " DESC ")));
     $objORM->addOrderBy(new class_orm_objectlist_orderby("em_ev_title  ASC "));
     return $objORM->getObjectList(get_called_class(), "", $intStart, $intEnd);
  * Loads the list of elements on a single page.
  * Returns an array of plain data, not the corresponding objects.
  * In most cases getElementsOnPage is the right way to go.
  * @param string $strPageId
  * @param bool $bitJustActive
  * @param string $strLanguage
  * @see class_module_pages_pageelement::getElementsOnPage()
  * @return array
 public static function getPlainElementsOnPage($strPageId, $bitJustActive = false, $strLanguage = "")
     //Calculate the current day as a time-stamp. This improves database-caches e.g. the kajona or mysql-query-cache.
     $objDate = new class_date();
     $objDate->setIntMin(0, true);
     $objDate->setIntSec(0, true);
     $objDate->setIntHour(0, true);
     $longToday = $objDate->getLongTimestamp();
     $arrParams = array($strPageId, $strLanguage);
     $objORM = new class_orm_objectlist();
     $strAnd = "";
     if ($bitJustActive) {
         $strAnd = "AND system_status = 1\n                       AND ( system_date_start IS null OR (system_date_start = 0 OR system_date_start <= ?))\n                       AND ( system_date_end IS null OR (system_date_end = 0 OR system_date_end >= ?)) ";
         $arrParams[] = $longToday;
         $arrParams[] = $longToday;
     $strQuery = "SELECT *\n                       FROM " . _dbprefix_ . "page_element,\n                            " . _dbprefix_ . "element,\n                            " . _dbprefix_ . "system_right,\n                            " . _dbprefix_ . "system as system\n                  LEFT JOIN " . _dbprefix_ . "system_date\n                         ON (system_id = system_date_id)\n                      WHERE system_prev_id= ?\n                        AND page_element_ph_element = element_name\n                        AND system_id = page_element_id\n                        AND system_id = right_id\n                        AND page_element_ph_language = ?\n                       " . $strAnd . "\n                       " . $objORM->getDeletedWhereRestriction() . "\n                  ORDER BY page_element_ph_placeholder ASC,\n                           page_element_ph_language ASC,\n                           system_sort ASC";
     $arrReturn = class_carrier::getInstance()->getObjDB()->getPArray($strQuery, $arrParams);
     foreach ($arrReturn as $arrOneRow) {
     return $arrReturn;
Exemplo n.º 9
 public function testSetBeginningOfDay()
     $objDate = new class_date(20150901133737);
     $this->assertEquals($objDate->getLongTimestamp(), 20150901000000);
  * @return array
 public function getTotalUniqueHostsInInterval()
     $objStart = new class_date($this->intDateStart);
     $objEnd = new class_date($this->intDateEnd);
     $strQuery = "SELECT log_hostname, COUNT(*) as anzahl\n\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM " . _dbprefix_ . "packageserver_log\n\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE log_date > ?\n\t\t\t\t\t\t  AND log_date <= ?\n\t\t\t\t     GROUP BY log_hostname\n\t\t\t\t     ORDER BY anzahl DESC";
     $arrRow = $this->objDB->getPArray($strQuery, array($objStart->getLongTimestamp(), $objEnd->getLongTimestamp()));
     return $arrRow;
Exemplo n.º 11
  * Updates a record in the date table. Make sure to use a proper system-id!
  * Up from Kajona V3.3, the signature changed. Pass instances of class_date instead of
  * int-values.
  * @param string $strSystemid
  * @param class_date $objStartDate
  * @param class_date $objEndDate
  * @param class_date $objSpecialDate
  * @deprecated use the internal date-objects to have all dates handled automatically
  * @return bool
 public function updateDateRecord($strSystemid, class_date $objStartDate = null, class_date $objEndDate = null, class_date $objSpecialDate = null)
     $intStart = 0;
     $intEnd = 0;
     $intSpecial = 0;
     if ($objStartDate != null && $objStartDate instanceof class_date) {
         $intStart = $objStartDate->getLongTimestamp();
     if ($objEndDate != null && $objEndDate instanceof class_date) {
         $intEnd = $objEndDate->getLongTimestamp();
     if ($objSpecialDate != null && $objSpecialDate instanceof class_date) {
         $intSpecial = $objSpecialDate->getLongTimestamp();
     $strQuery = "UPDATE " . _dbprefix_ . "system_date\n                      SET system_date_start = ?,\n                          system_date_end = ?,\n                          system_date_special = ?\n                    WHERE system_date_id = ?";
     return $this->objDB->_pQuery($strQuery, array($intStart, $intEnd, $intSpecial, $strSystemid));
Exemplo n.º 12
echo str_pad("PServer-Unique", 20);
echo "\n";
for ($intYear = 2012; $intYear <= 2014; $intYear++) {
    for ($intMonth = 1; $intMonth <= 12; $intMonth++) {
        $objEndDate = clone $objStartDate;
        while ($objEndDate->getIntDay() != 1) {
        echo str_pad($objStartDate->getIntMonth() . "/" . $objStartDate->getIntYear(), 10);
        echo str_pad(getHits($objStartDate->getTimeInOldStyle(), $objEndDate->getTimeInOldStyle()), 15, " ", STR_PAD_LEFT);
        echo str_pad(getVisitors($objStartDate->getTimeInOldStyle(), $objEndDate->getTimeInOldStyle()), 15, " ", STR_PAD_LEFT);
        echo str_pad(getDownloads($objStartDate->getTimeInOldStyle(), $objEndDate->getTimeInOldStyle()), 15, " ", STR_PAD_LEFT);
        echo str_pad(getPackageserverRequests($objStartDate->getLongTimestamp(), $objEndDate->getLongTimestamp()), 20, " ", STR_PAD_LEFT);
        echo str_pad(getUniquePackageserverSystems($objStartDate->getLongTimestamp(), $objEndDate->getLongTimestamp()), 20, " ", STR_PAD_LEFT);
        echo "\n";
echo "Total unique installations: \n";
function getTotalUniquePackagesererSystems()
    $strQuery = "SELECT log_hostname, count(*) AS ANZ\n                FROM " . _dbprefix_ . "packageserver_log\n                GROUP BY log_hostname\n                ORDER BY ANZ DESC   ";
    $intI = 0;
    foreach (class_carrier::getInstance()->getObjDB()->getPArray($strQuery, array()) as $arrOneRow) {
        if (uniStrpos($arrOneRow["log_hostname"], "localhost/") === false && uniStrpos($arrOneRow["log_hostname"], "kajona.de") === false && uniStrpos($arrOneRow["log_hostname"], "kajonabase") === false && uniStrpos($arrOneRow["log_hostname"], "aquarium") === false && uniStrpos($arrOneRow["log_hostname"], "stb400s") === false && $arrOneRow["log_hostname"] != "") {
            echo sprintf("%4d", $arrOneRow["ANZ"]) . " => " . $arrOneRow["log_hostname"] . "<br />";
Exemplo n.º 13
  * Generates a long-timestamp of the current time
  * @return int
 public static function getCurrentTimestamp()
     $objDate = new class_date();
     return $objDate->getLongTimestamp();
Exemplo n.º 14
  * Loads all news from the database
  * if passed, the filter is used to load the news of the given category
  * If a start and end value is given, just a section of the list is being loaded
  * @param string $strFilter
  * @param int $intStart
  * @param int $intEnd
  * @param class_date $objStartDate
  * @param class_date $objEndDate
  * @return class_module_news_news[]
  * @static
 public static function getObjectList($strFilter = "", $intStart = null, $intEnd = null, class_date $objStartDate = null, class_date $objEndDate = null)
     $arrParams = array();
     $strWhere = "";
     if ($objStartDate != null && $objEndDate != null) {
         $strWhere = "AND (system_date_start >= ? and system_date_start < ?) ";
         $arrParams[] = $objStartDate->getLongTimestamp();
         $arrParams[] = $objEndDate->getLongTimestamp();
     $objOrm = new class_orm_objectlist();
     $strWhere .= $objOrm->getDeletedWhereRestriction();
     if ($strFilter != "") {
         $strQuery = "SELECT *\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM " . _dbprefix_ . "news,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t      " . _dbprefix_ . "system_right,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t      " . _dbprefix_ . "news_member,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t      " . _dbprefix_ . "system\n\t\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN " . _dbprefix_ . "system_date\n\t\t\t\t\t\t       ON system_id = system_date_id\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE system_id = news_id\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  AND news_id = newsmem_news\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  AND system_id = right_id\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  " . $strWhere . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  AND newsmem_category = ?\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tORDER BY system_date_start DESC";
         $arrParams[] = $strFilter;
     } else {
         $strQuery = "SELECT *\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM " . _dbprefix_ . "news,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t      " . _dbprefix_ . "system_right,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t      " . _dbprefix_ . "system\n\t\t\t\t\t    LEFT JOIN " . _dbprefix_ . "system_date\n\t\t\t\t\t\t       ON system_id = system_date_id\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE system_id = news_id\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  AND system_id = right_id\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  " . $strWhere . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tORDER BY system_date_start DESC";
     $arrIds = class_carrier::getInstance()->getObjDB()->getPArray($strQuery, $arrParams, $intStart, $intEnd);
     $arrReturn = array();
     foreach ($arrIds as $arrOneId) {
         $arrReturn[] = class_objectfactory::getInstance()->getObject($arrOneId["system_id"]);
     return $arrReturn;