Exemplo n.º 1
#!/usr/bin/php -q
// 20151014
// Auto GSM to MP3 Converter
// Uses Cron, Samba and Sox
// runs every 2 minutes via cron
// */2 * * * * /root/auto_convert/convert.php >/dev/null 2>&1
require 'classes.php';
$fs = new classFileSystem();
$cwd = '/shared/public/converter';
// Rebuild the directory structure if somebody deleted them
echo "Processing folder {$cwd}\n";
// Get all GSM files
$gsmList = $fs->getFileList("{$cwd}/*.gsm");
// Convert
if (count($gsmList) > 0) {
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($gsmList); $i++) {
Exemplo n.º 2
require 'db.php';
require 'classes.php';
$dnc = new classDnc($DBH);
$fs = new classFileSystem();
$ipAddress = array('', '', '');
$cwd = array('/shared/public/scrubber', '/shared/iconcept/scrubber', '/shared/qub/scrubber');
// Remove all the previous uploaded list first
for ($n = 0; $n < count($ipAddress); $n++) {
for ($n = 0; $n < count($ipAddress); $n++) {
    // Rebuild the directory structure if somebody deleted them
    echo "Processing folder {$cwd[$n]}\n";
    // convert xlsx files to csv if needed
    $xlsxList = $fs->getFileList("{$cwd[$n]}/*.xlsx");
    if (count($xlsxList) > 0) {
        for ($i = 0; $i < count($xlsxList); $i++) {
    $csvList = $fs->getFileList("{$cwd[$n]}/*.csv");
    if (count($csvList) <= 0) {
    // Load all the files to database
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($csvList); $i++) {
        $baseName = basename($csvList[$i]);
        echo "Loading {$baseName} to database\n";
        $dnc->loadCsv($ipAddress[$n], $csvList[$i]);
        rename($csvList[$i], "{$cwd[$n]}/original/{$baseName}");