Exemplo n.º 1
	* past and the future
	include("init.inc.php");							# include the global framwork
	include("classes/calendar.class.php");				# calendar handler
	include("classes/dayview.class.php");				# current day calendar handler
	$myNav->add($SECTION[INSIDE],'index.php');			# add entry to Navigation Bar Stack
	authorize('edit_station',false);					# check access rights
	//fix missing date (if any)
		$_GET['date'] = date("d-m-Y");
	//create calendar
	$myCal = new calendar($_GET['date']);				# create new calendar object (the month overview thing)
	$myCal->select($_GET['date']);						# selects the selected day (default: today)
	$myDay = new dayView('','',$_GET['date']);				# create the new day representer
	//mark full calendar days
	//process limits
	$myDate = explode("-",$_GET['date']);
	$start = $myDate[2] . "-" . $myDate[1] . "-1 00:00:00";
	$end = $myDate[2] . "-" . $myDate[1] . "-" . date("t",mktime(0,0,1,$myDate[1],1,$myDate[2])) . " 23:59:59";
	//mark all the days that have content associated with them
	$myCal->setLinks($db->getCol("SELECT DISTINCT EXTRACT(DAY FROM intime) AS day FROM programme WHERE intime > '$start' AND intime < '$end'"));
	//show calendar
	//#################################### TODAY'S SHOWS #####################################