Exemplo n.º 1
  * Hent Facebook-cache
 protected function get_facebook_cache()
     // har vi cache?
     $data = cache::fetch("facebook_posts");
     if ($data) {
         return $data;
     // authentiser
     $app_id = KOF_FB_APP_ID;
     $app_secret = KOF_FB_APP_SECRET;
     if (!$app_id || !$app_secret) {
         return null;
     $ret = @file_get_contents("https://graph.facebook.com/oauth/access_token?client_id={$app_id}&client_secret={$app_secret}&grant_type=client_credentials");
     if ($ret === false) {
         // kunne ikke hente data
         putlog("CREWCHAN", "Henting av Facebook-data feilet.");
         cache::store("facebook_posts", array());
     $info = null;
     parse_str($ret, $info);
     // hent JSON
     $json = @file_get_contents("https://graph.facebook.com/kofradia/posts?access_token={$info['access_token']}");
     $data = json_decode($json, true);
     cache::store("facebook_posts", $data);
     return $data;
Exemplo n.º 2
  * Get list of ranks
  * @return array(\Kofradia\Game\Rank\Base, ..)
 public static function getRanks()
     if (!static::$by_number) {
         // check cache first, then get from DB
         if ($cache = \cache::fetch("ranks-" . static::$type)) {
             static::$by_number = $cache;
             return $cache;
         \cache::store("ranks-" . static::$type, static::$by_number);
     return static::$by_number;
Exemplo n.º 3
  * Hent, evt. generer, cache
 public static function cache_load($reload = false)
     if (!$reload) {
         $data = cache::fetch("hall_of_fame");
         if ($data) {
             self::$data = $data;
     $data = self::get_data_structure();
     // hent fra databasen
     $result = \Kofradia\DB::get()->query("\n\t\t\tSELECT hof_id, hof_name, hof_sub, hof_time, hof_data\n\t\t\tFROM hall_of_fame");
     while ($row = $result->fetch()) {
         $data[$row['hof_name']][$row['hof_sub'] ?: 0] = array($row['hof_time'], unserialize($row['hof_data']));
     cache::store("hall_of_fame", $data, 900);
     self::$data = $data;
Exemplo n.º 4
  * Hent antall likes
 public static function get_likes_num()
     $d = cache::fetch("facebook_likes");
     if ($d !== false) {
         return $d;
     $ttl = 900;
     // 15 min cache
     // hent data
     $json = @file_get_contents("https://graph.facebook.com/kofradia");
     if (!$json) {
         cache::store("facebook_likes", "ukjent", $ttl);
         return "ukjent";
     $data = json_decode($json, true);
     cache::store("facebook_likes", $data['likes'], $ttl);
     return $data['likes'];
Exemplo n.º 5
 /** Hent oppgaver */
 private static function load($skip_cache = false)
     // forsøk å hent fra cache
     if (!$skip_cache && !self::$cache) {
         self::$cache = cache::fetch("tasks");
     // hent fra databasen
     if ($skip_cache || !self::$cache) {
         global $_base;
         $result = \Kofradia\DB::get()->query("SELECT t_name, t_ant, t_last FROM tasks");
         // les data
         self::$cache = array();
         while ($row = $result->fetch()) {
             self::$cache[$row['t_name']] = $row;
         // lagre til cache
         cache::store("tasks", self::$cache);
Exemplo n.º 6
Arquivo: db.php Projeto: hazardland/db
 function fetch($name)
     if (function_exists('\\apcu_fetch')) {
         return \apcu_fetch($name);
     } else {
         if (function_exists('\\apc_fetch')) {
             return \apc_fetch($name);
         } else {
             return parent::fetch($name);
Exemplo n.º 7
    /** Sjekk for IP-ban */
    private function check_ip_ban()
        global $_base;
        // sjekk for IP-ban
        if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == "CRON") {
        // allerede sjekket og OK?
        if (cache::fetch("ip_ok_" . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])) {
        $ip = \Kofradia\DB::quote(to_float(ip2long($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])));
        $time = time();
        $result = \Kofradia\DB::get()->query("SELECT bi_ip_start, bi_ip_end, bi_time_start, bi_time_end, bi_reason FROM ban_ip WHERE {$ip} BETWEEN bi_ip_start AND bi_ip_end AND IF(ISNULL(bi_time_end), {$time} >= bi_time_start, {$time} BETWEEN bi_time_start AND bi_time_end) ORDER BY bi_ip_end - bi_ip_start");
        // fant ingen IP-ban oppføring
        if ($result->rowCount() == 0) {
            // sjekk om vi venter en kommende IP-ban
            $result = \Kofradia\DB::get()->query("SELECT bi_time_start FROM ban_ip WHERE {$ip} BETWEEN bi_ip_start AND bi_ip_end AND {$time} <= bi_time_start ORDER BY bi_time_start LIMIT 1");
            if ($result->rowCount() > 0) {
                $next = $result->fetchColumn(0);
                // marker som ok for tiden før IP-ban starter
                cache::store("ip_ok_" . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], true, $next - $time);
            // marker som ok
            cache::store("ip_ok_" . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], true);
        // utestengt via IP
        // mer enn 1 uke vil vise som ubestemt tid
        // sett opp grunner
        $ban_end = 0;
        $reasons = array();
        while ($row = $result->fetch()) {
            if ($ban_end !== false && empty($row['bi_time_end'])) {
                $ban_end = false;
            } elseif ($ban_end !== false && $row['bi_time_end'] > $ban_end) {
                $ban_end = $row['bi_time_end'];
            // sett opp IP-adresse (range?)
            $ip = '<b>' . long2ip($row['bi_ip_start']);
            if ($row['bi_ip_start'] != $row['bi_ip_end']) {
                // range
                $ip .= ' - ' . long2ip($row['bi_ip_end']);
            $ip .= '</b>';
            // grunn oppgitt?
            if (empty($row['bi_reason'])) {
                // nei
                $reason = 'Grunn ikke oppgitt.';
            } else {
                // ja
                $reason = game::bb_to_html($row['bi_reason']);
            #$reasons[] = '<p>'.$ip.': '.$reason.'</p>';
            $reasons[] = '<fieldset><legend>' . $ip . '</legend><p>' . $reason . '</p></fieldset>';
        // "jukse" til ubestemt tid?
        #if ($ban_end !== false && $ban_end > time()+604800) $ban_end = false;
        #$timeinfo = $ban_end === false ? '<p>Din IP-adresse er utestengt på ubestemt tid.</p>' : '<p>Din IP-adresse er utestengt til <b>'.$_base->date->get($ban_end)->format(date::FORMAT_SEC).'</b>.</p>';
        putlog("ABUSE", "%c8%bIP-Blokk:%b%c %u{$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']}%u - {$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']}");
        // send feilmelding etc
        header("HTTP/1.0 403 Forbidden");
        echo '<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="no">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<meta name="author" content="Henrik Steen; http://www.henrist.net" />
<style type="text/css">
body { font-family: tahoma; font-size: 14px; }
h1 { font-size: 23px; }
.hsws { color: #CCCCCC; font-size: 12px; }
.subtitle { font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; }
fieldset { margin: 10px 0 }
fieldset p { margin: 8px 3px 5px; padding: 0 }
legend { color: #FFFFFF; background-color: #222222; padding: 3px 5px; border: 3px solid #FFFFFF; border-width: 0 3px }
<p>Din IP-adresse er blokkert/utestengt.</p>
<p>IP-adresse og eventuelle grunner:</p>
' . implode("\n", $reasons) . '
<p class="hsws"><a href="http://hsw.no/">hsw.no</a></p>
Exemplo n.º 8
  * Hent cache over ikke-fullførte prestasjoner
 public function load_cache($reload = null)
     if ($this->cache && !$reload) {
     $cache_key = "achievements_up_" . $this->up->id;
     // hent fra cache
     if (!$reload && ($data = cache::fetch($cache_key))) {
         $this->achievements = $data;
     // hent frisk data
     $result = \Kofradia\DB::get()->query("\n\t\t\tSELECT upa_id, upa_ac_id, upa_time, upa_prize, upa_apoints, upa_params, upa_up_id, upa_complete\n\t\t\tFROM up_achievements\n\t\t\tWHERE upa_up_id = {$this->up->id} AND upa_complete = 0");
     $data = array();
     while ($row = $result->fetch()) {
         $data[$row['upa_ac_id']] = $row;
     $this->cache = $data;
     // lagre til cache
     cache::store($cache_key, $data, 300);
Exemplo n.º 9
    public static function build_menu()
        $ret = '';
        $lock = defined("LOCK") && LOCK;
        $bydeler = '
				<li class="bydeler_alt"><a href="' . ess::$s['relative_path'] . '/bydeler#?b" class="menu-icon menu-bydel">Bydeler<span class="icon"></span></a></li>
				<li class="bydeler_filter"><a href="' . ess::$s['relative_path'] . '/bydeler" class="menu-icon menu-ff" id="f_">Broderskap og firma<span class="icon"></span></a>';
        if (isset(self::$data['bydeler_menu'])) {
            $bydeler .= '
					<li><a href="#" id="f_familie" class="bydeler_vis_familie">Broderskap</a></li>
						<a href="#" id="f_firma" class="bydeler_vis_firma">Firmaer</a>
							<li><a href="#" id="f_avisfirma" class="bydeler_vis_avisfirma">Avisfirmaer</a></li>
							<li><a href="#" id="f_bankfirma" class="bydeler_vis_bankfirma">Bankfirmaer</a></li>
							<li><a href="#" id="f_bomberomfirma" class="bydeler_vis_bomberomfirma">Bomberom</a></li>
							<li><a href="#" id="f_garasjeutleiefirma" class="bydeler_vis_garasjeutleiefirma">Utleiefirma</a></li>
							<li><a href="#" id="f_sykehusfirma" class="bydeler_vis_sykehusfirma">Sykehus</a></li>
							<li><a href="#" id="f_vapbesfirma" class="bydeler_vis_vapbesfirma" title="Våpen, kuler og beskyttelse">Våpen/besk.</a></li>
        $bydeler .= '</li>';
        $min_side = '
				<li><a href="' . ess::$s['relative_path'] . '/min_side" class="menu-icon menu-minside">Min side<span class="icon"></span></a></li>';
        if (!$lock && login::$logged_in) {
            $poker_active = cache::fetch("poker_active", 0);
            $auksjoner_active = game::auksjoner_active_count();
            $fengsel_count = game::fengsel_count();
            $ret .= '
				<li><a href="' . ess::$s['relative_path'] . '/kriminalitet" class="menu-icon menu-krim">Kriminalitet<span class="icon"></span></a></li>
				<li><a href="' . ess::$s['relative_path'] . '/utpressing" class="menu-icon menu-utpr">Utpressing<span class="icon"></span></a>' . (isset(self::$data['utpressing']) ? '
						<li><a href="' . ess::$s['relative_path'] . '/utpressing/log">Siste utpressinger</a></li>
					</ul>' : '') . '</li>
				<li><a href="' . ess::$s['relative_path'] . '/gta" class="menu-icon menu-bilt">Biltyveri<span class="icon"></span></a>' . (defined("SHOW_GTA_MENU") ? '
						<li><a href="' . ess::$s['relative_path'] . '/gta/garasje">Garasje</a></li>
						<li><a href="' . ess::$s['relative_path'] . '/gta/stats">Statistikk</a></li>
					</ul>' : '') . '</li>
				<li><a href="' . ess::$s['relative_path'] . '/oppdrag" class="menu-icon menu-oppd">Oppdrag<span class="icon"></span></a></li>
				<li><a href="' . ess::$s['relative_path'] . '/lotto" class="menu-icon menu-lotto">Lotto<span class="icon"></span></a>' . (isset(self::$data['lotto']) ? '
						<li><a href="' . ess::$s['relative_path'] . '/lotto_trekninger">Trekninger</a></li>
					</ul>' : '') . '</li>
				<li><a href="' . ess::$s['relative_path'] . '/fengsel" class="menu-icon menu-fengsel">Fengsel <span class="ny2" id="fengsel_count">' . ($fengsel_count > 0 ? $fengsel_count : '') . '</span><span class="icon"></span></a></li>
				<li><a href="' . ess::$s['relative_path'] . '/angrip" class="menu-icon menu-angr">Angrip spiller<span class="icon"></span></a></li>
				<li><a href="' . ess::$s['relative_path'] . '/banken" class="menu-icon menu-banken">Banken<span class="icon"></span></a></li>' . $min_side . '
				<li><a href="' . ess::$s['relative_path'] . '/poker" class="menu-icon menu-poker">Poker <span class="ny2" id="poker_active">' . ($poker_active > 0 ? $poker_active : '') . '</span><span class="icon"></span></a></li>
				<li><a href="' . ess::$s['relative_path'] . '/auksjoner" class="menu-icon menu-auks">Auksjoner <span class="ny2" id="auksjoner_active">' . ($auksjoner_active > 0 ? $auksjoner_active : '') . '</span><span class="icon"></span></a></li>' . $bydeler . '
				<li><a href="' . ess::$s['relative_path'] . '/min_side?a=achievements" class="menu-icon menu-achievements">Prestasjoner<span class="icon"></span></a>' . (self::has_page_id("achievements") || self::has_page_id("hall_of_fame") ? '
						<li><a href="' . ess::$s['relative_path'] . '/hall_of_fame" class="menu-icon menu-achievements">Hall of Fame</a></li>
					</ul>' : '') . '</li>
				<li><a href="' . ess::$s['relative_path'] . '/etterlyst" class="menu-icon menu-etterl">Etterlyst<span class="icon"></span></a></li>
				<li><a href="' . ess::$s['relative_path'] . '/drap" class="menu-icon menu-drap">Drapliste<span class="icon"></span></a></li>
        } elseif (login::$logged_in) {
            $ret .= '
			<ul>' . $min_side . $bydeler . '
        } else {
            $ret .= '
				<li><a href="' . ess::$s['relative_path'] . '/?orign=' . urlencode($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) . '" class="menu-icon menu-logginn">Logg inn<span class="icon"></span></a></li>
				<li><a href="' . ess::$s['relative_path'] . '/registrer" class="menu-icon menu-register">Registrer deg<span class="icon"></span></a></li>
			<ul>' . $bydeler . '
				<li><a href="' . ess::$s['relative_path'] . '/hall_of_fame" class="menu-icon menu-achievements">Hall of Fame<span class="icon"></span></a></li>
        $ret .= '
        if (!$lock) {
            $ret .= self::get_custom_forums();
        $ret .= '
				<li><a href="' . ess::$s['relative_path'] . '/forum/forum?id=1" class="menu-icon menu-forum">Game forum<span class="icon"></span></a></li>
				<li><a href="' . ess::$s['relative_path'] . '/forum/forum?id=2" class="menu-icon menu-forum">Off-topic forum<span class="icon"></span></a></li>
				<li><a href="' . ess::$s['relative_path'] . '/forum/forum?id=3" class="menu-icon menu-forum">Salg/søknad forum<span class="icon"></span></a></li>
        $ret .= '
				<li><a href="' . ess::$s['relative_path'] . '/node" class="menu-icon menu-help"><b>Hjelp</b> / Support<span class="icon"></span></a></li>' . (!$lock ? '
				<li><a href="' . ess::$s['relative_path'] . '/soknader" class="menu-icon menu-sokn">Søknader<span class="icon"></span></a></li>' . (!isset(self::$data['is_avstemning']) || !self::$data['is_avstemning'] ? '
				<li><a href="' . ess::$s['relative_path'] . '/polls" class="menu-icon menu-avst">Avstemninger<span class="icon"></span></a></li>' : '') . '
				<li><a href="' . ess::$s['relative_path'] . '/ranklist" class="menu-icon menu-rankl">Ranklist<span class="icon"></span></a></li>
				<li><a href="' . ess::$s['relative_path'] . '/online_list" class="menu-icon menu-online">Spillere pålogget<span class="icon"></span></a></li>' : '') . '
				<li><a href="' . ess::$s['relative_path'] . '/crewet" class="menu-icon menu-crew">Crewet<span class="icon"></span></a></li>' . (!$lock ? '
				<li><a href="' . ess::$s['relative_path'] . '/statistikk" class="menu-icon menu-stats">Statistikk<span class="icon"></span></a></li>' : '') . '
				<li><a href="' . ess::$s['relative_path'] . '/donasjon" class="menu-icon menu-donate">Donasjoner<span class="icon"></span></a></li>
        if (!MAIN_SERVER) {
            $ret .= '
				<li><a href="&rpath;/dev/" class="menu-icon menu-devt">Utviklerverktøy<span class="icon"></span></a></li>
        return $ret;
Exemplo n.º 10
 protected static function get_revision_info()
     $branch = "";
     // hent informasjon fra Git
     $data = @file_get_contents(PATH_ROOT . "/.git/HEAD");
     if (!$data) {
         return null;
     if (mb_substr($data, 0, 3) == "ref") {
         $ref = trim(mb_substr($data, 5));
         $commit = @file_get_contents(PATH_ROOT . "/.git/{$ref}");
         $branch = basename($ref);
     } else {
         $commit = trim($data);
         $branch = $commit;
     if (!$commit) {
         return null;
     // hent tidspunkt og melding
     $last_rev = cache::fetch("gitlog_last_rev");
     $last_info = cache::fetch("gitlog_last_info");
     if (!$last_rev || $last_rev != $commit) {
         $res = shell_exec("git log -1 --format=\"%ct %s\"");
         $last_info = sscanf($res, "%d %[^\$]s");
         cache::store("gitlog_last_info", $last_info);
     $r = array("branch" => $branch, "commit" => $commit, "date" => $last_info[0], "message" => $last_info[1]);
     return $r;
Exemplo n.º 11
  * Hent ut antall aktive auksjoner
 public static function auksjoner_active_count()
     $auksjoner = cache::fetch("auksjoner_active");
     if (!$auksjoner) {
         return 0;
     $active = 0;
     $time = time();
     foreach ($auksjoner as $row) {
         if ($row[0] <= $time && $row[1] >= $time) {
     return $active;
Exemplo n.º 12
		<up_reg_time_rel>' . htmlspecialchars(game::timespan($user['up_created_time'], game::TIME_ABS)) . '</up_reg_time_rel>
		<up_status>' . htmlspecialchars($status) . '</up_status>
		<up_last_online_abs>' . htmlspecialchars($_base->date->get($user['up_last_online'])->format(date::FORMAT_SEC)) . '</up_last_online_abs>
		<up_last_online_rel>' . htmlspecialchars(game::timespan($user['up_last_online'], game::TIME_ABS)) . '</up_last_online_rel>
		<up_activated>' . htmlspecialchars($user['up_access_level'] == 0 ? 0 : 1) . '</up_activated>
		<up_profile_image>' . htmlspecialchars($profile_image) . '</up_profile_image>
		<up_log_new>' . ($user['up_log_new'] + $user['up_log_ff_new']) . '</up_log_new>
		<up_rank_name>' . htmlspecialchars($rank['name'] . ($rank['orig'] ? ' (' . $rank['orig'] . ')' : '')) . '</up_rank_name>
		<up_rank_position>' . $user['upr_rank_pos'] . '</up_rank_position>
		<up_hits>' . $user['up_hits'] . '</up_hits>
		<up_cash>' . game::format_cash($user['up_cash']) . '</up_cash>
		<up_bank>' . game::format_cash($user['up_bank']) . '</up_bank>
		<up_money>' . game::format_cash($user['money']) . '</up_money>
		<up_money_title>' . game::cash_name($user['money']) . '</up_money_title>
		<up_last_interest>' . game::format_cash($user['up_interest_last']) . '</up_last_interest>
		<up_bydel_latitude>' . htmlspecialchars($bydel['latitude']) . '</up_bydel_latitude>
		<up_bydel_longitude>' . htmlspecialchars($bydel['longitude']) . '</up_bydel_longitude>
		<up_bydel_id>' . htmlspecialchars($bydel['id']) . '</up_bydel_id>
		<up_bydel_name>' . htmlspecialchars($bydel['name']) . '</up_bydel_name>
		<up_health>' . ($health == 100 ? '100' : sprintf("%.2f", $health)) . '</up_health>
		<up_energy>' . ($energy == 100 ? '100' : sprintf("%.2f", $energy)) . '</up_energy>
		<up_protection>' . (!$user['up_protection_id'] ? 'null' : ($user['up_protection_state'] == 1 ? '100' : sprintf("%.2f", $user['up_protection_state'] * 100))) . '</up_protection>
		<up_rank>' . sprintf("%.3f", login::$user->player->rank['need_points'] == 0 ? $user['up_points'] / login::$user->player->rank['points'] * 100 : ($user['up_points'] - login::$user->player->rank['points']) / login::$user->player->rank['need_points'] * 100) . ':' . $user['up_points'] . '</up_rank>
		<up_wanted>' . ($user['up_wanted_level'] == 0 ? '0' : sprintf("%.1f", $user['up_wanted_level'] / 10, 1)) . '</up_wanted>
		<poker_active>' . cache::fetch("poker_active", 0) . '</poker_active>
		<auksjoner_active>' . game::auksjoner_active_count() . '</auksjoner_active>
		<fengsel_count>' . game::fengsel_count() . '</fengsel_count>