  * Returns a list of HTML fragments implementing all bundles in an HTML form for the specified screen
  * $pm_screen can be a screen tag (eg. "Screen5") or a screen_id (eg. 5) 
  * @param mixed $pm_screen screen_id or code in default UI to return bundles for
  * @param array $pa_options Array of options. Supports and option getBundleFormHTML() supports plus:
  *		request = the current request object; used to apply user privs to bundle generation
  *		force = list of bundles to force onto form if they are not included in the UI; forced bundles will be included at the bottom of the form
  *		forceHidden = list of *intrinsic* fields to force onto form as hidden <input> elements if they are not included in the UI; NOTE: only intrinsic fields may be specified
  *		omit = list of bundles to omit from form in the event they are included in the UI
  *		restrictToTypes = 
  *	@return array List of bundle HTML to display in form, keyed on placement code
 public function getBundleFormHTMLForScreen($pm_screen, $pa_options, &$pa_placements = null)
     $va_omit_bundles = isset($pa_options['omit']) && is_array($pa_options['omit']) ? $pa_options['omit'] : array();
     $vs_table_name = $this->tableName();
     if (isset($pa_options['ui_instance']) && $pa_options['ui_instance']) {
         $t_ui = $pa_options['ui_instance'];
     } else {
         $t_ui = ca_editor_uis::loadDefaultUI($vs_table_name, $pa_options['request'], $this->getTypeID());
     if (!$t_ui) {
         return false;
     if (isset($pa_options['bundles']) && is_array($pa_options['bundles'])) {
         $va_bundles = $pa_options['bundles'];
     } else {
         $va_bundles = $t_ui->getScreenBundlePlacements($pm_screen);
     $vs_form_name = caGetOption('formName', $pa_options, '');
     $va_bundle_html = array();
     $vn_pk_id = $this->getPrimaryKey();
     $va_bundles_present = array();
     if (is_array($va_bundles)) {
         $o_dm = $this->getAppDatamodel();
         $va_definition_bundle_names = array();
         foreach ($va_bundles as $va_bundle) {
             if ($va_bundle['bundle_name'] === $vs_type_id_fld) {
             // skip type_id
             if (!$vn_pk_id && $va_bundle['bundle_name'] === $vs_hier_parent_id_fld) {
             if (in_array($va_bundle['bundle_name'], $va_omit_bundles)) {
             $va_definition_bundle_names[(!$o_dm->tableExists($va_bundle['bundle_name']) ? "{$vs_table_name}." : "") . str_replace("ca_attribute_", "", $va_bundle['bundle_name'])] = 1;
         if (is_subclass_of($this, 'BaseRelationshipModel')) {
             $vs_type_id_fld = $this->getTypeFieldName();
             if (isset($pa_options['restrictToTypes']) && is_array($pa_options['restrictToTypes'])) {
                 $va_valid_element_codes = $this->getApplicableElementCodesForTypes(caMakeRelationshipTypeIDList($vs_table_name, $pa_options['restrictToTypes']));
             } else {
                 $va_valid_element_codes = null;
         } else {
             $vs_type_id_fld = isset($this->ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_ID_FLD) ? $this->ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_ID_FLD : null;
             $vs_hier_parent_id_fld = isset($this->HIERARCHY_PARENT_ID_FLD) ? $this->HIERARCHY_PARENT_ID_FLD : null;
             if (isset($pa_options['restrictToTypes']) && is_array($pa_options['restrictToTypes'])) {
                 $va_valid_element_codes = $this->getApplicableElementCodesForTypes(caMakeTypeIDList($vs_table_name, $pa_options['restrictToTypes']));
             } else {
                 $va_valid_element_codes = null;
         $vn_c = 0;
         foreach ($va_bundles as $va_bundle) {
             if ($va_bundle['bundle_name'] === $vs_type_id_fld) {
             // skip type_id
             if (!$vn_pk_id && $va_bundle['bundle_name'] === $vs_hier_parent_id_fld) {
             if (in_array($va_bundle['bundle_name'], $va_omit_bundles)) {
             if ($va_valid_element_codes && substr($va_bundle['bundle_name'], 0, 13) == 'ca_attribute_') {
                 if (!in_array(substr($va_bundle['bundle_name'], 13), $va_valid_element_codes)) {
             // Test for user action restrictions on intrinsic fields
             $vb_output_bundle = true;
             if ($this->hasField($va_bundle['bundle_name'])) {
                 if (is_array($va_requires = $this->getFieldInfo($va_bundle['bundle_name'], 'REQUIRES'))) {
                     foreach ($va_requires as $vs_required_action) {
                         if (!$pa_options['request']->user->canDoAction($vs_required_action)) {
                             $vb_output_bundle = false;
             if (!$vb_output_bundle) {
             $va_bundle['settings']['placement_id'] = $va_bundle['placement_id'];
             if ($vs_bundle_form_html = $this->getBundleFormHTML($va_bundle['bundle_name'], 'P' . $va_bundle['placement_id'], $va_bundle['settings'], $pa_options, $vs_bundle_display_name)) {
                 $va_bundle_html[$va_bundle['placement_code']] = "<a name=\"{$pm_screen}_{$vn_c}\"></a>{$vs_bundle_form_html}";
                 $va_bundles_present[$va_bundle['bundle_name']] = true;
                 $pa_placements["{$pm_screen}_{$vn_c}"] = array('name' => $vs_bundle_display_name ? $vs_bundle_display_name : $this->getDisplayLabel($vs_table_name . "." . $va_bundle['bundle_name']), 'placement_id' => $va_bundle['placement_id'], 'bundle' => $va_bundle['bundle_name'], 'id' => 'P' . $va_bundle['placement_id'] . caGetOption('formName', $pa_options, ''));
     // is this a form to create a new item?
     if (!$vn_pk_id) {
         // auto-add mandatory fields if this is a new object
         $va_mandatory_fields = $this->getMandatoryFields();
         foreach ($va_mandatory_fields as $vs_field) {
             if (!isset($va_bundles_present[$vs_field]) || !$va_bundles_present[$vs_field]) {
                 $va_bundle_html[$vs_field] = $this->getBundleFormHTML($vs_field, 'mandatory_' . $vs_field, array(), $pa_options);
         // add type_id
         if (isset($this->ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_ID_FLD) && $this->ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_ID_FLD && !in_array('type_id', $va_omit_bundles)) {
             $va_bundle_html[$this->ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_ID_FLD] = caHTMLHiddenInput($this->ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_ID_FLD, array('value' => $pa_options['request']->getParameter($this->ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_ID_FLD, pString)));
         // add parent_id
         if (isset($this->HIERARCHY_PARENT_ID_FLD) && $this->HIERARCHY_PARENT_ID_FLD && !in_array('parent_id', $va_omit_bundles)) {
             $va_bundle_html[$this->HIERARCHY_PARENT_ID_FLD] = caHTMLHiddenInput($this->HIERARCHY_PARENT_ID_FLD, array('value' => $pa_options['request']->getParameter($this->HIERARCHY_PARENT_ID_FLD, pInteger)));
         // add forced bundles
         if (isset($pa_options['force']) && $pa_options['force']) {
             if (!is_array($pa_options['force'])) {
                 $pa_options['force'] = array($pa_options['force']);
             foreach ($pa_options['force'] as $vn_x => $vs_bundle) {
                 if (!isset($va_bundles_present[$vs_bundle]) || !$va_bundles_present[$vs_bundle]) {
                     $va_bundle_html['_force_' . $vs_bundle] = $this->getBundleFormHTML($vs_bundle, 'force_' . $vs_field, array(), $pa_options);
         // add forced hidden intrinsic fields
         if (isset($pa_options['forceHidden']) && $pa_options['forceHidden']) {
             if (!is_array($pa_options['forceHidden'])) {
                 $pa_options['forceHidden'] = array($pa_options['forceHidden']);
             foreach ($pa_options['forceHidden'] as $vn_x => $vs_field) {
                 if (!isset($va_bundles_present[$vs_field]) || !$va_bundles_present[$vs_field]) {
                     $va_bundle_html['_force_hidden_' . $vs_field] = caHTMLHiddenInput($vs_field, array('value' => $pa_options['request']->getParameter($vs_field, pString)));
     return $va_bundle_html;
  * Get a dictionary entry for a bundle. Entries are matched first on bundle name, and then filtered on any restrict_to_types
  * and restrict_to_relationship_types settings in the $pa_settings parameter. This allows you to have different dictionary entries
  * for the same bundle name subject to type restrictions set in the user interface. For example, if you have a ca_entities bundle (related
  * entities) you can have different dictionary entries return when ca_entities is restricted to authors vs. publishers.
  * @param string $ps_bundle_name The bundle name to find a dictionary entry for. 
  * @param array $pa_settings Bundle settings to use when matching definitions. The bundle settings restrict_to_types and restrict_to_relationship_types will be used, when present, to find type-restricted dictionary entries.
  * @param array $pa_options Options include:
  *		noCache = Bypass cache (typically loaded using ca_metadata_dictionary_entries::preloadDefinitions()) and check entry directly. [Default=false]
  * @return array An array with entry data. Keys are entry field names. The 'settings' key contains the label, definition text and any type restrictions. Returns null if no entry is defined.
 public static function getEntry($ps_bundle_name, $pa_settings = null, $pa_options = null)
     if (caGetOption('noCache', $pa_options, false)) {
     if (!is_array($va_types = caGetOption('restrict_to_types', $pa_settings, null)) && $va_types) {
         $va_types = array($va_types);
     if (!is_array($va_types)) {
         $va_types = array();
     if (sizeof($va_types = array_filter($va_types, 'strlen'))) {
         $va_types = ca_lists::itemIDsToIDNOs($va_types);
     if (!is_array($va_relationship_types = caGetOption('restrict_to_relationship_types', $pa_settings, null)) && $va_relationship_types) {
         $va_relationship_types = array($va_relationship_types);
     if (!is_array($va_relationship_types)) {
         $va_relationship_types = array();
     if (sizeof($va_relationship_types = array_filter($va_relationship_types, 'strlen'))) {
         $va_relationship_types = ca_relationship_types::relationshipTypeIDsToTypeCodes($va_relationship_types);
     if ($va_entry_list = ca_metadata_dictionary_entries::entryExists($ps_bundle_name)) {
         $vn_entry_id = null;
         if (sizeof($va_types) || sizeof($va_relationship_types)) {
             foreach (array_keys($va_entry_list) as $vn_id) {
                 $va_entry = ca_metadata_dictionary_entries::$s_definition_cache[$vn_id];
                 if (sizeof($va_relationship_types)) {
                     if (is_array($va_entry_types = $va_entry['settings']['restrict_to_relationship_types'])) {
                         if (sizeof(array_intersect($va_relationship_types, $va_entry_types))) {
                             $vn_entry_id = $vn_id;
                         } else {
                             $vn_entry_id = null;
                 if (sizeof($va_types)) {
                     if (is_array($va_entry_types = $va_entry['settings']['restrict_to_types'])) {
                         if (sizeof(array_intersect($va_types, $va_entry_types))) {
                             $vn_entry_id = $vn_id;
                         } else {
                             $vn_entry_id = null;
                 if ($vn_entry_id) {
         if (!$vn_entry_id) {
             $vn_entry_id = array_pop(array_keys($va_entry_list));
         return ca_metadata_dictionary_entries::$s_definition_cache[$vn_entry_id];
     return null;