Exemplo n.º 1
 function m_Sagepay_3DR()
     $strMD = $_REQUEST["MD"];
     $strPaRes = $_REQUEST["PARes"];
     $strVendorTxCode = $_SESSION["VendorTxCode"];
     // POST for Sage Pay Direct 3D completion page
     $strPost = "MD=" . $strMD . "&PARes=" . urlencode($strPaRes);
     //Use cURL to POST the data directly from this server to Sage Pay. cURL connection code is in includes.php.
     $obSaveOrder = new c_saveOrder();
     $arrResponse = $obSaveOrder->requestPost($_SESSION['str3DCallbackPage'], $strPost);
     //Analyse the response from Sage Pay Direct to check that everything is okay
     $arrStatus = split(" ", $arrResponse["Status"]);
     $strStatus = array_shift($arrStatus);
     $arrStatusDetail = split("=", $arrResponse["StatusDetail"]);
     $strStatusDetail = array_shift($arrStatusDetail);
     //Get the results form the POST if they are there
     $arrVPSTxId = split(" ", $arrResponse["VPSTxId"]);
     $strVPSTxId = array_shift($arrVPSTxId);
     $arrSecurityKey = split(" ", $arrResponse["SecurityKey"]);
     $strSecurityKey = array_shift($arrSecurityKey);
     $arrTxAuthNo = split(" ", $arrResponse["TxAuthNo"]);
     $strTxAuthNo = array_shift($arrTxAuthNo);
     $arrAVSCV2 = split(" ", $arrResponse["AVSCV2"]);
     $strAVSCV2 = array_shift($arrAVSCV2);
     $arrAddressResult = split(" ", $arrResponse["AddressResult"]);
     $strAddressResult = array_shift($arrAddressResult);
     $arrPostCodeResult = split(" ", $arrResponse["PostCodeResult"]);
     $strPostCodeResult = array_shift($arrPostCodeResult);
     $arrCV2Result = split(" ", $arrResponse["CV2Result"]);
     $strCV2Result = array_shift($arrCV2Result);
     $arr3DSecureStatus = split(" ", $arrResponse["3DSecureStatus"]);
     $str3DSecureStatus = array_shift($arr3DSecureStatus);
     $arrCAVV = split(" ", $arrResponse["CAVV"]);
     $strCAVV = array_shift($arrCAVV);
     //Update the database and redirect the user appropriately
     if ($strStatus == "OK") {
         $strDBStatus = "AUTHORISED - The transaction was successfully authorised with the bank.";
     } elseif ($strStatus == "MALFORMED") {
         $strDBStatus = "MALFORMED - The StatusDetail was:" . mysql_real_escape_string(substr($strStatusDetail, 0, 255));
     } elseif ($strStatus == "INVALID") {
         $strDBStatus = "INVALID - The StatusDetail was:" . mysql_real_escape_string(substr($strStatusDetail, 0, 255));
     } elseif ($strStatus == "NOTAUTHED") {
         $strDBStatus = "DECLINED - The transaction was not authorised by the bank.";
     } elseif ($strStatus == "REJECTED") {
         $strDBStatus = "REJECTED - The transaction was failed by your 3D-Secure or AVS/CV2 rule-bases.";
     } elseif ($strStatus == "AUTHENTICATED") {
         $strDBStatus = "AUTHENTICATED - The transaction was successfully 3D-Secure Authenticated and can now be Authorised.";
     } elseif ($strStatus == "REGISTERED") {
         $strDBStatus = "REGISTERED - The transaction was could not be 3D-Secure Authenticated, but has been registered to be Authorised.";
     } elseif ($strStatus == "ERROR") {
         $strDBStatus = "ERROR - There was an error during the payment process.  The error details are: " . mysql_real_escape_string($strStatusDetail);
     } else {
         $strDBStatus = "UNKNOWN - An unknown status was returned from Sage Pay.  The Status was: " . mysql_real_escape_string($strStatus) . ", with StatusDetail:" . mysql_real_escape_string($strStatusDetail);
     if ($strStatus == "OK" || $strStatus == "AUTHENTICATED" || $strStatus == "REGISTERED") {
         $this->obDb->query = "UPDATE " . ORDERS . " SET iPayStatus=1,iOrderStatus=1,v3DSecureStatus='" . addslashes($strDBStatus) . "' WHERE iTransactionId = '" . $strVendorTxCode . "'";
         $rs = $this->obDb->updateQuery();
         $this->obDb->query = "SELECT iOrderid_PK FROM " . ORDERS . " WHERE iTransactionId = '" . $strVendorTxCode . "'";
         $rs = $this->obDb->fetchQuery();
         $orderId = $rs[0]->iOrderid_PK;
         $retUrl = $this->libFunc->m_safeUrl(SITE_SAFEURL . "ecom/index.php?action=checkout.process&mode=" . $orderId);
     } else {
         $this->obDb->query = "UPDATE " . ORDERS . " SET v3DSecureStatus='" . addslashes($strDBStatus) . "' WHERE iTransactionId = '" . $strVendorTxCode . "'";
         $rs = $this->obDb->updateQuery();
         $_SESSION['cardsave_error'] = $strDBStatus;
         $retUrl = $this->libFunc->m_safeUrl(SITE_SAFEURL . "ecom/index.php?action=checkout.billing");