Exemplo n.º 1
    define('DROOT', dirname(__FILE__) . '/../');
if (empty($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])) {
    define('ARGV', $_SERVER['argv'][0]);
} else {
    define('ARGV', $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']);
include DROOT . 'inc/func.php';
include DROOT . 'inc/mysql.php';
include DROOT . 'inc/strip.php';
$sUser = '******';
$sPass = '******';
$sData = 'edudo';
//$sUser='******'; $sPass='******';$sData='edudo';
$gDB = new cMysql($sUser, $sPass, $sData, '', 'utf8');
$aTem = $gDB->select(' select `char`,`value` from var order by id asc ');
if (!empty($aTem)) {
    foreach ($aTem as $a) {
        $G[$a['char']] = $a['value'];
$aConf = $gDB->select(' select * from conf order by id asc ', 'cid', 'id');
$aTem = $gDB->select(' select id,name from clas where cid = 0 order by ord asc,id asc ');
$aMenu = $gDB->select(' select id,url,name from clas where cid = 4 and status = 1 order by ord asc,id asc ', 'id');
if (!empty($aTem)) {
    foreach ($aTem as $n => $a) {
        $aType[$a['id']] = $a['name'];
header("content-type:text/html; charset=" . CHAR);
$QQ = 858857239;
Exemplo n.º 2
* 功能:
* 日期:
include './conf.php';
$asz = explode('x', $G['psize']);
$nWidth = $asz[0];
$nHeight = $asz[1];
$spic = $G['ipic'];
$cpic = $G['cpic'];
$su = 'yyse';
$sp = 'mZcPzymepUH2nuLD';
$gDB = new cMysql($su, $sp, 'edit', '', 'gb2312', '');
//$gDB->query(' update arc set dao = 0 where status = 1 and cid = 13 and dao = 1');
$aList = $gDB->select(' select id,cid,title,provid,cityid,status,ctime,pic,content from arc where status = 1 and cid = 13 and dao = 0 order by id asc limit 50 ');
if (!empty($aList)) {
    $aSql = array();
    $gDB = new cMysql($sUser, $sPass, $sData, '', 'gb2312');
    foreach ($aList as $n => $a) {
        //$b = $gDB->selectOne(' select id from arc where title = \''.addslashes($a['title']).'\' ');
        //if (empty($b)){
        $id = gAID();
        $a['content'] = gcon($a['content']);
        $a['pic'] = gpic($a['pic']);
        $a['content'] = preg_replace('/&[a-z]+;/', '', $a['content']);
        $sSql = ' insert into arc(id,cid,uid,bid,mid,oid,status,ctime,etime,view,good,bad,fen,title,`key`,`write`,pic,tag,file,url,ku,fn,ph) values(' . $id . ',0,0,0,0,0,0,' . $a['ctime'] . ',0,0,0,0,0,\'' . addslashes($a['title']) . '\',\'\',\'\',\'' . $a['pic'] . '\',\'\',\'\',\'\',2,\'\',\'\')';
        if ($gDB->query($sSql)) {
            if (!$gDB->query(' insert into arcs(id,txt)values(' . $id . ',\'' . addslashes(rh($a['content'])) . '\') ')) {
                $gDB->query(' delete from arc where id = ' . $id);