/** * define proprierties and optionally get row * * @param bool|int $id id of the row to get from the db */ function __construct($id = false) { $this->__table = bpModeration::get_property('flags_table'); $this->__obj_name = 'bp_moderation_flag'; $this->__id_field = 'flag_id'; $this->__fields_format['content_id'] = '%d'; $this->__fields_format['reporter_id'] = '%d'; $this->__fields_format['date'] = '%s'; parent::__construct($id); }
/** * bpModBackend constructor * * hooks in wordpress backend */ function __construct() { parent::__construct(); add_action(is_multisite() ? 'network_admin_menu' : 'admin_menu', array(&$this, 'add_admin_menu')); add_action('rightnow_end', array(&$this, 'rightnow_widget_section')); add_action('admin_init', array(&$this, 'register_settings')); if (isset($this->options['generate_test_data'])) { unset($this->options['generate_test_data']); update_site_option('bp_moderation_options', $this->options); add_action('admin_init', array(bpModLoader, 'test_data')); } }
/** * define proprierties and optionally get row * * @param bool|int $id id of the row to get from the db */ function __construct($id = false) { $this->__table = bpModeration::get_property('contents_table'); $this->__obj_name = 'bp_moderation_content'; $this->__id_field = 'content_id'; $this->__fields_format['item_type'] = '%s'; $this->__fields_format['item_id'] = '%d'; $this->__fields_format['item_id2'] = '%d'; $this->__fields_format['item_author'] = '%d'; $this->__fields_format['item_url'] = '%s'; $this->__fields_format['item_date'] = '%s'; $this->__fields_format['status'] = '%s'; parent::__construct($id); }
/** * Initialize this content type * * register content type in bp-moderation (needs to be done at every pageload) * * If this content type needed to place some hooks no matter if it was active or not * this would be the right place, instead hooks needed only when it is active * are in bpMod_ContentType_BlogPostExample::init() * * @return bool if successfully initialized */ function bootstrap() { //check if bpModeration exists, especially the method to register content types that will be used just below if (!method_exists('bpModeration', 'register_content_type')) { return false; } // internal slug used by bp-moderation to differentiate between content types (alfanumeric and underscore only) $slug = 'blog_post_example'; // this is how content of this type get called in the backend $label = __('Blog post example', 'your-text-domain'); //callbacks are used when some information/operation is needed, see documentation of each one $callbacks = array('info' => array(__CLASS__, 'info'), 'init' => array(__CLASS__, 'init'), 'edit' => array(__CLASS__, 'edit'), 'delete' => array(__CLASS__, 'delete')); //bp-moderation can automatically put the flag button in activities generated from this content type, but needs to know what is their activity type $activity_types = array('new_blog_post'); //register this content type in bp-moderation return bpModeration::register_content_type($slug, $label, $callbacks, $activity_types); }
/** * bpModBackend constructor * * hooks in wordpress backend */ function __construct() { if (version_compare(get_site_option('bp_moderation_db_version'), $this->db_ver, '<')) { bpModLoader::load_class('bpModInstaller'); $installer = new bpModInstaller(); $installer->install(); } parent::__construct(); add_action(is_multisite() ? 'network_admin_menu' : 'admin_menu', array(&$this, 'add_admin_menu')); add_action('admin_head', array(&$this, 'print_page_icon_style')); add_action('rightnow_end', array(&$this, 'rightnow_widget_section')); add_action('admin_init', array(&$this, 'register_settings')); if (isset($this->options['generate_test_data'])) { unset($this->options['generate_test_data']); update_site_option('bp_moderation_options', $this->options); add_action('admin_init', array(bpModLoader, 'test_data')); } }
/** * Use this function to register a content type not supported by default * * You must provides some callbacks for the content type to be handled by the plugin: * - init : takes no args and returns void, it is called on frontend when this content * type is active use it to hook around your link generation functions * - info : takes id and id2 as args, returns false if no content correspond to those ids, * otherwise an array in this format: * author => [the content author ID] * url => [the content permalink] * date => [the content generation date, in mysql DATETIME format] * - delete : (optional) takes id and id2 as args, takes care of * deleting specified content; returns true if deleted or if it doesn't exist, false if the content exist but wasn't possible to delete it. * - edit : (optional) takes id and id2 as args, returns the url of * the page where the admin can edit the specified content * * If the registered content is also present in the activity stream then you should * provide an array of activity types that this content can be posted with, the * plugin will take care of displaying the flag/unflag link in the activity stream * id and secondary id that you provide to the activity component must coincide with those * you provide to this plugin * * @param string $slug internal slug, used to differentiate between content types (alfanumeric and underscore only) * @param string $label how this content type is called in the backend * @param array $callbacks associative array of callbacks, see function description for mandatory and supported callbacks * @param array $activity_types activity types that correspond to this content type * @return bool false if passed args are invalid */ function register_content_type($slug, $label, $callbacks, $activity_types = null) { $_this =& bpModeration::get_istance(); if (!$slug || !$label || !is_array($callbacks) || !is_callable($callbacks['info'])) { return false; } $callbacks = array_merge(array('init' => false, 'info' => false, 'delete' => false, 'editurl' => false), $callbacks); $ct = new stdClass(); $ct->label = $label; $ct->callbacks = $callbacks; $_this->content_types[$slug] = $ct; if (empty($_this->options['active_types'][$slug])) { return true; } if (is_callable($callbacks['init'])) { call_user_func($callbacks['init']); } foreach ((array) $activity_types as $act_type) { $_this->types_map[$act_type] = $slug; } return true; }
function __construct() { parent::__construct(); add_action('admin_init', array(&$this, 'route_action')); }
/** * Get flag/unflag link * * static method for getting a reporting link * * @see bpModFrontend::generate_link for args details */ function get_link($args = '') { $_this =& bpModeration::get_istance(); return $_this->generate_link($args); }
/** * generated random data */ function test_data() { set_time_limit(0); global $wpdb; $users = $wpdb->get_col("SELECT ID FROM {$wpdb->users} WHERE ID != 1"); if (is_multisite()) { $wpdb->query("DELETE FROM {$wpdb->signups}"); } foreach ($users as $id) { bp_core_delete_account($id); } $ngu = 2; #how much only good users $ngbu = 2; #how much not only good or only bad users $nbu = 2; #how much only bad users $content_types = array('A', 'B', 'C', 'D'); $bpmod =& bpModeration::get_istance(); $statuses = array_keys($bpmod->content_stati); $n_contents = 20; $flags_per_cont = 20; # +/- 30% $goodusers = array(); $badusers = array(); for ($i = 1; $i <= $ngu + $ngbu + $nbu; $i++) { $uid = bp_core_signup_user('user' . $i, 'pass', $i . '@foo.bar', array()); if (is_multisite()) { global $wpdb; $key_sql = "SELECT activation_key FROM {$wpdb->signups} WHERE user_email = '" . $i . "@foo.bar'"; $key = $wpdb->get_var($key_sql); } else { $key = get_user_meta($uid, 'activation_key'); } $uid = bp_core_activate_signup($key); is_multisite() and wp_set_password('pass', $uid); if ($i <= $ngu + $ngbu) { $goodusers[] = $uid; } if ($i > $ngu) { $badusers[] = $uid; } } bpModLoader::load_class('bpModObjContent'); bpModLoader::load_class('bpModObjFlag'); for ($i = 1; $i <= $n_contents; $i++) { $badu = $badusers[mt_rand(0, count($badusers) - 1)]; $cont = new bpModObjContent(); $cont->item_type = $content_types[mt_rand(0, count($content_types) - 1)]; $cont->item_id = mt_rand(1, 1000000); $cont->item_author = $badu; $cont->item_date = gmdate("Y-m-d H:i:s", time() - mt_rand(1000000, 2000000)); $cont->status = $statuses[mt_rand(0, count($statuses) - 1)]; $cont->save(); $flags = mt_rand($flags_per_cont * 0.7, $flags_per_cont * 1.3); for ($j = 1; $j <= $flags; $j++) { while ($badu == ($goodu = $goodusers[mt_rand(0, count($goodusers) - 1)])) { } $f = new bpModObjFlag(); $f->content_id = $cont->content_id; $f->reporter_id = $goodu; $f->date = gmdate("Y-m-d H:i:s", time() - mt_rand(0, 1000000)); $f->save(); } } update_site_option('bp_moderation_test_data_check', 'success'); }