Exemplo n.º 1
 public function __construct($argc, $argv)
     $this->xbot = new xbot();
     // new xbot
     if ($argc > 1 && $argv[1] == 'debug') {
         self::$debug = true;
     // argc
     $conf = file_get_contents('github.conf');
     self::$config = json_decode($conf, true);
     if (self::$config == null) {
         self::debug('failed config parse, you may have comments in it, remove them :)');
     // config can't be parsed.
     self::debug('connecting to mysql (' . self::$config['mysql']['host'] . ':' . self::$config['mysql']['db'] . ')');
     self::$db = mysql_connect(self::$config['mysql']['host'], self::$config['mysql']['user'], self::$config['mysql']['pass']);
     mysql_select_db(self::$config['mysql']['db'], self::$db);
     // connect to mysql
     foreach (self::$config['networks'] as $network => $net_data) {
         self::debug('connecting to (' . $network . ':' . $net_data['port'] . ') as ' . $net_data['nick']);
     self::debug('connected to networks');
     // connect the bot
     $this->xbot->timer->add(array('bot', 'listen_data', array($this->xbot)), 5, 0);
     $this->xbot->timer->add(array('bot', 'get_new_data', array($this->xbot)), self::$config['options']['new_data_interval'], 0);
     // set up some timers, we only actually go hunting for new data every 30 seconds, then if new data is found its stored
     // the stored data is checked by listen_data every 5 seconds. We only check every 30 seconds because for huge repos like
     // rails/rails, which I developed this on it can be quite intensive, and plus the more often we check the quicker
     // we can run out of api calls (unless you get on the whitelist)
     $this->xbot->main('bot', 'main');
     // boot the main loop w/ a callback*/
Exemplo n.º 2
 public function main($xbot, $ircdata)
     if ($xbot->events->on_ping($xbot->ircdata)) {
         if (!mysql_ping(self::$db)) {
             self::$db = mysql_connect(self::$config['mysql']['host'], self::$config['mysql']['user'], self::$config['mysql']['pass']);
             mysql_select_db(self::$config['mysql']['db'], self::$db);
             // connect to mysql
     // ping
     if ($ircdata->type == 'privmsg' && $ircdata->target[0] == '#') {
         $message = explode(' ', $ircdata->message);
         $nmessage = $message;
         if (in_array(strtolower($message[0]), self::$config['bot_triggers'])) {
             $rmessage = implode(' ', $nmessage);
             if (strtolower($message[1]) == 'quote') {
                 if (isset($message[2]) && isset($message[3]) && is_numeric($message[2]) && is_numeric($message[3]) && $message[2] >= 0 && $message[3] <= 30 && $message[3] > $message[2]) {
                     $from = $message[2];
                     $to = $message[3];
                     $chan = $ircdata->target;
                     // set some variables
                     $mybuffer = self::$buffer[$chan];
                     $pop = array_pop($mybuffer);
                     $mybuffer = array_reverse($mybuffer);
                     // do some SHUFFLING!!
                     $mybuffer = array_slice($mybuffer, $from, $to);
                     $mybuffer = implode("\r\n", $mybuffer);
                     // get what we need.
                     mysql_query("INSERT INTO `" . self::$config['mysql']['table'] . "` (`quote`,`by`,`date`) VALUES('" . $mybuffer . "','" . $from . "','" . time() . "')");
                     // INSERT into the database
                     return false;
                 } else {
                     return false;
                 // it isnt.
                 // check if the format is right..
             // sam, quote.
             if (strtolower($message[1]) == 'info') {
                 $num_of_items = mysql_query("SELECT `id` FROM `" . self::$config['mysql']['table'] . "`");
                 $num_of_items = mysql_num_rows($num_of_items);
                 $uptime = self::format_time(timer::$uptime);
                 $reply = self::$config['info_info'];
                 $reply = str_replace('{items}', $num_of_items, $reply);
                 $reply = str_replace('{uptime}', $uptime, $reply);
                 $reply = str_replace('{queries}', self::$queries, $reply);
                 self::msg($xbot, $ircdata->from, $ircdata->target, $reply);
                 // msg to the channel.
                 return false;
             // sam, info.
             if (strtolower($message[1]) == 'join') {
                 if (!in_array($ircdata->host, self::$config['admin_hosts'])) {
                     $reply = array_rand(self::$config['info_locked']);
                     $reply = self::$config['info_locked'][$reply];
                     $reply = str_replace('{nick}', $ircdata->nick, $reply);
                     // find a random reply, and replace {shit} with shit, etc. lol
                     self::msg($xbot, $ircdata->from, $ircdata->target, $reply);
                     // msg to the channel.
                     return false;
                 // is a non admin trying to f**k around with our shit? :/
                 $chan = $message[2];
                 $key = $message[3];
                 // chan, and key, if a key is needed
                 if ($chan == null) {
                     return false;
                 // error
                 $xbot->join($ircdata->from, $chan, $key);
                 // join the channel :)
                 return false;
             // Samantha, join
             if (strtolower($message[1]) == 'part') {
                 if (!in_array($ircdata->host, self::$config['admin_hosts'])) {
                     $reply = array_rand(self::$config['info_locked']);
                     $reply = self::$config['info_locked'][$reply];
                     $reply = str_replace('{nick}', $ircdata->nick, $reply);
                     // find a random reply, and replace {shit} with shit, etc. lol
                     self::msg($xbot, $ircdata->from, $ircdata->target, $reply);
                     // msg to the channel.
                     return false;
                 // is a non admin trying to f**k around with our shit? :/
                 $chan = $message[2];
                 $message = $xbot->get_data_after($message, 3);
                 // chan, and message
                 if ($chan == null) {
                     return false;
                 // error
                 $xbot->part($ircdata->from, $chan, $message);
                 // part the channel :)
                 return false;
             // Samantha, part
             if (strtolower($message[1]) == 'nick') {
                 if (!in_array($ircdata->host, self::$config['admin_hosts'])) {
                     $reply = array_rand(self::$config['info_locked']);
                     $reply = self::$config['info_locked'][$reply];
                     $reply = str_replace('{nick}', $ircdata->nick, $reply);
                     // find a random reply, and replace {shit} with shit, etc. lol
                     self::msg($xbot, $ircdata->from, $ircdata->target, $reply);
                     // msg to the channel.
                     return false;
                 // is a non admin trying to f**k around with our shit? :/
                 $new_nick = $message[2];
                 // chan, and message
                 if ($new_nick == null) {
                     return false;
                 // error
                 self::$config['networks'][$from]['nick'] = $new_nick;
                 $xbot->nick($ircdata->from, $new_nick);
                 // change nick
                 return false;
             // Samantha, nick
             if (strtolower($message[1]) == 'quiet') {
                 if (self::$quiet) {
                     return false;
                 // is samantha in quiet mode?!
                 if (!in_array($ircdata->host, self::$config['admin_hosts'])) {
                     $reply = array_rand(self::$config['info_locked']);
                     $reply = self::$config['info_locked'][$reply];
                     $reply = str_replace('{nick}', $ircdata->nick, $reply);
                     // find a random reply, and replace {shit} with shit, etc. lol
                     self::msg($xbot, $ircdata->from, $ircdata->target, $reply);
                     // msg to the channel.
                     return false;
                 // is a non admin trying to f**k around with our shit? :/
                 self::$quiet = true;
                 $reply = array_rand(self::$config['quiet_replies']);
                 $reply = self::$config['quiet_replies'][$reply];
                 $reply = str_replace('{nick}', $ircdata->nick, $reply);
                 // find a random reply, and replace {shit} with shit, etc. lol
                 self::msg($xbot, $ircdata->from, $ircdata->target, $reply);
                 // msg to the channel.
                 return false;
             // Samantha, quiet
             if (strtolower($message[1]) == 'wakeup') {
                 if (!self::$quiet) {
                     return false;
                 // is samantha in quiet mode?!
                 if (!in_array($ircdata->host, self::$config['admin_hosts'])) {
                     $reply = array_rand(self::$config['info_locked']);
                     $reply = self::$config['info_locked'][$reply];
                     $reply = str_replace('{nick}', $ircdata->nick, $reply);
                     // find a random reply, and replace {shit} with shit, etc. lol
                     self::msg($xbot, $ircdata->from, $ircdata->target, $reply);
                     // msg to the channel.
                     return false;
                 // is a non admin trying to f**k around with our shit? :/
                 self::$quiet = false;
                 $reply = array_rand(self::$config['wakeup_replies']);
                 $reply = self::$config['wakeup_replies'][$reply];
                 $reply = str_replace('{nick}', $ircdata->nick, $reply);
                 // find a random reply, and replace {shit} with shit, etc. lol
                 self::msg($xbot, $ircdata->from, $ircdata->target, $reply);
                 // msg to the channel.
                 return false;
             // Samantha, wakeup
             if (self::$quiet) {
                 return false;
             // is samantha in quiet mode?!
             if (strtolower($message[1]) == 'who' && strtolower($message[2]) == 'told' && strtolower($message[3]) == 'you' && strtolower($message[4]) == 'about' && isset($message[5])) {
                 $key = $xbot->get_data_after($message, 5);
                 // could be a "shauns feet smell of cheese" < eg, multiple keys
                 if (substr($key, -1, 1) == '?' || substr($key, -1, 1) == '.' || substr($key, -1, 1) == '!') {
                     $key = substr($key, 0, -1);
                 // replace the value shit
                 $key = mysql_real_escape_string($key);
                 // escape the string, so theres no crap in it.
                 $info_query = mysql_query("SELECT `key`,`value`,`date`,`setby`,`locked` FROM `" . self::$config['mysql']['table'] . "` WHERE `key` = '" . $key . "'");
                 // have we found a reply?
                 if (mysql_num_rows($info_query) == 0) {
                     $reply = array_rand(self::$config['dont_know_replies']);
                     $reply = self::$config['dont_know_replies'][$reply];
                     $reply = str_replace('{nick}', $ircdata->nick, $reply);
                     $reply = str_replace('{key}', $key, $reply);
                     // find a random reply, and replace {shit} with shit, etc. lol
                     self::msg($xbot, $ircdata->from, $ircdata->target, $reply);
                     // msg to the channel.
                     return false;
                 } else {
                     $info_row = mysql_fetch_array($info_query);
                     // grab the row
                     self::msg($xbot, $ircdata->from, $ircdata->target, $info_row['setby'] . ' told me about ' . $key . ' on ' . date('F j, Y, g:i a', $info_row['date']));
                     return false;
             // Samantha, who told you about *
             if (strtolower($message[1]) == 'forget' && isset($message[2])) {
                 $key = mysql_real_escape_string($xbot->get_data_after($message, 2));
                 // escape the string, so theres no crap in it.
                 $info_query = mysql_query("SELECT `key`,`locked` FROM `" . self::$config['mysql']['table'] . "` WHERE `key` = '" . $key . "'");
                 // have we found a reply?
                 if (mysql_num_rows($info_query) == 0) {
                     $reply = array_rand(self::$config['dont_know_replies']);
                     $reply = self::$config['dont_know_replies'][$reply];
                     $reply = str_replace('{nick}', $ircdata->nick, $reply);
                     $reply = str_replace('{key}', $key, $reply);
                     // find a random reply, and replace {shit} with shit, etc. lol
                     self::msg($xbot, $ircdata->from, $ircdata->target, $reply);
                     // msg to the channel.
                     return false;
                 } else {
                     $info_row = mysql_fetch_array($info_query);
                     // grab the row
                     if ($info_row['locked'] == 1 && !in_array($ircdata->host, self::$config['admin_hosts'])) {
                         $reply = array_rand(self::$config['info_locked']);
                         $reply = self::$config['info_locked'][$reply];
                         $reply = str_replace('{nick}', $ircdata->nick, $reply);
                         // find a random reply, and replace {shit} with shit, etc. lol
                         self::msg($xbot, $ircdata->from, $ircdata->target, $reply);
                         // msg to the channel.
                         return false;
                     // is it locked? :/
                     mysql_query("DELETE FROM `" . self::$config['mysql']['table'] . "` WHERE `key` = '" . $key . "'");
                     // delete the record
                     $reply = array_rand(self::$config['info_forgot']);
                     $reply = self::$config['info_forgot'][$reply];
                     $reply = str_replace('{key}', $key, $reply);
                     // find a random reply, and replace {shit} with shit, etc. lol
                     self::msg($xbot, $ircdata->from, $ircdata->target, $reply);
                     // msg to the channel.
                     return false;
                 // yes we have
             // Samantha, forget
             if (strtolower($message[1]) == 'lock' || strtolower($message[1]) == 'unlock' && isset($message[2])) {
                 if (!in_array($ircdata->host, self::$config['admin_hosts'])) {
                     $reply = array_rand(self::$config['info_locked']);
                     $reply = self::$config['info_locked'][$reply];
                     $reply = str_replace('{nick}', $ircdata->nick, $reply);
                     // find a random reply, and replace {shit} with shit, etc. lol
                     self::msg($xbot, $ircdata->from, $ircdata->target, $reply);
                     // msg to the channel.
                     return false;
                 // is a non admin trying to f**k around with our shit? :/
                 $key = mysql_real_escape_string($xbot->get_data_after($message, 2));
                 // escape the string, so theres no crap in it.
                 $info_query = mysql_query("SELECT `key`,`locked` FROM `" . self::$config['mysql']['table'] . "` WHERE `key` = '" . $key . "'");
                 // have we found a reply?
                 if (mysql_num_rows($info_query) == 0) {
                     $reply = array_rand(self::$config['dont_know_replies']);
                     $reply = self::$config['dont_know_replies'][$reply];
                     $reply = str_replace('{nick}', $ircdata->nick, $reply);
                     $reply = str_replace('{key}', $key, $reply);
                     // find a random reply, and replace {shit} with shit, etc. lol
                     self::msg($xbot, $ircdata->from, $ircdata->target, $reply);
                     // msg to the channel.
                     return false;
                 } else {
                     $tinyint = $message[1] == 'lock' ? 1 : 0;
                     mysql_query("UPDATE `" . self::$config['mysql']['table'] . "` SET `locked` = '" . $tinyint . "' WHERE `key` = '" . $key . "'");
                     // update
                     $reply = array_rand(self::$config['info_confirm']);
                     $reply = self::$config['info_confirm'][$reply];
                     $reply = str_replace('{nick}', $ircdata->nick, $reply);
                     // find a random reply, and replace {shit} with shit, etc. lol
                     self::msg($xbot, $ircdata->from, $ircdata->target, $reply);
                     // msg to the channel.
                     return false;
                 // yes we have
             // Samantha, lock * && Samantha, unlock *
             if (preg_match('/(.*): (.*)/is', $rmessage)) {
                 $keys = explode(':', $rmessage, 2);
                 $key = mysql_real_escape_string(trim($keys[0]));
                 $key = str_replace('\\', '', $key);
                 // replace \ with '' because \ is our reply delimeter.
                 $value = mysql_real_escape_string(trim($keys[1]));
                 // escape the string, so theres no crap in it.
                 if (in_array($key, self::$config['system_phrases'])) {
                     $reply = array_rand(self::$config['info_reserved']);
                     $reply = self::$config['info_reserved'][$reply];
                     // find a random reply
                     self::msg($xbot, $ircdata->from, $ircdata->target, $reply);
                     // msg to the channel.
                     return false;
                 // is this a reserved word?
                 $info_query = mysql_query("SELECT `key`,`value`,`locked` FROM `" . self::$config['mysql']['table'] . "` WHERE `key` = '" . $key . "'");
                 // have we found a reply?
                 if (mysql_num_rows($info_query) == 0) {
                     $setby = mysql_real_escape_string($ircdata->nick);
                     $date = time();
                     mysql_query("INSERT INTO `" . self::$config['mysql']['table'] . "` (`key`,`value`,`setby`,`date`) VALUES('" . $key . "','" . $value . "','" . $setby . "','" . $date . "')");
                     // update
                     $reply = array_rand(self::$config['info_confirm']);
                     $reply = self::$config['info_confirm'][$reply];
                     $reply = str_replace('{nick}', $ircdata->nick, $reply);
                     // find a random reply, and replace {shit} with shit, etc. lol
                     self::msg($xbot, $ircdata->from, $ircdata->target, $reply);
                     // msg to the channel.
                     return false;
                 } else {
                     $info_row = mysql_fetch_array($info_query);
                     // fetch the row
                     if (strtolower(trim($info_row['value'])) == strtolower(trim($value))) {
                         self::msg($xbot, $ircdata->from, $ircdata->target, 'I know :D');
                         // msg to the channel.
                         return false;
                     // we know -.-
                     $reply = array_rand(self::$config['info_notnew']);
                     $reply = self::$config['info_notnew'][$reply];
                     $reply = str_replace('{nick}', $ircdata->nick, $reply);
                     $reply = str_replace('{key}', stripslashes($info_row['key']), $reply);
                     $reply = str_replace('{value}', stripslashes($info_row['value']), $reply);
                     // find a random reply, and replace {shit} with shit, etc. lol
                     self::msg($xbot, $ircdata->from, $ircdata->target, $reply);
                     // msg to the channel.
                     return false;
                 // yes we have*/
             // Samantha, *: * (assignment) (changed this, easier i guess)
             if (isset($message[1]) && strpos($rmessage, ':') === false) {
                 $keys = preg_split('/\\\\/si', $xbot->get_data_after($message, 1), -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
                 $key = trim($keys[0]);
                 // could be a "shauns feet smell of cheese" < eg, multiple keys
                 if (substr($key, -1, 1) == '?' || substr($key, -1, 1) == '.' || substr($key, -1, 1) == '!') {
                     $key = substr($key, 0, -1);
                 // replace the value shit
                 $key = mysql_real_escape_string($key);
                 // escape the string, so theres no crap in it.
                 $info_query = mysql_query("SELECT `key`,`value`,`locked`,`setby` FROM `" . self::$config['mysql']['table'] . "` WHERE `key` = '" . $key . "'");
                 // have we found a reply?
                 if (mysql_num_rows($info_query) == 0) {
                     $reply = array_rand(self::$config['dont_know_replies']);
                     $reply = self::$config['dont_know_replies'][$reply];
                     $reply = str_replace('{nick}', $ircdata->nick, $reply);
                     $reply = str_replace('{key}', $key, $reply);
                     // find a random reply, and replace {shit} with shit, etc. lol
                     self::msg($xbot, $ircdata->from, $ircdata->target, $reply);
                     // msg to the channel.
                     return false;
                 } else {
                     $info_row = mysql_fetch_array($info_query);
                     // fetch the row
                     $reply = array_rand(self::$config['info_replies']);
                     $reply = self::$config['info_replies'][$reply];
                     $reply = str_replace('{nick}', $ircdata->nick, $reply);
                     $reply = str_replace('{key}', stripslashes($info_row['key']), $reply);
                     // find a random reply, and replace {shit} with shit, etc. lol
                     $value = stripslashes($info_row['value']);
                     $value = str_replace('<reply>', trim($keys[1]), $value);
                     $value = str_replace('<encode_reply>', str_replace(' ', '+', trim($keys[1])), $value);
                     $value = str_replace('<wiki_encode>', str_replace(' ', '_', trim($keys[1])), $value);
                     $value = str_replace('<nick>', $info_row['setby'], $value);
                     $value = str_replace('<me>', bot::$config['networks']['irc.gamergrid.net']['nick'], $value);
                     $value = str_replace('<who>', $ircdata->nick, $value);
                     // replace <reply> and stuff
                     $reply = str_replace('{value}', $value, $reply);
                     // replace {value} last, because we've modified it with expansions :D
                     if (trim(substr($value, 0, 8)) == '<action>') {
                         $xbot->action($ircdata->from, $ircdata->target, substr($value, 8));
                     } else {
                         self::msg($xbot, $ircdata->from, $ircdata->target, $reply);
                     // msg to the channel.
                     return false;
                 // yes we have
             // Samantha, * (phrase)
         // Samantha, message here
         if (self::$quiet) {
             return false;
         // is samantha in quiet mode?!
         unset($nmessage[0], $nmessage[1]);
         $nrmessage = implode(' ', $nmessage);
         if (strtolower($message[0]) == 'no' && in_array(strtolower($message[1]), self::$config['bot_triggers']) && preg_match('/(.*) \\b(' . self::$config['assignment_regex'] . ')\\b/is', $nrmessage)) {
             $keys = preg_split('/\\b(' . self::$config['assignment_regex'] . ')\\b/i', $nrmessage, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);
             $key = mysql_real_escape_string(trim($keys[0]));
             $key = str_replace('\\', '', $key);
             // replace \ with '' because \ is our reply delimeter.
             // escape the string, so theres no crap in it.
             if (in_array($key, self::$config['system_phrases'])) {
                 $reply = array_rand(self::$config['info_reserved']);
                 $reply = self::$config['info_reserved'][$reply];
                 // find a random reply
                 self::msg($xbot, $ircdata->from, $ircdata->target, $reply);
                 // msg to the channel.
                 return false;
             // is this a reserved word?
             $info_query = mysql_query("SELECT `key`,`value`,`locked` FROM `" . self::$config['mysql']['table'] . "` WHERE `key` = '" . $key . "'");
             // have we found a reply?
             if (mysql_num_rows($info_query) == 0) {
                 $reply = array_rand(self::$config['dont_know_replies']);
                 $reply = self::$config['dont_know_replies'][$reply];
                 $reply = str_replace('{nick}', $ircdata->nick, $reply);
                 $reply = str_replace('{key}', $key, $reply);
                 // find a random reply, and replace {shit} with shit, etc. lol
                 self::msg($xbot, $ircdata->from, $ircdata->target, $reply);
                 // msg to the channel.
                 return false;
             } else {
                 $info_row = mysql_fetch_array($info_query);
                 if ($info_row['locked'] == 1 && !in_array($ircdata->host, self::$config['admin_hosts'])) {
                     $reply = array_rand(self::$config['info_locked']);
                     $reply = self::$config['info_locked'][$reply];
                     $reply = str_replace('{nick}', $ircdata->nick, $reply);
                     // find a random reply, and replace {shit} with shit, etc. lol
                     self::msg($xbot, $ircdata->from, $ircdata->target, $reply);
                     // msg to the channel.
                     return false;
                 // is it locked? :/
                 $value = mysql_real_escape_string(trim($xbot->get_data_after($keys, 2)));
                 $setby = mysql_real_escape_string($ircdata->nick);
                 $date = time();
                 // bleh.. escape all the stuff we're about to insert into the database.
                 mysql_query("DELETE FROM `" . self::$config['mysql']['table'] . "` WHERE `key` = '" . $key . "'");
                 mysql_query("INSERT INTO `" . self::$config['mysql']['table'] . "` (`key`,`value`,`setby`,`date`) VALUES('" . $key . "','" . $value . "','" . $setby . "','" . $date . "')");
                 // update
                 $reply = array_rand(self::$config['info_confirm']);
                 $reply = self::$config['info_confirm'][$reply];
                 $reply = str_replace('{nick}', $ircdata->nick, $reply);
                 // find a random reply, and replace {shit} with shit, etc. lol
                 self::msg($xbot, $ircdata->from, $ircdata->target, $reply);
                 // msg to the channel.
                 return false;
             // yes we have
         // no Samantha, * is * (reassignment)
     // only trigger on channel privmsgs
Exemplo n.º 3
Arquivo: bot.php Projeto: tseeker/LWB5
 private function readConfig()
     global $argc, $argv;
     if ($argc < 2) {
         $args = array(config::$main['scriptdir'] . "/../ircbot/bot.conf");
     } else {
         $args = $argv;
     $isPasswordEncrypt = false;
     foreach ($args as $filename) {
         if ($filename == "") {
         if ($isPasswordEncrypt == true) {
             die("Encrypted Password: "******"\nReplace this as 'dccadminpass' in bot.conf!");
         if ($filename == "-c") {
             $isPasswordEncrypt = true;
         if ($filename == "-b" && $this->background != 1) {
             $this->background = 1;
         $config = bot::parseConfig($filename);
         if ($config == false) {
             echo "Could not spawn bot {$filename}";
         $bot = new botClass();
         $bot->config = $config;
         $bot->configFilename = $filename;
         $this->bots[] = $bot;
     if ($isPasswordEncrypt == true) {
         die("No password submitted on command line! Syntax: bot.php -c <new admin password>\n");
     if (!$this->background && PID != '') {
         $file = fopen(PID, "w+");
         fwrite($file, getmypid());
Exemplo n.º 4
 public function HTML($tmp)
     try {
         if (bot::$count == 0) {
             bot::$count = 1;
             bot::$table = str_replace(".", "_", $this->domain);
             bot::$maindomain = $this->domain;
         foreach ($tmp as $tag) {
             foreach ($this->dom->getElementsByTagName($tag) as $node) {
                 foreach ($node->attributes as $attrName => $attrNode) {
                     $this->node[trim($node->nodeName)][trim($attrName)][trim($attrNode->nodeValue)] = "";
                     if ($attrName == 'href' || $attrName == 'src') {
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         echo $e->getMesage();
Exemplo n.º 5

 *  Author 	: ChelseaStats
 *  Date 	: 2015-05-22
 *  Url		: https://twitter.com/19thMayBot
 *  A twitter bot for 'live' tweeting that night in Munich (19th May 2012)
 *  Match : 60 seconds * 165 minutes ( 45 [1H] + 15 + 45 [2H] + 5 + 15 [1H ET] + 5 + 15 [2H ET] + 5 + 15 [pens])
 *          - the rest of the time slots are HT, FT, HT ET and pre-pens. comfort breaks.
 *  Pull requests to this file will be ignored.
$match = 60 * 165;
ini_set('max_execution_time', $match);
require_once '../config.php';
require_once 'twitteroauth.php';
require_once 'class.bot.php';
$bot = new bot();
Exemplo n.º 6
 function __construct()
Exemplo n.º 7
 public function dcc_spawn($chat, $args)
     $chat->dccSend("Spawning " . $args['query'] . "...");
     $result = bot::addBot($args['query']);
     if ($result === true) {
         $chat->dccSend($args['query'] . " successfully spawned");
     } else {
         $chat->dccSend($args['query'] . " was not spawned");
Exemplo n.º 8
 public function reply($chat, $message, $id)
     global $n;
     Ответы на специальные команды, начинающиеся с восклицательного знака !
     Пока оставляю для примера. В дальнейшем можно удалить
     self::$last_id = $message;
     if (self::$last_id <= $message) {
         $command = explode(' ', $message);
         switch ($command[0]) {
             case '!test':
                 $reply = 'It\'s work!';
             case '!help':
                 $comm = explode('!help ', $message);
                 $reply = '<здесь можно вывести какую-нибудь справку>';
                 $reply = 'Используйте !help';
         //Посылаем сообщение
         if ($reply != '') {
             $n->Invoke('CHATMESSAGE ' . $chat . ' ' . $reply);
     } else {
         echo 'Уже отвечал!' . "\n";
Exemplo n.º 9
 private function readConfig()
     global $argc, $argv;
     if ($argc < 2) {
         echo "You must specify a config file.\n";
     $isPasswordEncrypt = false;
     foreach ($argv as $filename) {
         if ($filename == "") {
         if ($isPasswordEncrypt == true) {
             die("Encrypted Password: "******"\nReplace this as 'dccadminpass' in bot.conf!");
         if ($filename == "-c") {
             $isPasswordEncrypt = true;
         if ($filename == "-b" && $this->background != 1) {
             $this->background == 1;
         $config = bot::parseConfig($filename);
         if ($config == false) {
             echo "Could not spawn bot {$filename}";
         $bot = new botClass();
         $bot->config = $config;
         $bot->configFilename = $filename;
         $this->bots[] = $bot;
     if ($isPasswordEncrypt == true) {
         die("No password submitted on command line! Syntax: bot.php -c <new admin password>\n");
Exemplo n.º 10
$tag = array();
$o = file_get_contents("php://input");
$r = explode("+^+", $o);
$u = $r[1];
if (isset($r[0]) && trim($r[0]) !== "") {
    $url = $r[0];
if (isset($u) && trim($u) !== "") {
    $u = (string) trim($u);
    $s = explode(",", $u);
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($s); $i++) {
        /*echo $s[$i];*/
        $tmp = explode("-->", $s[$i]);
        $tag[$tmp[0]][$tmp[1]][$tmp[2]] = "";
    $site = new bot($url);
    foreach ($tag as $key => $value) {
        /*echo "Key: $key; \n";*/
        foreach ($value as $k => $v) {
            /*echo "attribute: $k; \n";*/
            foreach ($v as $n => $op) {
                /*echo "name $n;\n";*/
                echo "\nis avail:: " . $site->node[$key][$k][$n];
                /*echo count($site->node[$key][$k][$n])."\n";*/
                print_r($site->ADV($key, $k, $n));

require_once 'include/config.inc.php';
require_once 'class/bot.class.php';
require_once 'include/database_connection.inc.php';
$buffer_file = 'local.html';
$bot = new bot($fcp_host, $fcp_port, $buffer_file);
$splitedURL['key_type'] = 'SSK';
$splitedURL['key_value'] = 'PFeLTa1si2Ml5sDeUy7eDhPso6TPdmw-2gWfQ4Jg02w,3ocfrqgUMVWA2PeorZx40TW0c-FiIOL-TWKQHoDbVdE,AQABAAE';
$splitedURL['site_name'] = 'Index';
$splitedURL['edition'] = '34';
$splitedURL['path'] = 'all.html';
$path = $bot->constructURL($splitedURL);
$title = $bot->extractTitle();
$metas = $bot->extractMetas();
$urls = $bot->extractURLs();
$bot->cleanURLs($urls, $splitedURL['key_type'], $splitedURL['key_value'], $splitedURL['site_name'], $splitedURL['edition']);
foreach ($urls as $value) {
    if (!empty($value)) {
        $splitedURL = $bot->splitURL($value);
        echo $value;
        $id_freesite = $bot->dbGetFreesiteId($splitedURL);
        if ($id_freesite === false) {
            $id_freesite = $bot->dbAddFreesite($splitedURL);
        $bot->dbAddFreesiteURL($id_freesite, $splitedURL['path']);
Exemplo n.º 12

require_once "config.php";
function __autoload($class_name)
    include 'core/' . $class_name . '.php';
$core = new core($config);
$command = new command($config);
$user = new user($config);
$bot = new bot($config, $user);
//start bot and use defaults.
$bot->plugin_register(new core($config));
$bot->plugin_register(new command($config));
$bot->plugin_register(new user($config));