Exemplo n.º 1
 * Get tags for the blog/headlines handler in the
 * Dynamic Objects dialog.
function blog_get_tags()
    $out = array((object) array('key' => '', 'value' => __('- select -')));
    $tags = blog\Post::tags();
    foreach ($tags as $tag => $count) {
        $out[] = (object) array('key' => $tag, 'value' => $tag . ' (' . $count . ')');
    return $out;
Exemplo n.º 2

 * Background saving for `Save & Keep Editing` in forms.
$page->layout = false;
header('Content-Type: application/json');
if (!User::require_admin()) {
    $res = new StdClass();
    $res->success = false;
    $res->error = 'Authorization required.';
    echo json_encode($res);
$error = false;
$o = new blog\Post($_GET['id']);
if ($o->error) {
    $error = $o->error;
} else {
    foreach ($_POST as $k => $v) {
        if ($k != $o->key && isset($o->data[$k])) {
            $o->{$k} = $v;
    if (!$o->put()) {
        $error = $o->error;
    } else {
        require_once 'apps/blog/lib/Filters.php';
        $_POST['page'] = 'blog/post/' . $o->id . '/' . URLify::filter($o->title);
        $this->hook('blog/edit', $_POST);
Exemplo n.º 3

 * Admin page where you can edit posts and create new ones.
$page->layout = 'admin';
if (!User::require_admin()) {
require_once 'apps/blog/lib/Filters.php';
$limit = 20;
$_GET['offset'] = isset($_GET['offset']) ? $_GET['offset'] : 0;
$lock = new Lock();
$posts = blog\Post::query('id, title, ts, author, published')->order('ts desc')->fetch_orig($limit, $_GET['offset']);
$count = blog\Post::query()->count();
foreach ($posts as $k => $p) {
    $posts[$k]->locked = $lock->exists('Blog', $p->id);
$page->title = i18n_get('Blog Posts');
echo $tpl->render('blog/admin', array('posts' => $posts, 'count' => $count, 'offset' => $_GET['offset'], 'more' => $count > $_GET['offset'] + $limit ? true : false, 'prev' => $_GET['offset'] - $limit, 'next' => $_GET['offset'] + $limit));
Exemplo n.º 4
$q_fields = array('title', 'author', 'tags', 'body');
$q_exact = array('author', 'published');
$m = isset($_GET['m']) ? $_GET['m'] : '';
// month query
$url = '/blog/admin?q=' . urlencode($q) . '&m=' . urlencode($m) . '&offset=%d';
$lock = new Lock();
// adds yyyy-mm range to query, called via closure
function blog_admin_where_month($q, $m)
    if (preg_match('/^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}$/', $m)) {
        $start = $m . '-01 00:00:00';
        $end = $m . '-' . gmdate('t', strtotime($start)) . ' 23:59:59';
        $q->where('ts >= ?', $start);
        $q->and_where('ts <= ?', $end);
    } else {
        $q->where('1 = 1');
$posts = blog\Post::query('id, title, ts, author, published, tags')->where_search($q, $q_fields, $q_exact)->and_where(function ($q) use($m) {
    blog_admin_where_month($q, $m);
})->order('ts desc')->fetch_orig($limit, $offset);
$count = blog\Post::query()->where_search($q, $q_fields, $q_exact)->and_where(function ($q) use($m) {
    blog_admin_where_month($q, $m);
foreach ($posts as $k => $p) {
    $posts[$k]->locked = $lock->exists('Blog', $p->id);
    $posts[$k]->tags = preg_split('/, ?/', $posts[$k]->tags);
$page->title = __('Blog Posts');
echo $tpl->render('blog/admin', array('limit' => $limit, 'total' => $count, 'posts' => $posts, 'count' => count($posts), 'url' => $url, 'q' => $q, 'm' => $m, 'archives' => blog\Post::archive_months(false), 'months' => explode(' ', __('Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec'))));
Exemplo n.º 5
if ($f->submit()) {
    if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES['import_file']['tmp_name'], 'cache/blog_' . $_FILES['import_file']['name'])) {
        $file = 'cache/blog_' . $_FILES['import_file']['name'];
        $imported = 0;
        try {
            $posts = new SimpleXMLElement(file_get_contents($file));
            foreach ($posts->channel->item as $entry) {
                $dc = $entry->children('http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/');
                $content = $entry->children('http://purl.org/rss/1.0/modules/content/');
                $post = array('title' => (string) $entry->title, 'author' => (string) $dc->creator, 'ts' => gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($entry->pubDate)), 'published' => $_POST['published'], 'body' => str_replace("\n", "<br />\n", (string) $content->encoded), 'tags' => '');
                $sep = '';
                for ($i = 0; $i < count($entry->category); $i++) {
                    $post['tags'] .= $sep . $entry->category[$i]->attributes()->nicename;
                    $sep = ', ';
                $p = new blog\Post($post);
                if ($p->put()) {
            echo '<p>' . i18n_getf('Imported %d posts.', $imported) . '</p>';
            echo '<p><a href="/blog/admin">' . i18n_get('Continue') . '</a></p>';
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            echo '<p><strong>' . i18n_get('Error importing file') . ': ' . $e->getMessage() . '</strong></p>';
            echo '<p><a href="/blog/admin">' . i18n_get('Back') . '</a></p>';
    } else {
        echo '<p><strong>' . i18n_get('Error uploading file.') . '</strong></p>';
Exemplo n.º 6
 * Blog post delete handler.
$this->require_acl('admin', 'admin/delete', 'blog');
$page->layout = 'admin';
if (!isset($_POST['id'])) {
$lock = new Lock('Blog', $_POST['id']);
if ($lock->exists()) {
    $page->title = __('Editing Locked');
    echo $tpl->render('admin/locked', $lock->info());
require_once 'apps/blog/lib/Filters.php';
$p = new blog\Post($_POST['id']);
$tags = $p->tags;
$title = $p->title;
$_POST = array_merge($_POST, (array) $p->orig());
if (!$p->remove()) {
    $page->title = __('An Error Occurred');
    echo __('Error Message') . ': ' . $u->error;
// reset blog rss cache
DB::execute('delete from #prefix#blog_post_tag where post_id = ?', $_POST['id']);
$_POST['page'] = 'blog/post/' . $_POST['id'] . '/' . URLify::filter($title);
$_POST['url'] = '/' . $_POST['page'];
$this->hook('blog/delete', $_POST);
$this->add_notification(__('Blog post deleted.'));
Exemplo n.º 7

 * Show related posts. Called internally by blog/post.
$id = $data['id'];
$tags = explode(',', $data['tags']);
$posts = blog\Post::query('id, thumbnail, title, ts')->where('published', 'yes')->where('id != ?', $id)->and_where(function ($q) use($tags) {
    foreach ($tags as $n => $tag) {
        $tag = trim($tag);
        if ($n === 0) {
            $q->where('tags like ?', '%' . $tag . '%');
        } else {
            $q->or_where('tags like ?', '%' . $tag . '%');
})->order('ts', 'desc')->fetch_orig(3);
echo $tpl->render('blog/related', array('posts' => $posts));
Exemplo n.º 8
if ($appconf['Custom Handlers']['blog/index'] != 'blog/index') {
    if (!$appconf['Custom Handlers']['blog/index']) {
        echo $this->error(404, i18n_get('Not found'), i18n_get('The page you requested could not be found.'));
    $extra = count($this->params) > 0 ? '/' . $this->params[0] : '';
    echo $this->run($appconf['Custom Handlers']['blog/index'] . $extra, $data);
$page->layout = $appconf['Blog']['layout'];
require_once 'apps/blog/lib/Filters.php';
$page->limit = 10;
$page->num = count($this->params) > 0 && is_numeric($this->params[0]) ? $this->params[0] - 1 : 0;
$page->offset = $page->num * $page->limit;
$p = new blog\Post();
$posts = $p->latest($page->limit, $page->offset);
$page->count = $p->query()->where('published', 'yes')->count();
$page->last = $page->offset + count($posts);
$page->more = $page->count > $page->last ? true : false;
$page->next = $page->num + 2;
if (!is_array($posts) || count($posts) === 0) {
    echo '<p>' . i18n_get('No posts yet... :(') . '</p>';
    if (User::require_admin()) {
        echo '<p><a href="/blog/add">' . i18n_get('Add Blog Post') . '</a></p>';
} else {
    if (User::require_admin()) {
        echo '<p><a href="/blog/add">' . i18n_get('Add Blog Post') . '</a></p>';
    foreach ($posts as $post) {
Exemplo n.º 9

 * Renders a tag cloud, with more frequently used tags appearing larger.
if (!$this->internal) {
    $page->layout = $appconf['Blog']['layout'];
    $page->title = i18n_get('Tags');
$pg->limit = 10;
$pg->tags = blog\Post::tags();
foreach ($pg->tags as $k => $v) {
    $pg->tags[$k] = $v / 10 < 2 ? $v / 10 + 0.9 : ($v / 10 >= 2 ? 3 : $v / 10);
echo $tpl->render('blog/tags', $pg);
$page->add_script(sprintf('<link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" href="http://%s/blog/rss" />', $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']));
Exemplo n.º 10

 * Blog post edit form.
$page->layout = 'admin';
$this->require_acl('admin', 'blog');
$lock = new Lock('Blog', $_GET['id']);
if ($lock->exists()) {
    $page->title = __('Editing Locked');
    echo $tpl->render('admin/locked', $lock->info());
} else {
$p = new blog\Post($_GET['id']);
$f = new Form('post', 'blog/edit');
$f->verify_csrf = false;
if ($f->submit()) {
    $p->title = $_POST['title'];
    $p->author = $_POST['author'];
    $p->ts = $_POST['ts'];
    $p->published = $_POST['published'];
    $p->body = $_POST['body'];
    $p->tags = $_POST['tags'];
    $p->thumbnail = $_POST['thumbnail'];
    if (!$p->error) {
        $this->add_notification(__('Blog post saved.'));
Exemplo n.º 11
 * Displays a month of blog posts from the archive.
$page->id = 'blog';
$page->layout = $appconf['Blog']['layout'];
require_once 'apps/blog/lib/Filters.php';
$preview_chars = (int) Appconf::blog('Blog', 'preview_chars') ? (int) Appconf::blog('Blog', 'preview_chars') : false;
if (!isset($this->params[1])) {
$page->limit = 10;
$year = urldecode($this->params[0]);
$month = urldecode($this->params[1]);
$page->num = count($this->params) > 2 && is_numeric($this->params[2]) ? $this->params[2] - 1 : 0;
$page->offset = $page->num * $page->limit;
$p = new blog\Post();
$posts = $p->archive($year, $month, $page->limit, $page->offset);
$page->count = $p->count_by_month($year, $month, $page->limit, $page->offset);
$page->last = $page->offset + count($posts);
$page->more = $page->count > $page->last ? true : false;
$page->next = $page->num + 2;
$page->year = $year;
$page->month = str_pad($month, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
$footer = Appconf::blog('Blog', 'post_footer');
$footer_stripped = strip_tags($footer);
$footer = $footer && !empty($footer_stripped) ? $tpl->run_includes($footer) : false;
if (Appconf::blog('Blog', 'post_format') === 'markdown') {
    require_once 'apps/blog/lib/markdown.php';
foreach ($posts as $post) {
    $post->url = '/blog/post/' . $post->id . '/';
Exemplo n.º 12

 * Publish scheduled blog posts. Use via cron like this:
 *     0,15,30,45 * * * * /var/www/elefant blog/publish-queue
if (!$this->cli) {
    die('Must be run from the command line.');
$page->layout = false;
// fetch queued posts
$posts = blog\Post::query()->where('published', 'que')->where('ts <= ?', gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s'))->fetch();
// publish posts
foreach ($posts as $post) {
    $post->published = 'yes';
Exemplo n.º 13

require_once ('apps/blog/lib/Filters.php');

$preview_chars = (int) Appconf::blog('Blog', 'preview_chars') ? (int) Appconf::blog('Blog', 'preview_chars') : false;

if ($data['number'] !== '') {
    $limit = $data['number'];
} else {
    $limit = 5;

$offset = 0;

$p = new blog\Post;
if (isset ($data['tag']) && $data['tag'] !== '') {
	$posts = $p->tagged ($data['tag'], $limit, $offset);
} else {
	$posts = $p->latest ($limit, $offset);
$page->count = $p->query ()->where ('published', 'yes')->count ();

if (Appconf::blog ('Blog', 'post_format') === 'markdown') {
	require_once ('apps/blog/lib/markdown.php');

if (! is_array ($posts) || count ($posts) === 0) {
	echo '<p>' . __ ('No posts yet... :(') . '</p>';
	if (User::require_admin ()) {
		echo '<p class="hide-in-preview"><a href="/blog/add">' . __ ('Add Blog Post') . '</a></p>';
Exemplo n.º 14
 * In PHP code, call it like this:
 *     echo $this->run ('blog/headlines');
 * In a view template, call it like this:
 *     {! blog/headlines !}
 * Parameters:
 * - `limit` - Number of posts to show (default=10)
 * - `tag` - Show posts with this tag only (optional)
 * - `dates` - Show post dates (yes, no, default=no)
 * Also available in the dynamic objects menu as "Blog: Headlines".
if (!$this->internal) {
    $page->id = 'blog';
    $page->layout = $appconf['Blog']['layout'];
    $page->title = __('Latest Posts');
require_once 'apps/blog/lib/Filters.php';
$limit = isset($data['limit']) ? $data['limit'] : 10;
$p = new blog\Post();
if (isset($data['tag']) && $data['tag'] !== '') {
    $posts = $p->tagged($data['tag']);
} else {
    $posts = $p->headlines($limit);
$dates = isset($data['dates']) && $data['dates'] === 'yes' ? true : false;
echo $tpl->render('blog/headlines', array('posts' => $posts, 'dates' => $dates));
Exemplo n.º 15

$this->cache = 3600;
$res = blog\Post::archive_months();
$months = explode(' ', __('January February March April May June July August September October November December'));
echo $tpl->render('blog/archives', array('months' => $months, 'archives' => $res));
Exemplo n.º 16
Arquivo: post.php Projeto: R-J/elefant

 * Displays a single blog post.

// Check for a custom handler override
$res = $this->override ('blog/post');
if ($res) { echo $res; return; }

$page->id = 'blog';
$page->layout = Appconf::blog ('Blog', 'post_layout');

require_once ('apps/blog/lib/Filters.php');

$p = new blog\Post ($this->params[0]);

// post not found
if ($p->error) {
	return $this->error (404, __ ('Post not found'), '<p>' . __ ('Hmm, we can\'t seem to find the post you wanted at the moment.') . '</p>');

if ($p->published === 'no' && ! User::require_acl ('admin', 'blog')) {
	return $this->error (404, __ ('Post not found'), '<p>' . __ ('Hmm, we can\'t seem to find the post you wanted at the moment.') . '</p>');

// published if it was scheduled and it's time
if ($p->published === 'que') {
	if ($p->ts <= gmdate ('Y-m-d H:i:s')) {
		$p->published = 'yes';
		$p->put ();
Exemplo n.º 17

 * Blog post delete handler.
$page->layout = 'admin';
if (!User::require_admin()) {
$lock = new Lock('Blog', $_GET['id']);
if ($lock->exists()) {
    $page->title = i18n_get('Editing Locked');
    echo $tpl->render('admin/locked', $lock->info());
require_once 'apps/blog/lib/Filters.php';
$p = new blog\Post($_GET['id']);
$tags = $p->tags;
$title = $p->title;
if (!$p->remove()) {
    $page->title = 'An Error Occurred';
    echo 'Error Message: ' . $u->error;
// reset blog rss cache
DB::execute('delete from blog_post_tag where post_id = ?', $_GET['id']);
$_GET['page'] = 'blog/post/' . $_GET['id'] . '/' . URLify::filter($title);
$this->hook('blog/delete', $_GET);
$this->add_notification(i18n_get('Blog post deleted.'));
Exemplo n.º 18

 * Renders the RSS feed for the blog.
$res = $memcache->get('_blog_rss');
if (!$res) {
    require_once 'apps/blog/lib/Filters.php';
    $p = new blog\Post();
    $page->posts = $p->latest(10, 0);
    $page->title = $appconf['Blog']['title'];
    $page->date = gmdate('Y-m-d\\TH:i:s');
    foreach ($page->posts as $k => $post) {
        $page->posts[$k]->url = '/blog/post/' . $post->id . '/' . URLify::filter($post->title);
    $res = $tpl->render('blog/rss', $page);
    $memcache->set('_blog_rss', $res, 1800);
    // half an hour
$page->layout = false;
header('Content-Type: text/xml');
echo $res;
Exemplo n.º 19

 * Displays a single blog post.
if ($appconf['Custom Handlers']['blog/post'] != 'blog/post') {
    if (!$appconf['Custom Handlers']['blog/post']) {
        echo $this->error(404, i18n_get('Not found'), i18n_get('The page you requested could not be found.'));
    echo $this->run($appconf['Custom Handlers']['blog/post'] . '/' . $this->params[0], $data);
$page->layout = $appconf['Blog']['post_layout'];
require_once 'apps/blog/lib/Filters.php';
$p = new blog\Post($this->params[0]);
$page->title = $appconf['Blog']['title'];
$post = $p->orig();
$post->full = true;
$post->url = '/blog/post/' . $post->id . '/' . URLify::filter($post->title);
$post->tag_list = explode(',', $post->tags);
$post->body = $tpl->run_includes($post->body);
$post->social_buttons = $appconf['Social Buttons'];
echo $tpl->render('blog/post', $post);
switch ($appconf['Blog']['comments']) {
    case 'disqus':
        echo $this->run('blog/disqus/comments', $post);
    case 'facebook':
        echo $this->run('social/facebook/comments', $post);
Exemplo n.º 20
 * Displays a list of blog posts by author.
$page->id = 'blog';
$page->layout = $appconf['Blog']['layout'];
require_once 'apps/blog/lib/Filters.php';
$preview_chars = (int) Appconf::blog('Blog', 'preview_chars') ? (int) Appconf::blog('Blog', 'preview_chars') : false;
$page->limit = 10;
$page->author = urldecode($this->params[0]);
if (!$page->author) {
$page->num = count($this->params) > 1 && is_numeric($this->params[1]) ? $this->params[1] - 1 : 0;
$page->offset = $page->num * $page->limit;
$p = new blog\Post();
$posts = $p->by($page->author, $page->limit, $page->offset);
$page->count = $p->query()->where('published', 'yes')->where('author', $page->author)->count();
$page->last = $page->offset + count($posts);
$page->more = $page->count > $page->last ? true : false;
$page->next = $page->num + 2;
$footer = Appconf::blog('Blog', 'post_footer');
$footer_stripped = strip_tags($footer);
$footer = $footer && !empty($footer_stripped) ? $tpl->run_includes($footer) : false;
if (Appconf::blog('Blog', 'post_format') === 'markdown') {
    require_once 'apps/blog/lib/markdown.php';
foreach ($posts as $post) {
    $post->url = '/blog/post/' . $post->id . '/' . URLify::filter($post->title);
    $post->tag_list = strlen($post->tags) > 0 ? explode(',', $post->tags) : array();
    $post->social_buttons = $appconf['Social Buttons'];
Exemplo n.º 21
 * Displays a list of blog posts by tag.
$page->id = 'blog';
$page->layout = $appconf['Blog']['layout'];
require_once 'apps/blog/lib/Filters.php';
$preview_chars = (int) Appconf::blog('Blog', 'preview_chars') ? (int) Appconf::blog('Blog', 'preview_chars') : false;
$page->limit = 10;
$page->tag = urldecode($this->params[0]);
if (!$page->tag) {
$page->num = count($this->params) > 1 && is_numeric($this->params[1]) ? $this->params[1] - 1 : 0;
$page->offset = $page->num * $page->limit;
$p = new blog\Post();
$posts = $p->tagged($page->tag, $page->limit, $page->offset);
$page->count = $p->count_by_tag($page->tag);
$page->last = $page->offset + count($posts);
$page->more = $page->count > $page->last ? true : false;
$page->next = $page->num + 2;
$footer = Appconf::blog('Blog', 'post_footer');
$footer_stripped = strip_tags($footer);
$footer = $footer && !empty($footer_stripped) ? $tpl->run_includes($footer) : false;
if (Appconf::blog('Blog', 'post_format') === 'markdown') {
    require_once 'apps/blog/lib/markdown.php';
foreach ($posts as $post) {
    $post->url = '/blog/post/' . $post->id . '/' . URLify::filter($post->title);
    $post->tag_list = strlen($post->tags) > 0 ? explode(',', $post->tags) : array();
    $post->social_buttons = $appconf['Social Buttons'];