$result = mysql_query($query) or do_error($query, 'mysql query failed', mysql_error(), __FILE__, __LINE__);
while ($row = stripslashes_deep(mysql_fetch_array($result), MYSQL_ASSOC)) {
    // build assoc arrays of types and counts
    if (array_key_exists($row['severity'], $severities)) {
    } else {
        $severities[$row['severity']] = 1;
//dump ($severities);
//$severities = ksort ($severities);
$legends = array("NORMAL", "MEDIUM", "HIGH");
include 'baaChart.php';
$width = isset($img_width) ? $img_width : $severity_diam;
// 3/21/10
$mygraph = new baaChart($width);
//$mygraph->setTitle($from, $to);
$mygraph->setTitle("Incidents by Severity", "");
foreach ($severities as $key => $val) {
    if (strlen($key) > 0) {
        $mygraph->addDataSeries('P', PIE_CHART_PCENT + PIE_LEGEND_VALUE, $val, $legends[$key]);
// end foreach()
$mygraph->setBgColor(0, 0, 0, 1);
// transparent background
$mygraph->setChartBgColor(0, 0, 0, 1);
// as background
$mygraph->setSeriesColor(1, 222, 227, 231);
// normal severity
$mygraph->setSeriesColor(2, 102, 102, 204);
$query = "SELECT *, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(`when`) AS `when`, t.id AS `tick_id`,t.scope AS `tick_name`, t.severity AS `tick_severity` FROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}log`\n\tLEFT JOIN `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}ticket` t ON (log.ticket_id = t.id)\n\t" . $where . " AND `code` = '" . $GLOBALS['LOG_INCIDENT_OPEN'] . "'\n\tORDER BY `when` ASC\t\t\n\t";
$result = mysql_query($query) or do_error($query, 'mysql query failed', mysql_error(), __FILE__, __LINE__);
$inc_types = array();
while ($row = stripslashes_deep(mysql_fetch_array($result), MYSQL_ASSOC)) {
    // build assoc arrays of types and counts
    if (array_key_exists($row['in_types_id'], $inc_types)) {
    } else {
        $inc_types[$row['in_types_id']] = 1;
// end while($row =...)
include 'baaChart.php';
$width = isset($img_width) ? $img_width : $type_diam;
// 3/21/10
$mygraph = new baaChart($width);
$mygraph->setTitle('Incidents by Type', '');
//dump ($inc_types);
foreach ($inc_types as $key => $val) {
    if (strlen($key) > 0) {
        $mygraph->addDataSeries('P', PIE_CHART_PCENT + PIE_LEGEND_VALUE, $val, $inc_types_text[$key]);
// end foreach()
$mygraph->setBgColor(0, 0, 0, 1);
//transparent background
$mygraph->setChartBgColor(0, 0, 0, 1);
//as background