function Check_ShowForumRows($info)
     global $str_len;
     if ($str_len($info['t_name']) > $this->threadtitlelength) {
         $info['t_name'] = awcsforum_funcs::awc_shorten($info['t_name'], $this->threadtitlelength) . "...";
     if ($info['user']) {
         $info['user'] = "******" . awcsforum_funcs::awcforum_url('mem_profile/' . $info['user'] . '/' . $info['userid']) . "'>" . $info['user'] . "</a>";
     if (isset($info['search_words'])) {
         $info['thread_url'] = awcsforum_funcs::awcforum_url('st/id' . $info['t_id'] . $info['search_words']);
     } else {
         $info['thread_url'] = awcsforum_funcs::awcforum_url('st/id' . $info['t_id'] . '/' . str_replace(array('>', '<'), ' ', $info['t_name'])) . $this->html_ext;
     $classID = "row_info";
     $info['indicator_lock_sticky_ann'] = null;
     if (isset($info['locked']) and $info['locked'] == "1") {
         $info['indicator_lock_sticky_ann'] = $this->words['locked'] . ' ';
         //$info['row_class']  =  'locked_thread' ;
     if (isset($info['sticky']) and $info['sticky'] == "1") {
         $info['indicator_lock_sticky_ann'] = $this->words['sticky'] . ' ';
         $info['row_class'] = 'sticky';
     if (isset($info['sticky']) and isset($info['locked'])) {
         if ($info['sticky'] == "1" and $info['locked'] == "1") {
             $info['indicator_lock_sticky_ann'] = $this->words['locked_sticky'] . ' ';
             $info['row_class'] = 'sticky';
     if (isset($info['poll']) and $info['poll'] == "1") {
         $info['indicator_lock_sticky_ann'] = $this->words['poll'] . ' ';
         $info['row_class'] = 'poll_thread_listing';
     return $info;
Exemplo n.º 2
 function process_all_cats($cats, $children, $cat_link = null)
     global $tplt;
     $outHTML = null;
     $word_guest = get_awcsforum_word('word_guest');
     $word_header = array('topics' => get_awcsforum_word('word_topics'), 'replies' => get_awcsforum_word('word_replies'), 'forum_last_post' => get_awcsforum_word('forum_last_post'));
     foreach ($cats as $cat_id => $cat_data) {
         $html = $tplt->phase('', '', 'cat_open_table');
         $info['AdminEdit'] = UserPerm == 10 ? '<a href="' . awc_url . 'admin/cat/get_cat_id_edit/' . $cat_data['id'] . '">*</a> |  ' : null;
         $info['title'] = '<a href="' . awc_url . 'sc/id' . $cat_data['id'] . '/' . rawurlencode(str_replace('/', ' ', $cat_data['name'])) . $this->html_ext . '">' . $cat_data['name'] . '</a>';
         if ($cat_link != null) {
             $info['title'] = $cat_data['name'];
         $html .= $tplt->phase($word_header, $info, 'cat_header');
         foreach ($children as $forum_id => $c) {
             if ($c['f_parentid'] == $cat_id) {
                 if ($this->show_guest_ip == '0' and $c['f_lastuserid'] == '0' and UserPerm < 2) {
                     $c['f_lastuser'] = $word_guest;
                 $c['last_title'] = awcsforum_funcs::awc_html_entity_decode($c['f_lasttitle']);
                 $last_title = $c['last_title'];
                 if (isset($c['last_title'][$this->MaxTitleCol])) {
                     $c['last_title'] = awcsforum_funcs::awc_shorten($c['last_title'], $this->MaxTitleCol) . "...";
                 $c['last_date'] = $c['f_lastdate'] != '0000-00-00 00:00:00' ? awcsforum_funcs::convert_date($c['f_lastdate'], "s") : '&nbsp;';
                 $c['mem_link'] = awcsforum_funcs::awcforum_url('mem_profile/' . $c['f_lastuser'] . '/' . $c['f_lastuserid']);
                 $c['AdminEditLink'] = UserPerm == 10 ? '<a href="' . awc_url . 'admin/forum/get_forum_id_edit/' . $c['f_id'] . '">*</a> | ' : null;
                 $c['forum_link'] = awc_url . 'sf/id' . $c['f_id'] . '/' . rawurlencode(str_replace('/', ' ', $c['f_name'])) . $this->html_ext;
                 # die($last_title);
                 $c['last_thread_link'] = awc_url . 'last_post/id' . $c['f_threadid'] . '/' . rawurlencode(str_replace('/', ' ', $last_title)) . $this->html_ext;
                 $html .= $tplt->phase('', $c, 'cat_list_forums_rows');
         $html .= $tplt->phase('', '', 'cat_close_table');
         $outHTML .= $html;
     unset($word_header, $c, $info);
     return $outHTML;
Exemplo n.º 3
 function getPMoptions()
     global $wgOut, $awc, $awcs_forum_config;
     Set_AWC_Forum_SubTitle(get_awcsforum_word('mem_memCP'), $this->membername);
     Set_AWC_Forum_BreadCrumbs(get_awcsforum_word('mem_pm_option'), true);
     $m_pmautoquote = isset($this->mem_info['m_pmoptions']['m_pmautoquote']) ? $this->mem_info['m_pmoptions']['m_pmautoquote'] == '1' ? 'checked' : '' : '';
     $m_pmautosave = isset($this->mem_info['m_pmoptions']['m_pmautosave']) ? $this->mem_info['m_pmoptions']['m_pmautosave'] == '1' ? 'checked' : '' : '';
     $m_pmnewemail = isset($this->mem_info['m_pmoptions']['m_pmnewemail']) ? $this->mem_info['m_pmoptions']['m_pmnewemail'] == '1' ? 'checked' : '' : '';
     $m_pmpop = isset($this->mem_info['m_pmoptions']['m_pmpop']) ? $this->mem_info['m_pmoptions']['m_pmpop'] == '1' ? 'checked' : '' : '';
     $m_pm_text_in_email = isset($this->mem_info['m_pmoptions']['m_pm_text_in_email']) ? $this->mem_info['m_pmoptions']['m_pm_text_in_email'] == '1' ? 'checked' : '' : '';
     $html = '<form action="' . awcsforum_funcs::awcforum_url('member_options/savePMoptions') . '" method="post">';
     $html .= '<INPUT TYPE=CHECKBOX NAME="m_pmautoquote" ' . $m_pmautoquote . '> ' . get_awcsforum_word('mem_pm_autoquote') . "<br />";
     $html .= '<INPUT TYPE=CHECKBOX NAME="m_pmautosave" ' . $m_pmautosave . '> ' . get_awcsforum_word('mem_pm_autosave') . "<br />";
     $html .= '<INPUT TYPE=CHECKBOX NAME="m_pmnewemail" ' . $m_pmnewemail . '> ' . get_awcsforum_word('mem_pm_newemail') . "<br />";
     if (isset($awcs_forum_config->cf_send_pm_body_in_email) && $awcs_forum_config->cf_send_pm_body_in_email == '1') {
         $html .= '<INPUT TYPE=CHECKBOX NAME="m_pm_text_in_email" ' . $m_pm_text_in_email . '> ' . get_awcsforum_word('mem_send_pm_body_in_email') . "<br />";
     $html .= '<INPUT TYPE=CHECKBOX NAME="m_pmpop" ' . $m_pmpop . '> ' . get_awcsforum_word('mem_pm_newpop') . "<br />";
     $html .= '<br /><hr><input type="submit" value="' . get_awcsforum_word('submit') . '"></form><br /><hr>';
Exemplo n.º 4
 function sendpm($to_name, $title, $msg, $save_sent = false, $sendto_names = null)
     global $wgUser, $wgOut, $wgPasswordSender, $IP, $awc_tables, $awcs_forum_config;
     // awcsforum_funcs::get_page_lang(array('lang_txt_mem'));
     if ( !file_exists($IP . '/includes/AutoLoader.php')){
         require($IP . "/includes/UserMailer.php");
     $sender_name = $wgUser->mName;
     $sender_id = $wgUser->mId;
     $send_msg_text = false;
     if (isset($awcs_forum_config->cf_send_pm_body_in_email) and $awcs_forum_config->cf_send_pm_body_in_email == '1') {
         $send_msg_text = true;
     $user_get = array();
     $user_get[] = 'm_id';
     $dbw = wfGetDB(DB_MASTER);
     $date_seperated = $dbw->timestamp();
     $pm_count = null;
     $to_address = array();
     /* set up email stuff here so its not included in the loop */
     $send_title = get_awcsforum_word('mem_pm_email_newpmawaiting') . ' ' . $title;
     $send_body = get_awcsforum_word('mem_pm_email_newpmawaitingbody');
     $send_body .= " \n" . $sender_name;
     $send_body .= " \n\n <a href='" . awcsforum_funcs::awcforum_url('member_options/pminbox') . "'>" . awcsforum_funcs::awcforum_url('member_options/pminbox') . "</a> \n\r\n\r";
     require_once awc_dir . 'send_mail.php';
     $html = true;
     if ($awcs_forum_config->cf_send_email_html == '0') {
         $html = false;
     foreach ($to_name as $id => $send_to_info) {
         if ($pm_count == 1) {
             #$bs = $dbw->nextSequenceValue( 'awc_f_pms_pm_id_seq' );
             $dbw->insert('awc_f_pms', array('pm_title' => $title, 'pm_text' => $msg));
             $pm_id = awcsforum_funcs::lastID($dbw, 'awc_f_pms', 'pm_id');
         $dbw->insert('awc_f_pms_info', array('pmi_pmid' => $pm_id, 'pmi_sender' => $sender_name, 'pmi_sender_id' => $sender_id, 'pmi_receipt_id' => $send_to_info['id'], 'pmi_receipt' => $sendto_names, 'pmi_send_date' => $date_seperated));
         # $mem = GetMemInfo($id, $user_get);
         # if(isset($mem['name'])){
         # awc_pdie($wgUser->mId);
         if ($send_to_info['forum_username'] != 'no_name' or $send_to_info['id'] == $wgUser->mId) {
             $dbw->query("UPDATE {$awc_tables['awc_f_mems']} \n                                    SET m_pmtotal = m_pmtotal + 1,\n                                    m_pmunread = m_pmunread + 1, \n                                    m_pminbox = m_pminbox + 1,\n                                    m_pmpop = '1'\n                                    WHERE m_id =" . $send_to_info['id']);
         } else {
             $dbw->insert('awc_f_mems', array('m_id' => $send_to_info['id'], 'm_idname' => $send_to_info['name'], 'm_pmtotal' => '1', 'm_pmunread' => '1', 'm_pminbox' => '1', 'm_pmpop' => '1'));
         /* @changeVer 2.5.8 */
         if (isset($send_to_info['email']) && !empty($send_to_info['email']) && $send_to_info['email'] != 'no_email') {
             $to_address[] = new MailAddress($send_to_info['email']);
             if ($send_to_info['pass_pm_text'] == '1' and $send_msg_text) {
                 $send_body .= "\n\r\n\r" . awcsforum_mailer::check_msg_len($msg, 0);
             awcsforum_mailer::send_mail($to_address, $send_title, $send_body, $html);
     if ($save_sent) {
         $dbw->insert('awc_f_pms_info', array('pmi_pmid' => $pm_id, 'pmi_sender' => $sender_name, 'pmi_sender_id' => $sender_id, 'pmi_receipt_id' => $sender_id, 'pmi_receipt' => $sendto_names, 'pmi_send_date' => $date_seperated, 'pmi_folder_id' => '1', 'pmi_read_date' => $date_seperated, 'pmi_read' => '1'));
         $mem = GetMemInfo($id, $user_get);
         if (isset($mem['name'])) {
             $dbw->query("UPDATE {$awc_tables['awc_f_mems']} \n                                    SET m_pmtotal = m_pmtotal + 1,\n                                    m_pmsent = m_pmsent + 1\n                                    WHERE m_id =" . $sender_id);
         } else {
             $dbw->insert('awc_f_mems', array('m_id' => $sender_id, 'm_idname' => $wgUser->mName, 'm_pmtotal' => '1', 'm_pmsent' => '1'));
     $wgOut->redirect(awc_url . 'member_options/pminbox');