function avia_import_config_file() { global $avia; //check if referer is ok if (function_exists('check_ajax_referer')) { check_ajax_referer('avia_nonce_save_backend'); } //check if capability is ok $cap = apply_filters('avf_file_upload_capability', 'update_plugins'); if (!current_user_can($cap)) { exit("Using this feature is reserved for Super Admins. You unfortunately don't have the necessary permissions."); } $attachment = $_POST['values']; $path = realpath(get_attached_file($attachment['id'])); $options = @file_get_contents($path); if ($options) { if (!class_exists('WP_Import')) { if (!defined('WP_LOAD_IMPORTERS')) { define('WP_LOAD_IMPORTERS', true); } $class_wp_import = AVIA_PHP . 'wordpress-importer/wordpress-importer.php'; if (file_exists($class_wp_import)) { require_once $class_wp_import; } } if (class_exists('WP_Import')) { $class_avia_import = AVIA_PHP . 'wordpress-importer/avia-import-class.php'; if (file_exists($class_avia_import)) { require_once $class_avia_import; $avia_import = new avia_wp_import(); } $options = unserialize(base64_decode($options)); if (is_array($options)) { foreach ($avia->option_pages as $page) { $database_option[$page['parent']] = $avia_import->extract_default_values($options[$page['parent']], $page, $avia->subpages); } if (!empty($database_option)) { update_option($avia->option_prefix, $database_option); } } // currently no deletion. seems counter intuitive atm. also since the file upload button will only show txt files user can switch between settings easily // wp_delete_attachment($attachment['id'], true); } } exit('avia_config_file_imported'); }
//make sure to exclude the init function at the end of the file in kriesi_importer if (!class_exists('WP_Import')) { $class_wp_import = IAMD_IMPORTER_URL . 'wordpress-importer.php'; if (file_exists($class_wp_import)) { require_once $class_wp_import; } else { $avia_importerError = true; } } if ($avia_importerError !== false) { echo "The Auto importing script could not be loaded. please use the wordpress importer and import the XML file that is located in your themes folder manually."; } else { if (class_exists('WP_Import')) { get_template_part('framework/wordpress-importer/my-import-class'); } if (!is_file($import_filepath . '.xml')) { echo "The XML file containing the dummy content is not available or could not be read in <span>" . IAMD_IMPORTER_URL . "dummy/</span> You might want to try to set the file permission to chmod 777.<br/>If this doesn't work please use the wordpress importer and import the XML file (should be located in your themes folder: dummy.xml) manually <a href='/wp-admin/import.php'>here.</a>"; } else { if (!isset($custom_export)) { #do_action('avia_import_hook'); $wp_import = new avia_wp_import(); $wp_import->fetch_attachments = true; $wp_import->import($import_filepath . '.xml'); #$wp_import->saveOptions($import_filepath.'.php'); $wp_import->set_menus(); } else { $import = new avia_wp_import(); #$import->saveOptions($import_filepath.'.php', $custom_export); } } }
} } if ($avia_importerError !== false) { echo "The Auto importing script could not be loaded. please use the wordpress importer and import the XML file that is located in your themes folder manually."; } else { if (class_exists('WP_Import')) { include_once 'wordpress-importer/avia-import-class.php'; } if (!is_file($import_filepath . '.xml')) { echo "The XML file containing the dummy content is not available or could not be read in <pre>" . get_template_directory() . "</pre><br/> You might want to try to set the file permission to chmod 777.<br/>If this doesn't work please use the wordpress importer and import the XML file (should be located in your themes folder: dummy.xml) manually <a href='/wp-admin/import.php'>here.</a>"; } else { if (!isset($custom_export)) { do_action('avia_import_hook'); $wp_import = new avia_wp_import(); $wp_import->rename_existing_menus(); $wp_import->fetch_attachments = true; $wp_import->import($import_filepath . '.xml'); $wp_import->saveOptions($import_filepath . '.php'); $wp_import->set_menus(); do_action('avia_after_import_hook'); // todo: rename. make sure to update hook name of our woocommerce import script } else { $import = new avia_wp_import(); $import->saveOptions($import_filepath . '.php', $custom_export); do_action('avia_after_custom_import_hook'); } //generic hook. example use: after demo setting import we want to regen cached stylesheet do_action('ava_after_import_demo_settings'); update_option('av_demo_content_imported', true); } }