function session_authentification($filename) { unset($loginstatus); unset($flag); $loginstatus = false; $flag = false; $authent1 = new authentification(); if (isset($_SESSION['username'])) { $loginstatus = true; } if (isset($_COOKIE['rem']) && !isset($_SESSION['username'])) { list($username, $cookie_ID_hash) = explode(":", $_COOKIE['rem']); $usercookie = simplexml_load_file(trim($filename)) or die("Error: Cannot create object"); foreach ($usercookie->user as $user) { if ($authent1->hash_sha256($user) == trim($username)) { if ($authent1->hash_sha256(trim($user->cookies->rememberme)) == trim($cookie_ID_hash)) { $loginstatus = true; $_SESSION['username'] = $user; break 2; } } } } return $loginstatus; }
public function userData($matricule) { $this->database = database::instance(); $this->auth = authentification::instance(); $this->matricule = $matricule; $this->getUserData(); }
/** * Short description of method instance * * @access public * @author Jean-Francois Levesque, <*****@*****.**> * @return void */ public static function instance() { if (!authentification::$instance) { authentification::$instance = new authentification(); authentification::$instance->init(); } return authentification::$instance; }
public function __construct() { $a = func_get_args(); $i = func_num_args(); if (method_exists($this, $f = '__construct' . $i)) { call_user_func_array(array($this, $f), $a); } else { $auth = authentification::instance(); $this->loadStatusData($auth->getUsager()); } }
public static function hasExistingCarInDatabase($carId) { $objAuth = authentification::instance(); if ($objAuth->estIdentifie()) { $database = database::instance(); $result = $database->requete("SELECT * FROM st_car WHERE id = '" . $carId . "'"); return mysql_num_rows($result) > 0; } else { return false; } }
public static function getWidget($pageToRedirect, $login_success, $errorMessage = "") { $objAuth = authentification::instance(); if ($objAuth->estIdentifie()) { $widget_html = '<div class="widget"> Vous êtes présentement connecté en tant que <b>' . $objAuth->getUsager() . '</b>.</br> [<a href="logout.php"> Déconnexion</a>]<br> </div>'; } else { $widget_html = '<div class="widget"> <script type="text/javascript"> if (window.isMSIE55) fixalpha(); </script> <div class="widgettitle"> Connexion </div>'; if (!$login_success) { $widget_html = $widget_html . '<div class="formErrorField"> Mauvais matricule ou mot de passe </div>'; } $widget_html = $widget_html . '<div class="widgetcontent"> <form method="post" action="auth.php?redirect=' . $pageToRedirect . '" name="connexion"> <div style="display:block"> <div style="display:block"> <label style="display:inline;vertical-align:middle">Nom dutilisateur</label> <input style="width:125px;float:right;vertical-align:middle"" type="text" name="username" size="8" maxlength="7" id="username" /> </div> <div style="display:block;clear:both"> <label style="display:inline;vertical-align:middle">Mot de passe</label> <input style="width:125px;float:right;vertical-align:middle" type="password" name="password" size="8" maxlength="24" id="password" /> </div> <div style="display:block;margin-top:15px;clear:both"> <a style="vertical-align:bottom;" href="register.php" class="searchButton"> Créer un compte </a> <input style="vertical-align:middle;margin-left:65px" type="submit" value="Acceder" class="searchButton"/> </br> <a style="vertical-align:bottom;" href="accessrecovery.php" class="searchButton">Mot de passe oublié</a> </div> </div> </form> </div> </div>'; } return $widget_html; }
<?php include_once 'privateplc_php.ini.php'; include ""; include ""; error_reporting(E_ALL | E_STRICT); // Um die Fehler auch auszugeben, aktivieren wir die Ausgabe ini_set('display_errors', 1); ini_set('display_startup_errors', 1); // Da man in einem Produktivsystem ?blicherweise keine Fehler ausgeben // will sondern sie nur mitloggen will, bietet es sich an dort die // Ausgabe der Fehler zu deaktivieren und sie stattdessen in ein Log-File // schreiben zu lassen session_start(); $loginflag = -1; //-1 is false / 0 is true $DNSservice = -1; $authent = new authentification(); $xmlhandler = new xmlhandler(); if ($authent->session_authentification('userdata.xml')) { $loginflag = 0; } if ($loginflag == 0) { //todo:get registered devices $services = $xmlhandler->get_services('userdata.xml'); //todo:display user data (= address, e-mail address, etc.) //todo:get booked services } $arr = array('loginflag' => $loginflag, 'DNSbooked' => $services['DNSbooked'], 'DNSexpiration' => $services['DNSexpiration']); echo json_encode($arr);
<?php error_reporting(E_ALL); require_once "class.authentification.php"; require_once 'class.config.php'; require_once "class.demandeListe.php"; require_once "class.demande.php"; require_once "class.log.php"; require_once "class.validation.php"; require_once "class.userData.php"; require_once ""; define('CANCEL_DEMAND_POST', 'cancelDemand'); define('REACTIVATE_DEMAND_POST', 'reactivateDemand'); $objAuth = authentification::instance(); $objLog = log::instance(); $objvalid = validation::instance(); $objDemandeListe = new demandeListe(); $objDemande = null; $fileFieldIndex = 0; if ($objAuth->estIdentifie()) { $matricule = $_SESSION['usager']; $submissionTarget = util::getParam($_POST, 'submissionTarget'); $submissionType = util::getParam($_POST, 'submissionType'); $demande = new demande($matricule); if ($submissionTarget == 'demande') { if ($submissionType == CANCEL_DEMAND_POST) { $demande->cancelDemand(); header("Location: demande.php"); } else { if ($submissionType == REACTIVATE_DEMAND_POST) { $demande->reactivateDemand();
// schreiben zu lassen unset($username, $password, $rememberlogin); $rememberlogin = 0; $username = $_POST["username"]; $password = $_POST["password"]; $rememberlogin = $_POST["rememberlogin"]; //$username = "******"; //$password = "******"; unset($arr); unset($errorLogin); $Loginflag = -1; //If password is wrong value = -1 else 0 $errorUsername = -1; $errorpwd = -1; $errorsetcookie = -1; $authent = new authentification(); $xmlhandler = new xmlhandler(); $userpwdarray = $authent->getuserpwd($username, "userdata.xml"); if ($userpwdarray['userflag']) { $errorUsername = 0; } if ($authent->verifypwd($password, $userpwdarray['password_hash'])) { $errorpwd = 0; } if ($errorUsername == 0 && $errorpwd == 0) { $_SESSION['username'] = $username; $Loginflag = 0; } if ($rememberlogin == 1 && $errorpwd == 0 && $errorUsername == 0) { //generate random cookie_ID to store on clients browser $cookiearray = $authent->Cookie_remember_code();
<?php session_start(); include 'class/authentification.php'; if (isset($_POST['OK'])) { $authentification = new authentification($_POST['emailform'], $_POST['mdpform']); $authentification->authentification(); } ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css.css"> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> <title>Réservation de séjour</title> </head> <body> <div id="header"> <a href="index.php"><img src="img/header.jpg" alt="header" style="position:relative;"/></a> </div> <div id="paragraphe"> <div id="corps"><br> <h3>Reservation</h3><br /> <fieldset><legend>Compte</legend> <p>Admin</p> <p>Mail :</p> <p>Mot de passe : admin</p> <p>Utilisateur</p> <p>Mail :</ <p>Mot de passe : test</p>
/** * Short description of method instance * * @access private * @return void */ private function init() { $this->objDatabase = database::instance(); $this->objAuthentification = authentification::instance(); }
if ($authent->session_authentification('userdata.xml')) { $loginflag = 0; } $errorUsername = -1; //If username exists already value = -1 $errorPasswordRepeat = -1; //If password and password2 are not equal value = -1 $errordeviceID = -1; unset($arr); unset($errordeviceID, $errorUsername, $errorPasswordRepeat); if ($loginstatusrequestflag == 1) { $username = $_POST["username"]; $password = $_POST["password"]; $password2 = $_POST["passwordRepeat"]; $deviceID = $_POST["deviceID"]; $authent = new authentification(); $xmlhandler = new xmlhandler(); if ($authent->deviceID_verification($deviceID, "deviceID.xml")) { $errordeviceID = 0; } if (trim($password) == trim($password2)) { $errorPasswordRepeat = 0; } if ($xmlhandler->searchdoubleuser(trim($username), 'userdata.xml')) { $errorUsername = 0; } if ($errorPasswordRepeat == 0 && $errorUsername == 0 && $errordeviceID == 0) { $passwordencrypt = $authent->encryptpwd($password); $deviceID_hash = $authent->hash_sha256($deviceID); $xmlhandler->addnewuser($username, $passwordencrypt, $deviceID_hash, 'userdata.xml'); }
<?php /** * Note that the salt here is randomly generated. * Never use a static salt or one that is not randomly generated. * * For the VAST majority of use-cases, let password_hash generate the salt randomly for you */ include ''; // Gibt an welche PHP-Fehler �berhaupt angezeigt werden error_reporting(E_ALL | E_STRICT); // Um die Fehler auch auszugeben, aktivieren wir die Ausgabe ini_set('display_errors', 1); ini_set('display_startup_errors', 1); // Da man in einem Produktivsystem �blicherweise keine Fehler ausgeben // will sondern sie nur mitloggen will, bietet es sich an dort die // Ausgabe der Fehler zu deaktivieren und sie stattdessen in ein Log-File // schreiben zu lassen $auth = new authentification(); $deviceIDsimu = $auth->deviceID_generation(); echo "deviceID = " . $deviceIDsimu['deviceID'] . "<br>"; echo "device ID crypt = " . $deviceIDsimu['deviceIDcrypt'] . "<br>";