<?php $aql = "sky_sql_log\t{\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tcodebase,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tsql\n\t\t\t\t\t\t}"; $param = array('aql' => $aql, 'cols' => array('codebase', 'sql')); aql::grid($param);
<?php $title = "Blog Listing"; template::inc('intranet', 'top'); ?> <div class = "has-floats"> <div class = "float-right blog_listing"> <div class = "content_listing"> <input type = "button" onclick = "window.location = '/admin/blog/blogs/add-new'" value = "Add new blog"/> <?php $cols = "\t\n\t\t\tname\t\t{label:\tName\t\t;}\n\t\t\tdescription\t{label:\tDescription\t;}\n slug {label: Slug \t\t;}\n status\t\t{label: Status\t\t;}\n\t\t"; if (auth('blog_author:editor')) { $cols .= 'edit {}'; } $clause = array('blog_website' => array('where' => 'blog_website.website_id=' . $website_id)); $param = array('enable_sort' => true); $params = array("aql" => 'blog', 'clause' => $clause, "cols" => $cols, "param" => $param); aql::grid($params); ?> </div> </div> <div class = "left_nav"> <?php include 'pages/admin/blog/left-nav/left-nav.php'; ?> </div> </div> <?php template::inc('intranet', 'bottom');
</select> </div> <?php } ?> <div class="col"> <?php $aql = "blog_category {\n\t\t\t\t\t\tname\n\t\t\t\t\t\torder by name asc\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\tblog_website on blog_category.blog_id = blog_website.blog_id {\n\t\t\t\t\t\twhere website_id = {$website_id}\n\t\t\t\t\t}"; $dropdown = array('select_name' => 'cat_ide', 'value_field' => 'blog_category_ide', 'option_field' => 'name', 'selected_value' => $_GET['cat_ide'], 'null_option' => 'All Categories', 'onchange' => 'this.form.submit();'); aql::dd($aql, $dropdown); ?> </div> <div class="clear"></div> </div> </form> <?php snippet::tabs($tabs); ?> <div id="gridcontent"> <?php aql::grid($aql_blog_title, $col, $param); ?> </div> <?php template::inc('intranet', 'bottom');
?> " /> </div> <div class="clear"></div> </div> </form> <?php $q = ''; if ($_GET['q']) { $_GET['q'] = addslashes(trim(urldecode($_GET['q']))); $aql = "person {\n id as name,\n id as add_contributor,\n fname,\n lname,\n\t\t\t\t\taccess_group,\n email_address\n where ( email_address ilike '" . $_GET['q'] . "%' )\n\t\t\t\t\tand password is not null and password != ''\n }"; $cols = "\n name { label: Name; }\n email_address { label: Email; }\n\t\t\taccess_group {}\n add_contributor {}\n "; aql::grid($aql, $cols); } } if (!$blog_author['blog_author_ide']) { if ($_GET['debug']) { echo "no blog_author_ide <br />"; } if (is_numeric($person_id = decrypt($_POST['sky_qs'][0], 'person'))) { if ($_GET['debug']) { echo "person_id : {$person_id} " . decrypt($_POST['sky_qs'][0], 'person') . "<br />"; } $aql = "blog_author{\n where person_id={$person_id}\n }"; $person_res = aql::select($aql); if (is_array($person_res)) { if ($_GET['debug']) { echo "found blog_author <br />";
$cols = "\n\tblog_roll_name {\n\t\tlabel: Name;\n\t}\n\tblog_roll_url {\n\t\tlabel: URL;\n\t\tscript: components/blog_roll/blog_roll_url/blog_roll_url.php;\n\t}\n\tpagerank {\n\t\tlabel: PR;\n\t}\n\tmod_time {\n\t\tlabel: Date Added;\n\t}\n\tadded_by__person_id {\n\t\tlabel: Added By;\n\t}\n\tstatus {\n\t\tlabel: On Website;\n\t}\n"; if (auth('blog_author:editor;')) { $cols .= 'edit {}'; $cols .= 'delete {}'; } $where = NULL; if ($_POST['sky_ide']) { $where .= " and blog_roll.blog_ide = '{$_POST['sky_ide']}'"; } if ($_GET['on_website'] !== NULL && is_numeric($_GET['on_website'])) { $where .= " and blog_roll.status = {$_GET['on_website']} "; } $clause = array('blog_roll' => array('where' => 'true ' . $where . $q, 'order by' => 'blog_roll.name asc'), 'blog_website' => array('where' => "website_id = '{$website_id}'")); $model = 'blog_roll'; ?> <div class = "clear"></div> <div> <?php aql::grid($model, $cols, $clause); ?> </div> </div> </div> <div class = "left_nav"> <?php include 'pages/admin/blog/left-nav/left-nav.php'; ?> </div> </div> <?php template::inc('intranet', 'bottom');
case 'h1': $title = 'h1'; $where[] = "field = 'h1'"; break; case 'h1_blurb': $title = 'h1_blurb'; $where[] = "field = 'h1_blurb'"; break; case 'meta_description': $title = 'meta_description'; $where[] = "field = 'meta_description'"; break; default: // tab_redirect() ensures this is never the case break; } $title = "Website Page Data"; template::inc('intranet', 'top'); ?> <?php snippet::tabs($tabs); $aql = aql::get_aql('website_page_data'); $cols = "\n\t\t\tnickname {label: Nickname;}\n\t\t\tfield {label: field;}\n\t\t\tvalue {label: value;}\t\t\n\t"; $clause = array('website' => array('where' => $where, 'order by' => $order_by)); $options = array('enable_sort' => true); ?> <?php aql::grid($aql, $cols, $clause, $options); template::inc('intranet', 'bottom');
$where[] = "blog_article.status = 'T'"; break; default: // tab_redirect() ensures this is never the case break; } // begin html output template::inc('intranet', 'top'); ?> <div class="has-floats"> <div class="float-right blog_listing"> <div class="content_listing"> <?php // display the filters include INCPATH . '/includes/listing-filter.php'; // display the tabs snippet::tabs($tabs); $post_time_column = IDE == 'published' ? 'post_time { label: Post Time; order by: blog_article.post_time;}' : 'mod_time_formatted { label: Edit Time; order by: blog_article.mod_time;}'; // display the grid aql::grid(array('model' => 'blog_article', 'columns' => " title {\n label: Title;\n order by: title;\n }\n blog_name { \n label: Blog;\n }\n fname_lname { \n label: Author;\n order by: person.fname;\n }\n market_name { label:\tMarket; }\n {$post_time_column}\n note { label:\tNote; }\n edit { label:\tEdit; }", 'where' => $where, 'order by' => 'post_time desc', 'enable_sort' => true, 'max_rows' => 50)); ?> </div> </div> <div class="left_nav"> <?php include INCPATH . '/../left-nav/left-nav.php'; ?> </div> </div> <?php template::inc('intranet', 'bottom');