Exemplo n.º 1
 function do_digest_post($start, $end, $title)
     if (!$start || !$end) {
         return false;
     // flag us as busy
     update_option('aktt_doing_digest_post', '1');
     remove_action('publish_post', 'aktt_notify_twitter', 99);
     remove_action('publish_post', 'aktt_store_post_options', 1, 2);
     remove_action('save_post', 'aktt_store_post_options', 1, 2);
     // see if there's any tweets in the time range
     global $wpdb;
     $startGMT = gmdate("Y-m-d H:i:s", $start);
     $endGMT = gmdate("Y-m-d H:i:s", $end);
     // build sql
     $conditions = array();
     $conditions[] = "tw_created_at >= '{$startGMT}'";
     $conditions[] = "tw_created_at <= '{$endGMT}'";
     $conditions[] = "tw_text NOT LIKE '" . $wpdb->escape($this->tweet_prefix) . "%'";
     if ($this->exclude_reply_tweets) {
         $conditions[] = "tw_text NOT LIKE '@%'";
     $where = implode(' AND ', $conditions);
     $sql = "\n\t\t\tSELECT * FROM {$wpdb->aktt}\n\t\t\tWHERE {$where}\n\t\t\tORDER BY tw_created_at {$this->digest_tweet_order}\n\t\t";
     $tweets = $wpdb->get_results($sql);
     if (count($tweets) > 0) {
         $tweets_to_post = array();
         foreach ($tweets as $data) {
             $tweet = new aktt_tweet();
             $tweet->tw_text = $data->tw_text;
             $tweet->tw_reply_tweet = $data->tw_reply_tweet;
             if (!$tweet->tweet_is_post_notification() || $tweet->tweet_is_reply() && $this->exclude_reply_tweets) {
                 $tweets_to_post[] = $data;
         $tweets_to_post = apply_filters('aktt_tweets_to_digest_post', $tweets_to_post);
         // here's your chance to alter the tweet list that will be posted as the digest
         if (count($tweets_to_post) > 0) {
             $content = '<ul class="aktt_tweet_digest">' . "\n";
             foreach ($tweets_to_post as $tweet) {
                 $content .= '	<li>' . aktt_tweet_display($tweet, 'absolute') . '</li>' . "\n";
             $content .= '</ul>' . "\n";
             if ($this->give_tt_credit == '1') {
                 $content .= '<p class="aktt_credit">' . __('Powered by <a href="http://alexking.org/projects/wordpress">Twitter Tools</a>', 'twitter-tools') . '</p>';
             $post_data = array('post_content' => $wpdb->escape($content), 'post_title' => $wpdb->escape(sprintf($title, date('Y-m-d'))), 'post_date' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $end), 'post_category' => array($this->blog_post_category), 'post_status' => 'publish', 'post_author' => $wpdb->escape($this->blog_post_author));
             $post_data = apply_filters('aktt_digest_post_data', $post_data);
             // last chance to alter the digest content
             $post_id = wp_insert_post($post_data);
             add_post_meta($post_id, 'aktt_tweeted', '1', true);
             wp_set_post_tags($post_id, $this->blog_post_tags);
     add_action('publish_post', 'aktt_notify_twitter', 99);
     add_action('publish_post', 'aktt_store_post_options', 1, 2);
     add_action('save_post', 'aktt_store_post_options', 1, 2);
     update_option('aktt_doing_digest_post', '0');
     return true;
Exemplo n.º 2
function update_my_tweets()
    $profile_id = get_profile_id();
    if (!$profile_id) {
    // activate Twitter Tools
    $_GET['activate'] = true;
    // trip the init() function
    // get the Twitter Tools object
    global $wpdb, $aktt, $db;
    if (empty($aktt->twitter_username) || empty($aktt->twitter_password)) {
    // make a new tweet object
    $tweet = new aktt_tweet();
    // let the last update run for 5 minutes
    if (time() - intval(get_option('aktt_doing_tweet_download')) < 300) {
    update_option('aktt_doing_tweet_download', time());
    if (empty($aktt->twitter_username) || empty($aktt->twitter_password)) {
        update_option('aktt_doing_tweet_download', '0');
    require_once ABSPATH . WPINC . '/class-snoopy.php';
    $snoop = new Snoopy();
    $snoop->agent = 'Twitter Tools http://alexking.org/projects/wordpress';
    $snoop->user = $aktt->twitter_username;
    $snoop->pass = $aktt->twitter_password;
    if (!strpos($snoop->response_code, '200')) {
        update_option('aktt_doing_tweet_download', '0');
    $data = $snoop->results;
    $hash = md5($data);
    if ($hash == get_option('aktt_update_hash')) {
        update_option('aktt_doing_tweet_download', '0');
    $json = new Services_JSON();
    $tweets = $json->decode($data);
    if (is_array($tweets) && count($tweets) > 0) {
        $tweet_ids = array();
        foreach ($tweets as $tweet) {
            $tweet_ids[] = $wpdb->escape($tweet->id);
        $existing_ids = $wpdb->get_col("\n      SELECT tw_id\n      FROM {$wpdb->aktt}\n      WHERE tw_id\n      IN ('" . implode("', '", $tweet_ids) . "')\n    ");
        $new_tweets = array();
        foreach ($tweets as $tw_data) {
            if (!$existing_ids || !in_array($tw_data->id, $existing_ids)) {
                $tweet = new aktt_tweet($tw_data->id, $tw_data->text);
                $tweet->tw_created_at = $tweet->twdate_to_time($tw_data->created_at);
                $new_tweets[] = $tweet;
        foreach ($new_tweets as $tweet) {
            $AkTwitter =& $db->get_table('ak_twitter');
            $Entry =& $db->get_table('entries');
            $t = $AkTwitter->find_by('tw_id', $tweet->tw_id);
            if (!$t) {
                $created = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $tweet->tw_created_at - 8 * 3600);
                $t = $AkTwitter->find($db->last_insert_id($AkTwitter));
                if ($t) {
                $atomentry = $Entry->find_by(array('resource' => 'ak_twitter', 'record_id' => $t->id), $t->id);
                if ($atomentry) {
                    $result = $db->get_result("UPDATE entries SET last_modified = '{$created}' WHERE id = " . $atomentry->id);
                $user = new Snoopy();
                $user->agent = 'Twitter Tools http://alexking.org/projects/wordpress';
                $user->user = $aktt->twitter_username;
                $user->pass = $aktt->twitter_password;
                $user->fetch('http://tweetpass.com/statuses/show/' . $tweet->tw_id . '.json');
                $data = $user->results;
                $json = new Services_JSON();
                $notice = $json->decode($data);
                $uarr = $notice->user;
                $TwitterUser =& $db->model('TwitterUser');
                $twuser = $TwitterUser->find_by('twitter_id', $uarr->id);
                if (!$twuser) {
                    $twuser = $TwitterUser->base();
                    $twuser->set_value('description', $uarr->description);
                    $twuser->set_value('screen_name', $uarr->screen_name);
                    $twuser->set_value('url', $uarr->url);
                    $twuser->set_value('name', $uarr->name);
                    $twuser->set_value('protected', $uarr->protected);
                    $twuser->set_value('followers_count', $uarr->followers_count);
                    $twuser->set_value('profile_image_url', $uarr->profile_image_url);
                    $twuser->set_value('location', $uarr->location);
                    $twuser->set_value('twitter_id', $uarr->id);
                $t->set_value('profile_id', $twuser->twitter_id);
            $join =& $db->get_table($Entry->join_table_for('ak_twitter', 'identities'));
            $j = $join->base();
            $j->set_value('aktwitter_id', $t->id);
            $j->set_value('identity_id', get_profile_id());
    update_option('aktt_update_hash', $hash);
    update_option('aktt_last_tweet_download', time());
    update_option('aktt_doing_tweet_download', '0');