<?php $layout = new afExtjsPanelLayout(); /** * USE: * stateful = true/false => activate/disable state restore from cookies */ $grid = new afExtjsGridCustom(array('autoHeight' => true, 'title' => 'Title')); /** * proxy * */ $grid->setProxy(array('url' => '/interface/jsoncustomgrid')); new afExtjsLinkButton($grid, array('label' => 'www.immune.dk', 'url' => 'http://www.immune.dk')); new afExtjsLinkButton($grid, array('label' => 'www.immune.dk', 'url' => 'http://www.immune.dk', 'icon' => '/images/famfamfam/cancel.png')); $grid->end(); $layout->addItem('center', $grid); $tools = new afExtjsTools(); $tools->addItem(array('id' => 'gear', 'handler' => array('source' => "Ext.Msg.alert('Message', 'The Settings tool was clicked.');"))); $tools->addItem(array('id' => 'close', 'handler' => array('parameters' => 'e,target,panel', 'source' => "panel.ownerCt.remove(panel, true);"))); $layout->addCenterComponent($tools, array('title' => 'Custom Grid')); $layout->end();
* action2 */ $actions->addAction(array('iconCls' => 'icon-minus', 'tooltip' => 'Delete')); $grid->endRowActions($actions); new afExtjsLinkButton($grid, array('label' => 'www.immune.dk', 'url' => 'http://www.immune.dk')); new afExtjsLinkButton($grid, array('label' => 'www.immune.dk', 'url' => 'http://www.immune.dk', 'icon' => '/images/famfamfam/cancel.png')); $grid->end(); /** * add the grid to the south panel */ $layout->addItem('south', $grid); //$column1->addItem($grid); /** * CUSTOM GRID */ $grid = new afExtjsGridCustom(array('autoHeight' => true, 'title' => 'Some images', 'portal' => true, 'tools' => $tools)); $grid->addHelp($html); /** * proxy * */ $grid->setProxy(array('url' => '/interface/jsoncustomgrid')); new afExtjsLinkButton($grid, array('label' => 'www.immune.dk', 'url' => 'http://www.immune.dk')); new afExtjsLinkButton($grid, array('label' => 'www.immune.dk', 'url' => 'http://www.immune.dk', 'icon' => '/images/famfamfam/cancel.png')); $grid->end(); $column1->addItem($grid); /** * A FORM IN THE COLUMN */ $form = new afExtjsForm(array('action' => '/interface/test', 'title' => 'Form', 'portal' => true, 'tools' => $tools)); $form->addHelp($html);