public function parseNotification($post) { $response = array(); $response['amount_paid'] = number_format($post['OutSum'], 2); $response['invoice'] = aecInvoiceHelper::InvoiceNumberfromId($post['InvId']); return $response; }
public function parseNotification($post) { $response = array(); $response['invoice'] = aecInvoiceHelper::InvoiceNumberfromId($post['INVOICE']); $response['amount_paid'] = $post['AMOUNT']; return $response; }
// Make sure this really is expired if (!$metaUser->objSubscription->isExpired()) { return getView('access_denied'); } $expired = strtotime($metaUser->objSubscription->expiration); $trial = strcmp($metaUser->objSubscription->status, 'Trial') === 0; if (!$trial) { $params = $metaUser->objSubscription->params; if (isset($params['trialflag'])) { $trial = 1; } } } $invoices = aecInvoiceHelper::InvoiceCountbyUserID($metaUser->userid); if ($invoices) { $invoice = aecInvoiceHelper::lastUnclearedInvoiceIDbyUserID($metaUser->userid); } else { $invoice = null; } $expiration = AECToolbox::formatDate($expired); $tmpl->setTitle(JText::_('EXPIRED_TITLE')); $continue = false; if ($tmpl->cfg['continue_button'] && $metaUser->hasSubscription) { $status = SubscriptionPlanHandler::PlanStatus($metaUser->focusSubscription->plan); if (!empty($status)) { $continue = true; } } $intro = 0; if ($metaUser->hasSubscription) { if ($metaUser->objSubscription->status == "Expired") {
public function Settings() { $db = JFactory::getDBO(); $settings = array(); if (!empty($_POST['type']) && !empty($_POST['id']) && empty($_POST['edit'])) { $db = JFactory::getDBO(); $settings['edit'] = array('hidden', 1); $settings['type'] = array('hidden', $_POST['type']); $fixed = array(); switch ($_POST['type']) { case 'metauser': $fixed = array('userid'); $object = new metaUserDB(); $s = AECToolbox::searchUser($_POST['id']); if (!empty($s)) { $_POST['id'] = $object->getIDbyUserid($s[0]); } else { $_POST['id'] = $object->getIDbyUserid((int) $_POST['id']); } break; case 'processor': if (!is_numeric($_POST['id'])) { $query = 'SELECT `id`' . ' FROM #__acctexp_config_processors' . ' WHERE `name` = \'' . (int) $_POST['id'] . '\''; $db->setQuery($query); $_POST['id'] = $db->loadResult(); } $object = new processor(); break; case 'invoice': if (!is_numeric($_POST['id'])) { $_POST['id'] = aecInvoiceHelper::InvoiceIDfromNumber($_POST['id']); } $object = new Invoice(); break; } $object->load($_POST['id']); $vars = get_object_vars($object); $encoded = $object->declareParamFields(); foreach ($vars as $k => $v) { if (is_null($k)) { $k = ""; } if ($k == 'id') { $settings['id'] = array('hidden', $v); } elseif (in_array($k, $fixed)) { $settings[$k] = array('p', $k, $k, $v); } elseif (in_array($k, $encoded)) { $v = jsoonHandler::encode($v); if ($v === "null") { $v = ""; } $settings[$k] = array('inputD', $k, $k, $v); } elseif (strpos($k, '_') !== 0) { $settings[$k] = array('inputD', $k, $k, $v); } } } else { $settings['type'] = array('list', 'Item Type', 'The type of Item you want to edit'); $settings['id'] = array('inputC', 'Item ID', 'Identification for your Item'); $types = array('metauser' => 'MetaUser Information', 'processor' => 'Payment Processor', 'invoice' => 'Invoice'); $typelist = array(); foreach ($types as $type => $typename) { $typelist[] = JHTML::_('select.option', $type, $typename); } $settings['lists']['type'] = JHTML::_('select.genericlist', $typelist, 'type', 'size="3"', 'value', 'text', array()); } return $settings; }
public function cancelEntity($invoice_number, $task) { $invoiceid = aecInvoiceHelper::InvoiceIDfromNumber($invoice_number, 0, true); $userid = ''; if ($invoiceid) { $objInvoice = new Invoice(); $objInvoice->load($invoiceid); $objInvoice->delete(); if (strcmp($task, 'editMembership') == 0) { $userid = '&userid=' . $objInvoice->userid; } } aecRedirect('index.php?option=com_acctexp&task=' . $task . $userid, JText::_('REMOVED')); }
} $subscriptions[$usid] = $subscription; $subscriptions[$usid]->objPlan = new SubscriptionPlan(); $subscriptions[$usid]->objPlan->load($subscription->plan); if (!empty($subscription->type)) { if (!in_array($subscription->type, $pplist)) { $pplist[] = $subscription->type; } } } } $pagesize = 15; if (empty($page)) { $page = 0; } $invoiceList = aecInvoiceHelper::InvoiceIdList($metaUser->userid, $page * $pagesize, $pagesize); $properties['invoice_pages'] = (int) ($invoiceno / $pagesize); $properties['invoice_page'] = $page; $invoices = array(); foreach ($invoiceList as $invoiceid) { $invoices[$invoiceid] = array(); $invoice = new Invoice(); $invoice->load($invoiceid); $rowstyle = ''; $actionsarray = array(); if (!in_array($invoice->method, $excludedprocs)) { $actionsarray[] = array('task' => 'invoicePrint', 'add' => 'invoice=' . $invoice->invoice_number . '&tmpl=component', 'text' => JText::_('HISTORY_ACTION_PRINT'), 'insert' => ' target="_blank" ', 'class' => 'btn'); $actionsarray[] = array('task' => 'invoicePDF', 'add' => 'invoice=' . $invoice->invoice_number, 'text' => 'PDF', 'insert' => '', 'class' => 'btn'); } if ($invoice->transaction_date == '0000-00-00 00:00:00' || $invoice->subscr_id) { if ($invoice->transaction_date == '0000-00-00 00:00:00') {
public function loadLatest($userid, $plan, $subscr = null) { if (!empty($subscr)) { $this->loadbySubscriptionId($subscr, $userid); } if (empty($this->id)) { $this->load(aecInvoiceHelper::lastClearedInvoiceIDbyUserID($userid, $plan)); } if (empty($this->id)) { $this->load(aecInvoiceHelper::lastUnclearedInvoiceIDbyUserID($userid, $plan)); } }
static function VerifyMetaUser($metaUser) { global $aecConfig; if (!$aecConfig->cfg['require_subscription']) { return true; } if ($metaUser->hasSubscription) { $result = $metaUser->objSubscription->verify($metaUser); if ($result == 'expired' || $result == 'pending') { $metaUser->setTempAuth(); } return $result; } if (!empty($aecConfig->cfg['entry_plan'])) { $payment_plan = new SubscriptionPlan(); $payment_plan->load($aecConfig->cfg['entry_plan']); $metaUser->establishFocus($payment_plan, 'free', false); $metaUser->focusSubscription->applyUsage($payment_plan->id, 'free', 1, 0); return AECToolbox::VerifyUser($metaUser->cmsUser->username); } else { $invoices = aecInvoiceHelper::InvoiceCountbyUserID($metaUser->userid); $metaUser->setTempAuth(); if ($invoices) { $invoice = aecInvoiceHelper::lastUnclearedInvoiceIDbyUserID($metaUser->userid); if ($invoice) { return 'open_invoice'; } } return 'subscribe'; } }
public function exportMembers() { $db = JFactory::getDBO(); foreach ($this->filter as $k => $v) { if (empty($v)) { $this->filter[$k] = array(); } } // Assemble Database call if (!in_array('notconfig', $this->filter['status'])) { $where = array(); if (!empty($this->filter['planid'])) { $where[] = '`plan` IN (' . implode(',', $this->filter['planid']) . ')'; } $query = 'SELECT, a.userid' . ' FROM #__acctexp_subscr AS a' . ' INNER JOIN #__users AS b ON a.userid ='; if (!empty($where)) { $query .= ' WHERE ( ' . implode(' OR ', $where) . ' )'; } if (!empty($this->filter['status'])) { $stati = array(); foreach ($this->filter['status'] as $status) { $stati[] = 'LOWER( `status` ) = \'' . strtolower($status) . '\''; } if (!empty($where)) { $query .= ' AND (' . implode(' OR ', $stati) . ')'; } else { $query .= ' WHERE (' . implode(' OR ', $stati) . ')'; } } if (!empty($this->filter['orderby'])) { $query .= ' ORDER BY ' . $this->filter['orderby'] . ''; } } else { $query = 'SELECT DISTINCT AS `userid`' . ' FROM #__users as b' . ' WHERE NOT IN (' . ' SELECT a.userid' . ' FROM #__acctexp_subscr as a);'; } $db->setQuery($query); $descriptions = AECToolbox::rewriteEngineExplain($this->options['rewrite_rule']); $descarray = explode(';', $descriptions); $this->exphandler->putDescription($descarray); // Fetch Userlist $userlist = $db->loadObjectList(); // Plans Array $plans = array(); // Iterate through userlist if (!empty($userlist)) { foreach ($userlist as $entry) { $metaUser = new metaUser($entry->userid); if (!empty($entry->id)) { $metaUser->moveFocus($entry->id); } if ($metaUser->hasSubscription) { $planid = $metaUser->focusSubscription->plan; if (!isset($plans[$planid])) { $plans[$planid] = new SubscriptionPlan(); $plans[$planid]->load($planid); } $invoiceid = aecInvoiceHelper::lastClearedInvoiceIDbyUserID($metaUser->userid, $planid); if ($invoiceid) { $invoice = new Invoice(); $invoice->load($invoiceid); $line = AECToolbox::rewriteEngine($this->options['rewrite_rule'], $metaUser, $plans[$planid], $invoice); } else { $line = AECToolbox::rewriteEngine($this->options['rewrite_rule'], $metaUser, $plans[$planid]); } } else { $line = AECToolbox::rewriteEngine($this->options['rewrite_rule'], $metaUser); } $larray = explode(';', $line); // Remove whitespaces and newlines foreach ($larray as $larrid => $larrval) { $larray[$descarray[$larrid]] = trim($larrval); unset($larray[$larrid]); } $this->exphandler->putln($larray); } } }
function processNotification($option, $processor) { global $aecConfig; // Legacy naming support switch ($processor) { case 'vklix': $processor = 'viaklix'; break; case 'auth': $processor = 'authorize'; break; case '2co': $processor = '2checkout'; break; case 'eps': $processor = 'epsnetpay'; break; } if (!empty($aecConfig->cfg['debug_processor_notifications'])) { aecDebug("ResponseFunction:processNotification"); aecDebug($_GET); aecDebug($_POST); aecDebug($_REQUEST); aecDebug(file_get_contents("php://input")); } $response = array(); $response['fullresponse'] = aecPostParamClear($_POST); // parse processor notification $pp = new PaymentProcessor(); if ($pp->loadName($processor)) { $pp->init(); $response = array_merge($response, $pp->parseNotification($response['fullresponse'])); } else { $eventlog = new eventLog(); $eventlog->issue('processor loading failure', 'processor,loading,error', 'When receiving payment notification, tried to load processor: ' . $processor, 128); return; } // Get Invoice record if (!empty($response['invoice'])) { $id = aecInvoiceHelper::InvoiceIDfromNumber($response['invoice']); } else { $id = false; $response['invoice'] = 'empty'; } if (!$id) { $short = JText::_('AEC_MSG_PROC_INVOICE_FAILED_SH'); $event = ''; $tags = ''; if (isset($response['null'])) { if (isset($response['explanation'])) { $short = JText::_('AEC_MSG_PROC_INVOICE_ACTION_SH'); $event .= $response['explanation']; } else { $event .= JText::_('AEC_MSG_PROC_INVOICE_ACTION_EV_NULL'); } $tags .= 'invoice,processor,payment,null'; } else { $event = sprintf(JText::_('AEC_MSG_PROC_INVOICE_FAILED_EV'), $processor, $response['invoice']); $tags = 'invoice,processor,payment,error'; } $params = array(); $eventlog = new eventLog(); if (isset($response['null'])) { if (isset($response['error'])) { $eventlog->issue($short, $tags, $response['error'], 128, $params); } else { $eventlog->issue($short, $tags, $event, 8, $params); } } else { $eventlog->issue($short, $tags, $event, 128, $params); $error = 'Invoice Number not found. Invoice number provided: "' . $response['invoice'] . '"'; $pp->notificationError($response, $error); } return; } else { $iFactory = new InvoiceFactory(null, null, null, null, $response['invoice']); $iFactory->processorResponse($response); } }
public function executeCommand($command, $vars, $safe = false) { $result = ''; switch ($command) { case 'rw_constant': if (isset($this->rewrite[$vars])) { $result = $this->rewrite[$vars]; } break; case 'data': if (empty($this->data)) { return false; } $result = AECToolbox::getObjectProperty($this->data, $vars); break; case 'safedata': if (empty($this->data)) { return false; } if (AECToolbox::getObjectProperty($this->data, $vars, true)) { $result = AECToolbox::getObjectProperty($this->data, $vars); } break; case 'checkdata': if (empty($this->data)) { return false; } $result = AECToolbox::getObjectProperty($this->data, $vars, true); break; case 'checkdata_notempty': if (empty($this->data)) { return false; } $check = AECToolbox::getObjectProperty($this->data, $vars, true); if (AECToolbox::getObjectProperty($this->data, $vars, true)) { $check = AECToolbox::getObjectProperty($this->data, $vars); $result = !empty($check); } break; case 'metaUser': if (!is_object($this->data['metaUser'])) { return false; } // We also support dot notation for the vars, // so explode if that is what the admin wants here if (!is_array($vars) && strpos($vars, '.') !== false) { $temp = explode('.', $vars); $vars = $temp; } elseif (!is_array($vars)) { return false; } $result = $this->data['metaUser']->getProperty($vars); break; case 'invoice_count': if (!is_object($this->data['metaUser'])) { return false; } return aecInvoiceHelper::InvoiceCountbyUserID($this->data['metaUser']->userid); break; case 'invoice_count_paid': if (!is_object($this->data['metaUser'])) { return false; } return aecInvoiceHelper::PaidInvoiceCountbyUserID($this->data['metaUser']->userid); break; case 'invoice_count_unpaid': if (!is_object($this->data['metaUser'])) { return false; } return aecInvoiceHelper::UnpaidInvoiceCountbyUserID($this->data['metaUser']->userid); break; case 'jtext': $result = JText::_($vars); break; case 'constant': if (defined($vars)) { $result = constant($vars); } else { $result = JText::_($vars); } break; case 'global': if (is_array($vars)) { if (isset($vars[0]) && isset($vars[1])) { $call = strtoupper($vars[0]); $v = $vars[1]; $allowed = array('SERVER', 'GET', 'POST', 'FILES', 'COOKIE', 'SESSION', 'REQUEST', 'ENV'); if (in_array($call, $allowed)) { switch ($call) { case 'SERVER': if (isset($_SERVER[$v]) && !$safe) { $result = $_SERVER[$v]; } break; case 'GET': if (isset($_GET[$v])) { $result = $_GET[$v]; } break; case 'POST': if (isset($_POST[$v])) { $result = $_POST[$v]; } break; case 'FILES': if (isset($_FILES[$v]) && !$safe) { $result = $_FILES[$v]; } break; case 'COOKIE': if (isset($_COOKIE[$v])) { $result = $_COOKIE[$v]; } break; case 'SESSION': if (isset($_SESSION[$v])) { $result = $_SESSION[$v]; } break; case 'REQUEST': if (isset($_REQUEST[$v])) { $result = $_REQUEST[$v]; } break; case 'ENV': if (isset($_ENV[$v]) && !$safe) { $result = $_ENV[$v]; } break; } } } } else { if (isset($GLOBALS[$vars])) { $result = $GLOBALS[$vars]; } } break; case 'condition': if (empty($vars[0]) || !isset($vars[1])) { if (isset($vars[2])) { $result = $vars[2]; } else { $result = ''; } } elseif (isset($vars[1])) { $result = $vars[1]; } else { $result = ''; } break; case 'hastext': $result = strpos($vars[0], $vars[1]) !== false ? 1 : 0; break; case 'uppercase': $result = strtoupper($vars); break; case 'lowercase': $result = strtoupper($vars); break; case 'concat': $result = implode($vars); break; case 'date': $result = date($vars[0], strtotime($vars[1])); break; case 'date_distance': $result = round($vars - (int) gmdate('U')); break; case 'date_distance_days': $result = round(($vars - (int) gmdate('U')) / 86400); break; case 'crop': if (isset($vars[2])) { $result = substr($vars[0], (int) $vars[1], (int) $vars[2]); } else { $result = substr($vars[0], (int) $vars[1]); } break; case 'pad': if (isset($vars[3])) { $result = str_pad($vars[0], (int) $vars[1], $vars[2], JText::_("STR_PAD_" . strtoupper($vars[3]))); } elseif (isset($vars[2])) { $result = str_pad($vars[0], (int) $vars[1], $vars[2]); } else { $result = str_pad($vars[0], (int) $vars[1]); } break; case 'chunk': $chunks = str_split($vars[0], (int) $vars[1]); if (isset($vars[2])) { $result = implode($vars[2], $chunks); } else { $result = implode(' ', $chunks); } break; case 'compare': if (isset($vars[2])) { $result = AECToolbox::compare($vars[1], $vars[0], $vars[2]); } else { $result = 0; } break; case 'math': if (isset($vars[2])) { $result = AECToolbox::math($vars[1], (double) $vars[0], (double) $vars[2]); } else { $result = 0; } break; case 'randomstring': $result = AECToolbox::randomstring((int) $vars); break; case 'randomstring_alphanum': $result = AECToolbox::randomstring((int) $vars, true); break; case 'randomstring_alphanum_large': $result = AECToolbox::randomstring((int) $vars, true, true); break; case 'php_function': if (!$safe) { if (isset($vars[1])) { $result = call_user_func_array($vars[0], $vars[1]); } else { $result = call_user_func_array($vars[0], array()); } } break; case 'php_method': if (!$safe) { $callback = array($vars[0], $vars[1]); if (isset($vars[2])) { $result = call_user_func_array($callback, $vars[2]); } else { $result = call_user_func_array($callback, array()); } } break; default: $result = $command . ' is no command'; break; } return $result; }