Exemplo n.º 1
// start the output buffering for main content
// if there is login action
if (isset($_POST['logMeIn'])) {
    $username = trim(strip_tags($_POST['userName']));
    $password = trim(strip_tags($_POST['passWord']));
    if (!$username or !$password) {
        echo '<script type="text/javascript">alert(\'' . __('Please supply valid username and password') . '\');</script>';
    } else {
        // destroy previous session set in OPAC
        simbio_security::destroySessionCookie(null, SENAYAN_MEMBER_SESSION_COOKIES_NAME, SENAYAN_WEB_ROOT_DIR, false);
        require SENAYAN_BASE_DIR . 'admin/default/session.inc.php';
        // regenerate session ID to prevent session hijacking
        // create logon class instance
        $logon = new admin_logon($username, $password);
        if ($logon->adminValid($dbs)) {
            // set cookie admin flag
            setcookie('admin_logged_in', true, time() + 14400, SENAYAN_WEB_ROOT_DIR);
            // write log
            utility::writeLogs($dbs, 'staff', $username, 'Login', 'Login success for user ' . $username . ' from address ' . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
            echo '<script type="text/javascript">';
            echo 'alert(\'' . __('Welcome to Library Automation, ') . $logon->real_name . '\');';
            echo 'location.href = \'admin/index.php\';';
            echo '</script>';
        } else {
            // write log
            utility::writeLogs($dbs, 'staff', $username, 'Login', 'Login FAILED for user ' . $username . ' from address ' . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
            // message
            $msg = '<script type="text/javascript">';
Exemplo n.º 2
// uname
$_uname = isset($_COOKIE['uname']) ? trim($_COOKIE['uname']) : '';
// update password
if (isset($_POST['updatePassword'])) {
    $cpasswd = trim($_POST['currentPasswd']);
    $passwd = trim($_POST['newPasswd']);
    $passwd2 = trim($_POST['newPasswd2']);
    if (empty($cpasswd)) {
        utility::jsAlert(__('Current password can not be empty!'));
    } else {
        if ($passwd and $passwd2 and $passwd !== $passwd2) {
            utility::jsAlert(__('Password confirmation does not match. See if your Caps Lock key is on!'));
        } else {
            $logon = new admin_logon($_uname, $cpasswd);
            if ($logon->changePasswd($dbs, $passwd2)) {
                // write log
                utility::writeLogs($dbs, 'staff', $_uname, 'Login', 'Change password SUCCESS for user ' . $_uname . ' from address ' . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
                // clear cookie
                setcookie('token', '', time() - 3600, SWB);
                setcookie('uname', '', time() - 3600, SWB);
                echo '<script type="text/javascript">';
                echo 'alert("Password Updated. Please log in again!");';
                echo 'location.href = \'index.php?p=login\';';
                echo '</script>';
            } else {
                // write log
                utility::writeLogs($dbs, 'staff', $_uname, 'Login', 'Change password FAILED for user ' . $_uname . ' from address ' . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);