Exemplo n.º 1
  * @see sfValidatorBase
  * @param mixed $value
  * @return mixed
 protected function doClean($value)
     $clean = (string) parent::doClean($value);
     $clean = aString::strtolower($clean);
     $slugified = aTools::slugify($clean, $this->getOption('allow_slashes'));
     if ($this->getOption('strict')) {
         if ($slugified !== $clean) {
             throw new sfValidatorError($this, 'invalid', array('value' => $value));
     } else {
         $clean = $slugified;
     if ($this->getOption('require_leading_slash') && substr($value, 0, 1) !== '/') {
         throw new sfValidatorError($this, 'invalid', array('value' => $value));
     return $clean;
Exemplo n.º 2
  * UTF-8 where available. If your UTF-8 gets munged make sure your PHP has the
  * mbstring extension. allowSlashes will allow / but will reduce duplicate / and
  * remove any / at the end. Everything that isn't a letter or a number
  * (or a slash, when allowed) is converted to a -. Consecutive -'s are reduced and leading and
  * trailing -'s are removed
  * $betweenWords must not contain characters that have special meaning in a regexp.
  * Usually it is - (the default) or ' '
  * @param mixed $path
  * @param mixed $allowSlashes
  * @param mixed $allowUnderscores
  * @param mixed $betweenWords
  * @return mixed
 public static function slugify($path, $allowSlashes = false, $allowUnderscores = true, $betweenWords = '-')
     // This is the inverse of the method above
     if (function_exists('mb_strtolower')) {
         // UTF-8 capable replacement for \W. Works fine for English and also for Greek, etc.
         // ... Except when PCRE is built without unicode properties and PHP can't tell! We'll
         // put that in servercheck.php
         $alnum = '\\p{L}\\p{N}' . ($allowUnderscores ? '_' : '');
         $modifier = 'u';
     } else {
         $alnum = $allowUnderscores ? '\\w' : '[A-Za-z0-9]';
         $modifier = '';
     if ($allowSlashes) {
         $alnum .= '\\/';
     // Removing - here expands flexibility and shouldn't hurt because it's the replacement anyway
     $regexp = "/[^{$alnum}]+/{$modifier}";
     $path = aString::strtolower(preg_replace($regexp, $betweenWords, $path));
     if ($allowSlashes) {
         // No multiple consecutive /
         $path = preg_replace("/\\/+/{$modifier}", "/", $path);
         // No trailing / unless it's the homepage
         if ($path !== '/') {
             $path = preg_replace("/\\/\$/{$modifier}", '', $path);
     // No consecutive dashes
     $path = preg_replace("/{$betweenWords}+/{$modifier}", $betweenWords, $path);
     // Leading and trailing dashes are silly. This has the effect of trim()
     // among other sensible things
     $path = preg_replace("/^-*(.*?)-*\$/{$modifier}", '$1', $path);
     return $path;
  * @param mixed $arguments
  * @param mixed $options
 protected function execute($arguments = array(), $options = array())
     // We need a basic context so we can call helpers to format text
     $context = sfContext::createInstance($this->configuration);
     // initialize the database connection
     $databaseManager = new sfDatabaseManager($this->configuration);
     $connection = $databaseManager->getDatabase($options['connection'] ? $options['connection'] : null)->getConnection();
     // PDO connection not so useful, get the doctrine one
     $conn = Doctrine_Manager::connection();
     $accounts = Doctrine::getTable('aEmbedMediaAccount')->findAll();
     foreach ($accounts as $a) {
         $perPage = 50;
         $service = aMediaTools::getEmbedService($a->service);
         if (!$service) {
             // An account for a service that has been deconfigured
         $total = null;
         $page = 1;
         $serviceUrls = array();
         while (true) {
             $results = $service->browseUser($a->username, $page, $perPage);
             if ($results === false) {
                 // We hit the rate limit, the account is bad, etc. Just
                 // be tolerant and retry later. Would be nice to distinguish
                 // these cases but it's not that hard to figure out an
                 // account is gone
             foreach ($results['results'] as $result) {
                 $serviceUrls[] = $result['url'];
             // We hit the end of the results for this user
             if (!count($results['results'])) {
         if (count($serviceUrls)) {
             $existingServiceUrls = Doctrine::getTable('aMediaItem')->createQuery('m')->select('m.service_url')->andWhereIn('m.service_url', $serviceUrls)->execute(array(), Doctrine::HYDRATE_SINGLE_SCALAR);
         } else {
             $existingServiceUrls = array();
         $existingServiceUrls = array_flip($existingServiceUrls);
         foreach ($serviceUrls as $serviceUrl) {
             if (!isset($existingServiceUrls[$serviceUrl])) {
                 // If Doctrine becomes a performance problem I could use PDO
                 // and set lucene_dirty to let that clean itself up later
                 $id = $service->getIdFromUrl($serviceUrl);
                 $info = $service->getInfo($id);
                 if (!$info) {
                     // We are not actually allowed meaningful access to this video. Password protected for example
                 $item = new aMediaItem();
                 // We want tags to be lower case, and slashes break routes in most server configs.
                 $info['tags'] = str_replace('/', '-', aString::strtolower($info['tags']));
                 // The dance is this: get the thumbnail if there is one;
                 // call preSaveFile to learn the width, height and format
                 // before saving; save; and then saveFile to copy it to a
                 // filename based on the slug, which is unknown until after save
                 $thumbnail = $service->getThumbnail($id);
                 if ($thumbnail) {
                     // Grab a local copy of the thumbnail, and get the pain
                     // over with all at once in a predictable way if
                     // the service provider fails to give it to us.
                     $thumbnailCopy = aFiles::getTemporaryFilename();
                     if (copy($thumbnail, $thumbnailCopy)) {
                 if ($thumbnail) {
Exemplo n.º 4
  * @param sfWebRequest $request
  * @return mixed
 public function executeEditVideo(sfWebRequest $request)
     $item = null;
     $this->slug = false;
     $this->popularTags = PluginTagTable::getPopulars(null, array('sort_by_popularity' => true), false, 10);
     if (sfConfig::get('app_a_all_tags', true)) {
         $this->allTags = PluginTagTable::getAllTagNameWithCount();
     } else {
         $this->allTags = array();
     if ($request->hasParameter('slug')) {
         $item = $this->getItem();
         $this->slug = $item->getSlug();
     if ($item) {
     $this->item = $item;
     $embed = false;
     $parameters = $request->getParameter('a_media_item');
     if ($parameters) {
         $files = $request->getFiles('a_media_item');
         $this->form = new aMediaVideoForm($item);
         if (isset($parameters['embed'])) {
             // We need to do some prevalidation of the embed code so we can prestuff the
             // file, title, tags and description widgets
             $result = $this->form->classifyEmbed($parameters['embed']);
             if (isset($result['thumbnail'])) {
                 $thumbnail = $result['thumbnail'];
                 if (!isset($parameters['title']) && !isset($parameters['tags']) && !isset($parameters['description']) && !isset($parameters['credit'])) {
                     $parameters['title'] = $result['serviceInfo']['title'];
                     // We want tags to be lower case, and slashes break routes in most server configs.
                     $parameters['tags'] = str_replace('/', '-', aString::strtolower($result['serviceInfo']['tags']));
                     $parameters['description'] = aHtml::textToHtml($result['serviceInfo']['description']);
                     $parameters['credit'] = $result['serviceInfo']['credit'];
         // On the first pass with a youtube video we just make the service's thumbnail the
         // default thumbnail. We don't force them to use it. This allows more code reuse
         // (Moving this after the bind is necessary to keep it from being overwritten)
         if (isset($thumbnail)) {
             // OMG file widgets can't have defaults! Ah, but our persistent file widget can
             $tmpFile = aFiles::getTemporaryFilename();
             file_put_contents($tmpFile, file_get_contents($thumbnail));
             $vfp = new aValidatorFilePersistent();
             $guid = aGuid::generate();
             $vfp->clean(array('newfile' => array('tmp_name' => $tmpFile), 'persistid' => $guid));
             // You can't mess about with widget defaults after a bind, but you
             // *can* tweak the array you're about to bind with
             $parameters['file']['persistid'] = $guid;
         $this->form->bind($parameters, $files);
         do {
             // first_pass forces the user to interact with the form
             // at least once. Used when we're coming from a
             // YouTube search and we already technically have a
             // valid form but want the user to think about whether
             // the title is adequate and perhaps add a description,
             // tags, etc.
             if ($this->hasRequestParameter('first_pass') || !$this->form->isValid()) {
             $thumbnail = $this->form->getValue('file');
             // The base implementation for saving files gets confused when
             // $file is not set, a situation that our code tolerates as useful
             // because if you're updating a record containing an image you
             // often don't need to submit a new one.
             $object = $this->form->getObject();
             if ($thumbnail) {
             if ($thumbnail) {
             return $this->redirect("aMedia/resumeWithPage");
         } while (false);