function execute() { if (__Request::exists('next')) { $pageType = $this->application->getPageType(); list($moduleName) = explode('.', $pageType); __Request::set('mbTable', $moduleName); $builder = org_glizy_ObjectFactory::createObject('movio.modules.modulesBuilder.builder.Builder'); $builder->executeDelete(); org_glizy_helpers_Navigation::gotoUrl(__Link::makeUrl('link', array('pageId' => 'glizycms_contentsedit'))); } }
function executeLater_deleteModule($oldState) { if (strtolower(__Request::get('action', '')) == 'next') { $pageType = $this->_parent->_application->getPageType(); list($moduleName) = explode('.', $pageType); __Session::set('mbTable', $moduleName); glz_import('movio.modules.modulesBuilder.builder.*', array('Builder.php', 'AbstractCommand.php')); $builder = org_glizy_ObjectFactory::createObject('movio.modules.modulesBuilder.builder.Builder'); $builder->executeDelete(); glz_import('org.glizy.helpers.Navigation'); org_glizy_helpers_Navigation::gotoUrl(__Link::makeUrl('link', array('pageId' => 'SiteMap'))); } }
private function makeUrlFromId($id, $fullLink = false) { $siteMap = $this->application->getSiteMap(); $menu = $siteMap->getNodeById($id); if ($menu && $menu->isVisible) { $menuUrl = $menu->url; $menuTitle = $menu->title; $url = $menuUrl ? GLZ_HOST . '/' . $menuUrl : __Link::makeUrl('link', array('pageId' => $id, 'title' => $menuTitle)); return $fullLink ? __Link::makeSimpleLink($menuTitle, $url) : $url; } // the menu isn't found or isn't visible in this language // redirect to home return $this->makeUrlFromId(__Config::get('START_PAGE'), $fullLink); }
function execute() { // TODO controllo dei permessi $it = org_glizy_objectFactory::createModelIterator(''); $result = array('items' => array()); foreach ($it as $ar) { $id = $ar->getId(); $item = array('id' => $id, 'description' => $ar->custom_code_mapping_description, 'code' => $ar->custom_code_mapping_code, 'resourceLink' => $ar->custom_code_mapping_link); if ($ar->custom_code_mapping_link) { $speakingUrlManager = $this->application->retrieveProxy('org.glizycms.speakingUrl.Manager'); $docs = $speakingUrlManager->searchDocumentsByTerm('', $ar->custom_code_mapping_link); $item['resourceLinkLabel'] = $docs[0]['text']; $item['downloadQrCode'] = __Link::makeUrl('actionsMVC', array('action' => 'makeQRCode', 'id' => $id)); } $result['items'][] = $item; } return $result; }
private function makeUrlFromId($id, $fullLink = false) { $ar = org_glizy_objectFactory::createModel($this->model); if ($ar->load($this->getIdFromLink($id))) { $siteMap = $this->application->getSiteMap(); $menu = $siteMap->getMenuByPageType($this->pageType); if ($ar->document_detail_isVisible && $ar->document_detail_translated && $menu && $menu->isVisible) { if ($ar->keyInDataExists('url') && $ar->url) { $language = $this->application->getLanguage(); $url = GLZ_HOST . '/' . $language . '/' . $ar->url; } else { $url = __Link::makeUrl('movio_news', array('document_id' => $id, 'title' => $ar->title)); } return $fullLink ? __Link::makeSimpleLink($ar->title, $url) : $url; } } // document not found, isn't visible or isn't traslated // go to entity page or home $speakingUrlManager = $this->application->retrieveProxy('org.glizycms.speakingUrl.Manager'); return $fullLink ? '' : $speakingUrlManager->makeUrl('internal:' . ($menu ? $menu->id : __Config::get('START_PAGE'))); }
function render_html() { if ($this->getAttribute('addWrapDiv')) { $output = '<div id="' . $this->getId() . '"><ul ' . (!is_null($this->getAttribute('cssClass')) ? ' class="' . $this->getAttribute('cssClass') . '"' : '') . '>'; } else { $output = '<ul id="' . $this->getId() . '"' . (!is_null($this->getAttribute('cssClass')) ? ' class="' . $this->getAttribute('cssClass') . '"' : '') . '>'; } $controller = $this->_parent; $queryString = $this->getAttribute('addQueryString') ? '?' . __Request::get('__back__url__') : ''; foreach ($controller->childComponents as $c) { if (is_a($c, 'org_glizy_mvc_components_State')) { $label = $c->getAttribute('label'); $draw = $c->getAttribute('draw'); $aclResult = $this->evalueteAcl($c->getAttribute('acl')); $cssClass = trim($c->getAttribute('cssClassTab') . ($c->isCurrentState() ? ' ' . $this->getAttribute('cssClassCurrent') : '')); if ($cssClass) { $cssClass = ' class="' . $cssClass . '"'; } $id = $c->getId(); if ($draw && !empty($label) && $aclResult) { if (!empty($cssClass) && !$this->getAttribute('forceLink')) { $output .= '<li' . $cssClass . '>' . $label . '</li>'; } else { $url = $c->getAttribute('url'); if (is_null($url)) { $url = __Link::makeUrl($this->getAttribute('routeUrl'), array('title' => $label, 'action' => $c->getStateAction())); } else { $url = __Link::makeUrl($url); } $output .= '<li' . $cssClass . '><a id="' . $id . '" href="' . $url . $queryString . '"' . $cssClass . '>' . $label . '</a></li>'; } } } } $output .= '</ul>'; if ($this->getAttribute('addWrapDiv')) { $output .= '</div>'; } $this->addOutputCode($output); }
function render_html() { if ($this->getAttribute('addWrapDiv')) { $output = '<div id="' . $this->getId() . '" class="clearfix"><ul ' . (!is_null($this->getAttribute('cssClass')) ? ' class="' . $this->getAttribute('cssClass') . '"' : '') . '>'; } else { $output .= '<ul id="' . $this->getId() . '"' . (!is_null($this->getAttribute('cssClass')) ? ' class="' . $this->getAttribute('cssClass') . '"' : '') . '>'; } for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->childComponents); $i++) { $label = $this->childComponents[$i]->getAttribute('label'); $states = $this->childComponents[$i]->getStatesArray(); $draw = $this->childComponents[$i]->getAttribute('draw'); $cssClass = in_array($this->getState(), $states) ? ' class="active"' : ''; $id = $this->childComponents[$i]->getId(); if ($draw) { if (!empty($cssClass) && !$this->getAttribute('forceLink')) { $output .= '<li' . $cssClass . '>' . $label . '</li>'; } else { $url = $this->childComponents[$i]->getAttribute('url'); if (is_null($url)) { $url = $this->childComponents[$i]->getAttribute('routeUrl'); if (!is_null($url)) { $url = __Link::makeUrl($url); } } if (is_null($url)) { $url = $this->changeStateUrl($states[0], true); } $output .= '<li' . $cssClass . '><a id="' . $id . '" href="' . $url . '">' . $label . '</a></li>'; } } } $output .= '</ul>'; if ($this->getAttribute('addWrapDiv')) { $output .= '</div>'; } $this->addOutputCode($output); }
function changeAction($action) { $url = __Link::makeUrl('linkChangeAction', array('action' => $action)); $url = str_replace("ajax", "index", $url); return $url; }
function render_html_onStart() { $tabId = $this->getId(); $dropdownMenu = ''; $output .= '<ul id="' . $tabId . '" class="' . $this->getAttribute('cssClass') . '">'; for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->childComponents); $i++) { $visible = $this->childComponents[$i]->getAttribute('visible'); if (!$visible) { continue; } $label = $this->childComponents[$i]->getAttribute('label'); $routeUrl = $this->childComponents[$i]->getAttribute('routeUrl'); $cssClassTab = $this->childComponents[$i]->getAttribute('cssClassTab'); if ($this->childComponents[$i]->getAttribute('disabled')) { $cssClassTab .= ' disabled'; } $id = $this->childComponents[$i]->getId(); $dropdown = $this->childComponents[$i]->getAttribute('dropdown'); if (!$dropdown) { $cssClassTab = $cssClassTab ? ' class="' . trim($cssClassTab) . '"' : $cssClassTab; if (!$routeUrl) { $output .= '<li' . $cssClassTab . '><a href="#' . $id . '" data-target="#' . $id . '" data-toggle="tab">' . $label . '</a></li>'; } else { $output .= '<li' . $cssClassTab . '><a href="' . __Link::makeUrl($routeUrl) . '">' . $label . '</a></li>'; } } else { if ($dropdown && !$dropdownMenu) { $output .= '<li class="dropdown"><a href="noTranslate:#" data-toggle="dropdown" class="tab-dropdown dropdown-toggle"><span class="js-label">' . $label . '</span><span class="caret"></span></a><ul class="dropdown-menu">##dropdown##</ul></li>'; $dropdownMenu .= '<li><a href="#' . $id . '" data-target="#' . $id . '" data-toggle="tab">' . $label . '</a></li>'; } else { if ($dropdown && $dropdownMenu) { $dropdownMenu .= '<li><a href="#' . $id . '" data-target="#' . $id . '" data-toggle="tab">' . $label . '</a></li>'; } } } } if ($dropdownMenu) { $output = str_replace('##dropdown##', $dropdownMenu, $output); if ($this->getAttribute('showNav')) { $output .= '<li class="tab-navigation"><a href="#" data-toggle="tab-prev" class="btn"><span class="fa fa-angle-double-left"></span></a></li>'; $output .= '<li class="tab-navigation"><a href="#" data-toggle="tab-next" class="btn"><span class="fa fa-angle-double-right"></span></a></li>'; } } $output .= '</ul>' . '<div id="' . $tabId . '_content" class="' . $this->getAttribute('paneCssClass') . '">'; $output .= <<<EOD <script> jQuery(function(){ \tvar navInPanel = function(dir) { \t\tvar activePanel = \$('#{$tabId}_content div[class="tab-pane active"]'); \t\tif (activePanel.length) { \t\t\tvar id; \t\t\tif (dir>0) { \t\t\t\tid ='id'); \t\t\t} else { \t\t\t\tid = activePanel.prev().attr('id'); \t\t\t} \t\t\tif (id) { \t\t\t\t\$('#{$tabId} a[data-target="#'+id+'"]').tab('show'); \t\t\t} \t\t} \t} \tvar updateNav = function() { \t\tvar activePanel = \$('#{$tabId}_content div[class="tab-pane active"]'); \t\t\$('#{$tabId} a[data-toggle="tab-prev"]').toggleClass('disabled', !activePanel.prev().hasClass('tab-pane')); \t\t\$('#{$tabId} a[data-toggle="tab-next"]').toggleClass('disabled', !'tab-pane')); \t} \t\$('#{$tabId} a[data-toggle="tab"]').click(function (e) { \te.preventDefault(); \t\tif (\$(this).parent().hasClass('disabled') || \$(this).parent().hasClass('fake-active')) { \t\t\treturn false; \t\t} \t\$(this).tab('show'); }).on('', function (e) { \t\tvar target = \$(; \t\tvar dropdown = target.closest('ul.dropdown-menu').prev(); \t\tif (dropdown.length) { \t\t\tdropdown.find('span.js-label').html(target.html()); \t\t} \t\tupdateNav(); \t}); \t\$('#{$tabId} a[data-toggle="tab-prev"]').click(function (e) { \t\te.preventDefault(); \t\t\$(this).blur(); \t\tnavInPanel(-1); \t}); \t\$('#{$tabId} a[data-toggle="tab-next"]').click(function (e) { \t\te.preventDefault(); \t\t\$(this).blur(); \t\tnavInPanel(1); \t}); \tvar aFirst = \$('#{$tabId} a').first(); \tif ('toggle')==='dropdown') { \t\taFirst.parent().find('ul a').first().tab('show'); \t} else { \t\'show'); \t} }); </script> EOD; $this->addOutputCode($output); }
function render() { if (!$this->iterator) { $this->addOutputCode('<p>' . $this->getAttribute('emptySearchLabel') . '</p>'); return; } // legge le colonne da visualizzare dai figli // NOTA: le colonne sono gi� state lette sul process // ma vengono rilette perch� pu� essere variata la visibilit� $this->_columns = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->childComponents); $i++) { $this->_columns[] = $this->childComponents[$i]->getProperties(); } $addJsCode = false; $output = ''; if ($this->_totalRecord > 0) { $class = $this->getAttribute('tableCssClass') != '' ? ' class="' . $this->getAttribute('tableCssClass') . '"' : ''; $output .= '<table id="' . $this->getId() . '"' . $class . '>'; if ($this->getAttribute('label') != '') { $output .= '<caption>' . $this->getAttribute('label') . '</caption>'; } if ($this->getAttribute('drawHeader')) { // disegna le colonne $output .= '<thead>'; $output .= '<tr>'; //foreach ($this->_columns as $v) for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->_columns); $i++) { $v = $this->_columns[$i]; if ($v['visible'] === true) { $cssClass = !empty($v['cssClass']) ? ' class="' . $v['cssClass'] . '"' : ''; $id = !empty($v['id']) ? ' id="' . $v['id'] . '"' : ''; $width = !empty($v['width']) ? ' style="width: ' . $v['width'] . 'px;"' : ''; if (!empty($v['renderCell'])) { $renderCell =& org_glizy_ObjectFactory::createObject($v['renderCell'], $this->_application); if (method_exists($renderCell, 'getHeader')) { $v['headerText'] = $renderCell->getHeader($v['headerText']); } unset($renderCell); } if (!empty($v['command'])) { $output .= '<th' . $id . $cssClass . $width . '>'; if ($v['command'] == 'publish') { $output .= '<input name="publishAll" value="" type="checkbox" class="js-selectall" />'; } $output .= '</th>'; } else { if (!$this->getAttribute('skipOrder') && $v['orderable']) { $addJsCode = true; $headerId = 'orderBy_' . $i; $headerClass = 'DataGridHeader'; $headerImage = ''; if ($i == $this->_orderBy) { $headerId .= '_' . ($this->_orderDirection == 'ASC' ? 'DESC' : 'ASC'); $headerImage = $this->_orderDirection == 'ASC' ? '<span class="ui-icon ui-icon-triangle-1-s"></span>' : '<span class="ui-icon ui-icon-triangle-1-n"></span>'; } else { $headerId .= '_' . $this->_orderDirection; } $output .= '<th' . $id . $cssClass . $width . '><a href="#" id="' . $headerId . '" class="' . $headerClass . '">' . $v['headerText'] . '</a>' . $headerImage . '</th>'; } else { $output .= '<th' . $cssClass . $width . '>' . $v['headerText'] . '</th>'; } } } } $output .= '</tr>'; $output .= '</thead>'; } if (!$this->getAttribute('hideTotals')) { $output .= '<tfoot>'; $output .= '<tr><td style="text-align: right;" colspan="' . count($this->_columns) . '">' . __T('GLZ_TOTAL_RECORDS') . ' ' . $this->_totalRecord . '</td></tr>'; $output .= '</tfoot>'; } $output .= '<tbody>'; $key = 0; $tempCssClass = $this->_cssClass; $rowCellClass = $this->getAttribute('renderRow'); if (!empty($rowCellClass)) { $rowCellClass =& org_glizy_ObjectFactory::createObject($rowCellClass, $this->_application); } foreach ($this->iterator as $ar) { $v = $ar->getValuesAsArray(true); $rowOutput = ''; foreach ($this->_columns as $vv) { if ($vv['key']) { $key = $v[$vv['columnName']]; } if ($vv['visible'] === false) { continue; } $tempOutput = ''; $cssClass = ''; if (!empty($vv['renderCell'])) { $renderCell =& org_glizy_ObjectFactory::createObject($vv['renderCell'], $this->_application); if (is_object($renderCell)) { $tempOutput .= $renderCell->renderCell($key, isset($v[$vv['columnName']]) ? $v[$vv['columnName']] : '', $ar, $vv['columnName']); $cssClass = !empty($vv['cssClass']) ? $vv['cssClass'] : ''; if (method_exists($renderCell, 'getCssClass')) { $cssClass = $renderCell->getCssClass($key, isset($v[$vv['columnName']]) ? $v[$vv['columnName']] : '', $v); } } } else { if (!empty($vv['command'])) { $addJsCode = true; if (strtolower($this->_application->getPageId()) == 'usergroups') { if ($vv['command'] == 'delete' && $v['usergroup_backEndAccess']) { continue; } } switch ($vv['command']) { case 'edit': if ($this->_user->acl($vv['aclService'], $vv['command'])) { if (!is_null($this->_versionFieldName)) { if ($this->_user->acl($vv['aclService'], $vv['command'])) { $icon = org_glizy_Assets::get('ICON_EDIT'); $ar =& $this->_dataProvider->getNewObject(); $joinFields = $ar->getJoinFields(); $result = $ar->find(array($joinFields['detailTable'] => $key, $this->_versionFieldName => 'PUBLISHED')); //$result = $ar->find(array($joinFields['detailTable'] => $key, $this->_versionFieldName => 'PUBLISHED', $this->_languageFieldName => $this->_application->getEditingLanguageId())); } else { $icon = org_glizy_Assets::get('ICON_EDITDRAFT'); $result = true; } if ($result) { $tempOutput .= '<img title="' . org_glizy_locale_Locale::get('GLZ_RECORD_EDIT') . '" id="edit_' . $key . '" class="DataGridCommand" src="' . $icon . '" width="16" height="16" border="0" />'; } else { $tempOutput .= '<img id="" class="DataGridCommand" src="' . org_glizy_Assets::get('ICON_EDIT_OFF') . '" width="16" height="16" border="0" />'; } } else { $tempOutput .= '<img title="' . org_glizy_locale_Locale::get('GLZ_RECORD_EDIT') . '" id="edit_' . $key . '" class="DataGridCommand" src="' . org_glizy_Assets::get('ICON_EDIT') . '" width="16" height="16" border="0" />'; } } break; case 'editDraft': if (!is_null($this->_versionFieldName) && $this->_user->acl($vv['aclService'], $vv['command'])) { $ar =& $this->_dataProvider->getNewObject(); $joinFields = $ar->getJoinFields(); $result = $ar->find(array($joinFields['detailTable'] => $key, $this->_versionFieldName => 'DRAFT')); //$result = $ar->find(array($joinFields['detailTable'] => $key, $this->_versionFieldName => 'DRAFT', $this->_languageFieldName => $this->_application->getEditingLanguageId())); if ($result) { $tempOutput .= '<img title="' . org_glizy_locale_Locale::get('GLZ_RECORD_EDIT') . '" id="editDraft_' . $key . '" class="DataGridCommand" src="' . org_glizy_Assets::get('ICON_EDITDRAFT') . '" width="16" height="16" border="0" />'; } else { $tempOutput .= '<img id="" class="DataGridCommand" src="' . org_glizy_Assets::get('ICON_EDITDRAFT_OFF') . '" width="16" height="16" border="0" />'; } } break; case 'preview': $tempOutput .= '<img title="' . org_glizy_locale_Locale::get('GLZ_RECORD_PREVIEW') . '" id="preview_' . $key . '" class="DataGridCommand" src="' . org_glizy_Assets::get('ICON_PREVIEW') . '" width="16" height="16" border="0" />'; break; case 'delete': if ($this->_user->acl($vv['aclService'], $vv['command'])) { $tempOutput .= '<img title="' . org_glizy_locale_Locale::get('GLZ_RECORD_DELETE') . '" id="delete_' . $key . '" class="DataGridCommand" src="' . org_glizy_Assets::get('ICON_DELETE') . '" width="16" height="16" border="0" />'; } break; case 'publish': if ($this->_user->acl($vv['aclService'], $vv['command'])) { $tempOutput .= '<input name="publish[]" value="' . $key . '" type="checkbox">'; } break; } } else { if (!is_null($this->_languageFieldName) && $v[$this->_languageFieldName] != $this->_application->getEditingLanguageId()) { $tempOutput .= '<em>' . $v[$vv['columnName']] . '</em>'; } else { $tempOutput .= $v[$vv['columnName']]; } } } $cssClass = !empty($cssClass) ? ' class="' . $cssClass . '"' : ''; $rowOutput .= '<td style="text-align: ' . $vv['align'] . ';"' . $cssClass . '>' . $tempOutput . '</td>'; } if (!count($tempCssClass)) { $tempCssClass = $this->_cssClass; } $cssClass = array_shift($tempCssClass); if (!empty($rowCellClass)) { $output .= $rowCellClass->renderRow($v, $cssClass); } else { $output .= '<tr class="' . $cssClass . '" id="row_' . $key . '">'; } $output .= $rowOutput . '</tr>'; } $output .= '</tbody>'; $output .= '</table>'; } else { $emptyLabel = $this->getAttribute('emptyLabel'); if (!empty($emptyLabel)) { $output .= '<p class="datagridEmpty">' . $emptyLabel . '</p>'; } } $this->addOutputCode($output); if (!$addJsCode) { return; } $jsId = $this->getId(); $jsMessage = org_glizy_locale_Locale::get('GLZ_RECORD_MSG_DELETE'); // TODO // controllare che il valore di controller sia settato $controllerClass =& $this->getAttribute('controller'); if (is_object($controllerClass)) { $jsStateUrl = $controllerClass->changeStateUrl(); $jsStateUrl = str_replace(__Link::makeUrl('link', array('pageId' => $this->_application->getPageId())) . '?', '', $jsStateUrl); $jsStateUrl = __Link::removeParams(array($controllerClass->getId() . '_recordId'), $jsStateUrl); $jsCurrentStateUrl = $controllerClass->changeStateUrl($controllerClass->getState()); $controllerId = $controllerClass->getid(); } else { $jsStateUrl = __Link::removeParams(array($jsId . '_orderBy', $jsId . '_orderDirection')); $jsCurrentStateUrl = $jsStateUrl; $controllerId = ''; } $output = ''; $output = <<<EOD <script language="JavaScript" type="text/JavaScript"> jQuery(document).ready(function() { jQuery('#{$jsId} input.js-selectall').change(function(){ var checked = this.checked; \$(this).closest('table').find("input[name='publish[]']").each(function(i, el){ el.checked = checked; }) }); jQuery(['#{$jsId} .DataGridCommand', '#{$jsId} .DataGridHeader']).each(function(index,element) { jQuery( element ).css( {cursor: 'pointer'} ); jQuery( element ).click( function() { var command ='_'); var loc = "{$jsStateUrl}"+command[0]+"&{$controllerId}_recordId="+command[1]; switch (command[0]) { case 'delete': this.parentNode.parentNode.oldClass2 = this.parentNode.parentNode.oldClass; this.parentNode.parentNode.className2 = this.parentNode.parentNode.className; this.parentNode.parentNode.className = "ruled"; this.parentNode.parentNode.oldClass = "ruled"; if (confirm("{$jsMessage}")) { location.href = loc; } this.parentNode.parentNode.oldClass = this.parentNode.parentNode.oldClass2; this.parentNode.parentNode.className = this.parentNode.parentNode.oldClass2; break; case 'orderBy': loc = "{$jsCurrentStateUrl}&{$jsId}_orderBy="+command[1]+"&{$jsId}_orderDirection="+command[2]; location.href = loc; default: location.href = loc; break; } }); }); }); </script> EOD; if (!empty($output)) { $this->addOutputCode($output); } }
function render() { $this->applyOutputFilters('pre', $this->_content); $output = ''; $attributes = array(); $attributes['id'] = $this->getId(); // $attributes['name'] = $this->getAttribute('name') != '' ? $this->getAttribute('name') : $this->getOriginalId(); $attributes['name'] = $this->getOriginalId(); $attributes['disabled'] = $this->getAttribute('disabled') ? 'disabled' : ''; $attributes['class'] = $this->getAttribute('cssClass'); $attributes['type'] = $this->getAttribute('type'); $attributes['onclick'] = $this->getAttribute('onclick'); $routeUrl = $this->getAttribute('routeUrl'); if ($routeUrl != '') { $attributes['onclick'] = 'location.href=\'' . __Link::makeUrl($routeUrl) . '\''; if (!is_null($this->getAttribute('confirmMessage'))) { $attributes['onclick'] = 'if (confirm(\'' . $this->getAttribute('confirmMessage') . '\')) ' . $attributes['onclick'] . '; else return false;'; } } $url = $this->getAttribute('url'); if ($url != '') { $attributes['onclick'] = 'location.href=\'' . $url . '\''; } $targetForm = $this->getAttribute('target'); if (!is_null($targetForm)) { $this->addTranslateInfo($targetForm->getCommadFieldName(), $this->getAttribute('label'), $this->getAttribute('value')); } else { $this->addTranslateInfo($this->getAttribute('name'), $this->getAttribute('label'), $this->getAttribute('value')); } if ($this->getAttribute('tag') == 'input') { $attributes['value'] = glz_encodeOutput($this->getAttribute('label')); $output .= '<input ' . $this->_renderAttributes($attributes) . ' />'; } else { $attributes['value'] = glz_encodeOutput($this->getAttribute('value')); if (strpos($attributes['value'], 'route:') === 0) { $attributes['value'] = __Link::makeUrl(str_replace('route:', '', $attributes['value'])); } $output .= '<button ' . $this->_renderAttributes($attributes) . '>' . $this->getAttributeString('label') . '</button>'; } $this->addOutputCode($output); }
private function makeUrlFromId($id, $fullLink = false) { $ar = org_glizy_objectFactory::createModel('movio.modules.ontologybuilder.models.EntityDocument'); if ($ar->load($this->getIdFromLink($id))) { $entityTypeId = $this->getEntityTypeId($ar->document_type); $menu = $this->getPage($entityTypeId); if ($ar->document_detail_isVisible && $ar->document_detail_translated && $menu) { // if the document is visible and is traslated and the entity page exists if ($ar->keyInDataExists('url') && $ar->url) { $language = $this->application->getLanguage(); $url = GLZ_HOST . '/' . $language . '/' . $ar->url; } else { $url = __Link::makeUrl('showEntityDetail', array('pageId' => $menu->id, 'entityTypeId' => $entityTypeId, 'document_id' => $id, 'title' => $ar->title)); } return $fullLink ? __Link::makeSimpleLink($ar->title, $url) : $url; } } // document not found, isn't visible or isn't traslated // go to entity page or home $speakingUrlManager = $this->application->retrieveProxy('org.glizycms.speakingUrl.Manager'); return $speakingUrlManager->makeUrl('internal:' . ($menu ? $menu->id : __Config::get('START_PAGE'))); }
function _readPageId() { $this->log("readPageId", GLZ_LOG_SYSTEM); // legge il pageId della pagina da visualizzare $this->_pageId = org_glizy_Request::get('pageId', NULL); if (empty($this->_pageId)) { $this->_pageId = org_glizy_Config::get('REMEMBER_PAGEID') ? org_glizy_Session::get('glizy.pageId', org_glizy_Config::get('START_PAGE')) : org_glizy_Config::get('START_PAGE'); } if (org_glizy_Config::get('REMEMBER_PAGEID')) { org_glizy_Session::set('glizy.pageId', $this->_pageId); } if (!is_numeric($this->_pageId) && $this->getClassName() == 'org_glizycms_core_application_application') { $this->siteMapMenu =& $this->siteMap->getMenuByPageType($this->_pageId); $this->_pageId = $this->siteMapMenu->id; } else { $this->siteMapMenu =& $this->siteMap->getNodeById($this->_pageId); } if (!is_object($this->siteMapMenu) || !$this->siteMapMenu->isVisible) { $report = array(); $report['Request'] = var_export(__Request::getAllAsArray(), true); $report['_SERVER'] = var_export($_SERVER, true); $this->log($report, GLZ_LOG_SYSTEM, 'glizy.404'); if (!$this->getCurrentUser()->acl($this->siteMapMenu->id, "visible")) { org_glizy_helpers_Navigation::gotoUrl(__Link::makeUrl('link', array('pageId' => __Config::get('START_PAGE')))); } $error404Page = __Config::get('ERROR_404'); if (!empty($error404Page)) { org_glizy_helpers_Navigation::gotoUrl(__Link::makeUrl('link', array('pageId' => $error404Page))); } new org_glizy_Exception(__T('GLZ_ERR_404') . '</br>' . __Request::get('pageId'), GLZ_E_404); } if (!empty($this->siteMapMenu->select)) { if ($this->siteMapMenu->select == '*') { $menu = $this->siteMapMenu->firstChild(true); } else { $menu = $this->siteMap->getNodeById($this->siteMapMenu->select); } org_glizy_helpers_Navigation::gotoUrl(__Link::makeUrl('link', array('pageId' => $menu->id))); } }
function changeAction($action) { $url = __Link::makeUrl('linkChangeAction', array('action' => $action)); org_glizy_helpers_Navigation::gotoUrl($url); }