Exemplo n.º 1
 public function export()
     if (!($this->_application = Zoo::getApplication())) {
         throw new ExportHelperException('No application selected.');
     // export frontpage
     $frontpage = new Category();
     $frontpage->name = 'Root';
     $frontpage->alias = '_root';
     $frontpage->description = $this->_application->description;
     // export categories
     $categories = $this->_application->getCategories();
     $categories[0] = $frontpage;
     foreach ($categories as $category) {
         $this->_addCategory($this->_categoryToXML($category, $categories));
     $this->categories = $categories;
     // export items
     $types = $this->_application->getTypes();
     $item_table = YTable::getInstance('item');
     foreach ($types as $type) {
         $items = $item_table->getByType($type->id, $this->_application->id);
         foreach ($items as $key => $item) {
             $this->_addItem($type->name, $this->_itemToXML($item));
     return parent::export();
Exemplo n.º 2
 public function __construct($default = array())
     // get application
     $this->application = Zoo::getApplication();
     // registers tasks
     $this->registerTask('frontpage', 'category');
Exemplo n.º 3
 public function __construct($default = array())
     // get application
     $this->application = Zoo::getApplication();
     // register tasks
     $this->registerTask('add', 'edit');
     $this->registerTask('apply', 'save');
     $this->registerTask('saveandnew', 'save');
Exemplo n.º 4
 function fetchElement($name, $value, &$node, $control_name)
     $application = Zoo::getApplication();
     // create html
     $options = array();
     $options[] = JHTML::_('select.option', '', '- ' . JText::_('Select Category') . ' -');
     $html[] = '<div id="' . $name . '" class="zoo-categories">';
     $html[] = JHTML::_('zoo.categorylist', $application, $options, $control_name . '[' . $name . ']', 'size="10"', 'value', 'text', $value);
     $html[] = '</div>';
     return implode("\n", $html);
Exemplo n.º 5
 public function edit()
     //init vars
     $multiselect = $this->_config->get('multiselect', array());
     $options = array();
     if (!$multiselect) {
         $options[] = JHTML::_('select.option', '', '-' . JText::_('Select Category') . '-');
     $attribs = $multiselect ? 'size="5" multiple="multiple"' : '';
     return JHTML::_('zoo.categorylist', Zoo::getApplication(), $options, 'elements[' . $this->identifier . '][category][]', $attribs, 'value', 'text', $this->_data->get('category', array()));
Exemplo n.º 6
 public static function activeFilter(YMenuItem $item)
     // init vars
     $id = '';
     $app = Zoo::getApplication();
     $controller = YRequest::getWord('controller');
     $task = YRequest::getWord('task');
     $classes = array();
     // application context
     if (!empty($app)) {
         $id = $app->id . '-' . $controller;
     // application configuration
     if ($controller == 'configuration' && $task) {
         if (in_array($task, array('importfrom', 'import', 'importcsv', 'importexport'))) {
             $id .= '-importexport';
         } else {
             $id .= '-' . $task;
     // new application
     if ($controller == 'new') {
         $id = 'new';
     // application manager
     if ($controller == 'manager') {
         $id = 'manager';
         if (in_array($task, array('types', 'addtype', 'edittype', 'editelements', 'assignelements', 'assignsubmission'))) {
             $id .= '-types';
         } elseif ($task) {
             $id .= '-' . $task;
     // save current class attribute
     $class = $item->getAttribute('class');
     if (!empty($class)) {
         $classes[] = $class;
     // set active class
     if ($item->getId() == $id || $item->hasChild($id, true)) {
         $classes[] = 'active';
     // replace the old class attribute
     $item->setAttribute('class', implode(' ', $classes));
Exemplo n.º 7
 public function update()
     // init vars
     $old = YRequest::getString('old');
     $new = YRequest::getString('new');
     $msg = null;
     try {
         $app = Zoo::getApplication();
         // update tag
         if (!empty($new) && $old != $new) {
             YTable::getInstance('tag')->update($app->id, $old, $new);
             // set redirect message
             $msg = JText::_('Tag Updated Successfully');
     } catch (YException $e) {
         // raise notice on exception
         JError::raiseWarning(0, JText::_('Error Updating Tag') . ' (' . $e . ')');
     $this->setRedirect($this->baseurl, $msg);
Exemplo n.º 8
        echo $row->name;
							<a href="<?php 
        echo JRoute::_($this->baseurl . '&task=edit&cid[]=' . $row->id);
        echo $row->name;
					<td class="type">
        echo Zoo::getApplication()->getType($row->type)->name;
					<td class="published">
						<span class="editlinktip hasTip" title="<?php 
        echo JText::_('Publish Information');
        echo $times;
							<a href="#" rel="task-<?php 
        echo $row->state ? 'unpublish' : 'publish';
								<img src="images/<?php 
Exemplo n.º 9
 public function display()
     // get application
     $app = Zoo::getApplication();
     // get request vars
     $db = YDatabase::getInstance();
     $state_prefix = $this->option . '_' . $app->id . '.comment.';
     $limit = $this->joomla->getUserStateFromRequest('global.list.limit', 'limit', $this->joomla->getCfg('list_limit'), 'int');
     $offset = $this->joomla->getUserStateFromRequest($state_prefix . 'limitstart', 'limitstart', 0, 'int');
     $filter_state = $this->joomla->getUserStateFromRequest($state_prefix . 'filter-state', 'filter-state', '', 'string');
     $filter_item = $this->joomla->getUserStateFromRequest($state_prefix . 'filter-item', 'filter-item', 0, 'int');
     $filter_author = $this->joomla->getUserStateFromRequest($state_prefix . 'filter-author', 'filter-author', '', 'string');
     $search = $this->joomla->getUserStateFromRequest($state_prefix . 'search', 'search', '', 'string');
     $search = JString::strtolower($search);
     // is filtered ?
     $this->is_filtered = $filter_state != '' || !empty($filter_item) || !empty($filter_author) || !empty($search);
     // in case limit has been changed, adjust offset accordingly
     $offset = $limit != 0 ? floor($offset / $limit) * $limit : 0;
     // set toolbar items
     if ($filter_item && ($item_object = YTable::getInstance('item')->get($filter_item))) {
         $this->joomla->set('JComponentTitle', $app->getToolbarTitle(JText::_('Comments on') . ': ' . $item_object->name));
     } else {
         $this->joomla->set('JComponentTitle', $app->getToolbarTitle(JText::_('Comments')));
     JToolBarHelper::custom('approve', 'publish', '', 'Approve');
     JToolBarHelper::custom('unapprove', 'unpublish', '', 'Unapprove');
     JToolBarHelper::custom('spam', 'trash', '', 'Spam');
     // build where condition
     $where = array('b.application_id = ' . (int) $app->id);
     if ($filter_state === '') {
         $where[] = 'a.state <> 2';
         // all except spam
     } else {
         $where[] = 'a.state = ' . (int) $filter_state;
     if ($filter_item) {
         $where[] = 'a.item_id = ' . (int) $filter_item;
     if ($filter_author == '_anonymous_') {
         $where[] = 'a.author = ""';
     } elseif ($filter_author) {
         $where[] = 'a.author = "' . $db->getEscaped($filter_author) . '"';
     if ($search) {
         $where[] = 'LOWER(a.content) LIKE "%' . $db->getEscaped($search, true) . '%"';
     // build query options
     $options = array('select' => 'a.*', 'from' => ZOO_TABLE_COMMENT . ' AS a LEFT JOIN ' . ZOO_TABLE_ITEM . ' AS b ON a.item_id = b.id', 'conditions' => array(implode(' AND ', $where)), 'order' => 'created DESC');
     // query comment table
     $table = YTable::getInstance('comment');
     $this->comments = $table->all($limit > 0 ? array_merge($options, compact('offset', 'limit')) : $options);
     $this->pagination = new JPagination($table->count($options), $offset, $limit);
     // search filter
     $this->lists['search'] = $search;
     // state select
     $options = array(JHTML::_('select.option', '', '- ' . JText::_('Select Status') . ' -'), JHTML::_('select.option', '0', JText::_('Pending')), JHTML::_('select.option', '1', JText::_('Approved')), JHTML::_('select.option', '2', JText::_('Spam')));
     $this->lists['select_state'] = JHTML::_('select.genericlist', $options, 'filter-state', 'class="inputbox auto-submit"', 'value', 'text', $filter_state);
     // item select
     $options = array(JHTML::_('select.option', 0, '- ' . JText::_('Select Item') . ' -'));
     $this->lists['select_item'] = JHTML::_('zoo.itemlist', $app, $options, 'filter-item', 'class="inputbox auto-submit"', 'value', 'text', $filter_item);
     // author select
     $options = array(JHTML::_('select.option', '', '- ' . JText::_('Select Author') . ' -'), JHTML::_('select.option', '_anonymous_', '- ' . JText::_('Anonymous') . ' -'));
     $this->lists['select_author'] = JHTML::_('zoo.commentauthorlist', $app, $options, 'filter-author', 'class="inputbox auto-submit"', 'value', 'text', $filter_author);
     // get comment params
     $this->params = new YParameter();
     $this->params->loadArray($app->getParams()->get('global.comments.', array()));
     // display view
Exemplo n.º 10
 public static function getImportInfoCSV($file, $contains_headers = false, $field_separator = ',', $field_enclosure = '"')
     $info = array();
     $application = Zoo::getApplication();
     // get types
     $info['types'] = array();
     foreach ($application->getTypes() as $type) {
         $info['types'][$type->id] = array();
         foreach ($type->getElements() as $element) {
             // filter elements
             if (in_array($element->getElementType(), array('text', 'textarea', 'link', 'email', 'image', 'gallery', 'download', 'date', 'googlemaps'))) {
                 $info['types'][$type->id][$element->getElementType()][] = $element;
     // get item types
     $info['item_count'] = 0;
     $info['columns'] = array();
     // get column names and row count
     $row = 0;
     $columns = 0;
     if (($handle = fopen($file, "r")) !== FALSE) {
         while (($data = fgetcsv($handle, 0, $field_separator, $field_enclosure)) !== FALSE) {
             if ($row == 0) {
                 // get column names from header row
                 if ($contains_headers) {
                     $info['columns'] = $data;
                 } else {
                     $info['columns'] = array_fill(0, count($data), '');
             // get max column count
         // get item count
         $info['item_count'] = $contains_headers ? $row - 1 : $row;
     return $info;
Exemplo n.º 11
 public function __construct($default = array())
     // get application
     $this->application = Zoo::getApplication();
Exemplo n.º 12
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2007 - 2011 YOOtheme GmbH
* @license   http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html GNU/GPLv2 only
// no direct access
defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access');
// load config
require_once JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/com_zoo/config.php';
// load mootools
// add default js
JHTML::script('default.js', ZOO_SITE_URI . 'assets/js/');
// load plugins
// set Itemid
$router = JFactory::getApplication()->getRouter();
if (!$router->getVar('Itemid')) {
    $menu = JSite::getMenu(true);
    $default = $menu->getDefault();
    $active = $menu->getActive();
    if ($active && $active->id == $default->id) {
        $router->setVar('Itemid', $default->id);
try {
    // load and dispatch application
    if ($app = Zoo::getApplication()) {
} catch (YException $e) {
    JError::raiseError(500, $e);
Exemplo n.º 13
 public static function getTwitterClient()
     // get comment params
     $params = new YParameter();
     if (!function_exists('curl_init')) {
         return null;
     // load twitter classes
     JLoader::register('TwitterOAuth', ZOO_ADMIN_PATH . '/libraries/twitter/twitteroauth.php');
     $oauth_token = null;
     $oauth_token_secret = null;
     if (isset($_SESSION['twitter_oauth_token']) && isset($_SESSION['twitter_oauth_token_secret'])) {
         $oauth_token = $_SESSION['twitter_oauth_token'];
         $oauth_token_secret = $_SESSION['twitter_oauth_token_secret'];
     // Build TwitterOAuth object with client credentials.
     return new TwitterOAuth($params->get('twitter_consumer_key'), $params->get('twitter_consumer_secret'), $oauth_token, $oauth_token_secret);
Exemplo n.º 14
JHTML::script('placeholder.js', ZOO_ADMIN_URI . 'assets/js/');
JHTML::script('jquery.pnotify.js', ZOO_ADMIN_URI . 'libraries/jquery/plugins/notifier/');
JHTML::stylesheet('jquery.pnotify.default.css', ZOO_ADMIN_URI . 'libraries/jquery/plugins/notifier/');
JHTML::script('default.js', ZOO_ADMIN_URI . 'assets/js/');
JHTML::stylesheet('ui.css', ZOO_ADMIN_URI . 'assets/css/');
// init vars
$controller = YRequest::getWord('controller');
$task = YRequest::getWord('task');
$group = YRequest::getString('group');
// change application
if ($id = YRequest::getInt('changeapp')) {
    JFactory::getApplication()->setUserState('com_zooapplication', $id);
// load application
$application = Zoo::getApplication();
// set default controller
if (!$controller) {
    $controller = $application ? 'item' : 'new';
    YRequest::setVar('controller', $controller);
// set toolbar button include path
$toolbar = JToolBar::getInstance('toolbar');
$toolbar->addButtonPath(ZOO_ADMIN_PATH . '/joomla/button');
// build menu
$menu = YMenu::getInstance('nav');
// add "app" menu items
foreach (YTable::getInstance('application')->all(array('order' => 'name')) as $app) {
// add "new" and "manager" menu item
Exemplo n.º 15
 public static function typeList($options, $name, $attribs = null, $key = 'value', $text = 'text', $selected = null, $idtag = false, $translate = false, $filter = array())
     if (is_array($options)) {
     } else {
         $options = array($options);
     foreach (Zoo::getApplication()->getTypes() as $type) {
         if (empty($filter) || in_array($type->id, $filter)) {
             $options[] = JHTML::_('select.option', $type->id, JText::_($type->name));
     return JHTML::_('select.genericlist', $options, $name, $attribs, $key, $text, $selected, $idtag, $translate);
Exemplo n.º 16
 public function twitterConnect()
     // get twitter client
     $connection = CommentHelper::getTwitterClient();
     // redirect to the referer after authorize/login procedure
     $referer = YRequest::getString('HTTP_REFERER', '', 'server');
     // retrieve request token only if token is not supplied already
     if ($connection && empty($connection->token)) {
         $uri = new JURI();
         $redirect = $uri->root() . $this->link_base . '&app_id=' . Zoo::getApplication()->id . '&controller=' . $this->controller . '&task=twitterauthenticate&referer=' . urlencode($referer);
         // get temporary credentials
         $request_token = $connection->getRequestToken($redirect);
         // save temporary credentials to session
         $_SESSION['twitter_oauth_token'] = $token = $request_token['oauth_token'];
         $_SESSION['twitter_oauth_token_secret'] = $request_token['oauth_token_secret'];
         // if last connection failed don't display authorization link
         switch ($connection->http_code) {
             case 200:
                 // build authorize URL and redirect user to Twitter
                 $redirect = $connection->getAuthorizeURL($token);
                 // show notification if something went wrong.
                 JError::raiseWarning(0, JText::_('ERROR_CONNECT_TWITTER'));
                 $redirect = $referer;
     } else {
         // already connected
         $redirect = $referer;