Exemplo n.º 1
 public static function DeflateZip($pathToZip, $extractToDir, array $filesArray = null)
     if (is_null($pathToZip)) {
         throw new Exception('Path to ZIP is null');
     $zip = new ZipArchive();
     $zipResource = $zip->open($pathToZip);
     // Workaround for https://github.com/facebook/hhvm/issues/1804
     foreach ($filesArray as $file) {
         $dir = dirname("{$extractToDir}/{$file}");
         if (!is_dir($dir)) {
             mkdir($dir, 0755, true);
     if ($zipResource === true) {
         if (!$zip->extractTo($extractToDir, $filesArray)) {
             throw new Exception('Error extracting zip.');
     } else {
         throw new Exception('Error opening zip file: ' . ZipHandler::ErrorMessage($zipResource));
Exemplo n.º 2
  * Entry point for zip validation
  * Determines the type of problem we are deploying
  * @return boolean
  * @throws InvalidParameterException
 private function validateZip()
     $this->log->info('Validating zip...');
     if (!array_key_exists('problem_contents', $_FILES)) {
         $this->log->error('\\$_FILES global does not contain problem_contents.');
         throw new InvalidParameterException('parameterEmpty', 'problem_contents');
     if (isset($_FILES['problem_contents']) && !FileHandler::GetFileUploader()->IsUploadedFile($_FILES['problem_contents']['tmp_name'])) {
         $this->log->error("GetFileUploader()->IsUploadedFile() check failed for \$_FILES['problem_contents']['tmp_name'].");
         throw new InvalidParameterException('parameterEmpty', 'problem_contents');
     $this->filesToUnzip = array();
     $this->imageHashes = array();
     $this->casesFiles = array();
     $this->zipPath = $_FILES['problem_contents']['tmp_name'];
     $this->log->info("Opening {$this->zipPath}...");
     $zip = new ZipArchive();
     $resource = $zip->open($this->zipPath);
     $size = 0;
     if ($resource !== true) {
         $this->log->error('Unable to open zip file: ' . ZipHandler::ErrorMessage($resource));
         throw new InvalidParameterException('problemDeployerCorruptZip');
     // Get list of files
     for ($i = 0; $i < $zip->numFiles; $i++) {
         $this->log->info("Found inside zip: '" . $zip->getNameIndex($i) . "'");
         $zipFilesArray[] = $zip->getNameIndex($i);
         // Sum up the size
         $statI = $zip->statIndex($i);
         $size += $statI['size'];
         // If the file is THE validator for custom outputs...
         if (stripos($zip->getNameIndex($i), 'validator.') === 0) {
             $this->hasValidator = true;
             $this->filesToUnzip[] = $zip->getNameIndex($i);
             $this->log->info('Validator found: ' . $zip->getNameIndex($i));
         // Interactive problems.
         if (stripos($zip->getNameIndex($i), 'interactive/') === 0) {
             $this->filesToUnzip[] = $zip->getNameIndex($i);
             $this->isInteractive = true;
             if (ProblemDeployer::endsWith($zip->getNameIndex($i), '.idl', true)) {
                 $this->log->info('.idl file found: ' . $zip->getNameIndex($i));
                 $this->idlFile = $zip->getNameIndex($i);
         // Example inputs.
         if (stripos($zip->getNameIndex($i), 'examples/') === 0 && ProblemDeployer::endsWith($zip->getNameIndex($i), '.in', true)) {
             $this->filesToUnzip[] = $zip->getNameIndex($i);
     $this->checkedForInteractive = true;
     if ($this->isInteractive) {
         if ($this->idlFile == null) {
             throw new InvalidParameterException('problemDeployerIdlMissing');
         } elseif (!in_array('interactive/examples/sample.in', $this->filesToUnzip)) {
             throw new InvalidParameterException('problemDeployerInteractiveSampleMissing');
     if ($this->isInteractive && $size > ProblemDeployer::MAX_INTERACTIVE_ZIP_FILESIZE) {
         throw new InvalidParameterException('problemDeployerExceededZipSizeLimit', null, array('size' => $size, 'max_size' => ProblemDeployer::MAX_INTERACTIVE_ZIP_FILESIZE));
     } elseif ($size > ProblemDeployer::MAX_ZIP_FILESIZE) {
         throw new InvalidParameterException('problemDeployerExceededZipSizeLimit', null, array('size' => $size, 'max_size' => ProblemDeployer::MAX_ZIP_FILESIZE));
     try {
         // Look for testplan
         if (in_array('testplan', $zipFilesArray)) {
             $returnValue = $this->checkCasesWithTestplan($zip, $zipFilesArray);
             $this->log->info('testplan found, checkCasesWithTestPlan=' . $returnValue);
             $this->filesToUnzip[] = 'testplan';
         } else {
             $this->log->info('testplan not found');
             $this->checkCases($zip, $zipFilesArray);
         // Log files to unzip
         $this->log->info('Files to unzip: ');
         foreach ($this->filesToUnzip as $file) {
         // Look for statements
         $returnValue = $this->checkProblemStatements($zipFilesArray, $zip);
         $this->log->info('checkProblemStatements=' . $returnValue . '.');
     } finally {
         // Close zip
         $this->log->info('closing zip');
     return $returnValue;