Exemplo n.º 1
  * Retrieve cms page collection array
  * @param unknown_type $storeId
  * @return Zend_Db_Statement_Interface
 public function getCollection($storeId, $includeEEHierarchy = false)
     $this->_select = $this->_getWriteAdapter()->select();
     $this->_select->from(array('main_table' => $this->getMainTable()), array($this->getIdFieldName(), 'DATE(main_table.update_time) as updated_at'))->join(array('store_table' => $this->getTable('cms/page_store')), 'main_table.page_id=store_table.page_id', array())->where('main_table.is_active=1')->where('store_table.store_id IN(?)', array(0, $storeId));
     if ($includeEEHierarchy) {
     } else {
         $this->_select->columns('main_table.identifier as url');
     //        die((string)$this->_select);
     $query = $this->_getWriteAdapter()->query($this->_select);
     return $query;
Exemplo n.º 2
  * Saving information about customer
  * @param   Mage_Log_Model_Visitor $visitor
  * @return  Mage_Log_Model_Resource_Visitor
 protected function _saveCustomerInfo($visitor)
     $adapter = $this->_getWriteAdapter();
     if ($visitor->getDoCustomerLogout() && ($logId = $visitor->getCustomerLogId())) {
         $resource = Mage::getSingleton('core/resource');
         $connection = $resource->getConnection('core_read');
         $select = new Zend_Db_Select($connection);
         $select->where('log_id = ?', $logId);
         $loginAt = $connection->fetchOne($select);
         if (!$loginAt) {
             return parent::_saveCustomerInfo($visitor);
         $data = new Varien_Object(array('login_at' => $loginAt, 'logout_at' => Mage::getSingleton('core/date')->gmtDate(), 'store_id' => (int) Mage::app()->getStore()->getId()));
         $bind = $this->_prepareDataForTable($data, $this->getTable('log/customer'));
         $condition = array('log_id = ?' => (int) $logId);
         $adapter->update($this->getTable('log/customer'), $bind, $condition);
     } else {
         return parent::_saveCustomerInfo($visitor);
     return $this;
Exemplo n.º 3
  * Get category collection array
  * @param null|string|bool|int|\Magento\Store\Model\Store $storeId
  * @return array|bool
 public function getCollection($storeId)
     $products = [];
     /* @var $store \Magento\Store\Model\Store */
     $store = $this->_storeManager->getStore($storeId);
     if (!$store) {
         return false;
     $adapter = $this->_getWriteAdapter();
     $this->_select = $adapter->select()->from(['e' => $this->getMainTable()], [$this->getIdFieldName(), 'updated_at'])->joinInner(['w' => $this->getTable('catalog_product_website')], 'e.entity_id = w.product_id', [])->joinLeft(['url_rewrite' => $this->getTable('url_rewrite')], 'e.entity_id = url_rewrite.entity_id AND url_rewrite.is_autogenerated = 1' . $adapter->quoteInto(' AND url_rewrite.store_id = ?', $store->getId()) . $adapter->quoteInto(' AND url_rewrite.entity_type = ?', ProductUrlRewriteGenerator::ENTITY_TYPE), ['url' => 'request_path'])->where('w.website_id = ?', $store->getWebsiteId());
     $this->_addFilter($store->getId(), 'visibility', $this->_productVisibility->getVisibleInSiteIds(), 'in');
     $this->_addFilter($store->getId(), 'status', $this->_productStatus->getVisibleStatusIds(), 'in');
     // Join product images required attributes
     $imageIncludePolicy = $this->_sitemapData->getProductImageIncludePolicy($store->getId());
     if (\Magento\Sitemap\Model\Source\Product\Image\IncludeImage::INCLUDE_NONE != $imageIncludePolicy) {
         $this->_joinAttribute($store->getId(), 'name');
         $this->_select->columns(['name' => $this->getReadConnection()->getIfNullSql('t2_name.value', 't1_name.value')]);
         if (\Magento\Sitemap\Model\Source\Product\Image\IncludeImage::INCLUDE_ALL == $imageIncludePolicy) {
             $this->_joinAttribute($store->getId(), 'thumbnail');
             $this->_select->columns(['thumbnail' => $this->getReadConnection()->getIfNullSql('t2_thumbnail.value', 't1_thumbnail.value')]);
         } elseif (\Magento\Sitemap\Model\Source\Product\Image\IncludeImage::INCLUDE_BASE == $imageIncludePolicy) {
             $this->_joinAttribute($store->getId(), 'image');
             $this->_select->columns(['image' => $this->getReadConnection()->getIfNullSql('t2_image.value', 't1_image.value')]);
     $query = $adapter->query($this->_select);
     while ($row = $query->fetch()) {
         $product = $this->_prepareProduct($row, $store->getId());
         $products[$product->getId()] = $product;
     return $products;
Exemplo n.º 4
  * Get category collection array
  * @param null|string|bool|int|\Magento\Store\Model\Store $storeId
  * @return array|bool
 public function getCollection($storeId)
     $products = array();
     /* @var $store \Magento\Store\Model\Store */
     $store = $this->_storeManager->getStore($storeId);
     if (!$store) {
         return false;
     $urConditions = array('e.entity_id = ur.product_id', 'ur.category_id IS NULL', $this->_getWriteAdapter()->quoteInto('ur.store_id = ?', $store->getId()), $this->_getWriteAdapter()->quoteInto('ur.is_system = ?', 1));
     $this->_select = $this->_getWriteAdapter()->select()->from(array('e' => $this->getMainTable()), array($this->getIdFieldName(), 'updated_at'))->joinInner(array('w' => $this->getTable('catalog_product_website')), 'e.entity_id = w.product_id', array())->joinLeft(array('ur' => $this->getTable('core_url_rewrite')), join(' AND ', $urConditions), array('url' => 'request_path'))->where('w.website_id = ?', $store->getWebsiteId());
     $this->_addFilter($store->getId(), 'visibility', $this->_productVisibility->getVisibleInSiteIds(), 'in');
     $this->_addFilter($store->getId(), 'status', $this->_productStatus->getVisibleStatusIds(), 'in');
     // Join product images required attributes
     $imageIncludePolicy = $this->_sitemapData->getProductImageIncludePolicy($store->getId());
     if (\Magento\Sitemap\Model\Source\Product\Image\IncludeImage::INCLUDE_NONE != $imageIncludePolicy) {
         $this->_joinAttribute($store->getId(), 'name');
         $this->_select->columns(array('name' => $this->getReadConnection()->getIfNullSql('t2_name.value', 't1_name.value')));
         if (\Magento\Sitemap\Model\Source\Product\Image\IncludeImage::INCLUDE_ALL == $imageIncludePolicy) {
             $this->_joinAttribute($store->getId(), 'thumbnail');
             $this->_select->columns(array('thumbnail' => $this->getReadConnection()->getIfNullSql('t2_thumbnail.value', 't1_thumbnail.value')));
         } elseif (\Magento\Sitemap\Model\Source\Product\Image\IncludeImage::INCLUDE_BASE == $imageIncludePolicy) {
             $this->_joinAttribute($store->getId(), 'image');
             $this->_select->columns(array('image' => $this->getReadConnection()->getIfNullSql('t2_image.value', 't1_image.value')));
     $query = $this->_getWriteAdapter()->query($this->_select);
     while ($row = $query->fetch()) {
         $product = $this->_prepareProduct($row, $store->getId());
         $products[$product->getId()] = $product;
     return $products;
Exemplo n.º 5
  * Columns
  * @param unknown_type $name
  * @param unknown_type $cond
  * @return WeFlex_Db_Model
 public function columns($cols)
     foreach ($cols as $col) {
         $this->_selector->columns($col, null);
     return $this;
Exemplo n.º 6
 protected function _prepareExecute()
     if ($this->_server == 'mysql') {
         $ghostColumn = $this->getColumns();
         $this->_select->columns(array('ZFG_GHOST' => new Zend_Db_Expr("SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS 1+1")));
         foreach ($ghostColumn as $value) {
             if ($value[2] == 'ZFG_GHOST') {
             if (is_object($value[1])) {
                 $this->_select->columns(array($value[2] => $value[1]), $value[0]);
             } elseif ($value[2] != '') {
                 $this->_select->columns(array($value[2] => $value[1]), $value[0]);
             } else {
                 $this->_select->columns($value[1], $value[0]);
     $where = $this->_select->getPart('where');
     $replaced = false;
     if (count($where) > count($this->_where)) {
         foreach ($this->_where as $value) {
             $key = array_search($value, $where);
             if ($key !== false) {
                 $replaced = true;
         if ($replaced === true) {
             $where = array_values($where);
             $where[0] = substr($where[0], strpos(trim($where[0]), ' ') + 1);
         if (count($where) > 0) {
             $this->_select->where(new Zend_Db_Expr(implode(' ', $where)));
         if (count($this->_where) > 0) {
             $this->_select->where(new Zend_Db_Expr(implode(' ', $this->_where)));
Exemplo n.º 7
 protected function _prepareExecute()
     if ($this->_server == 'mysql') {
         $ghostColumn = $this->getColumns();
         $this->_select->columns(array('ZFG_GHOST' => new Zend_Db_Expr("SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS 1+1")));
         foreach ($ghostColumn as $value) {
             if ($value[2] == 'ZFG_GHOST') {
             if (is_object($value[1])) {
                 $this->_select->columns(array($value[2] => $value[1]), $value[0]);
             } elseif ($value[2] != '') {
                 $this->_select->columns(array($value[2] => $value[1]), $value[0]);
             } else {
                 $this->_select->columns($value[1], $value[0]);
Exemplo n.º 8
 protected function _prepareSelect(Zend_Db_Select $select)
     $fromPart = $select->getPart(Zend_Db_Select::FROM);
     // the recipient table is required!
     if (!isset($fromPart['recipient'])) {
         return false;
     foreach ($this->_where as $where) {
     $select->columns($this->_columns, 'recipient');
     return true;
Exemplo n.º 9
 protected function _addLabelConcat(Zend_Db_Select $sql, $alias = null)
     $alias = $alias ?: $this->getTableName();
     // have to have array() as the last param or issue_id will get
     // overwritten with a 0 if there are no issues to join
     $sql->joinLeft(array('ill' => 'issue_label_linker'), "{$alias}.issue_id = ill.issue_id", array());
     $sql->columns(array('labels' => 'GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ill.label_id SEPARATOR \' \')'));
     $sql->group($alias . '.issue_id');
     return $sql;
  * (non-PHPdoc)
  * @see Tinebase_Backend_Sql_Abstract::_appendForeignSort()
  * @todo generalize this: find a place (in model config?) for foreign record sorting information
  * @todo maybe we can use a temp table with joins here
  * @todo allow to to use it with keyfields, too (and/or switch those settings to keyfield configs)
 protected function _appendForeignSort(Tinebase_Model_Pagination $pagination, Zend_Db_Select $select)
     $virtualSortColumns = array('leadstate_id' => Crm_Config::LEAD_STATES, 'leadsource_id' => Crm_Config::LEAD_SOURCES, 'leadtype_id' => Crm_Config::LEAD_TYPES);
     $col = $pagination->sort;
     if (isset($virtualSortColumns[$col])) {
         $config = Crm_Config::getInstance()->get($virtualSortColumns[$col]);
         // create cases (when => then) for sql switch (CASE) command
         $cases = array();
         foreach ($config['records'] as $settingRecord) {
             $cases[$settingRecord['id']] = $settingRecord['value'];
         $foreignSortCase = $this->_dbCommand->getSwitch($col, $cases);
         $select->columns(array('foreignSortCol' => $foreignSortCase));
         $pagination->sort = 'foreignSortCol';
Exemplo n.º 11
  * Get category collection array
  * @return array
 public function getCollection($storeId, $onlyCount = false, $limit = 4000000000, $from = 0)
     $products = array();
     $store = Mage::app()->getStore($storeId);
     /* @var $store Mage_Core_Model_Store */
     if (!$store) {
         return false;
     if (self::FILTER_PRODUCT == 1) {
         $fpstring = " AND product_id IN (" . implode(',', $this->_getStoreProductIds($storeId)) . ")";
     } else {
         $fpstring = '';
     $read = $this->_getReadAdapter();
     $this->_select = $read->select()->distinct()->from(array('e' => $this->getMainTable()), array($onlyCount ? 'COUNT(*)' : $this->getIdFieldName()))->join(array('w' => $this->getTable('catalog/product_website')), "e.entity_id=w.product_id {$fpstring}", array())->where('w.website_id=?', $store->getWebsiteId())->limit($limit, $from);
     $excludeAttr = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->getResource()->getAttribute('exclude_from_sitemap');
     if ($excludeAttr) {
         $this->_select->joinLeft(array('exclude_tbl' => $excludeAttr->getBackend()->getTable()), 'exclude_tbl.entity_id = e.entity_id AND exclude_tbl.attribute_id = ' . $excludeAttr->getAttributeId() . new Zend_Db_Expr(" AND store_id =\n                    IF(\n\t\t\t\t\t\t(SELECT `exclude`.`value` FROM `{$excludeAttr->getBackend()->getTable()}` AS `exclude` WHERE `exclude`.`entity_id` = `e`.`entity_id` AND `attribute_id` = {$excludeAttr->getAttributeId()} AND `store_id` = {$storeId}) ,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t(SELECT {$storeId}),\n\t\t\t\t\t\t(SELECT 0)\n\t\t\t\t\t)"), array())->where('exclude_tbl.value=0 OR exclude_tbl.value IS NULL');
     if (Mage::helper('xsitemap')->isExcludeFromXMLOutOfStockProduct($storeId)) {
         $cond = 'e.entity_id = csi.product_id';
         if (Mage::getStoreConfig('cataloginventory/item_options/manage_stock', $storeId)) {
             $cond .= ' AND IF (csi.use_config_manage_stock = 1, csi.is_in_stock = 1, (csi.manage_stock = 0 OR (csi.manage_stock = 1 AND csi.is_in_stock = 1)))';
         } else {
             $cond .= ' AND IF (csi.use_config_manage_stock = 1, TRUE, (csi.manage_stock = 0 OR (csi.manage_stock = 1 AND csi.is_in_stock = 1)))';
         $this->_select->join(array('csi' => $this->getTable('cataloginventory/stock_item')), $cond, array('is_in_stock', 'manage_stock', 'use_config_manage_stock'));
     $this->_addFilter($storeId, 'visibility', Mage::getSingleton('catalog/product_visibility')->getVisibleInSiteIds(), 'in');
     $this->_addFilter($storeId, 'status', Mage::getSingleton('catalog/product_status')->getVisibleStatusIds(), 'in');
     if ($onlyCount) {
         return $read->fetchOne($this->_select);
     $sort = '';
     if (Mage::helper('xsitemap')->isSeosuiteUltimateAvailable() && Mage::helper('xsitemap')->isSeosuiteCanonicalUrlEnabled($storeId) && Mage::helper('xsitemap')->getSeosuiteProductCanonicalType($storeId)) {
         $productCanonicalType = Mage::helper('xsitemap')->getSeosuiteProductCanonicalType($storeId);
         if ($productCanonicalType == 3) {
             //$suffix  = "AND canonical_url_rewrite.category_id IS NULL";
             $suffix = '';
             $suffix2 = "AND category_id IS NULL";
         } else {
             //$suffix  = "AND canonical_url_rewrite.category_id IS NOT NULL";
             $suffix = '';
             $suffix2 = "AND category_id IS NOT NULL";
         if ($productCanonicalType == 1 || $productCanonicalType == 4) {
             $sort = 'DESC';
         } else {
             if ($productCanonicalType == 2 || $productCanonicalType == 5) {
                 $sort = 'ASC';
             } else {
     } else {
         $length = Mage::helper('xsitemap')->getXmlSitemapUrlLength();
         if ($length == 'short') {
             $sort = 'ASC';
         } elseif ($length == 'long') {
             $sort = 'DESC';
         if (Mage::getStoreConfigFlag('catalog/seo/product_use_categories', $storeId)) {
             $suffix3 = '';
         } else {
             $suffix3 = 'AND `category_id` IS NULL';
     $canonicalAttr = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->getResource()->getAttribute('canonical_url');
     $urlPathAttr = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->getResource()->getAttribute('url_path');
             if (Mage::helper('xsitemap')->isEnterpriseSince113()) {
        $this->_select->columns(array('url' => new Zend_Db_Expr("(
            SELECT `eur`.`request_path`
            FROM `" . Mage::getSingleton('core/resource')->getTableName('enterprise_url_rewrite') . "` AS `eur`
            INNER JOIN `" . Mage::getSingleton('core/resource')->getTableName('enterprise_catalog_product_rewrite') . "` AS `ecpr`
            ON `eur`.`url_rewrite_id` = `ecpr`.`url_rewrite_id`
            WHERE `product_id`=`e`.`entity_id` AND `ecpr`.`store_id` IN(" . intval(Mage::app()->isSingleStoreMode()
                            ? 0 : 0, $storeId) . ") AND `is_system`=1 AND `request_path` IS NOT NULL " .
                ($sort ? " ORDER BY LENGTH(`request_path`) " . $sort : "") .
                " LIMIT 1)")));
     if (Mage::helper('xsitemap')->isEnterpriseSince113()) {
         $urlSuffix = Mage::helper('catalog/product')->getProductUrlSuffix($storeId);
         if ($urlSuffix) {
             $urlSuffix = '.' . $urlSuffix;
         } else {
             $urlSuffix = '';
         $this->_select->joinLeft(array('ecp' => $this->getTable('enterprise_catalog/product')), 'ecp.product_id = e.entity_id ' . 'AND ecp.store_id = ' . $storeId, array())->joinLeft(array('euur' => $this->getTable('enterprise_urlrewrite/url_rewrite')), 'ecp.url_rewrite_id = euur.url_rewrite_id AND euur.is_system = 1', array())->joinLeft(array('ecp2' => $this->getTable('enterprise_catalog/product')), 'ecp2.product_id = e.entity_id AND ecp2.store_id = 0', array())->joinLeft(array('euur2' => $this->getTable('enterprise_urlrewrite/url_rewrite')), 'ecp2.url_rewrite_id = euur2.url_rewrite_id', array('url' => 'concat( ' . $this->_getWriteAdapter()->getIfNullSql('euur.request_path', 'euur2.request_path') . ',"' . $urlSuffix . '")'));
     } elseif (!empty($productCanonicalType) && $canonicalAttr) {
         $this->_select->columns(array('url' => new Zend_Db_Expr("\n            IFNULL(\n                (IFNULL(\n                    (SELECT canonical_url_rewrite.`request_path`\n                    FROM `" . $canonicalAttr->getBackend()->getTable() . "` AS canonical_path\n                    LEFT JOIN `" . $this->getTable('core/url_rewrite') . "` AS canonical_url_rewrite ON canonical_url_rewrite.`id_path` = canonical_path.`value`\n                    WHERE canonical_path.`entity_id` = e.`entity_id` AND canonical_path.`attribute_id` = " . $canonicalAttr->getAttributeId() . " AND canonical_url_rewrite.`store_id` IN (0," . $storeId . ") {$suffix}" . ($sort ? " ORDER BY LENGTH(canonical_url_rewrite.`request_path`) " . $sort : "") . " LIMIT 1),\n                    (SELECT `request_path`\n                    FROM `" . $this->getTable('core/url_rewrite') . "`\n                    WHERE `product_id`=e.`entity_id` AND `store_id` IN (0," . $storeId . ") AND `is_system`=1 AND `request_path` IS NOT NULL {$suffix2}" . ($sort ? " ORDER BY LENGTH(`request_path`) " . $sort : "") . " LIMIT 1)\n                )),\n                (SELECT p.`value` FROM `" . $urlPathAttr->getBackend()->getTable() . "` AS p\n                 WHERE p.`entity_id` = e.`entity_id` AND p.`attribute_id` = " . $urlPathAttr->getAttributeId() . " AND p.`store_id` IN (0," . $storeId . ") ORDER BY p.`store_id` DESC LIMIT 1\n                )\n            )")));
     } else {
         $this->_select->columns(array('url' => new Zend_Db_Expr("(\n                SELECT `request_path`\n                FROM `" . $this->getTable('core/url_rewrite') . "`\n                WHERE `product_id`=e.`entity_id` AND `store_id`=" . intval($storeId) . " AND `is_system`=1 AND `request_path` IS NOT NULL {$suffix3}" . ($sort ? " ORDER BY LENGTH(`request_path`) " . $sort : "") . " LIMIT 1)")));
     $crossDomainAttr = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->getResource()->getAttribute('canonical_cross_domain');
     if ($crossDomainAttr && !empty($productCanonicalType)) {
         $this->_select->joinLeft(array('cross_domain_tbl' => $crossDomainAttr->getBackend()->getTable()), 'cross_domain_tbl.entity_id = e.entity_id AND cross_domain_tbl.attribute_id = ' . $crossDomainAttr->getAttributeId(), array('canonical_cross_domain' => 'cross_domain_tbl.value'));
     $updatedAt = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->getResource()->getAttribute('updated_at');
     if ($updatedAt) {
         $this->_select->joinLeft(array('updatedat_tbl' => $updatedAt->getBackend()->getTable()), 'updatedat_tbl.entity_id = e.entity_id', array('updated_at' => 'updatedat_tbl.updated_at'));
     //echo $this->_select->assemble(); exit;
     $query = $read->query($this->_select);
     while ($row = $query->fetch()) {
         $product = $this->_prepareProduct($row);
                     if (isset($productCanonicalType) && $productCanonicalType == 3) { // use root
                         $urlArr = explode('/', $product->getUrl());
         $products[$product->getId()] = $product;
     return $products;
  * appends effective grant calculation to select object
  * @param Zend_Db_Select $_select
 protected function _appendEffectiveGrantCalculationSql($_select, $_attendeeFilters = NULL)
     // groupmemberships of current user, needed to compute phys and inherited grants
     $_select->joinLeft(array('groupmemberships' => $this->_tablePrefix . 'group_members'), $this->_db->quoteInto($this->_db->quoteIdentifier('groupmemberships.account_id') . ' = ?', Tinebase_Core::getUser()->getId()), array());
     // attendee joins the attendee we need to compute the curr users effective grants
     // NOTE: 2010-04 the behaviour changed. Now, only the attendee the client filters for are
     //       taken into account for grants calculation
     $attendeeWhere = FALSE;
     if (is_array($_attendeeFilters) && !empty($_attendeeFilters)) {
         $attendeeSelect = $this->_db->select();
         foreach ((array) $_attendeeFilters as $attendeeFilter) {
             if ($attendeeFilter instanceof Calendar_Model_AttenderFilter) {
                 $attendeeFilter->appendFilterSql($attendeeSelect, $this);
         $whereArray = $attendeeSelect->getPart(Zend_Db_Select::SQL_WHERE);
         if (!empty($whereArray)) {
             $attendeeWhere = ' AND ' . Tinebase_Helper::array_value(0, $whereArray);
     $_select->joinLeft(array('attendee' => $this->_tablePrefix . 'cal_attendee'), $this->_db->quoteIdentifier('attendee.cal_event_id') . ' = ' . $this->_db->quoteIdentifier('cal_events.id') . $attendeeWhere, array());
     $_select->joinLeft(array('attendeeaccounts' => $this->_tablePrefix . 'accounts'), $this->_db->quoteIdentifier('attendeeaccounts.contact_id') . ' = ' . $this->_db->quoteIdentifier('attendee.user_id') . ' AND (' . $this->_db->quoteInto($this->_db->quoteIdentifier('attendee.user_type') . '= ?', Calendar_Model_Attender::USERTYPE_USER) . ' OR ' . $this->_db->quoteInto($this->_db->quoteIdentifier('attendee.user_type') . '= ?', Calendar_Model_Attender::USERTYPE_GROUPMEMBER) . ')', array());
     $_select->joinLeft(array('attendeegroupmemberships' => $this->_tablePrefix . 'group_members'), $this->_db->quoteIdentifier('attendeegroupmemberships.account_id') . ' = ' . $this->_db->quoteIdentifier('attendeeaccounts.contact_id'), array());
     $_select->joinLeft(array('dispgrants' => $this->_tablePrefix . 'container_acl'), $this->_db->quoteIdentifier('dispgrants.container_id') . ' = ' . $this->_db->quoteIdentifier('attendee.displaycontainer_id') . ' AND ' . $this->_getContainGrantCondition('dispgrants', 'groupmemberships'), array());
     $_select->joinLeft(array('physgrants' => $this->_tablePrefix . 'container_acl'), $this->_db->quoteIdentifier('physgrants.container_id') . ' = ' . $this->_db->quoteIdentifier('cal_events.container_id'), array());
     $allGrants = Tinebase_Model_Grants::getAllGrants();
     foreach ($allGrants as $grant) {
         if (in_array($grant, $this->_recordBasedGrants)) {
             $_select->columns(array($grant => "\n MAX( CASE WHEN ( \n" . '  /* physgrant */' . $this->_getContainGrantCondition('physgrants', 'groupmemberships', $grant) . " OR \n" . '  /* implicit  */' . $this->_getImplicitGrantCondition($grant) . " OR \n" . '  /* inherited */' . $this->_getInheritedGrantCondition($grant) . " \n" . ") THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ) "));
         } else {
             $_select->columns(array($grant => "\n MAX( CASE WHEN ( \n" . '  /* physgrant */' . $this->_getContainGrantCondition('physgrants', 'groupmemberships', $grant) . "\n" . ") THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ) "));
Exemplo n.º 13
  * Padrão de Colunas para o relatório de Beneficiários 
  * @access protected
  * @param Zend_Db_Select $select
  * @return void
 protected function _columnsDefault(Zend_Db_Select $select)
     $select->columns(array('FEFOP_Contract.id_fefop_contract', 'FEFOP_Contract.num_district', 'FEFOP_Contract.num_program', 'FEFOP_Contract.num_module', 'AddDistrict.id_adddistrict', 'AddDistrict.District', 's.status_description', 'id_perdata' => 'b.id', 'b.code', 'b.name', 'target' => new Zend_Db_Expr("CASE WHEN b.target = 1 THEN 'Sin' ELSE 'Lae' END"), 'module' => new Zend_Db_Expr("CONCAT(FEFOP_Modules.acronym, ' - ', FEFOP_Modules.description)"), 'program' => new Zend_Db_Expr("CONCAT(FEFOP_Programs.acronym, ' - ', FEFOP_Programs.description)"), 'cod_contract' => new Zend_Db_Expr("CONCAT(FEFOP_Contract.num_program, '-', FEFOP_Contract.num_module, '-', FEFOP_Contract.num_district, '-', FEFOP_Contract.num_year, '-', FEFOP_Contract.num_sequence)"), 'disability' => new Zend_Db_Expr('(' . $this->_columnDisability() . ')'), 'gender' => new Zend_Db_Expr('(' . $this->_columnGender() . ')'), 'amount_contracted' => new Zend_Db_Expr('(' . $this->_columnAmountContracted() . ')'), 'amount_payment' => new Zend_Db_Expr('(' . $this->_columnAmouontPayment() . ')'), 'amount_real' => new Zend_Db_Expr('(' . $this->_columnAmountReal() . ')'), 'amount_addcosts' => new Zend_Db_Expr('(' . $this->_columnAdditional() . ')')));
  * (non-PHPdoc)
  * @see Tinebase_Backend_Sql_Abstract::_appendForeignSort()
  * @todo generalize this: find a place (in model config?) for foreign record sorting information
  * @todo maybe we can use a temp table with joins here
  * @todo allow to to use it with keyfields, too (and/or switch those settings to keyfield configs)
 protected function _appendForeignSort(Tinebase_Model_Pagination $pagination, Zend_Db_Select $select)
     $virtualSortColumns = array('leadstate_id' => Crm_Model_Config::LEADSTATES, 'leadsource_id' => Crm_Model_Config::LEADSOURCES, 'leadtype_id' => Crm_Model_Config::LEADTYPES);
     $col = $pagination->sort;
     if (isset($virtualSortColumns[$col])) {
         $settings = Crm_Controller::getInstance()->getConfigSettings();
         $setting = $settings->{$virtualSortColumns[$col]};
         // create cases (when => then) for sql switch (CASE) command
         $cases = array();
         foreach ($setting as $settingRecord) {
             $cases[$settingRecord['id']] = $settingRecord[str_replace('_id', '', $col)];
         $foreignSortCase = $this->_dbCommand->getSwitch($col, $cases);
         $select->columns(array('foreignSortCol' => $foreignSortCase));
         $pagination->sort = 'foreignSortCol';
Exemplo n.º 15
  * Returns an array of objects queried from the given t41_Object_Collection instance parameters
  * The given collection is populated if it comes empty of members.
  * In any other case, this method doesn't directly populate the collection. This action is under the responsability of 
  * the caller. For example, the t41_Object_Collection::find() method takes care of it.
  * @param t41\ObjectModel\Collection $collection
  * @param boolean|array $returnCount true = counting, array = stats on listed properties
  * @param string $subOp complex operation like SUM or AVG
  * @return array
 public function find(ObjectModel\Collection $collection, $returnCount = false, $subOp = null)
     $this->_class = $class = $collection->getDataObject()->getClass();
     $table = $this->_getTableFromClass($class);
     if (!$table) {
         throw new Exception('MISSING_DBTABLE_PARAM');
     // primary key is either part of the mapper configuration or 'id'
     $pkey = $this->_mapper ? $this->_mapper->getPrimaryKey($class) : \t41\Backend::DEFAULT_PKEY;
     if (is_array($pkey)) {
         $composite = array();
         /* @var $obj t41\Backend\Key */
         foreach ($pkey as $obj) {
             $composite[] = sprintf('TRIM(%s)', $table . '.' . $obj->getName());
             $composite[] = Backend\Mapper::VALUES_SEPARATOR;
         $pkey = sprintf("CONCAT(%s) AS %s", implode(',', $composite), Backend::DEFAULT_PKEY);
     } else {
         $pkey = $table . '.' . $pkey;
     /* @var $select \Zend_Db_Select */
     $this->_select = $this->_ressource->select();
     // detect if query is of stat-kind
     if ($returnCount) {
         switch ($subOp) {
             case ObjectModel::CALC_SUM:
                 $expressions = array();
                 foreach ($returnCount as $propKey => $property) {
                     $prop = $this->_mapper ? $this->_mapper->propertyToDatastoreName($class, $propKey) : $propKey;
                     $expressions[] = sprintf('SUM(%s.%s)', $table, $prop);
                 $subOpExpr = implode('+', $expressions);
             case ObjectModel::CALC_AVG:
                 $subOpExpr = sprintf('AVG(%s)', $returnCount);
                 $subOpExpr = 'COUNT(*)';
         $this->_select->from($table, new \Zend_Db_Expr($subOpExpr . " AS " . \t41\Backend::MAX_ROWS_IDENTIFIER));
     } else {
         $this->_select->from($table, $pkey);
     $this->_alreadyJoined = array();
     /* @var $condition t41\Backend\Condition */
     foreach ($collection->getConditions() as $conditionArray) {
         // combo conditions
         if ($conditionArray[0] instanceof Condition\Combo) {
             $statement = array();
             foreach ($conditionArray[0]->getConditions() as $condition) {
                 $statement[] = $this->_parseCondition($condition[0], $this->_select, $table);
             $statement = implode(' OR ', $statement);
             switch ($conditionArray[1]) {
                 case Condition::MODE_OR:
                 case Condition::MODE_AND:
         // optional table where the column may be
         $jtable = '';
         // condition object is in the first key
         $condition = $conditionArray[0];
         /* does condition contain another condition object ? */
         if ($condition->isRecursive()) {
             while ($condition->isRecursive()) {
                 $property = $condition->getProperty();
                 $parent = $property->getParent() ? $property->getParent()->getId() : $table;
                 $condition = $condition->getCondition();
                 if ($jtable) {
                     $parentTable = $jtable;
                 } else {
                     if ($parent) {
                         $parentTable = $this->_mapper ? $this->_mapper->getDatastore($parent) : $parent;
                     } else {
                         $parentTable = $table;
                 $jtable = $this->_mapper ? $this->_mapper->getDatastore($property->getParameter('instanceof')) : $this->_getTableFromClass($property->getParameter('instanceof'));
                 /* column name in left table */
                 $jlkey = $this->_mapper ? $this->_mapper->propertyToDatastoreName($class, $property->getId()) : $property->getId();
                 $uniqext = $jtable . '__joined_for__' . $jlkey;
                 if (in_array($uniqext, $this->_alreadyJoined)) {
                     $class = $property->getParameter('instanceof');
                     $jtable = $uniqext;
                 /* pkey name in joined table */
                 $jpkey = $this->_mapper ? $this->_mapper->getPrimaryKey($property->getParameter('instanceof')) : Backend::DEFAULT_PKEY;
                 $join = sprintf("%s.%s = %s.%s", $parentTable, $jlkey, $uniqext, $jpkey);
                 $this->_select->joinLeft($jtable . " AS {$uniqext}", $join, array());
                 $this->_alreadyJoined[$jtable] = $uniqext;
                 $jtable = $uniqext;
                 $class = $property->getParameter('instanceof');
         $property = $condition->getProperty();
         if ($property instanceof Property\ObjectProperty) {
             // no join if object is stored in a different backend !
             // @todo improve this part
             if (ObjectModel::getObjectBackend($property->getParameter('instanceof'))->getAlias() != $this->_uri->getAlias()) {
                 $clauses = $condition->getClauses();
                 if ($clauses[0]['value'] != Condition::NO_VALUE) {
                     $clauses[0]['operator'] = Condition::OPERATOR_ENDSWITH | Condition::OPERATOR_EQUAL;
                 $field = $this->_mapper ? $this->_mapper->propertyToDatastoreName($this->_class, $property->getId()) : $property->getId();
             } else {
                 // which table to join with ? (in case of condition is last element of a recursion)
                 $jtable2 = $jtable ? $jtable : $table;
                 $jtable = $this->_mapper ? $this->_mapper->getDatastore($property->getParameter('instanceof')) : $this->_getTableFromClass($property->getParameter('instanceof'));
                 $leftkey = $this->_mapper ? $this->_mapper->propertyToDatastoreName($class, $property->getId()) : $property->getId();
                 $field = $rightkey = $this->_mapper ? $this->_mapper->getPrimaryKey($property->getParameter('instanceof')) : Backend::DEFAULT_PKEY;
                 $uniqext = $jtable . '__joined_for__' . $leftkey;
                 if (!in_array($uniqext, $this->_alreadyJoined)) {
                     $join = sprintf("%s.%s = %s.%s", $jtable2, $leftkey, $uniqext, is_array($rightkey) ? $rightkey[0] : $rightkey);
                     $this->_select->joinLeft($jtable . " AS {$uniqext}", $join, array());
                     $this->_alreadyJoined[$jtable] = $uniqext;
                 $jtable = $uniqext;
         } else {
             if ($property instanceof Property\CollectionProperty) {
                 // handling of conditions based on collection limited to withMembers() and withoutMembers()
                 $leftkey = $property->getParameter('keyprop');
                 $field = $property->getId();
                 $subSelect = $this->_ressource->select();
                 $subseltbl = $this->_mapper ? $this->_mapper->getDatastore($property->getParameter('instanceof')) : $this->_getTableFromClass($property->getParameter('instanceof'));
                 $subSelect->from($subseltbl, new \Zend_Db_Expr(sprintf("COUNT(%s)", $leftkey)));
                 $join = sprintf("%s.%s = %s", $subseltbl, $leftkey, $pkey);
                 $statement = $this->_buildConditionStatement(new \Zend_Db_Expr(sprintf("(%s)", $subSelect)), $condition->getClauses(), $conditionArray[1]);
             } else {
                 $field = $property->getId();
                 if ($this->_mapper) {
                     $field = $this->_mapper->propertyToDatastoreName($class, $field);
         /* convert identifier tag to the valid primary key */
         if ($field == ObjectUri::IDENTIFIER) {
             // @todo handle multiple keys from mapper
             $field = $table . '.';
             $key = $this->_mapper ? $this->_mapper->getPrimaryKey($class) : Backend::DEFAULT_PKEY;
             $field .= is_array($key) ? $key[0] : $key;
         } else {
             if ($jtable) {
                 if (array_key_exists($jtable, $this->_alreadyJoined)) {
                     $field = $this->_alreadyJoined[$jtable] . '.' . $field;
                 } else {
                     $tmp = $jtable . '.';
                     $tmp .= is_array($field) ? $field[0] : $field;
                     $field = $tmp;
             } else {
                 if (array_key_exists($table, $this->_alreadyJoined)) {
                     $field = $this->_alreadyJoined[$table] . '.' . $field;
                 } else {
                     $field = $table . '.' . $field;
         if ($field instanceof Key) {
             $field = $table . '.' . $field->getName();
         // protect DateProperty() with setted timepart parameter from misuse
         if ($property instanceof DateProperty && $property->getParameter('timepart') == true) {
             $field = "DATE({$field})";
         $statement = $this->_buildConditionStatement($field, $condition->getClauses(), $conditionArray[1]);
         switch ($conditionArray[1]) {
             case Condition::MODE_OR:
             case Condition::MODE_AND:
     // Adjust query based on returnCount
     if ($returnCount) {
         if (is_array($returnCount)) {
             if ($subOp) {
             } else {
                 // return count on grouped columns
                 foreach ($returnCount as $key => $property) {
                     $fieldmodifier = null;
                     if ($this->_mapper) {
                         $class = $property->getParent() ? $property->getParent()->getId() : $collection->getDataObject()->getClass();
                         $field = $this->_mapper->propertyToDatastoreName($class, $property->getId());
                     } else {
                         $field = $property->getId();
                     if ($property instanceof ObjectProperty) {
                         // join with $key if necessary
                         if (strstr($key, '.') !== false) {
                             $leftPart = substr($key, 0, strpos($key, '.'));
                             $intermediateProp = $collection->getDataObject()->getProperty($leftPart);
                             $fieldmodifier = $this->_join($intermediateProp, $table) . '.' . $field;
                     // limit date grouping to date part, omitting possible hour part
                     if ($property instanceof DateProperty) {
                         $fieldmodifier = "DATE({$field})";
                     $this->_select->group($fieldmodifier ? $fieldmodifier : $field);
                     $this->_select->columns(array($field => $fieldmodifier ? $fieldmodifier : $field));
         } else {
     } else {
         $this->_select->limit($collection->getBoundaryBatch() != -1 ? $collection->getBoundaryBatch() : null, $collection->getBoundaryOffset());
          * Sorting part
         foreach ($collection->getSortings() as $sorting) {
             $slUniqext = $slTable = null;
             // Specific cases first
             // @todo find a better way to sort on meta properties
             if ($sorting[0]->getId() == ObjectUri::IDENTIFIER || $sorting[0] instanceof MetaProperty) {
                 $id = Backend::DEFAULT_PKEY;
                 $this->_select->order(new \Zend_Db_Expr($table . '.' . $id . ' ' . $sorting[1]));
             } else {
                 if ($sorting[0] instanceof Property\CollectionProperty) {
                     // handling of conditions based on collection limited to withMembers() and withoutMembers()
                     $leftkey = $sorting[0]->getParameter('keyprop');
                     //$field = $property->getId();
                     $subSelect = $this->_ressource->select();
                     $subseltbl = $this->_mapper ? $this->_mapper->getDatastore($sorting[0]->getParameter('instanceof')) : $this->_getTableFromClass($sorting[0]->getParameter('instanceof'));
                     $subSelect->from($subseltbl, new \Zend_Db_Expr(sprintf("COUNT(%s)", $leftkey)));
                     $join = sprintf("%s.%s = %s", $subseltbl, $leftkey, $pkey);
                     // $statement = $this->_buildConditionStatement(new \Zend_Db_Expr(sprintf("(%s)", $subSelect)), $condition->getClauses(), $conditionArray[1]);
                     $this->_select->order(new \Zend_Db_Expr('(' . $subSelect->__toString() . ') ' . $sorting[1]));
                 } else {
                     if ($sorting[0] instanceof Property\ObjectProperty) {
                         // find which property to sort by
                         if ($sorting[0]->getParameter('sorting')) {
                             $sprops = array_keys($sorting[0]->getParameter('sorting'));
                         } else {
                             // try to sort with properties used to display value
                             if (substr($sorting[0]->getParameter('display'), 0, 1) == '[') {
                                 // @todo extract elements of pattern to order from them ?
                                 $sprops = array('id');
                             } else {
                                 $sprops = explode(',', $sorting[0]->getParameter('display'));
                         // sorting property belongs to a second-level join
                         if ($sorting[0]->getParent()->getClass() != $collection->getClass()) {
                             $leftkey = 'commande';
                             //$this->_mapper ? $this->_mapper->propertyToDatastoreName($collection->getDataObject()->getClass(), $sorting[0]->getParent()getId()) : $sorting[0]->getId();
                             $class = $sorting[0]->getParent()->getClass();
                             $stable = $this->_getTableFromClass($class);
                             $sbackend = ObjectModel::getObjectBackend($class);
                             // Property to sort from is in a different backend from current one
                             if ($sbackend->getAlias() != $this->getAlias()) {
                                 // We presume that the current backend is allowed to connect to the remote one
                                 // Should we raise an exception instead ?
                                 $stable = $sbackend->getUri()->getDatabase() . '.' . $stable;
                             $field = $sorting[0]->getId();
                             $rightkey = $this->_mapper ? $this->_mapper->getPrimaryKey($class) : Backend::DEFAULT_PKEY;
                             $uniqext = $stable . '__joined_for__' . $leftkey;
                             if (!in_array($uniqext, $this->_alreadyJoined)) {
                                 if (is_array($rightkey)) {
                                     foreach ($rightkey as $rightkeyObj) {
                                         $join = sprintf("%s.%s = %s.%s", $table, $leftkey, $uniqext, $rightkeyObj->getName());
                                 } else {
                                     $join = sprintf("%s.%s = %s.%s", $table, $leftkey, $uniqext, $rightkey);
                                 $this->_select->joinLeft("{$stable} AS {$uniqext}", $join, array());
                                 $this->_alreadyJoined[$stable] = $uniqext;
                             $slTable = $this->_getTableFromClass($sorting[0]->getParameter('instanceof'));
                             $slUniqext = $uniqext;
                         $leftkey = $this->_mapper ? $this->_mapper->propertyToDatastoreName($collection->getDataObject()->getClass(), $sorting[0]->getId()) : $sorting[0]->getId();
                         $class = $sorting[0]->getParameter('instanceof');
                         $stable = isset($slTable) ? $slTable : $this->_getTableFromClass($class);
                         $sbackend = ObjectModel::getObjectBackend($class);
                         // Property to sort from is in a different backend from current one
                         if ($sbackend->getAlias() != $this->getAlias()) {
                             // We presume that the current backend is allowed to connect to the remote one
                             // Should we raise an exception instead ?
                             $stable = $sbackend->getUri()->getDatabase() . '.' . $stable;
                         $field = $sorting[0]->getId();
                         $rightkey = $this->_mapper ? $this->_mapper->getPrimaryKey($class) : Backend::DEFAULT_PKEY;
                         $uniqext = $stable . '__joined_for__' . $leftkey;
                         if (!in_array($uniqext, $this->_alreadyJoined)) {
                             if (is_array($rightkey)) {
                                 foreach ($rightkey as $rightkeyObj) {
                                     $join = sprintf("%s.%s = %s.%s", $table, $leftkey, $uniqext, $rightkeyObj->getName());
                             } else {
                                 $join = sprintf("%s.%s = %s.%s", isset($slUniqext) ? $slUniqext : $table, $leftkey, $uniqext, $rightkey);
                             $this->_select->joinLeft("{$stable} AS {$uniqext}", $join, array());
                             $this->_alreadyJoined[$stable] = $uniqext;
                         foreach ($sprops as $sprop) {
                             if ($this->_mapper) {
                                 $sfield = $this->_mapper->propertyToDatastoreName($class, $sprop);
                             } else {
                                 $sfield = $sprop;
                             $sortingExpr = $this->_alreadyJoined[$stable] . '.' . $sfield;
                             if (isset($sorting[2]) && !empty($sorting[2])) {
                                 $sortingExpr = sprintf('%s(%s)', $sorting[2], $sortingExpr);
                             $this->_select->order(new \Zend_Db_Expr($sortingExpr . ' ' . $sorting[1]));
             // default sorting on a different table
             $class = $sorting[0]->getParent() ? $sorting[0]->getParent()->getClass() : $collection->getDataObject()->getClass();
             $stable = $this->_getTableFromClass($class);
             if ($this->_mapper) {
                 $sfield = $this->_mapper->propertyToDatastoreName($class, $sorting[0]->getId());
             } else {
                 $field = $sorting[0];
                 $sfield = $field->getId();
             // add a left join if the sorting field belongs to a table not yet part of the query
             if ($stable != $table) {
                 // get the property id from the class name
                 $tfield = isset($sorting[3]) ? $sorting[3] : $collection->getDataObject()->getObjectPropertyId($class);
                 $leftkey = $this->_mapper ? $this->_mapper->propertyToDatastoreName($class, $tfield) : $tfield;
                 $rightkey = $this->_mapper ? $this->_mapper->getPrimaryKey($field->getParameter('instanceof')) : Backend::DEFAULT_PKEY;
                 $uniqext = $stable . '__joined_for__' . $leftkey;
                 if (!in_array($uniqext, $this->_alreadyJoined)) {
                     $join = sprintf("%s.%s = %s.%s", $table, $leftkey, $uniqext, $rightkey);
                     $this->_select->joinLeft("{$stable} AS {$uniqext}", $join, array());
                     $this->_alreadyJoined[$stable] = $uniqext;
                 $sortingExpr = $this->_alreadyJoined[$stable] . '.' . $sfield;
             } else {
                 $sortingExpr = $stable . '.' . $sfield;
             if (isset($sorting[2]) && !empty($sorting[2])) {
                 $sortingExpr = sprintf('%s(%s)', $sorting[2], $sortingExpr);
             $this->_select->order(new \Zend_Db_Expr('TRIM(' . $sortingExpr . ') ' . $sorting[1]));
     $result = array();
     $context = array('table' => $table);
     try {
         if (true && $returnCount == false) {
         $result = $this->_ressource->fetchAll($this->_select);
     } catch (\Zend_Db_Exception $e) {
         $context['error'] = $e->getMessage();
         $this->_setLastQuery($this->_select->__toString(), $this->_select->getPart('where'), $context);
         return false;
     $this->_setLastQuery($this->_select->__toString(), $this->_select->getPart('where'), $context);
     if ($returnCount !== false) {
         return is_array($returnCount) ? $result : $result[0][Backend::MAX_ROWS_IDENTIFIER];
     // convert array of primary keys to strings
     foreach ($result as $key => $val) {
         //	$result[$key] = implode(Backend\Mapper::VALUES_SEPARATOR, $val);
     /* prepare base of object uri */
     $uri = new ObjectModel\ObjectUri();
     $uri->setUrl($this->_database . '/' . $table . '/');
     return $collection->populate($result, $uri);
     //return $this->_populateCollection($result, $collection, $uri);
Exemplo n.º 16
  * 选择合适的游戏类型
  * @param Zend_Db_Select $select
  * @param boolean $group
  * @return Zend_Db_Select
 protected function _selectGameTypes(Zend_Db_Select $select, $group = false)
     $tableName = $this->_tableDAO->info('name');
     $column = (strstr($tableName, '_', true) ?: $tableName) . '_gametype';
     if (is_array(self::$_allowedGameTypes) && is_array($this->_gameTypes)) {
         $gameTypes = array_intersect($this->_gameTypes, self::$_allowedGameTypes);
     } else {
         if (is_array(self::$_allowedGameTypes)) {
             $gameTypes = self::$_allowedGameTypes;
         } else {
             if (is_array($this->_gameTypes)) {
                 $gameTypes = $this->_gameTypes;
     if (isset($gameTypes) && !empty($gameTypes)) {
         count($gameTypes) === 1 ? $select->where("{$column} = ?", $gameTypes) : $select->where("{$column} IN (?)", $gameTypes);
     if (true === $group) {
         if (!in_array(ZtChart_Model_Assemble::GAMETYPE, $this->_merge)) {
             array_unshift($this->_merge, ZtChart_Model_Assemble::GAMETYPE);
         $select->columns("{$column} AS " . ZtChart_Model_Assemble::GAMETYPE)->group(ZtChart_Model_Assemble::GAMETYPE);
     return $select;
Exemplo n.º 17
  * Get category collection array
  * @return array
 public function getCollection($storeId, $onlyCount = false, $limit = 4000000000.0, $from = 0)
     $products = array();
     $store = Mage::app()->getStore($storeId);
     /* @var $store Mage_Core_Model_Store */
     if (!$store) {
         return false;
     $read = $this->_getReadAdapter();
     $this->_select = $read->select()->distinct()->from(array('e' => $this->getMainTable()), array($onlyCount ? 'COUNT(*)' : $this->getIdFieldName()))->join(array('w' => $this->getTable('catalog/product_website')), 'e.entity_id=w.product_id', array())->where('w.website_id=?', $store->getWebsiteId())->limit($limit, $from);
     $excludeAttr = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->getResource()->getAttribute('exclude_from_sitemap');
     if ($excludeAttr) {
         $this->_select->joinLeft(array('exclude_tbl' => $excludeAttr->getBackend()->getTable()), 'exclude_tbl.entity_id = e.entity_id AND exclude_tbl.attribute_id = ' . $excludeAttr->getAttributeId() . ' AND exclude_tbl.store_id = 0', array())->where('exclude_tbl.value=0 OR exclude_tbl.value IS NULL');
     $this->_addFilter($storeId, 'visibility', Mage::getSingleton('catalog/product_visibility')->getVisibleInSiteIds(), 'in');
     $this->_addFilter($storeId, 'status', Mage::getSingleton('catalog/product_status')->getVisibleStatusIds(), 'in');
     if ($onlyCount) {
         return $read->fetchOne($this->_select);
     $productCanonicalUrl = Mage::getStoreConfig('mageworx_seo/seosuite/product_canonical_url');
     $suffix = '';
     if ($productCanonicalUrl) {
         $suffix = "AND canonical_url_rewrite.category_id IS NOT NULL";
         $suffix2 = "AND category_id IS NOT NULL";
     if ($productCanonicalUrl == 1) {
         $sort = 'DESC';
     } else {
         if ($productCanonicalUrl == 2) {
             $sort = 'ASC';
         } else {
             $sort = '';
     $canonicalAttr = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->getResource()->getAttribute('canonical_url');
     $urlPathAttr = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->getResource()->getAttribute('url_path');
     if ($canonicalAttr) {
         $this->_select->columns(array('url' => new Zend_Db_Expr("\n            IFNULL(\n                (IFNULL((SELECT canonical_url_rewrite.`request_path`\n                    FROM `" . $canonicalAttr->getBackend()->getTable() . "` AS canonical_path\n                    LEFT JOIN `" . $this->getTable('core/url_rewrite') . "` AS canonical_url_rewrite ON canonical_url_rewrite.`id_path` = canonical_path.`value`\n                    WHERE canonical_path.`entity_id` = e.`entity_id` AND canonical_path.`attribute_id` = " . $canonicalAttr->getAttributeId() . " AND canonical_url_rewrite.`store_id` IN (0," . $storeId . ") {$suffix}" . ($sort ? " ORDER BY LENGTH(canonical_url_rewrite.`request_path`) " . $sort : "") . " LIMIT 1),\n                    (SELECT `request_path` \n                    FROM `" . $this->getTable('core/url_rewrite') . "`\n                    WHERE `product_id`=e.`entity_id` AND `store_id` IN (0," . $storeId . ") AND `is_system`=1 AND `request_path` IS NOT NULL {$suffix2}" . ($sort ? " ORDER BY LENGTH(`request_path`) " . $sort : "") . " LIMIT 1) \n                )),\n                (SELECT p.`value` FROM `" . $urlPathAttr->getBackend()->getTable() . "` AS p\n                 WHERE p.`entity_id` = e.`entity_id` AND p.`attribute_id` = " . $urlPathAttr->getAttributeId() . " AND p.`store_id` IN (0," . $storeId . ")  LIMIT 1\n                )\n            )")));
     } else {
         $this->_select->columns(array('url' => new Zend_Db_Expr("(SELECT `request_path` \n                FROM `" . $this->getTable('core/url_rewrite') . "`\n                WHERE `product_id`=e.`entity_id` AND `store_id`=" . intval($storeId) . " AND `is_system`=1 AND `request_path` IS NOT NULL" . ($sort ? " ORDER BY LENGTH(`request_path`) " . $sort : "") . " LIMIT 1)")));
     $crossDomainAttr = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->getResource()->getAttribute('canonical_cross_domain');
     if ($crossDomainAttr) {
         $this->_select->joinLeft(array('cross_domain_tbl' => $crossDomainAttr->getBackend()->getTable()), 'cross_domain_tbl.entity_id = e.entity_id AND cross_domain_tbl.attribute_id = ' . $crossDomainAttr->getAttributeId(), array('canonical_cross_domain' => 'cross_domain_tbl.value'));
     $updatedAt = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->getResource()->getAttribute('updated_at');
     if ($updatedAt) {
         $this->_select->joinLeft(array('updatedat_tbl' => $updatedAt->getBackend()->getTable()), 'updatedat_tbl.entity_id = e.entity_id', array('updated_at' => 'updatedat_tbl.updated_at'));
     //   echo $this->_select->assemble(); exit;
     $query = $read->query($this->_select);
     while ($row = $query->fetch()) {
         $product = $this->_prepareProduct($row);
         if ($productCanonicalUrl == 3) {
             // use root
             $urlArr = explode('/', $product->getUrl());
         $products[$product->getId()] = $product;
     return $products;
Exemplo n.º 18
 public static function whereProximity(Zend_Db_Select $select, $centerLat, $centerLong, $fieldLat, $fieldLong, $distance, $calculatedDistanceAs = "calcDistance")
     if (empty($centerLat) || empty($centerLong) || empty($fieldLat) || empty($fieldLong) || empty($distance)) {
         return $select;
     $centerLat = floatval($centerLat);
     $centerLong = floatval($centerLong);
     $distance = floatval($distance);
     if ($distance >= 0 && $distance <= 12450.775) {
         $longOffset = $distance / abs(cos(deg2rad($centerLat)) * 69);
         $rectLong1 = $centerLong - $longOffset;
         $rectLong2 = $centerLong + $longOffset;
         $latOffset = $distance / 69;
         $rectLat1 = $centerLat - $latOffset;
         $rectLat2 = $centerLat + $latOffset;
          * @author Pavel Shutin
         $select->where("{$fieldLat} >= ? ", $rectLat1)->where("{$fieldLat} <= ? ", $rectLat2)->where("{$fieldLong} >= ? ", $rectLong1)->where("{$fieldLong} <= ? ", $rectLong2);
     if (!empty($calculatedDistanceAs)) {
         /* Distance Formula : 3956 * 2 * ASIN(SQRT( POWER(SIN((orig.lat - dest.lat) * pi()/180 / 2), 2) + COS(orig.lat * pi()/180) * COS(dest.lat * pi()/180) * POWER(SIN((orig.lon -dest.lon) * pi()/180 / 2), 2) ))as distance */
         $earthDiameter = 7912;
         $piOver180 = 0.01745329;
         $select->columns(array($calculatedDistanceAs => new Zend_Db_Expr("{$earthDiameter} * ASIN(SQRT( POWER(SIN(({$centerLat} - {$fieldLat}) * {$piOver180} / 2), 2) + COS({$centerLat} * {$piOver180}) * COS({$fieldLat} * {$piOver180}) * POWER(SIN(({$centerLong} - {$fieldLong}) * {$piOver180} / 2), 2) ))")));
          * @author Pavel Shutin
         $select->having($calculatedDistanceAs . ' <= ?', $distance);
     return $select;
Exemplo n.º 19
  * Get category collection array
  * @return array
 public function getCollection($storeId, $onlyCount = false, $limit = 4000000000.0, $from = 0)
     $products = array();
     $store = Mage::app()->getStore($storeId);
     /* @var $store Mage_Core_Model_Store */
     if (!$store) {
         return false;
     $read = $this->_getReadAdapter();
     //        $useCategories = Mage::getStoreConfigFlag('catalog/seo/product_use_categories');
     //        $urCondions = array(
     //            'e.entity_id=ur.product_id',
     //            //'ur.category_id IS ' . ($useCategories ? 'NOT' : '') . ' NULL',
     //            $read->quoteInto('ur.store_id=?', $store->getId()),
     //            $read->quoteInto('ur.is_system=?', 1),
     //        );
     $this->_select = $read->select()->distinct()->from(array('e' => $this->getMainTable()), array($onlyCount ? 'COUNT(*)' : $this->getIdFieldName()))->join(array('w' => $this->getTable('catalog/product_website')), 'e.entity_id=w.product_id', array())->where('w.website_id=?', $store->getWebsiteId())->limit($limit, $from);
     $excludeAttr = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->getResource()->getAttribute('exclude_from_sitemap');
     if ($excludeAttr) {
         $this->_select->joinLeft(array('exclude_tbl' => $excludeAttr->getBackend()->getTable()), 'exclude_tbl.entity_id = e.entity_id AND exclude_tbl.attribute_id = ' . $excludeAttr->getAttributeId() . ' AND exclude_tbl.store_id = 0', array())->where('exclude_tbl.value=0 OR exclude_tbl.value IS NULL');
     $this->_addFilter($storeId, 'visibility', Mage::getSingleton('catalog/product_visibility')->getVisibleInSiteIds(), 'in');
     $this->_addFilter($storeId, 'status', Mage::getSingleton('catalog/product_status')->getVisibleStatusIds(), 'in');
     if ($onlyCount) {
         return $read->fetchOne($this->_select);
     $productCanonicalUrl = Mage::getStoreConfig('mageworx_seo/seosuite/product_canonical_url');
     //        $useLongest = ($productCanonicalUrl==1) ? true : false;
     if ($productCanonicalUrl == 1) {
         $sort = 'DESC';
     } else {
         if ($productCanonicalUrl == 2) {
             $sort = 'ASC';
         } else {
             $sort = '';
     $canonicalAttr = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->getResource()->getAttribute('canonical_url');
     if ($canonicalAttr) {
         $this->_select->columns(array('url' => new Zend_Db_Expr("IFNULL((SELECT canonical_url_rewrite.`request_path`\n                FROM `" . $canonicalAttr->getBackend()->getTable() . "` AS canonical_path\n                LEFT JOIN `" . $this->getTable('core/url_rewrite') . "` AS canonical_url_rewrite ON canonical_url_rewrite.`id_path` = canonical_path.`value`\n                WHERE canonical_path.`entity_id` = e.`entity_id` AND canonical_path.`attribute_id` = " . $canonicalAttr->getAttributeId() . ($sort ? " ORDER BY LENGTH(canonical_url_rewrite.`request_path`) " . $sort : "") . " LIMIT 1),\n                (SELECT `request_path` \n                FROM `" . $this->getTable('core/url_rewrite') . "`\n                WHERE `product_id`=e.`entity_id` AND `store_id`=" . intval($storeId) . " AND `is_system`=1 AND `request_path` IS NOT NULL" . ($sort ? " ORDER BY LENGTH(`request_path`) " . $sort : "") . " LIMIT 1) \n            )")));
         //            $this->_select->joinLeft(
         //                        array('ur' => $this->getTable('core/url_rewrite')),
         //                        join(' AND ', $urCondions),
         //                        array('url' => 'IFNULL(`canonical_url_rewrite`.`request_path`, `ur`.`request_path`)')
         //                )
         //                ->joinLeft(
         //                        array('canonical_path' => $canonicalAttr->getBackend()->getTable()),
         //                        'canonical_path.entity_id = e.entity_id AND canonical_path.attribute_id = ' . $canonicalAttr->getAttributeId() ,
         //                        array()
         //                )
         //                ->joinLeft(
         //                        array('canonical_url_rewrite' => $this->getTable('core/url_rewrite')),
         //                        '`canonical_url_rewrite`.`id_path` = `canonical_path`.value',
         //                        array()
         //                )
         //                ->where('ur.request_path IS NOT NULL OR `canonical_url_rewrite`.`request_path` IS NOT NULL');
     } else {
         $this->_select->columns(array('url' => new Zend_Db_Expr("(SELECT `request_path` \n                FROM `" . $this->getTable('core/url_rewrite') . "`\n                WHERE `product_id`=e.`entity_id` AND `store_id`=" . intval($storeId) . " AND `is_system`=1 AND `request_path` IS NOT NULL" . ($sort ? " ORDER BY LENGTH(`request_path`) " . $sort : "") . " LIMIT 1)")));
         //            $this->_select->joinLeft(
         //                        array('ur' => $this->getTable('core/url_rewrite')),
         //                        join(' AND ', $urCondions),
         //                        array('url' => 'ur.request_path')
         //                )
         //                ->where('ur.request_path IS NOT NULL');
     $crossDomainAttr = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->getResource()->getAttribute('canonical_cross_domain');
     if ($crossDomainAttr) {
         $this->_select->joinLeft(array('cross_domain_tbl' => $crossDomainAttr->getBackend()->getTable()), 'cross_domain_tbl.entity_id = e.entity_id AND cross_domain_tbl.attribute_id = ' . $crossDomainAttr->getAttributeId(), array('canonical_cross_domain' => 'cross_domain_tbl.value'));
     //echo $this->_select->assemble(); exit;
     $query = $read->query($this->_select);
     while ($row = $query->fetch()) {
         $product = $this->_prepareProduct($row);
         //            if (isset($products[$product->getId()])) {
         //            	if (($useLongest && strlen($product->getUrl()) < strlen($products[$product->getId()]->getUrl()))
         //                    || (!$useLongest && strlen($product->getUrl()) > strlen($products[$product->getId()]->getUrl()))) {
         //            		$product->setUrl($products[$product->getId()]->getUrl());
         //            	}
         //            }
         if ($productCanonicalUrl == 3) {
             // use root
             $urlArr = explode('/', $product->getUrl());
         $products[$product->getId()] = $product;
     return $products;
Exemplo n.º 20
  * remove column from select to avoid duplicates 
  * @param Zend_Db_Select $_select
  * @param array|string $_cols
  * @param string $_column
 protected function _removeColFromSelect(Zend_Db_Select $_select, &$_cols, $_column)
     if (!is_array($_cols)) {
     foreach ($_cols as $name => $correlation) {
         if ($name == $_column) {
             if (Tinebase_Core::isLogLevel(Zend_Log::TRACE)) {
                 Tinebase_Core::getLogger()->trace(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . ' Removing ' . $_column . ' from columns.');
  * Public service for grouping treatment
  * @param Zend_Db_Select $select
 public static function traitGroup(Zend_Db_Select $select)
     // not needed for MySQL backends
     if ($select->getAdapter() instanceof Zend_Db_Adapter_Pdo_Mysql) {
     $group = $select->getPart(Zend_Db_Select::GROUP);
     if (empty($group)) {
     $columns = $select->getPart(Zend_Db_Select::COLUMNS);
     $updatedColumns = array();
     //$column is an array where 0 is table, 1 is field and 2 is alias
     foreach ($columns as $key => $column) {
         if ($column[1] instanceof Zend_Db_Expr) {
             if (preg_match('/^\\(.*\\)/', $column[1])) {
                 $updatedColumns[] = array($column[0], new Zend_Db_Expr("MIN(" . $column[1] . ")"), $column[2]);
             } else {
                 $updatedColumns[] = $column;
         if (preg_match('/^\\(.*\\)/', $column[1])) {
             $updatedColumns[] = array($column[0], new Zend_Db_Expr("MIN(" . $column[1] . ")"), $column[2]);
         // resolve * to single columns
         if ($column[1] == '*') {
             $tableFields = Tinebase_Db_Table::getTableDescriptionFromCache(SQL_TABLE_PREFIX . $column[0], $select->getAdapter());
             foreach ($tableFields as $columnName => $schema) {
                 // adds columns into group by clause (table.field)
                 // checks if field has a function (that must be an aggregation)
                 $fieldName = "{$column[0]}.{$columnName}";
                 if (in_array($fieldName, $group)) {
                     $updatedColumns[] = array($column[0], $fieldName, $columnName);
                 } else {
                     // any selected field which is not in the group by clause must have an aggregate function
                     // we choose MIN() as default. In practice the affected columns will have only one value anyways.
                     $updatedColumns[] = array($column[0], new Zend_Db_Expr("MIN(" . $select->getAdapter()->quoteIdentifier($fieldName) . ")"), $columnName);
         $fieldName = $column[0] . '.' . $column[1];
         if (in_array($fieldName, $group)) {
             $updatedColumns[] = $column;
         } else {
             // any selected field which is not in the group by clause must have an aggregate function
             // we choose MIN() as default. In practice the affected columns will have only one value anyways.
             $updatedColumns[] = array($column[0], new Zend_Db_Expr("MIN(" . $select->getAdapter()->quoteIdentifier($fieldName) . ")"), $column[2] ? $column[2] : $column[1]);
     foreach ($updatedColumns as $column) {
         $select->columns(!empty($column[2]) ? array($column[2] => $column[1]) : $column[1], $column[0]);
     // add order by columns to group by
     $order = $select->getPart(Zend_Db_Select::ORDER);
     foreach ($order as $column) {
         $field = $column[0];
         if (preg_match('/.*\\..*/', $field) && !in_array($field, $group)) {
             // adds column into group by clause (table.field)
             $group[] = $field;
Exemplo n.º 22
  * @param int
  * @return Varien_Data_Collerction
 public function getCollection($catId)
     $currentCatProducts = $this->_getProductDataByCategory($catId);
     if (!$currentCatProducts) {
         return new Varien_Data_Collection();
     $productUrlToCategory = Mage::helper('xsitemap')->getHtmlSitemapProductUrlType();
     $onlyCount = false;
     $store = Mage::app()->getStore();
     $storeId = $store->getStoreId();
     $read = $this->_getReadAdapter();
     $this->_select = $read->select()->distinct()->from(array('e' => $this->getMainTable()), array($onlyCount ? 'COUNT(*)' : $this->getIdFieldName()))->join(array('w' => $this->getTable('catalog/product_website')), "e.entity_id=w.product_id  AND product_id IN (" . implode(',', array_keys($currentCatProducts)) . ")", array())->where('w.website_id=?', $store->getWebsiteId());
     $name = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->getResource()->getAttribute('name');
     if ($name) {
         $this->_select->join(array('cpev' => $name->getBackend()->getTable(), array($this->getIdFieldName())), "cpev.entity_id = e.entity_id", array('name' => 'cpev.value'));
         $this->_select->joinRight(array('ea' => Mage::getSingleton('core/resource')->getTableName('eav_attribute')), "cpev.attribute_id = ea.attribute_id" . new Zend_Db_Expr(" AND cpev.store_id =\n                    IF(\n\t\t\t\t\t\t(SELECT `cpev_store`.`value` FROM `{$name->getBackend()->getTable()}` AS `cpev_store` WHERE `cpev_store`.`entity_id` = `e`.`entity_id` AND `attribute_id` = {$name->getAttributeId()} AND `store_id` = {$storeId}) IS NOT NULL ,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t(SELECT {$storeId}),\n\t\t\t\t\t\t(SELECT 0)\n\t\t\t\t\t)"), array())->where('ea.attribute_code=?', 'name');
     $excludeAttr = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->getResource()->getAttribute('exclude_from_html_sitemap');
     if ($excludeAttr) {
         $this->_select->joinLeft(array('exclude_tbl' => $excludeAttr->getBackend()->getTable()), 'exclude_tbl.entity_id = e.entity_id AND exclude_tbl.attribute_id = ' . $excludeAttr->getAttributeId() . new Zend_Db_Expr(" AND exclude_tbl.store_id =\n                    IF(\n\t\t\t\t\t\t(SELECT `exclude`.`value` FROM `{$excludeAttr->getBackend()->getTable()}` AS `exclude` WHERE `exclude`.`entity_id` = `e`.`entity_id` AND `attribute_id` = {$excludeAttr->getAttributeId()} AND `store_id` = {$storeId}) ,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t(SELECT {$storeId}),\n\t\t\t\t\t\t(SELECT 0)\n\t\t\t\t\t)"), array())->where('exclude_tbl.value=0 OR exclude_tbl.value IS NULL');
     if (Mage::helper('xsitemap')->isExcludeFromXMLOutOfStockProduct($storeId)) {
         $cond = 'e.entity_id = csi.product_id';
         if (Mage::getStoreConfig('cataloginventory/item_options/manage_stock', $storeId)) {
             $cond .= ' AND IF (csi.use_config_manage_stock = 1, csi.is_in_stock = 1, (csi.manage_stock = 0 OR (csi.manage_stock = 1 AND csi.is_in_stock = 1)))';
         } else {
             $cond .= ' AND IF (csi.use_config_manage_stock = 1, TRUE, (csi.manage_stock = 0 OR (csi.manage_stock = 1 AND csi.is_in_stock = 1)))';
         $this->_select->join(array('csi' => $this->getTable('cataloginventory/stock_item')), $cond, array('is_in_stock', 'manage_stock', 'use_config_manage_stock'));
     $this->_addFilter($storeId, 'visibility', Mage::getSingleton('catalog/product_visibility')->getVisibleInSiteIds(), 'in');
     $this->_addFilter($storeId, 'status', Mage::getSingleton('catalog/product_status')->getVisibleStatusIds(), 'in');
     $suffix = '';
     $suffix2 = '';
     $sort = '';
     if ($productUrlToCategory == 'canonical') {
         $suffix = "AND canonical_url_rewrite.category_id IS NOT NULL";
         $suffix2 = "AND category_id IS NOT NULL";
         $productCanonicalType = Mage::helper('xsitemap')->getSeosuiteProductCanonicalType();
         if ($productCanonicalType) {
             if ($productCanonicalType == 1 || $productCanonicalType == 4) {
                 $sort = 'DESC';
             } elseif ($productCanonicalType == 2 || $productCanonicalType == 5) {
                 $sort = 'ASC';
             } elseif ($productCanonicalType == 3) {
             } else {
                 $productUrlToCategory = 'yes';
     if ($productUrlToCategory == 'no') {
         if (!Mage::helper('xsitemap')->isProductUrlUseCategory()) {
             $sort = '';
             $cropCategory = true;
     } elseif ($productUrlToCategory == 'yes') {
     $canonicalAttr = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->getResource()->getAttribute('canonical_url');
     $urlPathAttr = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->getResource()->getAttribute('url_path');
     if (Mage::helper('xsitemap')->isEnterpriseSince113()) {
         $urlSuffix = Mage::helper('catalog/product')->getProductUrlSuffix($storeId);
         if ($urlSuffix) {
             $urlSuffix = '.' . $urlSuffix;
         } else {
             $urlSuffix = '';
         $this->_select->joinLeft(array('ecp' => $this->getTable('enterprise_catalog/product')), 'ecp.product_id = e.entity_id ' . 'AND ecp.store_id = ' . $storeId, array())->joinLeft(array('euur' => $this->getTable('enterprise_urlrewrite/url_rewrite')), 'ecp.url_rewrite_id = euur.url_rewrite_id AND euur.is_system = 1', array())->joinLeft(array('ecp2' => $this->getTable('enterprise_catalog/product')), 'ecp2.product_id = e.entity_id AND ecp2.store_id = 0', array())->joinLeft(array('euur2' => $this->getTable('enterprise_urlrewrite/url_rewrite')), 'ecp2.url_rewrite_id = euur2.url_rewrite_id', array('url' => 'concat( ' . $this->_getWriteAdapter()->getIfNullSql('euur.request_path', 'euur2.request_path') . ',"' . $urlSuffix . '")'));
     } elseif ($canonicalAttr && $productUrlToCategory == 'canonical') {
         $this->_select->columns(array('url' => new Zend_Db_Expr("\n            IFNULL(\n                (IFNULL((SELECT canonical_url_rewrite.`request_path`\n                    FROM `" . $canonicalAttr->getBackend()->getTable() . "` AS canonical_path\n                    LEFT JOIN `" . $this->getTable('core/url_rewrite') . "` AS canonical_url_rewrite ON canonical_url_rewrite.`id_path` = canonical_path.`value`\n                    WHERE canonical_path.`entity_id` = e.`entity_id` AND canonical_path.`attribute_id` = " . $canonicalAttr->getAttributeId() . " AND canonical_url_rewrite.`store_id` IN (0," . $storeId . ") {$suffix}" . ($sort ? " ORDER BY LENGTH(canonical_url_rewrite.`request_path`) " . $sort : "") . " LIMIT 1),\n                    (SELECT `request_path`\n                    FROM `" . $this->getTable('core/url_rewrite') . "`\n                    WHERE `product_id`=e.`entity_id` AND `store_id` IN (0," . $storeId . ") AND `is_system`=1 AND `request_path` IS NOT NULL {$suffix2}" . ($sort ? " ORDER BY LENGTH(`request_path`) " . $sort : "") . " LIMIT 1)\n                )),\n                (SELECT p.`value` FROM `" . $urlPathAttr->getBackend()->getTable() . "` AS p\n                 WHERE p.`entity_id` = e.`entity_id` AND p.`attribute_id` = " . $urlPathAttr->getAttributeId() . " AND p.`store_id` IN (0," . $storeId . ")  LIMIT 1\n                )\n            )")));
     } else {
         $this->_select->columns(array('url' => new Zend_Db_Expr("(\n                SELECT `request_path`\n                FROM `" . $this->getTable('core/url_rewrite') . "`\n                WHERE `product_id`=e.`entity_id` AND `store_id`=" . intval($storeId) . " AND `is_system`=1 AND `category_id`= " . intval($catId) . " AND `request_path` IS NOT NULL" . ($sort ? " ORDER BY LENGTH(`request_path`) " . $sort : "") . " LIMIT 1)")));
     $crossDomainAttr = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->getResource()->getAttribute('canonical_cross_domain');
     if ($crossDomainAttr && !empty($productCanonicalType)) {
         $this->_select->joinLeft(array('cross_domain_tbl' => $crossDomainAttr->getBackend()->getTable()), 'cross_domain_tbl.entity_id = e.entity_id AND cross_domain_tbl.attribute_id = ' . $crossDomainAttr->getAttributeId(), array('canonical_cross_domain' => 'cross_domain_tbl.value'));
     $sortOrder = Mage::helper('xsitemap')->getHtmlSitemapSort();
     if ($sortOrder == 'position') {
         $sortOrder = 'e.entity_id';
     if ($sortOrder) {
     //echo $this->_select->assemble();
     $query = $read->query($this->_select);
     $collection = new Varien_Data_Collection();
     while ($row = $query->fetch()) {
         $product = $this->_prepareProduct($row);
         //If use root canonical or Product url without category.
         if (isset($productCanonicalType) && $productCanonicalType == 3 || isset($cropCategory) && $cropCategory) {
             $urlArr = explode('/', $product->getUrl());
         if (!in_array($product->getId(), $collection->getAllIds())) {
     return $collection;
Exemplo n.º 23
  * Add store price join
  * @param Zend_Db_Select $select
  * @return Innoexts_StorePricing_Model_Mysql4_Catalogrule_Rule
 protected function addStorePriceJoin($select)
     $helper = $this->getStorePricingHelper();
     $productPriceHelper = $this->getProductPriceHelper();
     $tableAlias = 'pp_store';
     $fieldAlias = 'store_price';
     $storeId = new Zend_Db_Expr('rp.store_id');
     $select->joinLeft(array($tableAlias => $productPriceHelper->getPriceAttributeTable()), sprintf($this->getPriceJoinCondition(), $tableAlias, $storeId), array());
     $price = new Zend_Db_Expr($tableAlias . '.value');
     $select->columns(array($fieldAlias => $price));
     return $this;
Exemplo n.º 24
 protected function _prepareSelect(Zend_Db_Select $select)
     $fromPart = $select->getPart(Zend_Db_Select::FROM);
     // the recipient table is required!
     if (!isset($fromPart['recipient'])) {
         return false;
     foreach ($this->_where as $where) {
     $select->where('`recipient`.`sent_at` IS NOT NULL');
     if($this->_campaignFilter !== null) {
         $select->where('`recipient`.`campaign_id` = ?', $this->_campaignFilter);
     if($this->_variationFilter !== null) {
         $select->where('`recipient`.`variation_id` = ?', $this->_variationFilter);
     $select->columns($this->_columns, 'recipient');
     return true;