Exemplo n.º 1
 public function updateAction()
     $request = $this->getRequest();
     $fishId = intval($request->getParam(Fish::COL_ID));
     $dbAdapter = Zend_Registry::get('DB_CONNECTION1');
     if ($request->isPost() and $this->form->isValid($request->getParams($fishId))) {
         $data = array(Fish::COL_SAMPLE_CODE => $this->form->getValue(Fish::COL_SAMPLE_CODE), Fish::COL_USER_ID => AuthQuery::getUserId());
         $this->fishTable->updateFishAndMetadata($this->form, $fishId, $data);
         $namespace = new Zend_Session_Namespace('default');
         $redirect = new Zend_Controller_Action_Helper_Redirector();
         if ($namespace->next != null) {
             $nextArray = $namespace->next;
             $namespace->next = null;
             $redirect->setGotoSimple($nextArray['nextAction'], $nextArray['nextController'], $nextArray['nextModul']);
         } else {
             $redirect->setGotoSimple('search', 'search', 'fish');
     } else {
         $fishResult = $this->fishTable->find($fishId)->current();
         if ($fishResult != null) {
             $fishArray = $fishResult->toArray();
         } else {
             $fishArray = array();
         // get meta data
         $select = $dbAdapter->select();
         $select->join(AttributeDescriptor::TABLE_NAME, MetaDataFish::TABLE_NAME . '.' . MetaDataFish::COL_ATTRIBUTE_DESCRIPTOR_ID . '=' . AttributeDescriptor::TABLE_NAME . '.ATDE_ID');
         $select->where(MetaDataFish::COL_FISH_ID . '=?', $fishId);
         $metaArray = $dbAdapter->fetchAll($select);
         $this->form->dynPopulate($metaArray, MetaDataFish::COL_VALUE, $fishArray);
         $this->view->form = $this->form;
Exemplo n.º 2
 public function updateAction()
     $request = $this->getRequest();
     if ($request->isPost() and $this->form->isValid($request->getParams())) {
         $imageId = $this->form->getValue(Image::COL_ID);
         $data = array(Image::COL_ORIGINAL_FILENAME => $this->form->getValue(Image::COL_ORIGINAL_FILENAME), Image::COL_RATIO_EXTERNAL => $this->form->getValue(Image::COL_RATIO_EXTERNAL));
         $this->imageTable->updateImageAndMetadata($this->form, $imageId, $data);
         $redirect = new Zend_Controller_Action_Helper_Redirector();
         $redirect->setGotoSimple('search', 'search', 'image');
     } else {
         $dbAdapter = Zend_Registry::get('DB_CONNECTION1');
         $imageId = intval($this->getRequest()->getParam(Image::COL_ID));
         $imageResult = $this->imageTable->find($imageId)->current();
         if ($imageResult != null) {
             $imageArray = $imageResult->toArray();
         } else {
             $imageArray = array();
         // get meta data
         $select = $dbAdapter->select();
         $select->join(AttributeDescriptor::TABLE_NAME, MetaDataImage::TABLE_NAME . '.' . MetaDataImage::COL_ATTRIBUTE_DESCRIPTOR_ID . '=' . AttributeDescriptor::TABLE_NAME . '.' . AttributeDescriptor::COL_ID);
         $select->where(MetaDataImage::COL_IMAGE_ID . '=?', $imageId);
         //TODO: Fish::COL_SAMPLE_CODE abfragen über FISH_ID
         $metaArray = $dbAdapter->fetchAll($select);
         $this->form->dynPopulate($metaArray, MetaDataImage::COL_VALUE, $imageArray);
         $this->view->form = $this->form;
Exemplo n.º 3
 public function byceAction()
     $images = new Service_Image();
     $namespace = new Zend_Session_Namespace('default');
     $resultKey = new Ble422_Guid();
     $ceId = $this->getRequest()->getParam(CalibrationExercise::COL_ID);
     if ($ceId != null) {
         //get images
         $namespace->{$resultKey} = $images->getImages($ceId);
         //set CE id
         $constCeId = CalibrationExercise::COL_ID;
         $namespace->{$constCeId} = $ceId;
         //Set CE-info result Object
         $dbadapter = Zend_Registry::get('DB_CONNECTION1');
         $select = $dbadapter->select();
         $select->from(array('caex' => CalibrationExercise::TABLE_NAME));
         $select->join(array('exp' => Expertise::TABLE_NAME), 'caex.' . CalibrationExercise::COL_EXPERTISE_ID . "=" . 'exp.' . Expertise::COL_ID);
         $select->join(array('key' => KeyTable::TABLE_NAME), 'caex.' . CalibrationExercise::COL_KEY_TABLE_ID . "=" . 'key.' . KeyTable::COL_ID);
         $select->join(array('work' => Workshop::TABLE_NAME), 'caex.' . CalibrationExercise::COL_WORKSHOP_ID . "=" . "work." . Workshop::COL_ID, array(Workshop::COL_NAME));
         $select->where('caex.' . CalibrationExercise::COL_ID . "=?", $ceId);
         $ceArray = $dbadapter->fetchAll($select);
         $namespace->ceArray = $ceArray;
     } else {
         $redirect = new Zend_Controller_Action_Helper_Redirector();
         $redirect->setGotoSimple('index', 'index', 'default');
     $this->view->resultKey = $resultKey->__toString();
Exemplo n.º 4
 public function searchAction()
     $request = $this->getRequest();
     $formValues = $this->namespace->formValues;
     $this->view->callingAction = $this->defaultNamespace->callingAction;
     // get meta data select for image and fish descriptors
     $metaData = new Default_MetaData();
     $select = $metaData->addWhereToSelect($formValues);
     //TODO test with multiple fish / multiple image checked attributes
     //changed, if images are found, but search was for fish, multiple image attributes would cause multiple entries
     //TODO error: only first fish without images shown due to this group; if there are many fishes without image, there is only one of them shown in list
     $select->group('fish.' . Fish::COL_ID);
     if ($this->defaultNamespace->callingAction == 'annotation/browse/byfish') {
         $select->joinLeft(array('vaa' => 'v_all_annotations'), 'vaa.' . CeHasImage::COL_IMAGE_ID . ' = ' . 'image.' . Image::COL_ID, array());
         //auf cehas_image damit die ausgefiltert werden die keine annotationen haben
         $select->group('image.' . Image::COL_ID);
         $resultArray = Zend_Registry::get('DB_CONNECTION1')->fetchAll($select);
         if ($resultArray != array()) {
             $resultKey = new Ble422_Guid();
             $this->defaultNamespace->{$resultKey} = $resultArray;
             $redirect = new Zend_Controller_Action_Helper_Redirector();
             $redirect->setGotoSimple('start', 'browse', 'annotation', array('resultKey' => $resultKey));
     } else {
         //select only own fish
         if ($this->defaultNamespace->callingAction == 'user/edit/myfishes') {
             $select->where('fish.' . Fish::COL_USER_ID . ' = ?', $this->defaultNamespace->callingActionId);
         $this->namespace->select = $select;
          * Pagination control
         $paginator = new Ble422_Paginator_Extended($select, $this->getRequest());
         //static + dynamic header array
         $statArray = array(array('raw' => Fish::COL_SAMPLE_CODE, 'name' => 'Fish sample code'));
         $dynArray = array();
         $i = 0;
         foreach ($metaData->fishRowSetArray as $fishAttr) {
             $dynInnerArray = array('raw' => 'ATDE_' . $fishAttr[AttributeDescriptor::COL_ID], 'name' => $fishAttr[AttributeDescriptor::COL_NAME] . '<br>' . $fishAttr['UNIT']);
             $dynArray[$i] = $dynInnerArray;
         $headerArray = array_merge($statArray, $dynArray);
         $this->view->paginator = $paginator;
         $storage = Zend_Auth::getInstance()->getStorage()->read();
         $constUserRole = User::COL_ROLE;
         $this->view->userRole = $storage->{$constUserRole};
Exemplo n.º 5
 public function createAction()
     $expId = intval($this->getRequest()->getParam(Expertise::COL_ID));
     $keyId = intval($this->getRequest()->getParam(KeyTable::COL_ID));
     $expTable = new Expertise();
     $expRow = $expTable->find($expId);
     $keyTable = new KeyTable();
     $keyRow = $keyTable->find($keyId);
     if ($keyRow->count() != 0 || $expRow->count() != 0) {
         $keyArray = $keyRow->toArray();
         $expArray = $expRow->toArray();
         // create CE row
         $ceTable = new CalibrationExercise();
         $ceName = $expArray[0][Expertise::COL_SPECIES] . ' / ' . AuthQuery::getUserName();
         //TODO \r in der Datenbank
         $ceDescription = 'Area: ' . $expArray[0][Expertise::COL_AREA] . '\\r' . 'Subject: ' . $expArray[0][Expertise::COL_SUBJECT] . '\\r' . 'KeyName: ' . $keyArray[0][KeyTable::COL_NAME];
         $ceData = array(CalibrationExercise::COL_NAME => $ceName, CalibrationExercise::COL_DESCRIPTION => $ceDescription, CalibrationExercise::COL_KEY_TABLE_ID => $keyArray[0][KeyTable::COL_ID], CalibrationExercise::COL_EXPERTISE_ID => $expArray[0][Expertise::COL_ID], CalibrationExercise::COL_COMPAREABLE => 1, CalibrationExercise::COL_IS_STOPPED => 0, CalibrationExercise::COL_TRAINING => 1);
         $ceId = $ceTable->insert($ceData);
         // create participant row
         $partTable = new Participant();
         $partData = array(Participant::COL_CE_ID => $ceId, Participant::COL_USER_ID => AuthQuery::getUserId(), Participant::COL_NUMBER => 1);
         $partId = $partTable->insert($partData);
         // add all possible shown attributes
         $dbAdapter = $ceTable->getAdapter();
         $selectAttr = $dbAdapter->select();
         $selectAttr->orWhere(AttributeDescriptor::COL_GROUP . '=?', 'fish');
         $selectAttr->orWhere(AttributeDescriptor::COL_GROUP . '=?', 'image');
         $attrArray = $dbAdapter->fetchAll($selectAttr);
         $ceHasAttrTable = new CeHasAttributeDescriptor();
         foreach ($attrArray as $attr) {
             $attrData = array(CeHasAttributeDescriptor::COL_ATDE_ID => $attr[AttributeDescriptor::COL_ID], CeHasAttributeDescriptor::COL_CAEX_ID => $ceId);
         //get images for exp/key
         $refQuery = new Default_ReferenceQuery();
         $images = $refQuery->getImages($expId, $keyId);
         // create imageset
         //			$selectImages = $dbAdapter->select();
         //			$imagesArray = $dbAdapter->fetchAll($selectImages);
         $imageSetTable = new CeHasImage();
         foreach ($images as $image) {
             $data = array(CeHasImage::COL_IMAGE_ID => $image, CeHasImage::COL_CALIBRATION_EXERCISE_ID => $ceId);
         $Redirect = new Zend_Controller_Action_Helper_Redirector();
         $Redirect->setGotoSimple('index', 'make', 'annotation', array(CalibrationExercise::COL_ID => $ceId));
     } else {
         throw new Zend_Controller_Exception('Error at craeting a new training Calibration Exercise.', 505);
Exemplo n.º 6
 public function redirectTo()
     $Redirect = new Zend_Controller_Action_Helper_Redirector();
     $Redirect->setGotoSimple('edit', 'valuelist', 'admin', array(AttributeDescriptor::COL_ID => $this->atDeId));
Exemplo n.º 7
 public function indexAction()
     $redirect = new Zend_Controller_Action_Helper_Redirector();
     $redirect->setGotoSimple('myce', 'search', 'ce');
Exemplo n.º 8
 public function redirectTo($params = array())
     $Redirect = new Zend_Controller_Action_Helper_Redirector();
     $Redirect->setGotoSimple('details', 'search', 'workshop', array(WorkshopInfo::COL_WORKSHOP_ID => $this->getRequest()->getParam(WorkshopInfo::COL_WORKSHOP_ID)));
Exemplo n.º 9
 public function indexAction()
     $addFish = false;
     if ($this->getRequest()->isPost()) {
         $params = $this->getRequest()->getParams();
         if ($this->form->isValid($params)) {
             //TODO wenn fishsamplecode noch nicht in der datenbank,
             //dann lege fisch an mit diesem samplecode (erledigt)
             //und SPRINGE IN Fish_CreateController (am Ende des Controllers)
             //TODO mit getElement und Konstanten arbeiten
             $fishSampleCode = $this->form->getValue(Fish::COL_SAMPLE_CODE);
             $fishTable = new Fish();
             $row = $fishTable->fetchRow($fishTable->select()->where(Fish::COL_SAMPLE_CODE . '= ?', $fishSampleCode));
             if (is_null($row)) {
                 //echo 'Warnung: Fish Sample Code nicht vorhanden.';
                 $fishId = $fishTable->insert(array(Fish::COL_SAMPLE_CODE => $fishSampleCode));
                 $addFish = true;
                 $constFishId = Fish::COL_ID;
                 $fishId->{$constFishId} = $fishId;
             } else {
                 $addFish = false;
                 $fishId = $row->FISH_ID;
             //TODO dateinamen mit leerzeichen
             //könnte ein problem bei der weiterverarbeitung in linux sein
             //ggf. akzeptieren und umwandeln oder verweigern?
             //don't call $form->getValues() - causes physical upload immediately
             //look ZFDoc 19.1.3
             //note: if using Zend_Form_Element_File (in view) you can't use new instance of Zend_File_Transfer_Adapter_Http in controller!
             // http://www.zfforums.com/zend-framework-forum-8/general-talks-12/file_transfer-illegal-uploaded-possible-attack-1737.html
             // http://www.nabble.com/Zend_File_Transfer-td19024470.html
             $upload = $this->form->uploadElement->getTransferAdapter();
             // Returns all known internal file informations
             $files = $upload->getFileInfo();
             $imageTable = new Image();
             $medimTable = new MetaDataImage();
             //look ZFDoc 19.3.3
             //iterates over all file elemens
             $numberImagesUploaded = 0;
             $userId = AuthQuery::getUserId();
             foreach ($files as $file => $info) {
                 /*handle only uploaded files, skip blank file elements
                 	 store original file in certain path
                 	 file is saved without excplicit temp directory with Zend Filter
                 	 image import uses temp directory instead
                 if (!$upload->isUploaded($file)) {
                 $creator_guid = new Ble422_Guid();
                 $guid = $creator_guid->__toString();
                 $fileName = $info['name'];
                 $path_parts = pathinfo($fileName);
                 $originalFileName = $path_parts['basename'];
                 //used later to create Image dataset
                 $newFileNameWithGuid = $guid . '.' . strtolower($path_parts['extension']);
                 //save extension in lower-case
                 //relative path with new filename, prefix dot&slash required
                 $completeTarget = './' . Image::RELATIVE_UPLOAD_PATH . '/' . $newFileNameWithGuid;
                 //apply filter only for uploaded file $fileName
                 $upload->addFilter('Rename', array('target' => $completeTarget, 'overwrite' => false), $fileName);
                 //TODO write protect files
                 try {
                     $ratio = $this->form->getValue(Image::COL_RATIO_EXTERNAL);
                     $tn_ratio = $imageTable->processImage($completeTarget);
                     //ratio is filled from form
                     $imageId = $imageTable->insertImageDataset($completeTarget, $originalFileName, $fishId, $guid, $userId, $ratio, $tn_ratio);
                     $imageTable->updateImageAndMetadata($this->form, $imageId);
                 } catch (Exception $e) {
                     echo "Exception: " . $e->getMessage();
             Zend_Registry::set('MESSAGE', $numberImagesUploaded . ' image(s) successfully inserted');
             if ($addFish) {
                 $next = array('nextAction' => 'index', 'nextController' => 'upload', 'nextModul' => 'image');
                 $namespace = new Zend_Session_Namespace('default');
                 $namespace->next = $next;
                 $redirect = new Zend_Controller_Action_Helper_Redirector();
                 $redirect->setGotoSimple('update', 'edit', 'fish', array(Fish::COL_ID => $fishId));
         } else {
             //form isn't valid
             $this->view->form = $this->form;
     //$this->view->form = $form;
 public function redirectTo($action)
     $Redirect = new Zend_Controller_Action_Helper_Redirector();
     $Redirect->setGotoSimple($action, 'editparticipants', 'ce');
Exemplo n.º 11
 public function redirectTo($action, $params = array())
     $Redirect = new Zend_Controller_Action_Helper_Redirector();
     $Redirect->setGotoSimple($action, 'Edit', 'ce', $params);
Exemplo n.º 12
 public function searchAction()
     $request = $this->getRequest();
     $formValues = $this->namespace->formValues;
     $this->view->callingAction = $this->defaultNamespace->callingAction;
     // get meta data select for image and fish descriptors
     $metaData = new Default_MetaData();
     $select = $metaData->addWhereToSelect($formValues);
     if ($this->defaultNamespace->callingAction == 'annotation/browse/byimage') {
         $select->joinLeft(array('vaa' => 'v_all_annotations'), 'vaa.' . CeHasImage::COL_IMAGE_ID . ' = ' . 'image.' . Image::COL_ID, array());
         //auf cehas_image damit die ausgefiltert werden die keine annotationen haben
         $select->where(Annotations::COL_WS_REF . "=? ", 1);
         $select->orWhere(Annotations::COL_FINAL . " = ? ", 1);
         $select->orWhere(Annotations::COL_GROUP . "=? ", 1);
         $select->orWhere(Annotations::COL_WEBGR_REF . "=? ", 1);
         $select->group('image.' . Image::COL_ID);
         $resultArray = Zend_Registry::get('DB_CONNECTION1')->fetchAll($select);
         if ($resultArray != array()) {
             $resultKey = new Ble422_Guid();
             $this->defaultNamespace->{$resultKey} = $resultArray;
             $redirect = new Zend_Controller_Action_Helper_Redirector();
             $redirect->setGotoSimple('start', 'browse', 'annotation', array('resultKey' => $resultKey));
     } else {
         //select only own images
         if ($this->defaultNamespace->callingAction == 'user/edit/myimages') {
             $select->where('image.' . Image::COL_USER_ID . ' = ?', $this->defaultNamespace->callingActionId);
         //filter double datasets caused by multiple meta data
         //get already assigned datasets for setting disabled in view
         if ($this->defaultNamespace->callingAction == '/ce/edit/addimages') {
             $ceId = $this->defaultNamespace->callingActionId;
             $ceHasIm = new CeHasImage();
             $rowSet = $ceHasIm->fetchAll(CeHasImage::COL_CALIBRATION_EXERCISE_ID . '=' . $ceId);
             if (count($rowSet) > 0) {
                 $assignedImages = array();
                 foreach ($rowSet as $row) {
                     $assignedImages[$row[CeHasImage::COL_IMAGE_ID]] = TRUE;
                 $this->view->assignedImages = $assignedImages;
         //echo $select;
          * Pagination control
         $paginator = new Ble422_Paginator_Extended($select, $this->getRequest());
         //			echo $select->__toString();
         //			die();
         //static + dynamic header array
         $statArray = array(array('raw' => Image::COL_ORIGINAL_FILENAME, 'name' => 'Original file name'), array('raw' => Fish::COL_SAMPLE_CODE, 'name' => 'Fish sample code'), array('raw' => Image::COL_DIM_X, 'name' => 'Width'), array('raw' => Image::COL_DIM_Y, 'name' => 'Height'));
         $dynArray = array();
         $i = 0;
         foreach ($metaData->fishRowSetArray as $fishAttr) {
             $dynInnerArray = array('raw' => 'ATDE_' . $fishAttr[AttributeDescriptor::COL_ID], 'name' => $fishAttr[AttributeDescriptor::COL_NAME] . '<br>' . $fishAttr['UNIT']);
             $dynArray[$i] = $dynInnerArray;
         $headerArray = array_merge($statArray, $dynArray);
         $i = 0;
         foreach ($metaData->imageRowSetArray as $imAttr) {
             $dynInnerArray = array('raw' => 'ATDE_' . $imAttr[AttributeDescriptor::COL_ID], 'name' => $imAttr[AttributeDescriptor::COL_NAME] . '<br>' . $imAttr['UNIT']);
             $dynArray[$i] = $dynInnerArray;
         $headerArray = array_merge($headerArray, $dynArray);
         $this->view->paginator = $paginator;
Exemplo n.º 13
 public function redirectTo()
     $Redirect = new Zend_Controller_Action_Helper_Redirector();
     $Redirect->setGotoSimple('list', 'attribute', 'admin');