Exemplo n.º 1
 public function mainAction()
     echo "Madserver\n";
     $context = new ZMQContext();
     $sub_socket = new ZMQSocket($context, ZMQ::SOCKET_SUB);
     $sub_socket->setSockOpt(ZMQ::SOCKOPT_SUBSCRIBE, "");
     $sub_socket->setSockOpt(ZMQ::SOCKOPT_TCP_KEEPALIVE, 0);
     $sub_socket->setSockOpt(ZMQ::SOCKOPT_TCP_KEEPALIVE_IDLE, 10);
     $sub_socket->setSockOpt(ZMQ::SOCKOPT_TCP_KEEPALIVE_CNT, 2);
     $sub_socket->setSockOpt(ZMQ::SOCKOPT_TCP_KEEPALIVE_INTVL, 5);
     $snapshot = new ZMQSocket($context, ZMQ::SOCKET_DEALER);
     $sequence = 1;
     $snapshot->sendmulti(array("ICANHAZ?", self::SUBTREE), ZMQ::MODE_SNDMORE);
     while (1) {
         $kvmsg = new Zmq_Kvmsg($sequence);
         if ($kvmsg->key() == "KTHXBAI") {
             echo "I: received snapshot=" . $kvmsg->sequence() . "\n";
     while (1) {
         $kvmsg = new Zmq_Kvmsg($sequence);
         echo "I: start receive sub=" . $kvmsg->sequence() . "\n";
     return false;
Exemplo n.º 2
  * @param $context
  * @param $endpoint
  * @return Zmsg
 private function createSubscriber($context, $endpoint)
     $receiver = new \ZMQSocket($context, \ZMQ::SOCKET_SUB);
     $receiver->setSockOpt(\ZMQ::SOCKOPT_LINGER, 0);
     $receiver->setSockOpt(\ZMQ::SOCKOPT_SUBSCRIBE, "");
     return new Zmsg($receiver);
Exemplo n.º 3
  * @param $context
  * @param $endpoint
  * @return Zmsg
 private function createCollector($context, $endpoint)
     $receiver = new \ZMQSocket($context, \ZMQ::SOCKET_SUB);
     $receiver->setSockOpt(\ZMQ::SOCKOPT_LINGER, 0);
     $receiver->setSockOpt(\ZMQ::SOCKOPT_SUBSCRIBE, "");
     return $receiver;
Exemplo n.º 4
  * @param $context
  * @param $endpoint
  * @return Zmsg
 private function createPublisher($context, $endpoint)
     $publisher = new \ZMQSocket($context, \ZMQ::SOCKET_PUB);
     $publisher->setSockOpt(\ZMQ::SOCKOPT_SNDHWM, 1);
     $publisher->setSockOpt(\ZMQ::SOCKOPT_LINGER, 0);
     return new Zmsg($publisher);
Exemplo n.º 5
  * Connects or reconnect to broker
  * @return  AsynClient
 public function connect()
     if ($this->client) {
     $this->client = new ZMQSocket($this->context, ZMQ::SOCKET_DEALER);
     $this->client->setSockOpt(ZMQ::SOCKOPT_LINGER, 0);
     if ($this->verbose) {
         $this->log("ZMQDEBUG", "connecting to broker at %s...", $this->broker);
     return $this;
Exemplo n.º 6
function s_worker_socket($context)
    $worker = new ZMQSocket($context, ZMQ::SOCKET_DEALER);
    //  Set random identity to make tracing easier
    $identity = sprintf("%04X-%04X", rand(0, 0x10000), rand(0, 0x10000));
    $worker->setSockOpt(ZMQ::SOCKOPT_IDENTITY, $identity);
    //  Configure socket to not wait at close time
    $worker->setSockOpt(ZMQ::SOCKOPT_LINGER, 0);
    //  Tell queue we're ready for work
    printf("I: (%s) worker ready%s", $identity, PHP_EOL);
    return array($worker, $identity);
Exemplo n.º 7
function client_task()
    $context = new ZMQContext();
    $client = new ZMQSocket($context, ZMQ::SOCKET_DEALER);
    //  Generate printable identity for the client
    $identity = sprintf("%04X", rand(0, 0x10000));
    $client->setSockOpt(ZMQ::SOCKOPT_IDENTITY, $identity);
    $read = $write = array();
    $poll = new ZMQPoll();
    $poll->add($client, ZMQ::POLL_IN);
    $request_nbr = 0;
    while (true) {
        //  Tick once per second, pulling in arriving messages
        for ($centitick = 0; $centitick < 100; $centitick++) {
            $events = $poll->poll($read, $write, 1000);
            $zmsg = new Zmsg($client);
            if ($events) {
                printf("%s: %s%s", $identity, $zmsg->body(), PHP_EOL);
        $zmsg = new Zmsg($client);
        $zmsg->body_fmt("request #%d", ++$request_nbr)->send();
Exemplo n.º 8
  * @param string|null $queueId
  * @param int $waitTime
  * @return QueueMessage
 public function receiveMessage($queueId = null, $waitTime = null)
     $queueId = empty($queueId) ? $this->getQueueId() : $queueId;
     $this->pull->setSockOpt(\ZMQ::SOCKOPT_RCVTIMEO, isset($waitTime) ? $waitTime : $this->waitTime);
     $message = $this->pull->recv();
     return $this->messageFactory->createMessage($message, $queueId);
Exemplo n.º 9
function client_socket(ZMQContext $context)
    echo "I: connecting to server...", PHP_EOL;
    $client = new ZMQSocket($context, ZMQ::SOCKET_REQ);
    //  Configure socket to not wait at close time
    $client->setSockOpt(ZMQ::SOCKOPT_LINGER, 0);
    return $client;
Exemplo n.º 10
 public function pushActionResultInfo(ActionResultingPushDto $resultingPushDto)
     $this->subscriberSocket->setSockOpt(\ZMQ::SOCKOPT_UNSUBSCRIBE, "");
     $this->logger->debug("Performer was unsubscribed.");
     $this->logger->debug("Performer send actionResulting msg.");
     return null;
Exemplo n.º 11
function worker_task()
    $context = new ZMQContext();
    $worker = new ZMQSocket($context, ZMQ::SOCKET_DEALER);
    $worker->setSockOpt(ZMQ::SOCKOPT_IDENTITY, "W");
    while (true) {
        $zmsg = new Zmsg($worker);
Exemplo n.º 12
 public function handlerAction()
     try {
         // setup the ZMQ content so as to avoid issues with conflicts
         $ctx = new \ZMQContext();
         // create a SOCKET_REP server
         $server = new \ZMQSocket($ctx, \ZMQ::SOCKET_REP);
         //  configure the server socket to not wait at close time
         // this is intended to minimise the possibility of messages being received and not handled
         // however as is mentioned in the TODO below they should be handle them explicitly
         $server->setSockOpt(\ZMQ::SOCKOPT_LINGER, 0);
         // bind it to tcp on port 5454
         // create a Poll object to enable us to utilize the REQUEST_TIMEOUT functionality
         $poll = new \ZMQPoll();
         $poll->add($server, \ZMQ::POLL_IN);
         // initialise the read/write buffers for polling
         $read = $write = array();
         // get the time that we start the loop
         $start = time();
         do {
             // this instruction will wait for a message or the timeout to occur
             $events = $poll->poll($read, $write, REQUEST_TIMEOUT);
             // @TODO since exiting the loop will happens after this point a race condition exists
             // We need to consider solutions that will ensure ALL messages to $server are processed
             // if the loop will exit after this iteration.
             // one could check the $events variable as this contains the number of events
             // however in this situation we only want to process the $read resources and can
             // just loop through an array (if it is empty nothing will be done)
             foreach ($read as $socket) {
                 $message = $socket->recv();
                 $server->send($message . ' World');
             // ensure that even when a message is processed the handler
             // does not timeout until the REQUEST_TIMEOUT period
             // has elapsed
             $active = time() - $start < REQUEST_TIMEOUT / 1000.0;
         } while ($active);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         // handle the exception
         // @TODO
     // exit the handler
     die('This handler has timed out');
Exemplo n.º 13
function subscriber()
    $context = new ZMQContext();
    // Subscribe to everything
    $subscriber = new ZMQSocket($context, ZMQ::SOCKET_SUB);
    $subscriber->setSockOpt(ZMQ::SOCKOPT_SUBSCRIBE, "");
    //  Get and process messages
    while (true) {
        $clock = $subscriber->recv();
        //  Suicide snail logic
        if (microtime(true) * 100 - $clock * 100 > MAX_ALLOWED_DELAY) {
            echo "E: subscriber cannot keep up, aborting", PHP_EOL;
        //  Work for 1 msec plus some random additional time
        usleep(1000 + rand(0, 1000));
Exemplo n.º 14

 *  Durable subscriber
 * @author Ian Barber <ian(dot)barber(at)gmail(dot)com>
$context = new ZMQContext(1);
//  Connect our subscriber socket
$subscriber = new ZMQSocket($context, ZMQ::SOCKET_SUB);
$subscriber->setSockOpt(ZMQ::SOCKOPT_IDENTITY, "Hello");
$subscriber->setSockOpt(ZMQ::SOCKOPT_SUBSCRIBE, "");
//  Synchronize with publisher
$sync = new ZMQSocket($context, ZMQ::SOCKET_PUSH);
//  Get updates, expect random Ctrl-C death
while (true) {
    $string = $subscriber->recv();
    echo $string, "\n";
    if ($string == "END") {
Exemplo n.º 15

$context = new ZMQContext();
// Socket to talk to server
echo "Collecting updates from weather server...", PHP_EOL;
$subscriber = new ZMQSocket($context, ZMQ::SOCKET_SUB);
$subscriber->setSockOpt(ZMQ::SOCKOPT_SUBSCRIBE, 'Message');
// Process 100 updates
while (true) {
    print $subscriber->recv();
Exemplo n.º 16

 * Demonstrate identities as used by the request-reply pattern.  Run this
 * program by itself.  Note that the utility functions s_ are provided by
 * zhelpers.h.  It gets boring for everyone to keep repeating this code.
 * @author Ian Barber <ian(dot)barber(at)gmail(dot)com>
include "zhelpers.php";
$context = new ZMQContext();
$sink = new ZMQSocket($context, ZMQ::SOCKET_ROUTER);
//  First allow 0MQ to set the identity
$anonymous = new ZMQSocket($context, ZMQ::SOCKET_REQ);
$anonymous->send("ROUTER uses a generated UUID");
//  Then set the identity ourself
$identified = new ZMQSocket($context, ZMQ::SOCKET_REQ);
$identified->setSockOpt(ZMQ::SOCKOPT_IDENTITY, "Hello");
$identified->send("ROUTER socket uses REQ's socket identity");
Exemplo n.º 17
 * Get generator status
 * Usage:
 *  -p      ZeroMQ port to connect to, default 5599
$opts = getopt('p:');
$port = isset($opts['p']) ? $opts['p'] : 5599;
$context = new \ZMQContext();
$socket = new \ZMQSocket($context, \ZMQ::SOCKET_REQ);
$socket->setSockOpt(\ZMQ::SOCKOPT_LINGER, 0);
$status = $socket->recv();
$status = json_decode($status, TRUE);
echo "STATUS\n\n";
foreach ($status as $k => $v) {
    echo "{$k}\t{$v}\n";
echo "\n";
Exemplo n.º 18

 * Demonstrate identities as used by the request-reply pattern.  Run this
 * program by itself.  Note that the utility functions s_ are provided by
 * zhelpers.h.  It gets boring for everyone to keep repeating this code.
 * @author Ian Barber <ian(dot)barber(at)gmail(dot)com>
include 'zhelpers.php';
$context = new ZMQContext();
$sink = new ZMQSocket($context, ZMQ::SOCKET_ROUTER);
//  First allow 0MQ to set the identity
$anonymous = new ZMQSocket($context, ZMQ::SOCKET_REQ);
$anonymous->send("ROUTER uses a generated UUID");
//  Then set the identity ourselves
$identified = new ZMQSocket($context, ZMQ::SOCKET_REQ);
$identified->setSockOpt(ZMQ::SOCKOPT_IDENTITY, "PEER2");
$identified->send("ROUTER socket uses REQ's socket identity");
Exemplo n.º 19

 *  Reading from multiple sockets
 *  This version uses zmq_poll()
 * @author Ian Barber <ian(dot)barber(at)gmail(dot)com>
$context = new ZMQContext();
//  Connect to task ventilator
$receiver = new ZMQSocket($context, ZMQ::SOCKET_PULL);
//  Connect to weather server
$subscriber = new ZMQSocket($context, ZMQ::SOCKET_SUB);
$subscriber->setSockOpt(ZMQ::SOCKOPT_SUBSCRIBE, "10001");
//  Initialize poll set
$poll = new ZMQPoll();
$poll->add($receiver, ZMQ::POLL_IN);
$poll->add($subscriber, ZMQ::POLL_IN);
$readable = $writeable = array();
//  Process messages from both sockets
while (true) {
    $events = $poll->poll($readable, $writeable);
    if ($events > 0) {
        foreach ($readable as $socket) {
            if ($socket === $receiver) {
                $message = $socket->recv();
                // Process task
            } elseif ($socket === $subscriber) {
                $mesage = $socket->recv();
                // Process weather update
Exemplo n.º 20
 public function __destruct()
     $this->socket->setSockOpt(ZMQ::SOCKOPT_LINGER, 0);
     $this->socket = null;
     $this->context = null;
Exemplo n.º 21

 * Cross-connected ROUTER sockets addressing each other
 * @author Ian Barber <ian(dot)barber(at)gmail(dot)com>
include "zhelpers.php";
$context = new ZMQContext();
$worker = new ZMQSocket($context, ZMQ::SOCKET_ROUTER);
$worker->setSockOpt(ZMQ::SOCKOPT_IDENTITY, "WORKER");
$server = new ZMQSocket($context, ZMQ::SOCKET_ROUTER);
$server->setSockOpt(ZMQ::SOCKOPT_IDENTITY, "SERVER");
$server->send("WORKER", ZMQ::MODE_SNDMORE);
$server->send("", ZMQ::MODE_SNDMORE);
$server->send("send to worker");
$worker->send("SERVER", ZMQ::MODE_SNDMORE);
$worker->send("", ZMQ::MODE_SNDMORE);
$worker->send("send to server");
Exemplo n.º 22

 *  Weather update client
 *  Connects SUB socket to tcp://localhost:5556
 *  Collects weather updates and finds avg temp in zipcode
 * @author Ian Barber <ian(dot)barber(at)gmail(dot)com>
$context = new ZMQContext();
//  Socket to talk to server
echo "Collecting updates from weather server...", PHP_EOL;
$subscriber = new ZMQSocket($context, ZMQ::SOCKET_SUB);
//  Subscribe to zipcode, default is NYC, 10001
$filter = $_SERVER['argc'] > 1 ? $_SERVER['argv'][1] : "10001";
$subscriber->setSockOpt(ZMQ::SOCKOPT_SUBSCRIBE, $filter);
//  Process 100 updates
$total_temp = 0;
for ($update_nbr = 0; $update_nbr < 100; $update_nbr++) {
    $string = $subscriber->recv();
    sscanf($string, "%d %d %d", $zipcode, $temperature, $relhumidity);
    $total_temp += $temperature;
printf("Average temperature for zipcode '%s' was %dF\n", $filter, (int) ($total_temp / $update_nbr));
Exemplo n.º 23
  * Unsubscribe socket from channel.
  * @param mixed $channel
 public function unsubscribe($channel)
     $this->socket->setSockOpt(ZMQ::SOCKOPT_UNSUBSCRIBE, $channel);
Exemplo n.º 24

 *  Publisher for durable subscriber
 * @author Ian Barber <ian(dot)barber(at)gmail(dot)com>
$context = new ZMQContext(1);
//  Subscriber tells us when it's ready here
$sync = new ZMQSocket($context, ZMQ::SOCKET_PULL);
//  We send updates via this socket
$publisher = new ZMQSocket($context, ZMQ::SOCKET_PUB);
//  Prevent publisher overflow from slow subscribers
$publisher->setSockOpt(ZMQ::SOCKOPT_HWM, 1);
//  Specify swap space in bytes, this covers all subscribers
$publisher->setSockOpt(ZMQ::SOCKOPT_SWAP, 25000000);
//  Wait for synchronization request
$string = $sync->recv();
//  Now broadcast exactly 10 updates with pause
for ($update_nbr = 0; $update_nbr < 10; $update_nbr++) {
    $string = sprintf("Update %d", $update_nbr);
//  Give 0MQ/2.0.x time to flush output
Exemplo n.º 25

 * Simple Pirate worker
 * Connects REQ socket to tcp://*:5556
 * Implements worker part of LRU queueing
 * @author Ian Barber <ian(dot)barber(at)gmail(dot)com>
include 'zmsg.php';
$context = new ZMQContext();
$worker = new ZMQSocket($context, ZMQ::SOCKET_REQ);
//  Set random identity to make tracing easier
$identity = sprintf("%04X-%04X", rand(0, 0x10000), rand(0, 0x10000));
$worker->setSockOpt(ZMQ::SOCKOPT_IDENTITY, $identity);
//  Tell queue we're ready for work
printf("I: (%s) worker ready%s", $identity, PHP_EOL);
$cycles = 0;
while (true) {
    $zmsg = new Zmsg($worker);
    //  Simulate various problems, after a few cycles
    if ($cycles > 3 && rand(0, 3) == 0) {
        printf("I: (%s) simulating a crash%s", $identity, PHP_EOL);
    } elseif ($cycles > 3 && rand(0, 3) == 0) {
        printf("I: (%s) simulating CPU overload%s", $identity, PHP_EOL);
Exemplo n.º 26
 *  Task worker - design 2
 *  Adds pub-sub flow to receive and respond to kill signal
 * @author Ian Barber <ian(dot)barber(at)gmail(dot)com>
$context = new ZMQContext();
//  Socket to receive messages on
$receiver = new ZMQSocket($context, ZMQ::SOCKET_PULL);
//  Socket to send messages to
$sender = new ZMQSocket($context, ZMQ::SOCKET_PUSH);
//  Socket for control input
$controller = new ZMQSocket($context, ZMQ::SOCKET_SUB);
$controller->setSockOpt(ZMQ::SOCKOPT_SUBSCRIBE, "");
//  Process messages from receiver and controller
$poll = new ZMQPoll();
$poll->add($receiver, ZMQ::POLL_IN);
$poll->add($controller, ZMQ::POLL_IN);
$readable = $writeable = array();
//  Process messages from both sockets
while (true) {
    $events = $poll->poll($readable, $writeable);
    if ($events > 0) {
        foreach ($readable as $socket) {
            if ($socket === $receiver) {
                $message = $socket->recv();
                //  Simple progress indicator for the viewer
                echo $message, PHP_EOL;
                //  Do the work
Exemplo n.º 27

try {
    $context = new \ZMQContext();
    $subscriber = new \ZMQSocket($context, \ZMQ::SOCKET_SUB);
    $subscriber->setSockOpt(\ZMQ::SOCKOPT_SUBSCRIBE, 'log-channel');
    while (true) {
        $msg = $subscriber->recv();
        if ($msg == 'log-channel') {
            printf("printing logs for channel %s \n", $msg);
        } else {
} catch (\Exception $e) {
    echo $e->getMessage();
Exemplo n.º 28
 public function multiple_readerAction()
     $context = new ZMQContext();
     $receiver = new ZMQSocket($context, ZMQ::SOCKET_PULL);
     $subscriber = new ZMQSocket($context, ZMQ::SOCKET_SUB);
     $subscriber->setSockOpt(ZMQ::SOCKOPT_SUBSCRIBE, "10001");
     while (true) {
         try {
             for ($rc = 0; !$rc;) {
                 if ($rc = $receiver->recv(ZMQ::MODE_NOBLOCK)) {
                     // process task
         } catch (ZMQSocketException $e) {
             //do nothing
         try {
             for ($rc = 0; !$rc;) {
                 if ($rc = $receiver->recv(ZMQ::MODE_NOBLOCK)) {
                     // process task
         } catch (ZMQSocketException $e) {
             //do nothing
Exemplo n.º 29

 *  Weather proxy device
 * @author Ian Barber <ian(dot)barber(at)gmail(dot)com>
$context = new ZMQContext();
//  This is where the weather server sits
$frontend = new ZMQSocket($context, ZMQ::SOCKET_SUB);
//  This is our public endpoint for subscribers
$backend = new ZMQSocket($context, ZMQ::SOCKET_PUB);
//  Subscribe on everything
$frontend->setSockOpt(ZMQ::SOCKOPT_SUBSCRIBE, "");
//  Shunt messages out to our own subscribers
while (true) {
    while (true) {
        //  Process all parts of the message
        $message = $frontend->recv();
        $more = $frontend->getSockOpt(ZMQ::SOCKOPT_RCVMORE);
        $backend->send($message, $more ? ZMQ::MODE_SNDMORE : 0);
        if (!$more) {
            // Last message part
Exemplo n.º 30

 * Custom routing Router to Papa (ROUTER to REP)
 * @author Ian Barber <ian(dot)barber(at)gmail(dot)com>a
include "zhelpers.php";
//  We will do this all in one thread to emphasize the sequence
//  of events...
$context = new ZMQContext();
$client = new ZMQSocket($context, ZMQ::SOCKET_ROUTER);
$worker = new ZMQSocket($context, ZMQ::SOCKET_REP);
$worker->setSockOpt(ZMQ::SOCKOPT_IDENTITY, "A");
//  Send papa address, address stack, empty part, and request
$client->send("A", ZMQ::MODE_SNDMORE);
$client->send("address 3", ZMQ::MODE_SNDMORE);
$client->send("address 2", ZMQ::MODE_SNDMORE);
$client->send("address 1", ZMQ::MODE_SNDMORE);
$client->send("", ZMQ::MODE_SNDMORE);
$client->send("This is the workload");
//  Worker should get just the workload
//  We don't play with envelopes in the worker
$worker->send("This is the reply");
//  Now dump what we got off the ROUTER socket...