public static function getText($column, $trans = array(), $language = NULL) {
			return false;

			$language = Yii::app()->language;

		if($text = YumTextSettings::model()->find('language = :language', array(
						':language' => $language)));

			return strtr($text->$column, $trans);

		return false;
	 * Password recovery routine. The User will receive an email with an
	 * activation link. If clicked, he will be prompted to enter his new
	 * password.
	public function actionRecovery($email = null, $key = null) {
		$form = new YumPasswordRecoveryForm;

		if ($email != null && $key != null) {
			if($profile = YumProfile::model()->find('email = :email', array(
							'email' =>  $email))) {
				$user = $profile->user;
				if($user->activationKey == $key) {
					$passwordform = new YumUserChangePassword;
					if (isset($_POST['YumUserChangePassword'])) {
						$passwordform->attributes = $_POST['YumUserChangePassword'];
						if ($passwordform->validate()) {
							$user->password = YumUser::encrypt($passwordform->password);
							$user->activationKey = YumUser::encrypt(microtime() . $passwordform->password);
							Yum::setFlash('Your new password has been saved.');
							Yum::module('registration')->changePasswordView, array(
								'form' => $passwordform));
				} else {
					$form->addError('login_or_email', Yum::t('Invalid recovery key'));
								'Someone tried to recover a password, but entered a wrong recovery key. Email is {email}, associated user is {username} (id: {uid})', array(
									'{email}' => $email,
									'{uid}' => $user->id,
									'{username}' => $user->username)));
		} else {
			if (isset($_POST['YumPasswordRecoveryForm'])) {
				$form->attributes = $_POST['YumPasswordRecoveryForm'];

				if ($form->validate()) {
							'Instructions have been sent to you. Please check your email.');

					if($form->user instanceof YumUser) {
						$recovery_url = $this->createAbsoluteUrl(
								Yum::module('registration')->recoveryUrl[0], array(
									'key' => $form->user->activationKey,
									'email' => $form->user->profile->email));

									'{username} successfully requested a new password in the password recovery form. A email with the password recovery url {recovery_url} has been sent to {email}', array(
										'{email}' => $form->user->profile->email,
										'{recovery_url}' => $recovery_url,
										'{username}' => $form->user->username)));

						$content = YumTextSettings::model()->find(
								'language = :lang', array('lang' => Yii::app()->language));
						$sent = null;

						if (is_object($content)) {
							$mail = array(
									'from' => Yii::app()->params['adminEmail'],
									'to' => $form->user->profile->email,
									'subject' => $content->subject_email_registration,
									'body' => strtr($content->text_email_recovery, array(
											'{recovery_url}' => $recovery_url)),
							$sent = YumMailer::send($mail);
						} else {
							throw new CException(Yum::t('The messages for your application language are not defined.'));
					} else
									'A password has been requested, but no associated user was found in the database. Requested user/email is: {username}', array(
										'{username}' => $form->login_or_email)));
		$this->render(Yum::module('registration')->recoverPasswordView, array(
					'form' => $form));
