  * This method takes the YouniversityPlaylist.id and a YoutubePlaylist object and inserts all of the associated images into the DB.
  * If an invalid (non-numeric or numeric less than one) YouniversityPlaylist.id is provided, returns false; otherwise, returns the number of successful inserts.
  * @param integer $youniversityPlaylistId
  * @param YoutubePlaylist $youtubePlaylistObject
  * @return false|integer
  * @see YoutubePlaylist::getAllThumbnails()
  * @see Model::query()
 public function saveImagesFromYoutubePlaylistObject($youniversityPlaylistId, YoutubePlaylist $youtubePlaylistObject)
     $return = false;
     $youniversityPlaylistId = (int) $youniversityPlaylistId;
     if ($youniversityPlaylistId > 0) {
         // Validate "Youniversity Playlist ID" Parameter
         $return = 0;
         foreach ($youtubePlaylistObject->getAllThumbnails(true) as $currentThumbnailName => $currentThumbnailData) {
             // Loop through Thumbnails
             if (!empty($currentThumbnailData->url)) {
                 // Verify Thumbnail Has URL
                 $query = $this->query(sprintf('INSERT IGNORE INTO `youniversity_playlist_images` VALUES (NULL, %d, "%s", "%s", %d, %d) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `url` = VALUES(`url`), `width` = VALUES(`width`), `height` = VALUES(`height`)', $youniversityPlaylistId, strtoupper($currentThumbnailName), $currentThumbnailData->url, $currentThumbnailData->width, $currentThumbnailData->height));
                 if (is_array($query) || true === $query) {
                     // Check Query Execution
                 // End of Check Query Execution
             // End of Verify Thumbnail Has URL
         // End of Loop through Thumbnails
     // End of Validate "Youniversity Playlist ID" Parameter
     return $return;
Exemplo n.º 2
  * This method retrieves the list of playlists associated with a channel from the YouTube Data API.
  * @param string
  * @return boolean|array
  * @see YouniversityShell::$guzzleClient
  * @see YouniversityShell::$youtubeApiPlaylistSuffix
  * @see YouniversityShell::$youtubeApiKey
  * @see Guzzle\Http\Client::get()
  * @see Guzzle\Http\Message\Request::send()
  * @see Guzzle\Http\Message\Response::getStatusCode()
  * @see Guzzle\Http\Message\Response::getBody()
  * @see YouniversityShell::$executionStatistics
 protected function getChannelPlaylistsFromYoutubeApi($channelId)
     $return = false;
     $channelId = trim((string) $channelId);
     if (!empty($channelId) && 24 == strlen($channelId)) {
         $apiResponse = $this->guzzleClient->get(sprintf($this->youtubeApiPlaylistSuffix, $channelId, $this->youtubeApiKey))->send();
         if (in_array($apiResponse->getStatusCode(), array(200))) {
             // Check YouTube Data API Response
             $apiResponseBody = json_decode($apiResponse->getBody(true));
             if ($apiResponseBody instanceof \stdClass) {
                 // Verify API Response Body Decoding
                 if (!empty($apiResponseBody->items) && is_array($apiResponseBody->items) && count($apiResponseBody->items)) {
                     // Check for Playlist Items
                     $return = array();
                     foreach ($apiResponseBody->items as $currentPlaylist) {
                         // Loop through Channel Playlists
                         $this->executionStatistics['Playlists Processed']++;
                         $currentPlaylistObject = YoutubePlaylist::getPlaylistFromStdClass($currentPlaylist);
                         if ($currentPlaylistObject instanceof YoutubePlaylist) {
                             // Verify Current Playlist
                             $return[] = $currentPlaylistObject;
                         } else {
                             // Middle of Verify Current Playlist
                             $this->executionStatistics['Playlists Invalid']++;
                         // End of Verify Current Playlist
                     // End of Loop through Channel Playlists
                 // End of Check for Playlist Items
             } else {
                 // Middle of Verify API Response Body Decoding
                 $this->out(sprintf('<error>Non-JSON YouTube API Response (Channel: %s): %s</error>', $channelId, print_r($apiResponse->getBody(true), true)), 1, Shell::VERBOSE);
             // End of Verify API Response Body Decoding
         } else {
             // Middle of Check YouTube Data API Response
             $this->out(sprintf('<error>Unable to retrieve Channel (%s) contents from YouTube Data API. Response status code: %d</error>', $channelId, $apiResponse->getStatusCode()), 1, Shell::VERBOSE);
         // End of Check YouTube Data API Response
     } else {
         $this->out(sprintf('<error>Invalid YouTube Channel ID: %s</error>', $channelId), 1, Shell::VERBOSE);
     return $return;
  * This method takes an array of DB results (preferably, from a method on this model object) and converts them into YoutubePlaylist objects.
  * @param array $youniversityPlaylistDatabaseResults
  * @return array
  * @see YoutubePlaylist::getPlaylistFromArray()
 public function convertDatabaseResultsToPlaylistObjects(array $youniversityPlaylistDatabaseResults)
     $return = array();
     foreach ($youniversityPlaylistDatabaseResults as $currentDatabaseResult) {
         // Loop through Passed Database Results Array
         if (!empty($currentDatabaseResult['YouniversityPlaylist']) && is_array($currentDatabaseResult['YouniversityPlaylist']) && count($currentDatabaseResult['YouniversityPlaylist'])) {
             // Validate Current Row Data
             $currentPlaylistObject = YoutubePlaylist::getPlaylistFromArray($currentDatabaseResult);
             if ($currentPlaylistObject instanceof YoutubePlaylist) {
                 // Verify Playlist Object Instantiation
                 $return[] = $currentPlaylistObject;
             // End of Verify Playlist Object Instantiation
         // End of Validate Current Row Data
     // End of Loop through Passed Database Results Array
     return $return;