Exemplo n.º 1
  * The name says it all
 public function setVarsFromRequest()
     //Required fields
     //        if (!empty($categoryid = XoopsRequest::getInt('categoryid', 0, 'POST'))) {
     //            $this->setVar('categoryid', $categoryid);}
     $this->setVar('categoryid', XoopsRequest::getInt('categoryid', 0, 'POST'));
     $this->setVar('title', XoopsRequest::getString('title', '', 'POST'));
     $this->setVar('body', XoopsRequest::getText('body', '', 'POST'));
     //Not required fields
     $this->setVar('summary', XoopsRequest::getText('summary', '', 'POST'));
     $this->setVar('subtitle', XoopsRequest::getString('subtitle', '', 'POST'));
     $this->setVar('item_tag', XoopsRequest::getString('item_tag', '', 'POST'));
     if ($imageFeatured = XoopsRequest::getString('image_featured', '', 'POST')) {
         $imageItem = XoopsRequest::getArray('image_item', array(), 'POST');
         //            $imageFeatured = XoopsRequest::getString('image_featured', '', 'POST');
         //Todo: get a better image class for xoops!
         //Image hack
         $imageItemIds = array();
         $sql = 'SELECT image_id, image_name FROM ' . $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->prefix('image');
         $result = $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->query($sql, 0, 0);
         while (($myrow = $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->fetchArray($result)) !== false) {
             $imageName = $myrow['image_name'];
             $id = $myrow['image_id'];
             if ($imageName == $imageFeatured) {
                 $this->setVar('image', $id);
             if (in_array($imageName, $imageItem)) {
                 $imageItemIds[] = $id;
         $this->setVar('images', implode('|', $imageItemIds));
     if ($authorAlias = XoopsRequest::getString('author_alias', '', 'POST')) {
         $this->setVar('author_alias', $authorAlias);
         if ($this->getVar('author_alias') !== '') {
             $this->setVar('uid', 0);
     //mb TODO check on version
     if ($datesub = XoopsRequest::getString('datesub', '', 'POST')) {
         //            if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.4.0') >= 0) {
         //                $this->setVar('datesub', strtotime(XoopsRequest::getArray('datesub', array(), 'POST')['date']) + XoopsRequest::getArray('datesub', array(), 'POST')['time']);
         //            } else {
         $resDate = XoopsRequest::getArray('datesub', array(), 'POST');
         $resTime = XoopsRequest::getArray('datesub', array(), 'POST');
         //            $this->setVar('datesub', strtotime($resDate['date']) + $resTime['time']);
         $localTimestamp = strtotime($resDate['date']) + $resTime['time'];
         // get user Timezone offset and use it to find out the Timezone, needed for PHP DataTime
         $userTimeoffset = $GLOBALS['xoopsUser']->getVar('timezone_offset');
         $tz = timezone_name_from_abbr(null, $userTimeoffset * 3600);
         if ($tz === false) {
             $tz = timezone_name_from_abbr(null, $userTimeoffset * 3600, false);
         $userTimezone = new DateTimeZone($tz);
         $gmtTimezone = new DateTimeZone('GMT');
         $myDateTime = new DateTime('now', $gmtTimezone);
         $offset = $userTimezone->getOffset($myDateTime);
         $gmtTimestamp = $localTimestamp - $offset;
         $this->setVar('datesub', $gmtTimestamp);
         //            }
     } elseif ($this->isNew()) {
         $this->setVar('datesub', time());
     $this->setVar('short_url', XoopsRequest::getString('item_short_url', '', 'POST'));
     $this->setVar('meta_keywords', XoopsRequest::getString('item_meta_keywords', '', 'POST'));
     $this->setVar('meta_description', XoopsRequest::getString('item_meta_description', '', 'POST'));
     $this->setVar('weight', XoopsRequest::getInt('weight', 0, 'POST'));
     if ($this->isNew()) {
         $this->setVar('uid', is_object($GLOBALS['xoopsUser']) ? $GLOBALS['xoopsUser']->uid() : 0);
         $this->setVar('cancoment', $this->publisher->getConfig('submit_allowcomments'));
         $this->setVar('status', $this->publisher->getConfig('submit_status'));
         $this->setVar('dohtml', $this->publisher->getConfig('submit_dohtml'));
         $this->setVar('dosmiley', $this->publisher->getConfig('submit_dosmiley'));
         $this->setVar('doxcode', $this->publisher->getConfig('submit_doxcode'));
         $this->setVar('doimage', $this->publisher->getConfig('submit_doimage'));
         $this->setVar('dobr', $this->publisher->getConfig('submit_dobr'));
     } else {
         $this->setVar('uid', XoopsRequest::getInt('uid', 0, 'POST'));
         $this->setVar('cancomment', XoopsRequest::getInt('allowcomments', 1, 'POST'));
         $this->setVar('status', XoopsRequest::getInt('status', 1, 'POST'));
         $this->setVar('dohtml', XoopsRequest::getInt('dohtml', 1, 'POST'));
         $this->setVar('dosmiley', XoopsRequest::getInt('dosmiley', 1, 'POST'));
         $this->setVar('doxcode', XoopsRequest::getInt('doxcode', 1, 'POST'));
         $this->setVar('doimage', XoopsRequest::getInt('doimage', 1, 'POST'));
         $this->setVar('dobr', XoopsRequest::getInt('dolinebreak', 1, 'POST'));
     $this->setVar('notifypub', XoopsRequest::getString('notify', '', 'POST'));
Exemplo n.º 2
 public static function edit()
     $publisher =& PublisherPublisher::getInstance();
     global $start, $limit;
     $mimeId = 0;
     $error = array();
     $hasErrors = false;
     if (0 == XoopsRequest::getInt('id', 0, 'GET')) {
         redirect_header(PUBLISHER_ADMIN_URL . '/mimetypes.php', 3, _AM_PUBLISHER_MESSAGE_NO_ID);
     } else {
         $mimeId = XoopsRequest::getInt('id', 0, 'GET');
     $mimeTypeObj =& $publisher->getHandler('mimetype')->get($mimeId);
     // Retrieve mimetype object
     if (!XoopsRequest::getString('edit_mime', '', 'POST')) {
         $session =& PublisherSession::getInstance();
         $mimeType = $session->get('publisher_editMime_' . $mimeId);
         $mimeErrors = $session->get('publisher_editMimeErr_' . $mimeId);
         // Display header
         //publisher_adminMenu(4, _AM_PUBLISHER_MIMETYPES . " > " . _AM_PUBLISHER_BUTTON_EDIT);
         publisherOpenCollapsableBar('mimemedittable', 'mimeediticon', _AM_PUBLISHER_MIME_EDIT_TITLE);
         //Display any form errors
         if (!$mimeErrors === false) {
             publisherRenderErrors($mimeErrors, publisherMakeUri(PUBLISHER_ADMIN_URL . '/mimetypes.php', array('op' => 'clearEditSession', 'id' => $mimeId)));
         if ($mimeType === false) {
             $mimeExt = $mimeTypeObj->getVar('mime_ext');
             $mimeName = $mimeTypeObj->getVar('mime_name', 'e');
             $mimeTypes = $mimeTypeObj->getVar('mime_types', 'e');
             $mimeAdmin = $mimeTypeObj->getVar('mime_admin');
             $mimeUser = $mimeTypeObj->getVar('mime_user');
         } else {
             $mimeExt = $mimeType['mime_ext'];
             $mimeName = $mimeType['mime_name'];
             $mimeTypes = $mimeType['mime_types'];
             $mimeAdmin = $mimeType['mime_admin'];
             $mimeUser = $mimeType['mime_user'];
         // Display edit form
         echo "<form action='mimetypes.php?op=edit&amp;id=" . $mimeId . "' method='post'>";
         echo "<input type='hidden' name='limit' value='" . $limit . "' />";
         echo "<input type='hidden' name='start' value='" . $start . "' />";
         echo "<table width='100%' cellspacing='1' class='outer'>";
         echo "<tr><th colspan='2'>" . _AM_PUBLISHER_MIME_MODIFYF . '</th></tr>';
         echo "<tr valign='top'>\n        <td class='head'>" . _AM_PUBLISHER_MIME_EXTF . "</td>\n        <td class='even'><input type='text' name='mime_ext' id='mime_ext' value='{$mimeExt}' size='5' /></td>\n        </tr>";
         echo "<tr valign='top'>\n        <td class='head'>" . _AM_PUBLISHER_MIME_NAMEF . "</td>\n        <td class='even'><input type='text' name='mime_name' id='mime_name' value='{$mimeName}' /></td>\n        </tr>";
         echo "<tr valign='top'>\n        <td class='head'>" . _AM_PUBLISHER_MIME_TYPEF . "</td>\n        <td class='even'><textarea name='mime_types' id='mime_types' cols='60' rows='5'>{$mimeTypes}</textarea></td>\n        </tr>";
         echo "<tr valign='top'>\n        <td class='head'>" . _AM_PUBLISHER_MIME_ADMINF . "</td>\n        <td class='even'>\n        <input type='radio' name='mime_admin' value='1' " . ($mimeAdmin == 1 ? "checked='checked'" : '') . ' />' . _YES . "\n        <input type='radio' name='mime_admin' value='0' " . ($mimeAdmin == 0 ? "checked='checked'" : '') . ' />' . _NO . '
         echo "<tr valign='top'>\n        <td class='head'>" . _AM_PUBLISHER_MIME_USERF . "</td>\n        <td class='even'>\n        <input type='radio' name='mime_user' value='1' " . ($mimeUser == 1 ? "checked='checked'" : '') . ' />' . _YES . "\n        <input type='radio' name='mime_user' value='0' " . ($mimeUser == 0 ? "checked='checked'" : '') . ' />' . _NO . '
         echo "<tr valign='top'>\n        <td class='head'></td>\n        <td class='even'>\n        <input type='submit' name='edit_mime' id='edit_mime' value='" . _AM_PUBLISHER_BUTTON_UPDATE . "' class='formButton' />\n        <input type='button' name='cancel' value='" . _AM_PUBLISHER_BUTTON_CANCEL . "' onclick='history.go(-1)' class='formButton' />\n        </td>\n        </tr>";
         echo '</table></form>';
         // end of edit form
         publisherCloseCollapsableBar('mimeedittable', 'mimeediticon');
         //            xoops_cp_footer();
         include_once __DIR__ . '/admin_footer.php';
     } else {
         $mimeAdmin = 0;
         $mimeUser = 0;
         if (1 == XoopsRequest::getInt('mime_admin', 0, 'POST')) {
             $mimeAdmin = 1;
         if (1 == XoopsRequest::getInt('mime_user', 0, 'POST')) {
             $mimeUser = 1;
         //Validate Mimetype entry
         if ('' === XoopsRequest::getString('mime_ext', '', 'POST')) {
             $hasErrors = true;
             $error['mime_ext'][] = _AM_PUBLISHER_VALID_ERR_MIME_EXT;
         if ('' === XoopsRequest::getString('mime_name', '', 'POST')) {
             $hasErrors = true;
             $error['mime_name'][] = _AM_PUBLISHER_VALID_ERR_MIME_NAME;
         if ('' === XoopsRequest::getString('mime_types', '', 'POST')) {
             $hasErrors = true;
             $error['mime_types'][] = _AM_PUBLISHER_VALID_ERR_MIME_TYPES;
         if ($hasErrors) {
             $session =& PublisherSession::getInstance();
             $mime = array();
             $mime['mime_ext'] = XoopsRequest::getString('mime_ext', '', 'POST');
             $mime['mime_name'] = XoopsRequest::getString('mime_name', '', 'POST');
             $mime['mime_types'] = XoopsRequest::getText('mime_types', '', 'POST');
             $mime['mime_admin'] = $mimeAdmin;
             $mime['mime_user'] = $mimeUser;
             $session->set('publisher_editMime_' . $mimeId, $mime);
             $session->set('publisher_editMimeErr_' . $mimeId, $error);
             header('Location: ' . publisherMakeUri(PUBLISHER_ADMIN_URL . '/mimetypes.php', array('op' => 'edit', 'id' => $mimeId), false));
         $mimeTypeObj->setVar('mime_ext', XoopsRequest::getString('mime_ext', '', 'POST'));
         $mimeTypeObj->setVar('mime_name', XoopsRequest::getString('mime_name', '', 'POST'));
         $mimeTypeObj->setVar('mime_types', XoopsRequest::getText('mime_types', '', 'POST'));
         $mimeTypeObj->setVar('mime_admin', $mimeAdmin);
         $mimeTypeObj->setVar('mime_user', $mimeUser);
         if (!$publisher->getHandler('mimetype')->insert($mimeTypeObj, true)) {
             redirect_header(PUBLISHER_ADMIN_URL . "/mimetypes.php?op=edit&id={$mimeId}", 3, _AM_PUBLISHER_MESSAGE_EDIT_MIME_ERROR);
         } else {
             header('Location: ' . PUBLISHER_ADMIN_URL . "/mimetypes.php?op=manage&limit={$limit}&start={$start}");
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * @copyright       (c) 2000-2016 XOOPS Project (www.xoops.org)
 * @license             GNU GPL 2 (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html)
 * @package             xoopsform
 * @since               2.3.0
 * @author              Vinod <*****@*****.**>
 * @author              Taiwen Jiang <*****@*****.**>
include_once dirname(__DIR__) . '/mainfile.php';
$xoopsLogger->activated = false;
$myts = MyTextSanitizer::getInstance();
$content = rawurldecode(XoopsRequest::getText('text', '', 'POST'));
if (!$GLOBALS['xoopsSecurity']->validateToken(@$_POST['token'], false)) {
    $content = 'Direct access is not allowed!!!';
$html = empty($_POST['html']) ? 0 : 1;
$content = $myts->displayTarea($content, $html, 1, 1, 1, 1);
if (preg_match_all('/%u([[:alnum:]]{4})/', $content, $matches)) {
    foreach ($matches[1] as $uniord) {
        $utf = '&#x' . $uniord . ';';
        $content = str_replace('%u' . $uniord, $utf, $content);
    $content = urldecode($content);
if (!headers_sent()) {
    $charset = defined('_CHARSET') ? _CHARSET : 'UTF-8';
    header('Content-Type:text/html; charset=' . $charset);