Exemplo n.º 1
        if ($key == 'FILENAME') {
            $Fields[$key] = myTruncate($value, 60, '_', '...pm');
        if ($length >= 250) {
            if ($key == 'FILENAME_LINK') {
                list($file, $rest) = explode('p=', $value);
                list($filenameLink, $rest) = explode('&', $rest);
                $Fields[$key] = myTruncate($filenameLink, 250 - $pathLength, '_', '');
                $Fields[$key] = $file . "p=" . $Fields[$key] . '&' . $rest;
    /* Render page */
    if (isset($_REQUEST["processMap"]) && $_REQUEST["processMap"] == 1) {
        $G_PUBLISH = new Publisher();
        $G_PUBLISH->AddContent("xmlform", "xmlform", "processes/processes_Export", "", $Fields);
        G::RenderPage("publish", "raw");
    } else {
        $xmlFrm = new XmlForm();
        $xmlFrm->home = PATH_XMLFORM . "processes" . PATH_SEP;
        $xmlFrm->parseFile("processes_Export.xml", SYS_LANG, true);
        $Fields["xmlFrmFieldLabel"] = array("title" => $xmlFrm->fields["TITLE"]->label, "proTitle" => $xmlFrm->fields["PRO_TITLE"]->label, "proDescription" => $xmlFrm->fields["PRO_DESCRIPTION"]->label, "size" => $xmlFrm->fields["SIZE"]->label, "fileName" => $xmlFrm->fields["FILENAME_LABEL"]->label);
        echo G::json_encode($Fields);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    $G_PUBLISH = new Publisher();
    $aMessage['MESSAGE'] = $e->getMessage();
    $G_PUBLISH->AddContent('xmlform', 'xmlform', 'login/showMessage', '', $aMessage);
    G::RenderPage('publish', 'raw');
Exemplo n.º 2
  * Function Form
  * @author David S. Callizaya S. <*****@*****.**>
  * @access public
  * @param string filename
  * @param string home
  * @param string language
  * @param string forceParse
  * @param string $visual_frontend
  * @return string
 public function Form($filename, $home = '', $language = '', $forceParse = false, $visual_frontend = null)
     $this->visual_frontend = $visual_frontend;
     if ($language === '') {
         $language = defined('SYS_LANG') ? SYS_LANG : 'en';
     if ($home === '') {
         $home = defined('PATH_XMLFORM') ? PATH_XMLFORM : (defined('PATH_DYNAFORM') ? PATH_DYNAFORM : '');
     //to do: obtain the error code in case the xml parsing has errors: DONE
     //Load and parse the xml file
     if (substr($filename, -4) !== '.xml') {
         $filename = $filename . '.xml';
     $this->home = $home;
     $res = parent::parseFile($filename, $language, $forceParse);
     if ($res == 1) {
         trigger_error('Faild to parse file ' . $filename . '.', E_USER_ERROR);
     if ($res == 2) {
         trigger_error('Faild to create cache file "' . $xmlform->parsedFile . '".', E_USER_ERROR);
     //to do: review if you can use the same form twice. in order to use once or not.
     //DONE: Use require to be able to use the same xmlform more than once.
     foreach ($this->fields as $k => $v) {
         //too memory? but it fails if it's loaded with baneco.xml with SYS_LANG='es'
         //NOTE: This fails apparently when class of  ($this->fields[$k]) is PHP_Incomplete_Class (because of cache)
         if (is_object($v)) {
             $this->fields[$k]->owner =& $this;
             if ($this->fields[$k]->type === 'grid') {
                 $this->fields[$k]->parseFile($home, $language);
     $this->template = PATH_CORE . 'templates/' . $this->type . '.html';
Exemplo n.º 3
     * Get Data Generate
     * @access public
     * @param string $pro_uid, Process Uid
     * @param string $tas_uid, Task Uid
     * @param string $dyn_uid, Dynaform Uid
     * @return string
     * @author Brayan Pereyra (Cochalo) <*****@*****.**>
     * @copyright Colosa - Bolivia
    public function getDataGenerate($pro_uid, $tas_uid, $dyn_uid)
        G::LoadClass ('case');
        G::LoadClass ('pmFunctions');
        G::LoadClass ("configuration");
        $hasTextArea = false;

        $conf = new \Configurations();
        $generalConfCasesList = $conf->getConfiguration("ENVIRONMENT_SETTINGS", "");
        if (isset($generalConfCasesList["casesListDateFormat"]) && !empty($generalConfCasesList["casesListDateFormat"])) {
            $dateFormat = $generalConfCasesList["casesListDateFormat"];
        } else {
            $dateFormat = "Y/m/d";

        $oDyna = new \Dynaform();
        $dataTask = $oDyna->load($dyn_uid);
        if ($dataTask['DYN_VERSION'] > 0) {
            $pmDyna = new \pmDynaform(array('APP_DATA' => array()));
            $pmDyna->fields["CURRENT_DYNAFORM"] = $dyn_uid;
            $json = G::json_decode($dataTask["DYN_CONTENT"]);
            $fieldsDyna = $json->items[0]->items;

            $xmlfrm = new \stdclass();
            $xmlfrm->fields = array();
            foreach ($fieldsDyna as $key => $value) {
                if ($value[0]->type == 'title' || $value[0]->type == 'submit') {
                $temp = new \stdclass();
                $temp->type = $value[0]->type;
                $temp->label = $value[0]->label;
                $temp->name = $value[0]->name;
                $temp->required = (isset($value[0]->required)) ? $value[0]->required : 0;
                $temp->mode = (isset($value[0]->mode)) ? $value[0]->mode : 'edit';

                if (!empty($value[0]->options)) {
                    $temp->storeData = '[';
                    foreach ($value[0]->options as $valueOption) {
                        $temp->storeData .= '["' . $valueOption['value'] . '", "' . $valueOption['label'] . '"],';
                    $temp->storeData = substr($temp->storeData,0,-1);
                    $temp->storeData .= ']';

                $temp->readOnly = ($temp->mode == 'view') ? "1" : "0";
                $temp->colWidth = 200;
                $xmlfrm->fields[] = $temp;
        } else {
            $filename = $pro_uid . PATH_SEP . $dyn_uid . ".xml";
            if (!class_exists('Smarty')) {
                require_once(PATH_THIRDPARTY . 'smarty' . PATH_SEP . 'libs' . PATH_SEP . 'Smarty.class.php');  
            $xmlfrm = new \XmlForm();
            $xmlfrm->home = PATH_DYNAFORM;
            $xmlfrm->parseFile($filename, SYS_LANG, true);    

        $caseColumns      = array();
        $caseReaderFields = array();

        $dropList          = array();
        $comboBoxYesNoList = array();

        $caseColumns[] = array("header" => "APP_UID", "dataIndex" => "APP_UID", "width" => 100, "hidden" => true, "hideable" => false);
        $caseColumns[] = array("header" => "#", "dataIndex" => "APP_NUMBER", "width" => 40, "sortable" => true);
        $caseColumns[] = array("header" => G::LoadTranslation("ID_TITLE"), "dataIndex" => "APP_TITLE", "width" => 180, "renderer" => "renderTitle", "sortable" => true);
        $caseColumns[] = array("header" => G::LoadTranslation("ID_SUMMARY"), "width" => 60, "renderer" => "renderSummary", "align" => "center");
        $caseColumns[] = array("header" => "DEL_INDEX", "dataIndex" => "DEL_INDEX", "width" => 100, "hidden" => true, "hideable" => false);

        $caseReaderFields[] = array("name" => "APP_UID");
        $caseReaderFields[] = array("name" => "APP_NUMBER");
        $caseReaderFields[] = array("name" => "APP_TITLE");
        $caseReaderFields[] = array("name" => "DEL_INDEX");

        //$caseColumns[] = array("header" => "FLAG", "dataIndex" => "FLAG", "width" => 55, "xtype"=>"checkcolumn");
        //$caseReaderFields[] = array("name" => "FLAG", "type"=>"bool");

        foreach ($xmlfrm->fields as $index => $value) {
            $field = $value;

            $editor = null;
            $renderer = null;

            $readOnly = (isset($field->readOnly))? $field->readOnly : null;
            $required = (isset($field->required))? $field->required : null;
            $validate = (isset($field->validate))? strtolower($field->validate) : null;

            $fieldReadOnly = ($readOnly . "" == "1")? "readOnly: true," : null;
            $fieldRequired = ($required . "" == "1")? "allowBlank: false," : null;
            $fieldValidate = ($validate == "alpha" || $validate == "alphanum" || $validate == "email" || $validate == "int" || $validate == "real")? "vtype: \"$validate\"," : null;

            $fieldLabel = (($fieldRequired != null)? "<span style='color: red;'>&#42;</span> ": null) . $field->label;
            $fieldDisabled = ($field->mode != "edit")? "true" : "false";

            switch ($field->type) {
                case "dropdown":
                    $dropList[] = $field->name;
                    $align = "left";

                    if (empty($field->storeData)) {
                        $editor = "* new Ext.form.ComboBox({
                               id: \"cbo" . $field->name . "_" . $pro_uid . "\",

                               valueField:   'value',
                               displayField: 'text',

                               /*store: comboStore,*/
                               store: new Ext.data.JsonStore({
                                 storeId: \"store" . $field->name . "_" . $pro_uid . "\",
                                 proxy: new Ext.data.HttpProxy({
                                   url: 'proxyDataCombobox'
                                 root: 'records',
                                 fields: [{name: 'value'},
                                          {name: 'text'}

                               triggerAction: 'all',
                               mode:     'local',
                               editable: false,
                               disabled: $fieldDisabled,
                               lazyRender: false,

                               cls: \"\"
                             }) *";
                    } else {
                        $editor = "* new Ext.form.ComboBox({
                                   id: \"cbo" . $field->name . "_" . $pro_uid . "\",

                                   typeAhead: true,

                                   valueField:   'value',
                                   displayField: 'text',
                                   store:new Ext.data.SimpleStore({
                                        fields: [{name: 'value'},
                                              {name: 'text'}],
                                        data: " . htmlspecialchars_decode($field->storeData) . ",

                                   cls: \"\"
                                 }) *";    

                    $editor = eregi_replace("[\n|\r|\n\r]", ' ', $editor);
                    $width = $field->colWidth;
                    $caseColumns[] = array("xtype" => "combocolumn", "gridId" => "gridId", "header" => $fieldLabel, "dataIndex" => $field->name, "width" => (int)($width), "align" => $align, "editor" => $editor, "frame" => "true", "clicksToEdit" => "1");
                    $caseReaderFields[] = array("name" => $field->name);
                case "date":
                    //minValue: '01/01/06',
                    //disabledDays: [0, 6],
                    //disabledDaysText: 'Plants are not available on the weekends'

                    $align = "center";
                    $size = 100;

                    if (isset($field->size)) {
                        $size = $field->size * 10;

                    $width = $size;

                    $editor = "* new Ext.form.DateField({
                                     format: \"$dateFormat\",

                                     cls: \"\"
                                 }) *";

                    //$renderer = "* formatDate *";
                    $renderer = "* function (value){
                                     return Ext.isDate(value)? value.dateFormat('{$dateFormat}') : value;
                                   } *";

                    if ($field->mode != "edit") {
                        $editor = null;

                    $caseColumns[] = array("header" => $fieldLabel, "dataIndex" => $field->name, "width" => (int)($width), "editor" => $editor, "renderer" => $renderer, "frame" => true, "clicksToEdit" => 1, "sortable" => true);
                    $caseReaderFields[] = array("name" => $field->name, "type" => "date");
                case "currency":
                    //align: 'right',
                    //renderer: 'usMoney',
                    //allowBlank: false,
                    //allowNegative: false,
                    $align = 'right';
                    $size = 100;

                    if (isset($field->size)) {
                        $size = $field->size * 10;

                    $width = $size;

                    $editor = "* new Ext.form.NumberField({
                                   maxValue: 1000000,
                                   allowDecimals: true,
                                   allowNegative: true,

                                   cls: \"\"
                                 }) *";

                    if ($field->mode != "edit") {
                        $editor = null;

                    $caseColumns[] = array("header" => $fieldLabel, "dataIndex" => $field->name, "width" => (int)($width), "align" => $align, "editor" => $editor, "frame" => true, "clicksToEdit" => 1, "sortable" => true);
                    $caseReaderFields[] = array("name" => $field->name);
                case "percentage":
                    $align = 'right';
                    $size = 100;

                    if (isset($field->size)) {
                        $size = $field->size * 10;

                    $width = $size;

                    $editor = "* new Ext.form.NumberField({
                                   maxValue: 100,
                                   allowDecimals: true,

                                   cls: \"\"
                                 }) *";

                    $renderer = "* function (value){
                                     return (value + ' %');
                                   } *";

                    if ($field->mode != "edit") {
                        $editor = null;

                    $caseColumns[] = array("header" => $fieldLabel, "dataIndex" => $field->name, "width" => (int)($width), "align" => $align, "editor" => $editor, "renderer" => $renderer, "frame" => true, "clicksToEdit" => 1, "sortable" => true);
                    $caseReaderFields[] = array("name" => $field->name);
                case "textarea":
                    $align = 'left';
                    $size = 200;

                    if (isset($field->size)) {
                        $size = $field->size * 15;

                    $width = $size;

                    $editor   = "* new Ext.form.TextArea({
                                     growMin: 60,
                                     growMax: 1000,
                                     grow: true,
                                     autoHeight: true,
                                     disabled: $fieldDisabled,
                                     enterIsSpecial: false,
                                     preventScrollbars: false,

                                     cls: \"\"
                                   }) *";

                    $renderer = "* function (value) {  return (value);  } *";

                    $caseColumns[] = array("header" => $fieldLabel, "dataIndex" => $field->name, "width" => (int)($width), "align" => $align, "editor" => $editor, "renderer" => $renderer, "frame" => true, "clicksToEdit" => 1, "sortable" => true);
                    $caseReaderFields[] = array("name" => $field->name);

                    $hasTextArea = true;
                case "link":
                    $align = 'center';
                    $size = 100;

                    if (isset($field->size)) {
                        $size = $field->size * 10;

                    $width = $size;
                    $editor = null;

                    $renderer = "* function (value)
                                       return linkRenderer(value);
                                   } *";

                    $caseColumns[] = array("header" => $fieldLabel, "dataIndex" => $field->name, "width" => (int)($width), "align" => $align, "editor" => $editor, "renderer" => $renderer, "frame" => true, "hidden" => false, "hideable" => false, "clicksToEdit" => 1, "sortable" => true);
                    $caseReaderFields[] = array("name" => $field->name);
                case "hidden":
                    $align = 'left';
                    $size = 100;

                    if (isset($field->size)) {
                        $size = $field->size * 10;

                    $width = $size;

                    $editor = "* new Ext.form.TextField({ allowBlank: false }) *";

                    $caseColumns[] = array("header" => $fieldLabel, "dataIndex" => $field->name, "width" => (int)$width, "align" => $align, "editor" => $editor, "frame" => "true", "hidden" => "true", "hideable" => false, "clicksToEdit" => "1");
                    $caseReaderFields[] = array("name" => $field->name);
                case "yesno":
                    $align = "right";
                    $size = 100;

                    if (isset($field->size)) {
                        $size = $field->size * 10;

                    $width = $size;
                    $dropList[] = $field->name;
                    $comboBoxYesNoList[] = $field->name;

                    $editor="* new Ext.form.ComboBox({
                                 id: \"cbo" . $field->name . "_" . $pro_uid . "\",

                                 valueField:   'value',
                                 displayField: 'text',

                                 store: new Ext.data.ArrayStore({
                                   storeId: \"store" . $field->name . "_" . $pro_uid . "\",
                                   fields: ['value', 'text'],
                                   data: [[1, 'YES'],
                                          [0, 'NO']

                                 typeAhead: true,

                                 triggerAction: 'all',
                                 mode: 'local',
                                 editable: false,
                                 disabled : $fieldDisabled,
                                 lazyRender: true,

                                 cls: \"\"
                               }) *";

                    $renderer = "* function(value) {
                                     idx = this.editor.store.find(this.editor.valueField, value);
                                     if (currentFieldEdited == '{$field->name}') {
                                       if (rec = this.editor.store.getAt(idx)) {
                                         rowLabels['{$field->name}'] = rec.get(this.editor.displayField);
                                                       return rec.get(this.editor.displayField);
                                       else {
                                         return value;
                                     else {
                                       if (typeof(currentFieldEdited) == 'undefined') {
                                         return value;
                                       else {
                                         return (rowLabels['{$field->name}']);
                                   } *";

                    //$caseColumns[] = array('header' => $fieldLabel, 'dataIndex' => $field->name, 'width' => (int)$width, 'align' => $align, 'editor' => $editor, 'renderer' => $renderer, 'frame' => 'true', 'clicksToEdit' => '1');
                    $caseColumns[] = array("xtype" => "combocolumn", "gridId" => "gridId", "header" => $fieldLabel, "dataIndex" => $field->name, "width" => (int)($width), "align" => $align, "editor" => $editor, "frame" => "true", "clicksToEdit" => "1");
                    $caseReaderFields[] = array("name" => $field->name);
                case "text":
                    $align = "left";
                    $size = 100;

                    if (isset($field->size)) {
                        $size = $field->size * 10;

                    $width = $size;
                    $editor = "* new Ext.form.TextField({ $fieldReadOnly $fieldRequired $fieldValidate cls: \"\"}) *";

                    if ($field->mode != "edit" && $field->mode != "parent") {
                        $editor = null;

                    $caseColumns[] = array("header" => $fieldLabel, "dataIndex" => $field->name, "width" => (int)($width), "align" => $align, "editor" => $editor, "frame" => true, "clicksToEdit" => 1, "sortable" => true);
                    $caseReaderFields[] = array("name" => $field->name);

        @unlink(PATH_C . "ws" . PATH_SEP . SYS_SYS . PATH_SEP . "xmlform" . PATH_SEP . $pro_uid . PATH_SEP . $dyn_uid . "." . SYS_LANG);

        $array ['columnModel']          = $caseColumns;
        $array ['readerFields']         = $caseReaderFields;
        $array ["dropList"]             = $dropList;
        $array ["comboBoxYesNoList"]    = $comboBoxYesNoList;
        $array ['hasTextArea']          = $hasTextArea;
        $temp = G::json_encode($array);

        //$temp = str_replace("***","'",$temp);
        $temp = str_replace('"*','',  $temp);
        $temp = str_replace('*"','',  $temp);
        $temp = str_replace('\t','',  $temp);
        $temp = str_replace('\n','',  $temp);
        $temp = str_replace('\/','/', $temp);
        $temp = str_replace('\"','"', $temp);
        $temp = str_replace('"checkcolumn"','\'checkcolumn\'',$temp);

        print $temp;