Exemplo n.º 1
  * 批量发送消息
  * @return [type] [description]
 static function send($sendId)
     $pushInfoModel = new PushInfoModel();
     $db = DB::getInstance();
     if (!empty($sendId)) {
         $andSql = "and a.id={$sendId}";
     $sql = "select b.device_token,b.device_type,b.token, a.params, a.id, a.content from t_push_info a, t_login b where a.to_user = b.uid and b.device_token != '' and a.is_send = 0 {$andSql} and b.token not like 'expired at%' group by device_token";
     $infos = $db->get_all($sql);
     if (count($infos > 0)) {
         foreach ($infos as $info) {
             if ($info['device_type']) {
                 $push = new XingeApp(2200102180, "661fd033916fadbf4e0866a18978782a");
                 $mess = new MessageIOS();
                 $params = json_decode($info['params'], true);
                 if (!empty($params['content'])) {
                     $params['content'] = urldecode($params['content']);
                 $raw = $push->PushSingleDevice($info['device_token'], $mess, XingeApp::IOSENV_PROD);
                 $ret = json_encode($raw, true);
                 if ($ret['ret_code'] == 0) {
                     $sql = "update t_push_info set is_send = 1 where id={$info['id']}";
             } else {
                 // for android
                 $push = new XingeApp(2100117084, "13391a7ec8a47d5e30525a04bd04befa");
                 $mess = new Message();
                 $params = json_decode($info['params'], true);
                 if (!empty($params['content'])) {
                     $params['content'] = urldecode($params['content']);
                 $mess->setStyle(new Style(0, 1, 1, 0, 0));
                 $action = new ClickAction();
                 $raw = $push->PushSingleDevice($info['device_token'], $mess);
                 //$raw = XingeApp::PushTokenAndroid(2100117084, "13391a7ec8a47d5e30525a04bd04befa", "标题", "大家好!", $info['device_token']);
                 $ret = json_encode($raw, true);
                 if ($ret['ret_code'] == 0) {
                     $sql = "update t_push_info set is_send = 1 where id={$info['id']}";
Exemplo n.º 2
  * [pushAction description]
  * @return [type] [description]
 public function pushAction()
     //var_dump(XingeApp::PushTokenIos(2200102180, "661fd033916fadbf4e0866a18978782a", "你好啊,我是彭庚庚", "334b890e1718a3616b306e7f7b8202365f04a86bd6d43dd586474f9eb5be7061",
     // XingeApp::IOSENV_DEV));
     //echo '123';
     $push = new XingeApp(2200102180, "661fd033916fadbf4e0866a18978782a");
     $mess = new MessageIOS();
     $mess->setCustom(array('aid' => '3'));
     $ret = $push->PushSingleDevice('334b890e1718a3616b306e7f7b8202365f04a86bd6d43dd586474f9eb5be7061', $mess, XingeApp::IOSENV_DEV);
Exemplo n.º 3
 public function PushAllIos($content)
     $iosConfig = $this->config['iOS'];
     $accessId = $iosConfig['accessId'];
     $secretKey = $iosConfig['secretKey'];
     $environment = $iosConfig['environment'] == 'production' ? XingeApp::IOSENV_PROD : XingeApp::IOSENV_DEV;
     return XingeApp::PushAllIos($accessId, $secretKey, $content, $environment);
 private function _sendAppNotice(&$rs, $title, $content)
     $sendInfo = array('title' => $title, 'content' => $content, 'custom' => array('mod' => 'orderdetail', 'para' => 'oid=' . $rs['order_id']));
     $result = XingeApp::Push($sendInfo, (string) $rs['uid']);
     //        print_r($result);
     $res = array('result' => 0, 'msg' => '-1-未知错误');
     if ($rs['order_source'] == 2 && isset($result['android']['ret_code'])) {
         if ($result['android']['ret_code'] == 0) {
             $res = array('result' => 1, 'msg' => 'ok');
         } else {
             $res = array('result' => 0, 'msg' => $result['android']['ret_code'] . '-' . $result['android']['err_msg']);
     if ($rs['order_source'] == 1 && isset($result['ios']['ret_code'])) {
         if ($result['ios']['ret_code'] == 0) {
             $res = array('result' => 1, 'msg' => 'ok');
         } else {
             $res = array('result' => 0, 'msg' => $result['ios']['ret_code'] . '-' . $result['ios']['err_msg']);
     //        z($res);
     return $res;
Exemplo n.º 5
 private function push_notice($type)
     $id = intval($this->input['id']);
     if ($type == 'update' && !$id) {
     $app_id = intval($this->input['app_push_id']);
     if (!$app_id) {
     if ($app_id && $this->user['group_type'] > MAX_ADMIN_TYPE) {
         $nodes['nodes'][$app_id] = $app_id;
     $nodes['_action'] = 'notice_manage';
     $content = trim($this->input['content']);
     if (!$content) {
     $ios = $ios_dev = '';
     if ($this->input['ios'] == 1) {
         $ios_dev = 1;
     } else {
         if ($this->input['ios'] == 2) {
             $ios = 1;
     $android_sys = $this->input['android'];
     $winphone = $this->input['winphone'];
     if (!$ios && !$ios_dev && !$android_sys && !$winphone) {
     $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . DB_PREFIX . "app_info WHERE id = " . $app_id;
     $appinfo = array();
     $appinfo = $this->db->query_first($sql);
     if (empty($appinfo)) {
     if ($this->input['extras']) {
         $extras = $this->input['extras'];
     $expire_time = intval($this->input['expire_time']);
     $send_time = $this->input['send_time'];
     $platform_type = $appinfo['platform_type'];
     $title = trim($this->input['title']);
     if (!$title && $platform_type == 1) {
     if ($platform_type == 1) {
         $accessId = $appinfo['access_id'];
         $secretKey = $appinfo['secret_key'];
         //$accessId = 2100033914;
         //$secretKey = '755776a7f60242ed472848ddf6b08197';
         if (!$accessId || !$secretKey) {
         include_once CUR_CONF_PATH . 'lib/XingeApp.php';
         $push = new XingeApp($accessId, $secretKey);
         $mess = new Message();
         $mess_type = intval($this->input['mess_type']);
         if ($mess_type) {
         } else {
             $style = new Style(0);
             $style = new Style(0, 1, 1, 1, 0);
             $acceptTime1 = new TimeInterval(0, 0, 23, 59);
             if ($send_time) {
                 $send_time .= ':00';
             if ($expire_time) {
             $action = new ClickAction();
             $action_type = intval($this->input['action_type']);
             $action_url = $this->input['action_url'];
             $intent = $this->input['intent'];
             if (!$action_type) {
             } else {
                 if ($action_type == 1 && $action_url) {
                     $action_comfirm = intval($this->input['action_comfirm']);
                 } else {
                     if ($action_type == 2 && $intent) {
             if ($extras) {
         $device_token = trim($this->input['device_token']);
         //$account = trim($this->input['account']);
         $environment = 0;
         $device_sys = '';
         if (($ios || $ios_dev) && $android_sys && $winphone) {
             $device_sys = XingeApp::DEVICE_ALL;
             $environment = $ios_dev ? 2 : 1;
         } else {
             if ($ios || $ios_dev) {
                 $device_sys = XingeApp::DEVICE_IOS;
                 $environment = $ios_dev ? 2 : 1;
             } else {
                 if ($android_sys) {
                     $device_sys = XingeApp::DEVICE_ANDROID;
                 } else {
                     if ($winphone) {
                         $device_sys = XingeApp::DEVICE_WINPHONE;
         $ret = $push->PushAllDevices($device_sys, $mess, $environment);
         if (!$ret['ret_code']) {
             $ret['errcode'] = 0;
             $ret['msg_id'] = $ret['result']['push_id'];
             $ret['errmsg'] = '发送成功';
         } else {
             $ret['errcode'] = $ret['ret_code'];
             $errmsg = $this->XingeErrorMsg($ret['ret_code']);
             $ret['errmsg'] = $errmsg['errmsg'];
     } else {
         if ($platform_type == 2) {
             include_once CUR_CONF_PATH . 'lib/jpush/JPushClient.php';
             include_once CUR_CONF_PATH . 'lib/jpush/model/Audience.php';
             include_once CUR_CONF_PATH . 'lib/jpush/model/Message.php';
             include_once CUR_CONF_PATH . 'lib/jpush/model/notification/Notification.php';
             include_once CUR_CONF_PATH . 'lib/jpush/model/Options.php';
             include_once CUR_CONF_PATH . 'lib/jpush/model/Platform.php';
             include_once CUR_CONF_PATH . 'lib/jpush/model/PushPayload.php';
             $app_key = $appinfo['access_key'];
             $master_secret = $appinfo['secret_key'];
             //$master_secret = 'b10501ff90b68130097458bc';
             $client = new JPushClient($app_key, $master_secret);
             $platform = new Platform();
             $audience = new Audience();
             $message = new Message();
             $options = new Options();
             $notification = new Notification();
             $extras = array();
             $link_module = trim($this->input['link_module']);
             if ($link_module) {
                 $extras = array($link_module => '');
                 if ($this->input['module_id']) {
                     $extras[$link_module] = $this->input['module_id'];
             //set platform params
             if ($ios || $ios_dev) {
                 include_once CUR_CONF_PATH . 'lib/jpush/model/notification/IOSNotification.php';
                 $ios_obj = new IOSNotification();
                 $platform->ios = true;
                 //set notification params
                 $ios_obj->alert = $content;
                 $ios_obj->sound = "default";
                 $ios_obj->badge = 1;
                 //$ios->extras = $extras;
                 $ios_obj->content_available = null;
                 $notification->ios = $ios_obj;
                 $options->apns_production = $ios_dev ? false : true;
             if ($android_sys) {
                 include_once CUR_CONF_PATH . 'lib/jpush/model/notification/AndroidNotification.php';
                 $android = new AndroidNotification();
                 $platform->android = true;
                 $android->alert = $content;
                 $android->title = $title;
                 $android->builder_id = 1;
                 //$android->extras = $extras;
                 $notification->android = $android;
             if ($winphone) {
                 include_once CUR_CONF_PATH . 'lib/jpush/model/notification/WinphoneNotification.php';
                 $winphone_obj = new WinphoneNotification();
                 $platform->winphone = true;
                 $winphone_obj->alert = $content;
                 $winphone_obj->title = $title;
                 $winphone_obj->_open_page = "/friends.xaml";
                 //$winphone->extras = $extras;
                 $notification->winphone = $winphone_obj;
             //set options params设置选项
             //$options->sendno = 10;
             $options->time_to_live = $expire_time;
             $notification->alert = $content;
             $payload = new PushPayload();
             $payload->notification = $notification;
             //$payload->platform = $platform;
             $payload->options = $options;
             $ret = $client->sendPush($payload);
             $ret = json_decode($ret, 1);
             if ($ret['error']) {
                 $ret['errcode'] = $ret['reeor']['code'];
                 $errmsg = $this->JPushErrorMsg($ret['errcode']);
                 $ret['errmsg'] = $errmsg['errmsg'];
             } else {
                 $ret['errcode'] = 0;
                 $ret['msg_id'] = $ret['msg_id'];
                 $ret['errmsg'] = '发送成功';
         } else {
             if ($platform_type == 3) {
                 if (!$appinfo['access_id'] || !$appinfo['access_key'] || !$appinfo['secret_key']) {
                 if (!$appinfo['channel']) {
                 include_once CUR_CONF_PATH . 'lib/avos/AV.php';
                 include_once CUR_CONF_PATH . 'lib/avos/AVObject.php';
                 include_once CUR_CONF_PATH . 'lib/avos/AVQuery.php';
                 include_once CUR_CONF_PATH . 'lib/avos/AVUser.php';
                 include_once CUR_CONF_PATH . 'lib/avos/AVFile.php';
                 include_once CUR_CONF_PATH . 'lib/avos/AVPush.php';
                 include_once CUR_CONF_PATH . 'lib/avos/AVGeoPoint.php';
                 include_once CUR_CONF_PATH . 'lib/avos/AVACL.php';
                 include_once CUR_CONF_PATH . 'lib/avos/AVCloud.php';
                 $obj = new AVPush();
                 $app_info['access_id'] = $appinfo['access_id'];
                 $app_info['access_key'] = $appinfo['access_key'];
                 $app_info['secret_key'] = $appinfo['secret_key'];
                 $app_info['action'] = $appinfo['action'];
                 $app_info['avos_url'] = 'https://cn.avoscloud.com/1/';
                 $obj->app_info = $app_info;
                 if ($ios || $ios_dev) {
                     $ios_info = array('alert' => $content);
                     $sound = $this->input['sound'];
                     if ($sound) {
                         $ios_info['sound'] = $sound;
                     } else {
                         $ios_info['sound'] = 'UILocalNotificationDefaultSoundName';
                     if ($this->input['badge']) {
                         $ios_info['badge'] = $this->input['badge'];
                     } else {
                         $ios_info['badge'] = 'Increment';
                     if ($this->input['link_module']) {
                         $ios_info['module_id'] = $this->input['link_module'];
                     if ($this->input['content_id']) {
                         $ios_info['id'] = $this->input['content_id'];
                     if ($ios_dev) {
                         $obj->prod = 'dev';
                     $obj->ios = $ios_info;
                 if ($android_sys) {
                     $and_info = array();
                     if ($this->settings['push_type']) {
                         $and_info['push_content'] = $content;
                         $and_info['push_title'] = $title;
                     } else {
                         $and_info['alert'] = $content;
                         $and_info['title'] = $title;
                     if ($this->input['link_module']) {
                         $and_info['module_id'] = $this->input['link_module'];
                     if ($this->input['content_id']) {
                         $and_info['id'] = $this->input['content_id'];
                     if ($app_info['action']) {
                         $and_info['action'] = $app_info['action'];
                     } else {
                         $and_info['action'] = 'com.avos.UPDATE_STATUS';
                     if ($appinfo['packagename']) {
                         $and_info['packagename'] = $appinfo['packagename'];
                     if ($this->settings['push_app_id']) {
                         $and_info['push_app_id'] = $this->settings['push_app_id'];
                     $obj->android = $and_info;
                 if ($appinfo['channel']) {
                     $obj->channels = explode(',', $appinfo['channel']);
                 $intall_id = trim($this->input['intall_id']);
                 if ($platform_id) {
                     $obj->where = array('installationId' => $intall_id);
                 if ($send_time) {
                     $send_time = date('c', strtotime($send_time));
                     $send_time = explode('+', $send_time);
                     $send_time = $send_time[0] . '.000Z';
                     //file_put_contents('4.txt', $send_time);
                     $obj->push_time = $send_time;
                 if ($expire_time) {
                     if ($send_time) {
                         $obj->expiration_time_interval = $expire_time;
                     } else {
                         $expire_time += TIMENOW;
                         $expire_time = date("c", $expire_time);
                         $expire_time = explode('+', $expire_time);
                         $expire_time = $expire_time[0] . '.000Z';
                         $obj->expiration_time = $expire_time;
                         //$obj->expiration_time = '2014-07-22T17:24:13.145Z';
                 $return = $obj->send();
                 $return = object_array($return);
                 if ($return['objectId']) {
                     $ret['errcode'] = 0;
                     $ret['msg_id'] = $return['objectId'];
                     $ret['errmsg'] = '发送成功';
                 } else {
                     $ret['errcode'] = 1;
                     $ret['errmsg'] = '发送失败';
     if (!$send_time) {
         $send_time = TIMENOW;
     } else {
         $send_time = strtotime($this->input['send_time']);
     $data = array('app_id' => $app_id, 'title' => $title, 'content' => $content, 'msg_id' => $ret['msg_id'], 'errcode' => $ret['errcode'], 'errmsg' => $ret['errmsg'], 'ios' => $ios, 'ios_dev' => $ios_dev, 'android' => $android_sys, 'winphone' => $winphone, 'create_time' => TIMENOW, 'update_time' => TIMENOW, 'org_id' => $this->user['org_id'], 'user_id' => $this->user['user_id'], 'user_name' => $this->user['user_name'], 'appid' => $this->user['appid'], 'appname' => $this->user['display_name'], 'ip' => hg_getip(), 'platform_type' => $platform_type, 'send_time' => $send_time, 'expire_time' => $expire_time, 'intall_id' => $intall_id);
     //file_put_contents('3.txt', var_export($ret,1));
     if ($type == 'create') {
         $sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . DB_PREFIX . 'notice SET ';
         foreach ($data as $k => $v) {
             $sql .= "{$k} = '" . $v . "',";
         $this->db->query(rtrim($sql, ','));
         $data['id'] = $this->db->insert_id();
     } else {
         if ($type == 'update') {
             $sql = 'UPDATE ' . DB_PREFIX . 'notice SET ';
             foreach ($data as $k => $v) {
                 $sql .= "{$k} = '" . $v . "',";
             $sql = rtrim($sql, ',');
             $sql .= ' WHERE id=' . $id;
             $data['id'] = $id;
Exemplo n.º 6
  * 使用默认设置推送消息给标签选中设备ios版
 public static function PushTagIos($accessId, $secretKey, $content, $tag, $environment)
     $push = new XingeApp($accessId, $secretKey);
     $mess = new MessageIOS();
     $ret = $push->PushTags(0, array(0 => $tag), 'OR', $mess, $environment);
     return $ret;
Exemplo n.º 7
Arquivo: demo.php Projeto: alonexy/lea
function DemoQueryTokensOfAccount()
    $push = new XingeApp(00, 'secret_key');
    $ret = $push->QueryTokensOfAccount("nickName");
    return $ret;
Exemplo n.º 8
 public function show()
     $app_push_id = intval($this->input['app_id']);
     if ($app_push_id) {
         $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . DB_PREFIX . "app_info WHERE id = " . $app_push_id;
         $appinfo = $this->db->query_first($sql);
     if (!$appinfo['access_id'] || !$appinfo['access_key']) {
     $content = trim($this->input['content']);
     if (!$content) {
     $platform_type = $appinfo['platform_type'];
     $title = trim($this->input['title']);
     if (!$title && ($platform_type = 1)) {
     $expire_time = intval($this->input['expire_time']);
     $send_time = $this->input['send_time'];
     if ($this->input['extras']) {
         $extras = $this->input['extras'];
     $ios = $ios_dev = '';
     if ($this->input['ios'] == 1) {
         $ios_dev = 1;
     } else {
         if ($this->input['ios'] == 2) {
             $ios = 1;
     $android_sys = $this->input['android'];
     $winphone = $this->input['winphone'];
     if (!$ios && !$ios_dev && !$android_sys && !$winphone) {
     if ($platform_type == 1) {
         $accessId = $appinfo['access_id'];
         $secretKey = $appinfo['access_key'];
         //$accessId = 2100033914;
         //$secretKey = '755776a7f60242ed472848ddf6b08197';
         if (!$accessId || !$secretKey) {
         include_once CUR_CONF_PATH . 'lib/XingeApp.php';
         $push = new XingeApp($accessId, $secretKey);
         $mess = new Message();
         $mess_type = intval($this->input['mess_type']);
         if ($mess_type) {
         } else {
             $style = new Style(0);
             $style = new Style(0, 1, 1, 1, 0);
             $acceptTime1 = new TimeInterval(0, 0, 23, 59);
             $action = new ClickAction();
             $action_type = intval($this->input['action_type']);
             $action_url = $this->input['action_url'];
             if (!$action_type) {
             } else {
                 if ($action_type == 1 && $action_url) {
                     $action_comfirm = intval($this->input['action_comfirm']);
                 } else {
                     if ($action_type == 2) {
                         $intent = $this->input['intent'];
             if ($extras) {
         $device_token = trim($this->input['device_token']);
         //$account = trim($this->input['account']);
         $environment = intval($this->input['environment']);
         $device_type = intval($this->input['device_type']);
         $device_sys = '';
         switch ($device_type) {
             case 0:
                 $device_sys = XingeApp::DEVICE_ALL;
             case 1:
                 $device_sys = XingeApp::DEVICE_BROWSER;
             case 2:
                 $device_sys = XingeApp::DEVICE_PC;
             case 3:
                 $device_sys = XingeApp::DEVICE_ANDROID;
             case 4:
                 $device_sys = XingeApp::DEVICE_IOS;
             case 5:
                 $device_sys = XingeApp::DEVICE_WINPHONE;
                 $device_sys = XingeApp::DEVICE_ALL;
         if ($device_token) {
             $ret = $push->PushSingleDevice($device_token, $mess, $environment);
         } else {
             $ret = $push->PushAllDevices($device_sys, $mess, $environment);
     } else {
         if ($platform_type == 2) {
             if (!$appinfo['access_id'] || !$appinfo['access_key']) {
             include_once CUR_CONF_PATH . 'lib/jpush/JPushClient.php';
             include_once CUR_CONF_PATH . 'lib/jpush/model/Audience.php';
             include_once CUR_CONF_PATH . 'lib/jpush/model/Message.php';
             include_once CUR_CONF_PATH . 'lib/jpush/model/notification/Notification.php';
             include_once CUR_CONF_PATH . 'lib/jpush/model/notification/IOSNotification.php';
             include_once CUR_CONF_PATH . 'lib/jpush/model/notification/AndroidNotification.php';
             include_once CUR_CONF_PATH . 'lib/jpush/model/notification/WinphoneNotification.php';
             include_once CUR_CONF_PATH . 'lib/jpush/model/Options.php';
             include_once CUR_CONF_PATH . 'lib/jpush/model/Platform.php';
             include_once CUR_CONF_PATH . 'lib/jpush/model/PushPayload.php';
             $client = new JPushClient($app_key, $master_secret);
             $platform = new Platform();
             $audience = new Audience();
             $message = new Message();
             $options = new Options();
             $notification = new Notification();
             $ios = new IOSNotification();
             $android = new AndroidNotification();
             $winphone = new WinphoneNotification();
             //set platform params
             $platform->ios = true;
             $platform->winphone = true;
             //set options params设置选项
             $options->sendno = 10;
             $options->apns_production = true;
             $options->time_to_live = 60;
             //set notification params
             $ios->alert = $content;
             $ios->sound = "default";
             $ios->badge = 1;
             //$ios->extras = $extras;
             $ios->content_available = null;
             $android->alert = $content;
             $android->title = $title;
             $android->builder_id = 1;
             //$android->extras = $extras;
             $winphone->alert = $content;
             $winphone->title = $title;
             $winphone->_open_page = "/friends.xaml";
             //$winphone->extras = $extras;
             $notification->alert = $content;
             $notification->android = $android;
             $notification->ios = $ios;
             $notification->winphone = $winphone;
             $payload = new PushPayload();
             $payload->notification = $notification;
             //$payload->platform = $platform;
             $payload->options = $options;
             $ret = $client->sendPush($payload);
         } elseif ($platform_type == 3) {
             if (!$appinfo['access_id'] || !$appinfo['access_key'] || !$appinfo['secret_key']) {
             if (!$appinfo['channel']) {
             include_once CUR_CONF_PATH . 'lib/avos/AV.php';
             include_once CUR_CONF_PATH . 'lib/avos/AVObject.php';
             include_once CUR_CONF_PATH . 'lib/avos/AVQuery.php';
             include_once CUR_CONF_PATH . 'lib/avos/AVUser.php';
             include_once CUR_CONF_PATH . 'lib/avos/AVFile.php';
             include_once CUR_CONF_PATH . 'lib/avos/AVPush.php';
             include_once CUR_CONF_PATH . 'lib/avos/AVGeoPoint.php';
             include_once CUR_CONF_PATH . 'lib/avos/AVACL.php';
             include_once CUR_CONF_PATH . 'lib/avos/AVCloud.php';
             $obj = new AVPush();
             $app_info['access_id'] = $appinfo['access_id'];
             $app_info['access_key'] = $appinfo['access_key'];
             $app_info['secret_key'] = $appinfo['secret_key'];
             $app_info['avos_url'] = 'https://cn.avoscloud.com/1/';
             $obj->app_info = $app_info;
             $obj->title = $title;
             $obj->alert = $content;
             //$this->input['link_module'] = 'news';
             //$this->input['content_id'] = 1;
             if ($this->input['link_module']) {
                 $obj->module_id = $this->input['link_module'];
             if ($this->input['content_id']) {
                 $obj->id = $this->input['content_id'];
             //$push->channels = array('123456');
             if ($appinfo['channel']) {
                 $obj->channels = explode(',', $appinfo['channel']);
             if ($android_sys) {
                 $obj->action = 'com.avos.UPDATE_STATUS';
             $sound = $this->input['sound'];
             if ($sound) {
                 $obj->sound = $sound;
             $platform_id = trim($this->input['platform_id']);
             if ($platform_id) {
                 $obj->where = array('installationId' => $platform_id);
             if ($send_time) {
                 $send_time = date('c', strtotime($send_time));
                 $send_time = explode('+', $send_time);
                 $send_time = $send_time[0] . '.000Z';
                 //file_put_contents('4.txt', $send_time);
                 $obj->push_time = $send_time;
             if ($expire_time) {
                 if ($send_time) {
                     $obj->expiration_time_interval = $expire_time;
                 } else {
                     $expire_time += TIMENOW;
                     $expire_time = date("c", $expire_time);
                     $expire_time = explode('+', $expire_time);
                     $expire_time = $expire_time[0] . '.000Z';
                     $obj->expiration_time = $expire_time;
                     //$obj->expiration_time = '2014-07-22T17:24:13.145Z';
             $return = $obj->send();
             $return = object_array($return);
             if ($return['objectId']) {
                 $ret['errcode'] = 0;
                 $ret['msg_id'] = $return['objectId'];
                 $ret['errmsg'] = '发送成功';
             } else {
                 $ret['errcode'] = 1;
                 $ret['errmsg'] = '发送失败';
             //file_put_contents('1.txt', var_export($return,1));
     if (!$send_time) {
         $send_time = TIMENOW;
     } else {
         $send_time = strtotime($send_time);
     $data = array('app_id' => $app_id, 'title' => $title, 'content' => $content, 'msg_id' => $ret['msg_id'], 'errcode' => $ret['errcode'], 'errmsg' => $ret['errmsg'], 'ios' => $ios, 'ios_dev' => $ios_dev, 'android' => $android_sys, 'winphone' => $winphone, 'create_time' => TIMENOW, 'update_time' => TIMENOW, 'user_id' => $this->user['user_id'], 'user_name' => $this->user['user_name'], 'appid' => $this->user['appid'], 'appname' => $this->user['display_name'], 'ip' => hg_getip(), 'platform_type' => $platform_type, 'send_time' => $send_time, 'expire_time' => $expire_time);
     $sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . DB_PREFIX . 'notice SET ';
     foreach ($data as $k => $v) {
         $sql .= "{$k} = '" . $v . "',";
     $this->db->query(rtrim($sql, ','));
     $data['id'] = $this->db->insert_id();
Exemplo n.º 9
function DemoBatchDelTag()
    // 切记把这里的示例tag和示例token修改为你的真实tag和真实token
    $pairs = array();
    array_push($pairs, new TagTokenPair("tag1", "token00000000000000000000000000000000001"));
    array_push($pairs, new TagTokenPair("tag1", "token00000000000000000000000000000000001"));
    $push = new XingeApp(00, 'secret_key');
    $ret = $push->BatchDelTag($pairs);
    return $ret;
Exemplo n.º 10

require_once 'XingeApp.php';
//Android 版
var_dump(XingeApp::PushTokenAndroid(10000, "secretKey", "title", "content", "token"));
var_dump(XingeApp::PushAccountAndroid(10000, "secretKey", "title", "content", "account"));
var_dump(XingeApp::PushAllAndroid(10000, "secretKey", "title", "content"));
var_dump(XingeApp::PushTagAndroid(10000, "secretKey", "title", "content", "tag"));
//开发环境下 给单个设备下发通知
var_dump(XingeApp::PushTokenIos(10000, "secretKey", "content", "token", XingeApp::IOSENV_DEV));
//开发环境下 给单个帐号下发通知
var_dump(XingeApp::PushAccountIos(10000, "secretKey", "content", "account", XingeApp::IOSENV_DEV));
//开发环境下 给所有设备下发通知
var_dump(XingeApp::PushAllAndroid(10000, "secretKey", "content", XingeApp::IOSENV_DEV));
//开发环境下 给标签选中设备下发通知
var_dump(XingeApp::PushTagAndroid(10000, "secretKey", "content", "tag", XingeApp::IOSENV_DEV));
Exemplo n.º 11
  * 更改订单状态时,向手机端(包括Android和IOS)发送提醒信息
  * @param [object] $[shop] [店铺对象]
  * @param [object] $[mainOrder] [主订单]
  * @param [int] $[toBeStatus] [要改变状态]
  * @return Response
 protected function pushOrderInfo($shop, $mainOrder, $toBeStatus)
     $accessId = Config::get('xinge.accessId');
     $secretKey = Config::get('xinge.secretKey');
     $xingeApp = new XingeApp($accessId, $secretKey);
     $userTokens = UserToken::where('wy_user_id', $mainOrder->wy_user_id)->where('wy_user_type', USER_TYPE_1)->where('wy_status', LOGIN_STATUS_1)->get();
     if (!empty($userTokens->toArray())) {
         foreach ($userTokens as $index => $userToken) {
             if (DEVICE_TYPE_1 == $userToken->wy_device_type) {
                 switch ($toBeStatus) {
                     case ORDER_STATE_2:
                         $orderMessage = Config::get('xinge.androidRecvMessage');
                     case ORDER_STATE_3:
                         $orderMessage = Config::get('xinge.androidDeliveryMessage');
                     case ORDER_STATE_4:
                         $orderMessage = Config::get('xinge.androidFinishMessage');
                     case ORDER_STATE_6:
                         $orderMessage = Config::get('xinge.androidRefuseMessage');
                 if (isset($orderMessage)) {
                     $action = new ClickAction();
                     $styleParams = $orderMessage['style'];
                     $style = new Style($styleParams['builderId'], $styleParams['ring'], $styleParams['vibrate'], $styleParams['clearable'], $styleParams['nId'], $styleParams['lights'], $styleParams['iconType'], $styleParams['styleId']);
                     $message = new Message();
                 } else {
                     $context = array("errorCode" => -10054, "userID" => $mainOrder->wy_user_id, "toBeStatus" => $toBeStatus);
                     Log::error(Lang::get('errormessages.-10054'), $context);
             } elseif (DEVICE_TYPE_2 == $userToken->wy_device_type) {
                 switch ($toBeStatus) {
                     case ORDER_STATE_2:
                         $orderMessage = Config::get('xinge.iosRecvMessage');
                     case ORDER_STATE_3:
                         $orderMessage = Config::get('xinge.iosDeliveryMessage');
                     case ORDER_STATE_4:
                         $orderMessage = Config::get('xinge.iosFinishMessage');
                     case ORDER_STATE_6:
                         $orderMessage = Config::get('xinge.iosRefuseMessage');
                 if (isset($orderMessage)) {
                     $message = new MessageIOS();
                 } else {
                     $context = array("errorCode" => -10055, "userID" => $mainOrder->wy_user_id, "toBeStatus" => $toBeStatus);
                     Log::error(Lang::get('errormessages.-10055'), $context);
             } else {
                 $context = array("errorCode" => -10056, "userID" => $mainOrder->wy_user_id, "deviceType" => $userToken->wy_device_type);
                 Log::error(Lang::get('errormessages.-10056'), $context);
             if (isset($message)) {
                 $custom = array('shop_name' => $shop->wy_shop_name, 'main_order_id' => $mainOrder->wy_main_order_id);
                 $result = $xingeApp->PushSingleDevice($userToken->wy_token, $message);
             } else {
                 $context = array("errorCode" => -10057, "userID" => $mainOrder->wy_user_id, "deviceType" => $userToken->wy_device_type, "toBeStatus" => $toBeStatus);
                 Log::error(Lang::get('errormessages.-10057'), $context);
     } else {
         $context = array("errorCode" => -10053, "userID" => $mainOrder->wy_user_id);
         Log::error(Lang::get('errormessages.-10053'), $context);