<?php //This script will update all records in the xxxinfo table where there is no cover require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../www/config.php'; use nzedb\db\Settings; $pdo = new Settings(); $movie = new XXX(['Echo' => true, 'Settings' => $pdo]); $movies = $pdo->queryDirect("SELECT title FROM xxxinfo WHERE cover = 0"); if ($movies instanceof Traversable) { echo $pdo->log->primary("Updating " . number_format($movies->rowCount()) . " movie covers."); foreach ($movies as $mov) { $starttime = microtime(true); $mov = $movie->updateXXXInfo($mov['title']); // sleep so that it's not ddos' the site $diff = floor((microtime(true) - $starttime) * 1000000); if (333333 - $diff > 0) { echo "\nsleeping\n"; usleep(333333 - $diff); } } echo "\n"; }
if ($mov && isset($mov['title'])) { $mov['title'] = str_replace(array('/', '\\'), '', $mov['title']); $mov['actors'] = $movie->makeFieldLinks($mov, 'actors'); $mov['genre'] = $movie->makeFieldLinks($mov, 'genre'); $mov['director'] = $movie->makeFieldLinks($mov, 'director'); } else { if ($traktSummary !== false) { $mov['title'] = str_replace(array('/', '\\'), '', $traktSummary['title']); } else { $mov = false; } } } $xxx = ''; if ($data['xxxinfo_id'] != '' && $data['xxxinfo_id'] != 0) { $x = new XXX(); $xxx = $x->getXXXInfo($data['xxxinfo_id']); if (isset($xxx['trailers'])) { $xxx['trailers'] = $x->insertSwf($xxx['classused'], $xxx['trailers']); } if ($xxx && isset($xxx['title'])) { $xxx['title'] = str_replace(array('/', '\\'), '', $xxx['title']); $xxx['actors'] = $x->makeFieldLinks($xxx, 'actors'); $xxx['genre'] = $x->makeFieldLinks($xxx, 'genre'); $xxx['director'] = $x->makeFieldLinks($xxx, 'director'); } else { $xxx = false; } } $game = ''; if ($data['gamesinfo_id'] != '') {
[expect php] [file] <?php function my_autoload($name) { eval(' class ' . $name . ' { function bar(){ echo "bar"; } } '); } spl_autoload_register("my_autoload"); // // note // the class must be declared within an inclusion, // because class declaration is performed before any other code, // so in case it would be in the same file as spl_autoload_register, // it sould be performed before autoload initialization // // same in PHP // include "Autoload_extends.inc"; $x = new XXX(); $x->foo(); $x->bar();
<?php if (!$page->users->isLoggedIn()) { $page->show403(); } $movie = new XXX(); if (isset($_GET["id"]) && ctype_digit($_GET["id"])) { $mov = $movie->getXXXInfo($_GET['id']); if (!$mov) { $page->show404(); } $mov['actors'] = $movie->makeFieldLinks($mov, 'actors'); $mov['genre'] = $movie->makeFieldLinks($mov, 'genre'); $mov['director'] = $movie->makeFieldLinks($mov, 'director'); $page->smarty->assign('movie', $mov); $page->title = "Info for " . $mov['title']; $page->meta_title = ""; $page->meta_keywords = ""; $page->meta_description = ""; $page->smarty->registerPlugin('modifier', 'ss', 'stripslashes'); $modal = false; if (isset($_GET['modal'])) { $modal = true; $page->smarty->assign('modal', true); } $page->content = $page->smarty->fetch('viewxxx.tpl'); if ($modal) { echo $page->content; } else { $page->render(); }
<?php if (!$page->users->isLoggedIn()) { $page->show403(); } $movie = new XXX(); $cat = new Category(); $moviecats = $cat->getChildren(Category::CAT_PARENT_XXX); $mtmp = array(); foreach ($moviecats as $mcat) { $mtmp[$mcat['id']] = $mcat; } $category = Category::CAT_PARENT_XXX; if (isset($_REQUEST['t']) && array_key_exists($_REQUEST['t'], $mtmp)) { $category = $_REQUEST['t'] + 0; } $catarray = array(); $catarray[] = $category; $page->smarty->assign('catlist', $mtmp); $page->smarty->assign('category', $category); $browsecount = $movie->getXXXCount($catarray, -1, $page->userdata['categoryexclusions']); $offset = isset($_REQUEST['offset']) && ctype_digit($_REQUEST['offset']) ? $_REQUEST["offset"] : 0; $ordering = $movie->getXXXOrdering(); $orderby = isset($_REQUEST['ob']) && in_array($_REQUEST['ob'], $ordering) ? $_REQUEST['ob'] : ''; $results = $movies = array(); $results = $movie->getXXXRange($catarray, $offset, ITEMS_PER_COVER_PAGE, $orderby, -1, $page->userdata['categoryexclusions']); foreach ($results as $result) { $result['genre'] = $movie->makeFieldLinks($result, 'genre'); $result['actors'] = $movie->makeFieldLinks($result, 'actors'); $result['director'] = $movie->makeFieldLinks($result, 'director'); $movies[] = $result;