Exemplo n.º 1
 * Returns an installed signal database or null if it cannot be found.
 * @param  object  $signal  SIG
 * @return  null|object  \XPSPL\database\Signals
function xp_get_signal($signal)
    if (!$signal instanceof \XPSPL\SIG) {
        $signal = new \XPSPL\SIG();
    return XPSPL::instance()->find_signal_database($signal);
Exemplo n.º 2
 * Execute a function after a signal has been emitted.
 * @param  object  $signal  \\XPSPL\\SIG
 * @param  callable|process  $process  PHP Callable or \\XPSPL\\Process.
 * @return  object  \\XPSPL\\Process
 * @example
 * Example #1 Basic Usage
 * .. code-block:: php
 *    <?php
 *    xp_signal(XP_SIG('foo'), function(){
 *        echo 'foo';
 *    });
 *    xp_after(XP_SIG('foo'), function(){
 *        echo 'after foo';
 *    });
 * The above code will output.
 * .. code-block:: php
 *    // fooafter foo
function xp_after($signal, $process)
    if (!$signal instanceof \XPSPL\SIG) {
        $signal = new \XPSPL\SIG($signal);
    if (!$process instanceof \XPSPL\Process) {
        $process = new \XPSPL\Process($process);
    return XPSPL::instance()->after($signal, $process);
Exemplo n.º 3
 * Registers a process to execute when the given signal is emitted.
 * .. note::
 *    All processes by default have an exhaust of ``null``.
 * .. note::
 *    Processes installed to the same signal execute in FIFO order
 *    when no priority is defined.
 * @param  object  $signal  Signal to install process on.
 * @param  object  $callable  PHP Callable
 * @return  object | boolean - \XPSPL\Process otherwise boolean on error
 * .. note::
 *    Beginning in XPSPL v4.0.0 all signals were converted to strictly objects.
 *    To use a string or integer as a signal it must be wrapped in a ``XP_SIG``.
 * .. warning::
 *    Any signal created using ```XP_SIG``` CANNOT be unique.
 * @example
 * Example #1 Basic Usage
 * .. code-block:: php
 *     <?php
 *     // Install a process on the foo signal
 *     xp_signal(XP_SIG('foo'), function(){
 *         echo 'foo';
 *     });
 *     // Emit the foo signal
 *     xp_emit(XP_SIG('foo'));
 * The above example will output.
 * .. code-block:: php
 *     foo
 * @example
 * Example #2 Class Signals
 * .. code-block:: php
 *     <?php
 *     // Declare a simple signal
 *     class SIG_Basic extends \XPSPL\SIG {}
 *     // Install a process on the SIG_Basic class
 *     xp_signal(new SIG_Basic(), function(){
 *         echo 'foo';
 *     })
 *     xp_emit(new SIG_Basic());
 * The above example will output.
 * .. code-block:: php
 *     foo
 * @example
 * Example #3 Exhausting Processes
 * .. code-block:: php
 *     <?php
 *     // Install a process on the foo signal, with an exhaust of 1
 *     xp_signal(XP_SIG('foo', xp_exhaust(1, function(){
 *         echo 'foo';
 *     })));
 *     // Emit the foo signal
 *     xp_emit(XP_SIG('foo'));
 *     xp_emit(XP_SIG('foo'));
 * The above code will output.
 * .. code-block:: php
 *     foo
 * @example
 * Example #4 Unique Signals
 * .. code-block:: php
 *     <?php
 *     // Declare a simple unique
 *     class SIG_Foo extends \XPSPL\SIG {
 *         // Set the signal as unique
 *         protected $_unqiue = true;
 *     }
 *     // Create two unique SIG_Foo objects
 *     $sig_foo_1 = new SIG_Foo();
 *     $sig_foo_2 = new SIG_Foo();
 *     // Install a process to each unique signal
 *     xp_signal($sig_foo_1, function(){
 *         echo 'foo';
 *     });
 *     xp_signal($sig_foo_2, function(){
 *         echo 'bar';
 *     })
 *     // Emit each unique signal
 *     xp_emit($sig_foo_1);
 *     xp_emit($sig_foo_2);
 * The above code will output.
 * .. code-block:: php
 *     foobar
function xp_signal(\XPSPL\SIG $signal, $process)
    if (!$process instanceof \XPSPL\Process) {
        $process = new \XPSPL\Process($process);
    return XPSPL::instance()->signal($signal, $process);
Exemplo n.º 4
 * Returns the current signal history.
 * The returned history is stored in an array using the following indexes.
 * .. code-block:: php
 *    <?php
 *    $array = [
 *        0 => Signal Object
 *        1 => UNIX timestamp of execution
 *    ];
 * @return  array
 * @example
 * Example #1 Basic Usage
 * Count the number of ``XP_SIG('foo')`` signals that were emitted.
 * .. code-block:: php
 *    <?php
 *    $sig = XP_SIG('foo');
 *    // Emit a few foo objects
 *    for($i=0;$i<5;$i++){
 *        xp_emit($sig);
 *    }
 *    $emitted = 0;
 *    foreach(xp_signal_history() as $_node) {
 *        if ($_node[0] instanceof $sig) {
 *            $emitted++;
 *        }
 *    }
 *    echo $emitted;
 * The above code will output.
 * .. code-block:: php
 *     5
function xp_signal_history()
    return XPSPL::instance()->signal_history();
Exemplo n.º 5
 * Deletes an installed signal process.
 * .. note::
 *    The \\XPSPL\\Process object given must be the same returned or created
 *    when the process was installed.
 * @param  object  $signal  \\XPSPL\\SIG signal to remove process from.
 * @param  object  $process  \\XPSPL\\Process object to remove.
 * @return  void
 * @example
 * Example #1 Basic Usage
 * .. code-block::php
 *    <?php
 *    // Create a new process on the foo SIG.
 *    $process_one = xp_signal(XP_SIG('foo'), function(){
 *        echo 'foo';
 *    });
 *    $process_two = xp_signal(XP_SIG('foo'), function(){
 *        echo 'bar';
 *    });
 *    // Delete process_one using the returned \XPSPL\Process object
 *    xp_delete_process(XP_SIG('foo'), $process_one);
 *    // Emit foo
 *    xp_emit(XP_SIG('foo'));
 * The above code will output.
 * .. code-block:: php
 *    bar
function xp_delete_process($signal, $process)
    return XPSPL::instance()->delete_process($signal, $process);
Exemplo n.º 6
 * Registers a signal in the processor.
 * @param  string|integer|object  $signal  Signal
 * @return  object  Database
function xp_register_signal($signal)
    return XPSPL::instance()->register_signal($signal);
Exemplo n.º 7
 * Retrieve the current signal in execution.
 * @param  integer  $offset  If a positive offset is given it will return from
 *                           the top of the signal stack, if negative it will
 *                           return from the bottom (current) of the stack.
 * @return  object  \\XPSPL\\SIG
 * @example
 * Example #1 Basic Usage
 * .. code-block:: php
 *     <?php
 *     xp_signal(XP_SIG('foo'), function(\XPSPL\SIG $signal){
 *         $a = xp_current_signal();
 *         echo $a->get_index();
 *     });
 * The above code will output.
 * .. code-block:: php
 *    foo
 * @example
 * Example #2 Parent Signals
 * Parent signals can be fetched by using a negative offset ``< -1``.
 * .. code-block:: php
 *     <?php
 *     // Install a process on the bar SIG
 *     xp_signal(XP_SIG('bar'), function(){
 *         // Emit foo within bar
 *         xp_emit(XP_SIG('foo'));
 *     });
 *     // Install a process on the foo SIG
 *     xp_signal(XP_SIG('foo'), function(){
 *         // Get the parent of foo
 *         $a = xp_current_signal(-2);
 *         echo $a->get_index();
 *     });
 * The above code will output.
 * .. code-block:: php
 *    bar
function xp_current_signal($offset = 0)
    return XPSPL::instance()->current_signal($offset);
Exemplo n.º 8
 * Emits a signal.
 * This will execute all processes, before and after functions installed to the
 * signal.
 * Returns the executed ``\XPSPL\SIG`` object.
 * .. note::
 *    When emitting unique signals, e.g.. complex, routines or defined uniques
 *    the unique ``\XPSPL\SIG`` object installed must be provided.
 * Once a signal is emitted the following execution chain takes place.
 * 1. Before process functions
 * 2. Process function
 * 3. After process function
 * @param  signal  $signal  \XPSPL\SIG object to emit.
 * @param  object  $context  \XPSPL\SIG object context to execute within.
 * @return  object  \XPSPL\SIG
 * @example
 * Example #1 Basic Usage
 * .. code-block:: php
 *     <?php
 *     // Install a process on the foo signal
 *     xp_signal(XP_SIG('foo'), function(){
 *         echo 'foo';
 *     });
 *     // Emit the foo signal
 *     xp_emit(XP_SIG('foo'));
 * The above example will output.
 * .. code-block:: php
 *     foo
 * @example
 * Example #2 Unique Signals
 * .. code-block:: php
 *    <?php
 *    // Create a unique Foo signal.
 *    class SIG_Foo extends \XPSPL\SIG {
 *        // declare it as unique
 *        protected $_unique = true;
 *    }
 *    // Create a SIG_Foo unique object
 *    $foo = new SIG_Foo();
 *    signal($foo, function(){
 *        echo "foo";
 *    });
 *    // Emit the SIG_Foo and another unique SIG_Foo
 *    xp_emit($foo);
 *    xp_emit(new Foo());
 * The above code will output.
 * .. code-block:: php
 *    foo
 * @example
 * Example #3 Complex Signals
 * .. code-block:: php
 *     <?php
 *     // Create our 3 required signals.
 *     class SIG_Bells extends \XPSPL\SIG {}
 *     class SIG_Bride extends \XPSPL\SIG {}
 *     class SIG_Groom extends \XPSPL\SIG {}
 *     // Create a complex signal that will emit when a wedding takes place
 *     // based on 3 seperate signals, SIG_Bells, SIG_Bride and SIG_Groom.
 *     class SIG_Wedding extends \XPSPL\SIG_Complex {
 *         // Keep track if each requirement has already emitted
 *         protected $_bells = false;
 *         protected $_bride = false;
 *         protected $_groom = false;
 *         // Create an evaulation method to evaluate the runtime
 *         public function evaluate($signal = null)
 *         {
 *           switch ($signal) {
 *             case $signal instanceof SIG_Bells:
 *                 $this->_bells = true;
 *                 break;
 *             case $signal instanceof SIG_Bride:
 *                 $this->_bride = true;
 *                 break;
 *             case $signal instanceof SIG_Groom:
 *                 $this->_groom = true;
 *                 break;
 *           }
 *           if ($this->_bells === true &&
 *                 $this->_bride === true &&
 *                 $this->_groom === true) {
 *             $this->_bells = false;
 *             $this->_groom = false;
 *             $this->_bride = false;
 *             return true;
 *           }
 *           return false;
 *         }
 *     }
 *     // Install a process for complex signal.
 *     xp_signal(new SIG_Wedding(), function(){
 *         echo 'The wedding is happening!'.PHP_EOL;
 *     });
 *     // Emit SIG_Bells, SIG_Bride and SIG_Groom
 *     xp_emit(new SIG_Bells());
 *     xp_emit(new SIG_Bride());
 *     xp_emit(new SIG_Groom());
 * The above code will output.
 * .. code-block:: php
 *     The wedding is happening!
function xp_emit($signal, $context = null)
    if (!$signal instanceof \XPSPL\SIG) {
        $signal = new \XPSPL\SIG($signal);
    return XPSPL::instance()->emit($signal, $context);
Exemplo n.º 9
 * Sends the event loop the shutdown signal.
 * @return  void
function xp_shutdown()
    return XPSPL::instance()->shutdown();
Exemplo n.º 10
 * Erases the entire signal history.
 * @return  void
 * @example
 * Example #1 Basic Usage
 * .. code-block:: php
 *     <?php
 *     // Create some history
 *     xp_signal(XP_SIG('foo'), function(){});
 *     for ($i=0;$i<10;$i++) {
 *         xp_emit(XP_SIG('foo'));
 *     }
 *     // Dump the history count
 *     var_dump(count(xp_signal_history()));
 *     // Erase the history
 *     xp_erase_history();
 *     var_dump(count(xp_signal_history()));
 * The above code will output.
 * .. code-block:: php
 *     10 ... 0
function xp_erase_history()
    return XPSPL::instance()->erase_history();
Exemplo n.º 11
 * Scans and removes non-emittable signals and processes.
 * .. note::
 *    This DOES NOT flush the processor.
 *    A signal is determined to be emittable only if it has installed processes
 *    that have not exhausted.
 * @param  boolean  $history  Erase any history of removed signals.
 * @return  void
 * @example
 * Example #1 Basic Usage
 * Basic usage example demonstrating cleaning old signals and processes.
 * .. code-block:: php
 *     <?php
 *     xp_signal(XP_SIG('Test'), xp_exhaust(1, function(){
 *         echo 'SIG Test';
 *     }));
 *     xp_signal(XP_SIG('Test_2'), function(){
 *         echo 'SIG Test 2';
 *     });
 *     xp_emit(XP_SIG('Test'));
 *     xp_clean();
 *     var_dump(xp_find_signal(XP_SIG('Test')));
 * The above code will output.
 * .. code-block:: php
 *     SIG Test null
function xp_clean($history = false)
    return XPSPL::instance()->clean($history);
Exemplo n.º 12
 * Delete a signal from the processor.
 * @param  string|object|int  $signal  Signal to delete.
 * @param  boolean  $history  Erase any history of the signal.
 * @return  boolean
 * @example
 * Example #1 Basic Usage
 * .. code-block:: php
 *    <?php
 *    // Install process on signal foo
 *    xp_signal(XP_SIG('foo'), function(){});
 *    // Delete the signal foo
 *    xp_delete_signal(XP_SIG('foo'));
 *    // Emit the signal foo
 *    xp_emit(XP_SIG('foo'));
function xp_delete_signal($signal, $history = false)
    return XPSPL::instance()->delete_signal($signal, $history);
Exemplo n.º 13
 * Registers a new listener.
 * Listeners are special objects that register each publically available 
 * method as an executing process using the method name.
 * .. note::
 *     Public methods that are declared with a prepended underscore "_" are 
 *     ignored.
 * @param  object  $listener  The object to register.
 * @return  void
 * @example
 * Example #1 Basic Usage
 * .. code-block:: php
 *     <?php
 *     class My_Listener extends \XPSPL\Listener 
 *     {
 *         // Register a process for the foo signal.
 *         public function foobar($signal) {
 *             echo 'foobar';
 *         }
 *     }
 *     xp_listener(new My_Listener());
 *     xp_emit(XP_SIG('foobar'));
 * The above code will output.
 * .. code-block:: php
 *     foobar
function xp_listen($listener)
    return XPSPL::instance()->listen($listener);
Exemplo n.º 14
 * Sets the flag for storing the event history.
 * @param  boolean  $flag
 * @return  void
function xp_set_signal_history($flag)
    return XPSPL::instance()->set_signal_history($flag);
Exemplo n.º 15
 * Returns the global XPSPL processor.
 * @return  object  XPSPL\Processor
function XPSPL()
    return XPSPL::instance();
Exemplo n.º 16
 * Begins the XPSPL event wait loop.
 * The event loop must be started to allow execution of time, networking or 
 * complex loop based signals.
 * .. note:: 
 *    XPSPL provides an executable ``xpspl`` in the *bin* directory for 
 *    automatically loading code into the event loop.
 * .. warning::
 *    This is a *BLOCKING* function.
 *    Any code underneath the function call will *NOT* be executed until 
 *    the processor halts execution.
 * @return  void
 * @example
 * Example #1 Basic Usage
 * Basic usage example demonstrating using the loop for time based code.
 * .. code-block:: php
 *    <?php
 *    // Import time module
 *    xp_import('time');
 *    xp_time\awake(10, function(){
 *        echo '10 seconds passed';
 *    });
 *    xp_wait_loop();
 * @example
 * Automatic shutdown
 * The processor loop has built in support for automatically shutting down when 
 * it detects there is nothing else it will ever do.
 * This example demonstrates the loop shutting down after emitting 5 time based 
 * signals.
 * .. code-block:: php
function xp_wait_loop()
    return XPSPL::instance()->wait_loop();
Exemplo n.º 17
 * Erases the history of only the given signal.
 * .. warning::
 *     This will delete the history for *ANY* signals that are a direct child of
 *     the to be deleted signal.
 *     As an example,
 *     When ``sig_foo`` emits it is proceeded directly by ``sig_foo2`` emitting
 *     within the ``sig_foo`` execution.
 *     When sig_foo is deleted the history of sig_foo_child will also be removed.
 * @param  string|object  $signal  Signal to be erased from history.
 * @return  void
 * @example
 * Example #1 Basic Usage
 * .. code-block:: php
 *     <?php
 *     // Install a procss for the foo and bar signals.
 *     xp_signal(XP_SIG('foo'), function(){});
 *     xp_signal(XP_SIG('bar'), function(){});
 *     // Emit each foo and bar 10 times.
 *     for($i=0;$i<10;$i++) {
 *         xp_emit(XP_SIG('foo'));
 *         xp_emit(XP_SIG('bar'));
 *     }
 *     var_dump(count(xp_signal_history()));
 *     // Delete the history of the foo signal.
 *     xp_delete_signal_history(XP_SIG('foo'));
 *     var_dump(count(xp_signal_history()));
 * The above code will output.
 * .. code-block:: php
 *     20 ... 10
function xp_erase_signal_history($signal)
    return XPSPL::instance()->erase_signal_history($signal);
Exemplo n.º 18
 * Performs a complete flush of the processor.
 * This will clear the processor state and remove the following.
 * * Installed signals.
 * * Installed processes.
 * * Signal history.
 * @return void
function XPSPL_flush()
    return XPSPL::instance()->flush();