/** * Invoke method, every class will have its own * returns true/false on completion, setting both * errormsg and output as necessary */ function invoke() { parent::invoke(); $result = true; /// Set own core attributes $this->does_generate = ACTION_GENERATE_HTML; /// These are always here global $CFG, $XMLDB, $db; /// Do the job, setting result as needed /// Get the dir containing the file $dirpath = required_param('dir', PARAM_PATH); $dirpath = $CFG->dirroot . stripslashes_safe($dirpath); /// Get the correct dirs if (!empty($XMLDB->dbdirs)) { $dbdir =& $XMLDB->dbdirs[$dirpath]; } else { return false; } if (!empty($XMLDB->editeddirs)) { $editeddir =& $XMLDB->editeddirs[$dirpath]; $structure =& $editeddir->xml_file->getStructure(); } /// ADD YOUR CODE HERE $tableparam = optional_param('table', NULL, PARAM_CLEAN); /// If no table, show form if (!$tableparam) { /// No postaction here $this->postaction = NULL; /// Get list of tables $dbtables = $db->MetaTables('TABLES'); $selecttables = array(); foreach ($dbtables as $dbtable) { $dbtable = strtolower(str_replace($CFG->prefix, '', $dbtable)); $i = $structure->findTableInArray($dbtable); if ($i === NULL) { $selecttables[$dbtable] = $dbtable; } } /// Get list of after tables $aftertables = array(); if ($tables =& $structure->getTables()) { foreach ($tables as $aftertable) { $aftertables[$aftertable->getName()] = $aftertable->getName(); } } if (!$selecttables) { $this->errormsg = 'No tables available to be retrofitted'; return false; } /// Now build the form $o = '<form id="form" action="index.php" method="post">'; $o .= '<div>'; $o .= ' <input type="hidden" name ="dir" value="' . str_replace($CFG->dirroot, '', $dirpath) . '" />'; $o .= ' <input type="hidden" name ="action" value="new_table_from_mysql" />'; $o .= ' <input type="hidden" name ="postaction" value="edit_table" />'; $o .= ' <table id="formelements" class="boxaligncenter" cellpadding="5">'; $o .= ' <tr><td><label for="table" accesskey="t">' . $this->str['createtable'] . ' </label>' . choose_from_menu($selecttables, 'table', '', 'choose', '', 0, true) . '<label for="after" accesskey="a">' . $this->str['aftertable'] . ' </label>' . choose_from_menu($aftertables, 'after', '', 'choose', '', 0, true) . '</td></tr>'; $o .= ' <tr><td colspan="2" align="center"><input type="submit" value="' . $this->str['create'] . '" /></td></tr>'; $o .= ' <tr><td colspan="2" align="center"><a href="index.php?action=edit_xml_file&dir=' . urlencode(str_replace($CFG->dirroot, '', $dirpath)) . '">[' . $this->str['back'] . ']</a></td></tr>'; $o .= ' </table>'; $o .= '</div></form>'; $this->output = $o; /// If table, retrofit information and, if everything works, /// go to the table edit action } else { /// Get some params (table is mandatory here) $tableparam = required_param('table', PARAM_CLEAN); $afterparam = required_param('after', PARAM_CLEAN); /// Create one new XMLDBTable $table = new XMLDBTable(strtolower(trim($tableparam))); $table->setComment($table->getName() . ' table retrofitted from MySQL'); /// Get fields info from ADODb if (!($dbfields = $db->MetaColumns($CFG->prefix . $tableparam))) { ///Try it without prefix if doesn't exist $dbfields = $db->MetaColumns($tableparam); } if ($dbfields) { foreach ($dbfields as $dbfield) { /// Create new XMLDB field $field = new XMLDBField(strtolower($dbfield->name)); /// Set field with info retrofitted $field->setFromADOField($dbfield); /// Add field to the table $table->addField($field); } } /// Get PK, UK and indexes info from ADODb $dbindexes = $db->MetaIndexes($CFG->prefix . $tableparam, true); if ($dbindexes) { $lastkey = NULL; //To temp store the last key processed foreach ($dbindexes as $indexname => $dbindex) { /// Add the indexname to the array $dbindex['name'] = $indexname; /// We are handling one XMLDBKey (primaries + uniques) if ($dbindex['unique']) { $key = new XMLDBKey(strtolower($dbindex['name'])); /// Set key with info retrofitted $key->setFromADOKey($dbindex); /// Set default comment to PKs if ($key->getType() == XMLDB_KEY_PRIMARY) { } /// Add key to the table $table->addKey($key); /// We are handling one XMLDBIndex (non-uniques) } else { $index = new XMLDBIndex(strtolower($dbindex['name'])); /// Set index with info retrofitted $index->setFromADOIndex($dbindex); /// Add index to the table $table->addIndex($index); } } } /// Finally, add the whole retroffited table to the structure /// in the place specified $structure->addTable($table, $afterparam); } /// Launch postaction if exists (leave this here!) if ($this->getPostAction() && $result) { return $this->launch($this->getPostAction()); } /// Return ok if arrived here return $result; }
/** * Return the DB name of the key described in XMLDBKey, if it exists. * * @uses, $db * @param XMLDBTable the table to be searched * @param XMLDBKey the key to be searched * @return string key name of false */ function find_key_name(XMLDBTable $table, XMLDBKey $key) { /* @var $db ADOConnection */ global $CFG, $db; // Do this function silently to avoid output during the install/upgrade process $olddbdebug = $db->debug; $db->debug = false; if (!table_exists($table)) { $db->debug = $olddbdebug; return false; } $tablename = get_config('dbprefix') . $table->getName(); $dbname = get_config('dbname'); // TODO: upstream this to ADODB? // Postgres puts the database name in the "catalog" field. Mysql puts it in "schema" if (is_postgres()) { $dbfield = 'catalog'; // The query to find all the columns for a foreign key constraint $fkcolsql = "\n SELECT\n ku.column_name,\n ccu.column_name AS refcolumn_name\n FROM\n information_schema.key_column_usage ku\n INNER JOIN information_schema.constraint_column_usage ccu\n ON ku.constraint_name = ccu.constraint_name\n AND ccu.constraint_schema = ku.constraint_schema\n AND ccu.constraint_catalog = ku.constraint_catalog\n AND ccu.table_catalog = ku.constraint_catalog\n AND ccu.table_schema = ku.constraint_schema\n WHERE\n ku.constraint_catalog = ?\n AND ku.constraint_name = ?\n AND ku.table_name = ?\n AND ku.table_catalog = ?\n AND ccu.table_name = ?\n ORDER BY ku.ordinal_position, ku.position_in_unique_constraint\n "; } else { $dbfield = 'schema'; // The query to find all the columns for a foreign key constraint $fkcolsql = ' SELECT ku.column_name, ku.referenced_column_name AS refcolumn_name FROM information_schema.key_column_usage ku WHERE ku.constraint_schema = ? AND ku.constraint_name = ? AND ku.table_name = ? AND ku.table_schema = ? AND ku.referenced_table_name = ? ORDER BY ku.ordinal_position, ku.position_in_unique_constraint '; } // Foreign keys have slightly different logic than primary and unique $isfk = $key->getType() == XMLDB_KEY_FOREIGN || $key->getType() == XMLDB_KEY_FOREIGN_UNIQUE; $fields = $key->getFields(); if ($isfk) { $reffields = $key->getRefFields(); $reftable = get_config('dbprefix') . $key->getRefTable(); // If the XMLDBKey is a foreign key without a ref table, or non-matching fields & ref fields, // then it's an invalid XMLDBKey and we know it won't match if (!$key->getRefTable() || count($fields) != count($reffields)) { log_debug('Invalid XMLDBKey foreign key passed to find_key_name()'); $db->debug = $olddbdebug; return false; } } // Get the main record for the constraint $sql = "\n SELECT tc.constraint_name\n FROM\n information_schema.table_constraints tc\n WHERE\n tc.table_name = ?\n AND tc.table_{$dbfield} = ?\n AND tc.constraint_{$dbfield} = ?\n AND tc.constraint_type = ?\n "; $keytypes = array(XMLDB_KEY_PRIMARY => 'PRIMARY KEY', XMLDB_KEY_UNIQUE => 'UNIQUE', XMLDB_KEY_FOREIGN => 'FOREIGN KEY', XMLDB_KEY_FOREIGN_UNIQUE => 'FOREIGN KEY'); $params = array($tablename, $dbname, $dbname, $keytypes[$key->getType()]); $constraintrec = get_records_sql_array($sql, $params); // No constraints of the correct type on this table if (!$constraintrec) { $db->debug = $olddbdebug; return false; } // Check each constraint to see if it has the right columns foreach ($constraintrec as $c) { if ($isfk) { $colsql = $fkcolsql; $colparams = array($dbname, $c->constraint_name, $tablename, $dbname, $reftable); } else { $colsql = "SELECT ku.column_name\n FROM information_schema.key_column_usage ku\n WHERE\n ku.table_name = ?\n AND ku.table_{$dbfield} = ?\n AND ku.constraint_{$dbfield} = ?\n AND ku.constraint_name = ?\n ORDER BY ku.ordinal_position, ku.position_in_unique_constraint\n "; $colparams = array($tablename, $dbname, $dbname, $c->constraint_name); } $colrecs = get_records_sql_array($colsql, $colparams); // Make sure they've got the same number of columns if (!$colrecs || count($fields) != count($colrecs)) { // No match, try the next one continue; } // Make sure the columns match. reset($fields); reset($colrecs); if ($isfk) { reset($reffields); } while (($field = current($fields)) && ($col = current($colrecs))) { if (!$field == $col->column_name) { // This constraint has a non-matching column; try the next constraint continue 2; } if ($isfk) { $reffield = current($reffields); if (!$reffield == $col->refcolumn_name) { // This constraint has a non-matching column; try the next constraint continue 2; } next($reffields); } next($fields); next($colrecs); } // If they made it this far, then it's a match! $db->debug = $olddbdebug; return $c->constraint_name; } // None matched, so return false $db->debug = $olddbdebug; return false; }