Exemplo n.º 1
 public function fetch_all_by_searchc($condition, $orderby, $start = 0, $ppp = 0)
     if (is_array($condition)) {
         $where = " AND " . implode($condition, ' AND ');
     return XDB::fetch_all("SELECT * FROM %t WHERE 1 %i ORDER BY %i LIMIT %d, %d", array($this->_table, $where, $orderby, $start, $ppp));
Exemplo n.º 2
 public function fetch_all_by_name($name)
     if (!empty($name)) {
         return XDB::fetch_all('SELECT * FROM %t WHERE ' . XDB::field('name', $name), array($this->_table));
     return array();
 public function fetch_all_by_fid($fids)
     if (empty($fids)) {
         return array();
     return XDB::fetch_all('SELECT * FROM %t WHERE ' . XDB::field('fid', $fids), array($this->_table));
Exemplo n.º 4
 public function fetch_all()
     $retdata = array();
     foreach (XDB::fetch_all("SELECT langkey,langvalue FROM %t WHERE 1", array($this->_table)) as $key => $value) {
         $retdata[$value['langkey']] = $value['langvalue'];
     return $retdata;
Exemplo n.º 5
 public function fetch_all_by_id_idtype($id, $idtype, $start = 0, $limit = 0)
     $parameter = array($this->_table, $this->_membertable);
     $wherearr = array();
     $parameter[] = $id;
     $wherearr[] = "f.id=%d";
     if (!empty($idtype)) {
         $parameter[] = $idtype;
         $wherearr[] = "f.idtype=%s";
     $wheresql = !empty($wherearr) && is_array($wherearr) ? ' WHERE ' . implode(' AND ', $wherearr) : '';
     return XDB::fetch_all("SELECT f.*,m.username FROM %t as f\n\t\t  LEFT JOIN %t as m ON f.uid = m.uid\t\t\n\t\t {$wheresql} ORDER BY f.dateline DESC " . XDB::limit($start, $limit), $parameter, $this->_pk);
Exemplo n.º 6
 public function fetch_all_forblock($where, $orderby, $ordersc, $itemsnum)
     return XDB::fetch_all("SELECT * FROM %t %i ORDER BY %i %i %i", array($this->_table, $where, $orderby, $ordersc, $itemsnum));
 public function fetch_all()
     return XDB::fetch_all("SELECT * FROM %t\t", array($this->_table));
Exemplo n.º 8
 public function fetch_all_field_perm()
     return XDB::fetch_all("SELECT fid, viewperm, postperm, replyperm, getattachperm, postattachperm, postimageperm FROM " . XDB::table($this->_table) . " WHERE founderuid=0");
Exemplo n.º 9
 public function fetch_all_creditslower_order()
     return XDB::fetch_all("SELECT * FROM " . XDB::table('forum_grouplevel') . " WHERE 1 ORDER BY creditslower");
Exemplo n.º 10
 public function fetch_all_by_order($order)
     return XDB::fetch_all("SELECT * FROM %t WHERE `order`>%d ORDER BY `order` ", array($this->_table, $order));
Exemplo n.º 11
 public function getusermenu($istop = 0)
     return XDB::fetch_all("SELECT * FROM %t WHERE 1 and status=1 and istop=%d ORDER BY displayorder ", array($this->_table, $istop));
Exemplo n.º 12
 public function fetch_all_by_pid_width($tableid, $pids, $width)
     return XDB::fetch_all("SELECT * FROM %t WHERE %i AND isimage IN ('1', '-1') AND width>=%d", array($this->_get_table($tableid), XDB::field('pid', $pids), $width));
Exemplo n.º 13
 public function fetch_all_for_grouplist($orderby = 'displayorder', $fieldarray = array(), $num = 1, $fids = array(), $sort = 0, $getcount = 0)
     if ($fieldarray && is_array($fieldarray)) {
         $fieldadd = '';
         foreach ($fieldarray as $field) {
             $fieldadd .= $field . ', ';
     } else {
         $fieldadd = 'ff.*, ';
     $start = 0;
     if (is_array($num)) {
         list($start, $snum) = $num;
     } else {
         $snum = $num;
     $orderbyarray = array('displayorder' => 'f.displayorder DESC', 'dateline' => 'ff.dateline DESC', 'lastupdate' => 'ff.lastupdate DESC', 'membernum' => 'ff.membernum DESC', 'thread' => 'f.threads DESC', 'activity' => 'f.commoncredits DESC');
     $useindex = $orderby == 'displayorder' ? 'USE INDEX(fup_type)' : '';
     $orderby = !empty($orderby) && $orderbyarray[$orderby] ? "ORDER BY " . $orderbyarray[$orderby] : '';
     $limitsql = $num ? "LIMIT {$start}, {$snum} " : '';
     $field = $sort ? 'fup' : 'fid';
     $fids = $fids && is_array($fids) ? 'f.' . $field . ' IN (' . dimplode($fids) . ')' : '';
     if (empty($fids)) {
         $levelsql = " AND f.level>'-1'";
     $fieldsql = $fieldadd . ' f.fid, f.name, f.threads, f.posts, f.todayposts, f.level as flevel ';
     if ($getcount) {
         return XDB::result_first("SELECT count(*) FROM " . XDB::table($this->_table) . " f {$useindex} WHERE" . ($fids ? " {$fids} AND " : '') . " f.type='sub' AND f.status=3 {$levelsql}");
     return XDB::fetch_all("SELECT {$fieldsql} FROM " . XDB::table($this->_table) . " f {$useindex} LEFT JOIN " . XDB::table("forum_forumfield") . " ff ON ff.fid=f.fid WHERE" . ($fids ? " {$fids} AND " : '') . " f.type='sub' AND f.status=3 {$levelsql} {$orderby} {$limitsql}");
Exemplo n.º 14
 public function fetch_all_mf()
     return XDB::fetch_all("SELECT * FROM %t ORDER BY displayorder", array($this->_table));
Exemplo n.º 15
 public function getuid_by_bid($bid)
     return XDB::fetch_all("SELECT uid FROM %t WHERE bid=%d", array($this->_table, $bid));
Exemplo n.º 16
 public function fetch_all_by_searchc($condition, $orderby, $start = 0, $ppp = 0)
     if (is_array($condition)) {
         $where = " AND " . implode($condition, ' AND ');
     return XDB::fetch_all("SELECT a.*,b.name FROM %t as a\n\t\tLEFT JOIN %t as b ON a.bid = b.bid\n\t\tWHERE 1 %i ORDER BY %i LIMIT %d, %d", array($this->_table, $this->_joinbrandtable, $where, $orderby, $start, $ppp));
Exemplo n.º 17
 public function fetch_all_by_pluginid($pluginid)
     return XDB::fetch_all("SELECT * FROM %t WHERE pluginid=%d ORDER BY displayorder", array($this->_table, $pluginid));
Exemplo n.º 18
 public function fetch_all_for_guide($type, $limittid, $tids = array(), $heatslimit = 3, $dateline = 0)
     switch ($type) {
         case 'hot':
             $addsql = ' AND heats>' . intval($heatslimit);
         case 'digest':
             $addsql = ' AND digest>0';
             $addsql = '';
     if (getglobal('setting/followforumid')) {
         $addsql .= ' AND ' . XDB::field('fid', getglobal('setting/followforumid'), '<>');
     $tidsql = '';
     if ($tids) {
         $tids = dintval($tids, true);
         $tidsql = XDB::field('tid', $tids);
     } else {
         $tidsql = 'tid>' . intval($limittid);
         if ($dateline) {
             $addsql .= ' AND dateline > ' . intval($dateline);
         $addsql .= ' AND displayorder>=0 ORDER BY lastpost DESC LIMIT 600';
     return XDB::fetch_all("SELECT * FROM " . XDB::table('forum_thread') . " WHERE " . $tidsql . $addsql);
Exemplo n.º 19
 public function fetch_all_recyclebin_by_dateline($dateline, $start = 0, $limit = 0)
     return XDB::fetch_all("SELECT tm.tid FROM %t tm, %t t WHERE tm.action='DEL' AND tm.dateline<%d AND t.tid=tm.tid AND t.displayorder=-1" . XDB::limit($start, $limit), array($this->_table, 'forum_thread', $dateline));
Exemplo n.º 20
 public function fetch_all_new_post_by_pid($pid, $start = 0, $limit = 0, $tableid = 0, $glue = '>', $sort = 'ASC')
     return $limit ? XDB::fetch_all('SELECT * FROM ' . XDB::table($this->get_tablename($tableid)) . ' WHERE ' . XDB::field('pid', $pid, $glue) . ' ORDER BY ' . XDB::order('pid', $sort) . XDB::limit($start, $limit), $this->_pk) : array();
Exemplo n.º 21
 public function range($start = 0, $limit = 0, $sort = '')
     if ($sort) {
     return XDB::fetch_all('SELECT * FROM ' . XDB::table($this->_table) . ($sort ? ' ORDER BY ' . XDB::order($this->_pk, $sort) : '') . XDB::limit($start, $limit), null, $this->_pk ? $this->_pk : '');
Exemplo n.º 22
 public function fetch_all_group_for_user($uid, $count = 0, $ismanager = 0, $start = 0, $num = 0)
     $uid = intval($uid);
     if (empty($uid)) {
         return array();
     if (empty($ismanager)) {
         $levelsql = '';
     } elseif ($ismanager == 1) {
         $levelsql = ' AND level IN(1,2)';
     } elseif ($ismanager == 2) {
         $levelsql = ' AND level IN(3,4)';
     if ($count == 1) {
         return XDB::result_first("SELECT count(*) FROM " . XDB::table('forum_groupuser') . " WHERE uid='{$uid}' {$levelsql}");
     empty($start) && ($start = 0);
     empty($num) && ($num = 100);
     return XDB::fetch_all("SELECT fid, level FROM " . XDB::table('forum_groupuser') . " WHERE uid='{$uid}' {$levelsql} ORDER BY lastupdate DESC " . XDB::limit($start, $num));
 public function fetch_all_by_searchd($condition, $orderby)
     if (is_array($condition)) {
         $where = " AND " . implode($condition, ' AND ');
     return XDB::fetch_all("SELECT * FROM %t WHERE 1 %i ORDER BY %i", array($this->_table, $where, $orderby));
Exemplo n.º 24
 public function fetch_all_by_toupid($upid)
     return XDB::fetch_all('SELECT * FROM %t WHERE 1 and  enabled=1 and upid=%d', array($this->_table, $upid));
Exemplo n.º 25
 public function fetch_all_for_manage($tableid, $inforum = '', $authorid = 0, $filename = '', $keyword = '', $sizeless = 0, $sizemore = 0, $dlcountless = 0, $dlcountmore = 0, $daysold = 0, $count = 0, $start = 0, $limit = 0)
     $sql = "1";
     if (!is_numeric($tableid) || $tableid < 0 || $tableid > 9) {
     if ($inforum) {
         $sql .= is_numeric($inforum) ? " AND t.fid=" . XDB::quote($inforum) : '';
         $sql .= $inforum == 'isgroup' ? ' AND t.isgroup=\'1\'' : ' AND t.isgroup=\'0\'';
     if ($authorid) {
         $sql .= " AND a.uid=" . XDB::quote($authorid);
     if ($filename) {
         $sql .= " AND a.filename LIKE " . XDB::quote('%' . $filename . '%');
     if ($keyword) {
         $sqlkeywords = $or = '';
         foreach (explode(',', str_replace(' ', '', $keyword)) as $keyword) {
             $sqlkeywords .= " {$or} a.description LIKE " . XDB::quote('%' . $keyword . '%');
             $or = 'OR';
         $sql .= " AND ({$sqlkeywords})";
     $sql .= $sizeless ? " AND a.filesize>'{$sizeless}'" : '';
     $sql .= $sizemore ? " AND a.filesize<'{$sizemore}' " : '';
     $sql .= $dlcountless ? " AND ai.downloads<'{$dlcountless}'" : '';
     $sql .= $dlcountmore ? " AND ai.downloads>'{$dlcountmore}'" : '';
     $sql .= $daysold ? " AND a.dateline<'" . (TIMESTAMP - intval($daysold) * 86400) . "'" : '';
     if ($count) {
         return XDB::result_first("SELECT COUNT(*)\n\t\t\t\tFROM " . XDB::table('forum_attachment_' . $tableid) . " a\n\t\t\t\tINNER JOIN " . XDB::table('forum_attachment') . " ai USING(aid)\n\t\t\t\tINNER JOIN " . XDB::table('forum_thread') . " t\n\t\t\t\tINNER JOIN " . XDB::table('forum_forum') . " f\n\t\t\t\tWHERE t.tid=a.tid AND f.fid=t.fid AND t.displayorder>='0' AND {$sql}");
     return XDB::fetch_all("SELECT a.*, ai.downloads, t.fid, t.tid, t.subject, f.name AS fname\n\t\t\t\tFROM " . XDB::table('forum_attachment_' . $tableid) . " a\n\t\t\t\tINNER JOIN " . XDB::table('forum_attachment') . " ai USING(aid)\n\t\t\t\tINNER JOIN " . XDB::table('forum_thread') . " t\n\t\t\t\tINNER JOIN " . XDB::table('forum_forum') . " f\n\t\t\t\tWHERE t.tid=a.tid AND f.fid=t.fid AND t.displayorder>='0' AND {$sql} ORDER BY a.aid DESC " . XDB::limit($start, $limit));
Exemplo n.º 26
 public function fetch_all_forblock($where, $orderby, $ordersc, $itemsnum)
     return XDB::fetch_all("SELECT t.*,tt.views,c.name as catename FROM %t AS t \n\t\tLEFT JOIN %t AS c ON t.cateid=c.cateid \n\t\tLEFT JOIN %t AS tt ON t.tid=tt.tid %i ORDER BY %i %i %i", array($this->_table, $this->_jointable, $this->_threadtable, $where, $orderby, $ordersc, $itemsnum));