Exemplo n.º 1
  * Used on github authorization between projects and users (see github.js)
  * Code moved from the old /GitHub.php file
 public function connect()
     $GitHub = new User(Session::uid());
     $workitem = new WorkItem();
     $workitem->loadById((int) $_GET['job']);
     $projectId = $workitem->getProjectId();
     $project = new Project($projectId);
     $connectResponse = $GitHub->processConnectResponse($project);
     if (!$connectResponse['error']) {
         if ($GitHub->storeCredentials($connectResponse['data']['access_token'], $project->getGithubId())) {
             $journal_message = sprintf("%s has been validated for project ##%s##", $GitHub->getNickname(), $project->getName());
             Utils::redirect('./' . $workitem->getId());
         } else {
             // Something went wrong updating the users details, close this window and
             // display a proper error message to the user
             $message = 'Something went wrong and we could not complete the authorization process with GitHub. Please try again.';
     } else {
         // We have an error on the response, close this window and display an error message
         // to the user
         $message = 'We received an error when trying to complete the authorization process with GitHub. Please notify a member of the O-Team for assistance.';
     echo $message;
Exemplo n.º 2
function autoPassSuggestedJobs()
    $con = mysql_connect(DB_SERVER, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD);
    if (!$con) {
        die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error());
    mysql_select_db(DB_NAME, $con);
    $sql = "SELECT id FROM `" . WORKLIST . "` WHERE  status  IN ( 'Suggestion', 'Bidding') AND DATEDIFF(now() , status_changed) > 30";
    $result = mysql_query($sql);
    $delay = 0;
    if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 1) {
        $delay = 5;
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
        $status = 'Pass';
        $workitem = new WorkItem($row['id']);
        $prev_status = $workitem->getStatus();
        // change status of the workitem to PASS.
        if ($workitem->save()) {
            $recipients = array('creator');
            $emails = array();
            $data = array('prev_status' => $prev_status);
            if ($prev_status == 'Bidding') {
                $recipients[] = 'usersWithBids';
                $emails = preg_split('/[\\s]+/', ADMINS_EMAILS);
            Notification::workitemNotify(array('type' => 'auto-pass', 'workitem' => $workitem, 'recipients' => $recipients, 'emails' => $emails), $data);
            $journal_message = "\\\\#" . $workitem->getId() . " updated by @Otto. Status set to " . $status;
        } else {
            error_log("Otto failed to update the status of workitem #" . $workitem->getId() . " to " . $status);
Exemplo n.º 3
 private function withdrawBid($bid_id, $withdraw_reason)
     $res = mysql_query('SELECT * FROM `' . BIDS . '` WHERE `id`=' . $bid_id);
     $bid = mysql_fetch_object($res);
     // checking if is bidder or runner
     if (!empty($_SESSION['is_runner']) || $bid->bidder_id == $_SESSION['userid']) {
         // getting the job
         $res = mysql_query('SELECT * FROM `' . WORKLIST . '` WHERE `id` = ' . $bid->worklist_id);
         $job = mysql_fetch_assoc($res);
         if (!in_array($job['status'], array('Draft', 'Suggestion', 'Bidding', 'Done'))) {
             $creator_fee_desc = 'Creator';
             $runner_fee_desc = 'Runner';
             $WorkItem = new WorkItem($bid->worklist_id);
             $fees = $WorkItem->getFees($WorkItem->getId());
             foreach ($fees as $fee) {
                 if ($fee['desc'] == $creator_fee_desc) {
                 if ($fee['desc'] == $runner_fee_desc) {
         // additional changes if status is WORKING, SVNHOLD, FUNCTIONAL or REVIEW
         if (($job['status'] == 'In Progress' || $job['status'] == 'Review' || $job['status'] == 'QA Ready') && $bid->accepted == 1 && (!empty($_SESSION['is_runner']) || $bid->bidder_id == $_SESSION['userid'])) {
             // change status of worklist item
             mysql_unbuffered_query("UPDATE `" . WORKLIST . "`\n                                            SET `mechanic_id` = '0',\n                                            `status` = 'Bidding'\n                                            WHERE `id` = {$bid->worklist_id}\n                                            LIMIT 1 ;");
         // set back to suggested if swb and is only bid
         $res = mysql_query('SELECT count(*) AS count_bids FROM `' . BIDS . '` WHERE `worklist_id` = ' . $job['id'] . ' AND `withdrawn` = 0');
         $bidCount = mysql_fetch_assoc($res);
         if ($bidCount['count_bids'] == 1 && $job['status'] == 'Bidding' && $bid->bidder_id == $_SESSION['userid'] && ($job['runner_id'] = 0)) {
             mysql_unbuffered_query("UPDATE `" . WORKLIST . "` SET `status` = 'Suggestion' WHERE `id` = {$bid->worklist_id} LIMIT 1 ;");
         // change bid to withdrawn and set bids.accepted to 0
         mysql_unbuffered_query('UPDATE `' . BIDS . '`
                                     SET `withdrawn` = 1 , `accepted` = 0
                                     WHERE `id` = ' . $bid->id);
         // delete the fee entry for this bid
         mysql_unbuffered_query('UPDATE `' . FEES . '`
                                     SET `withdrawn` = 1
                                     WHERE `worklist_id` = ' . $bid->worklist_id . '
                                     AND `user_id` = ' . $bid->bidder_id . '
                                     AND `bid_id` = ' . $bid->id);
         // Get user
         $user = User::find($bid->bidder_id);
         // Journal message
         $message = 'A bid was deleted from #' . $job['id'];
         // Journal notification
         // Sending email to the bidder or runner
         $subject = "Bid: " . $job['id'] . " (" . $job['summary'] . ")";
         if (!empty($_SESSION['is_runner'])) {
             // Send to bidder
             $recipient = $user;
             $body = "<p>Your bid has been deleted from item #" . $job['id'] . " by: " . $_SESSION['nickname'] . "</p>";
         } else {
             // Send to runner
             $recipient = User::find($job['runner_id']);
             $body = "<p>A bid has been deleted from item #" . $job['id'] . " by: " . $_SESSION['nickname'] . "</p>";
         if (strlen($withdraw_reason) > 0) {
             // nl2br is added for proper formatting in email alert 12-MAR-2011 <webdev>
             $body .= "<p>Reason: " . nl2br($withdraw_reason) . "</p>";
         // Continue adding text to email body
         $item_link = SERVER_URL . $bid->worklist_id;
         $body .= "<p><a href='{$item_link}'>View Item</a></p>";
         $body .= "<p>If you think this has been done in error, please contact the job Runner.</p>";
         if (!Utils::send_email($recipient->getUsername(), $subject, $body)) {
             error_log("withdrawBid: Utils::send_email failed");
         // Check if there are any active bids remaining
         $res = mysql_query("SELECT count(*) AS active_bids FROM `" . BIDS . "` WHERE `worklist_id` = " . $job['id'] . " AND `withdrawn` = 0 AND (NOW() < `bid_expires` OR `bid_expires`='0000-00-00 00:00:00')");
         $bids = mysql_fetch_assoc($res);
         if ($bids['active_bids'] < 1) {
             // There are no active bids, so resend notifications
             $workitem = new WorkItem();