public static function getLiftiumOptionsScript() { wfProfileIn(__METHOD__); global $wgDBname, $wgTitle, $wgLang, $wgDartCustomKeyValues, $wgCityId; // See Liftium.js for documentation on options $options = array(); $options['pubid'] = 999; $options['baseUrl'] = '/__varnish_liftium/'; $options['kv_wgDBname'] = $wgDBname; if (is_object($wgTitle)) { $options['kv_article_id'] = $wgTitle->getArticleID(); $options['kv_wpage'] = $wgTitle->getPartialURL(); } $hub = WikiFactoryHub::getInstance(); $options['kv_Hub'] = $hub->getCategoryName($wgCityId); $options['kv_skin'] = RequestContext::getMain()->getSkin()->getSkinName(); $options['kv_user_lang'] = $wgLang->getCode(); $options['kv_cont_lang'] = $GLOBALS['wgLanguageCode']; $options['kv_isMainPage'] = WikiaPageType::isMainPage(); $options['kv_page_type'] = WikiaPageType::getPageType(); $options['geoUrl'] = ""; if (!empty($wgDartCustomKeyValues)) { $options['kv_dart'] = $wgDartCustomKeyValues; } $options['kv_domain'] = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; $options['hasMoreCalls'] = true; $options['isCalledAfterOnload'] = true; $options['maxLoadDelay'] = 6000; $js = "LiftiumOptions = " . json_encode($options) . ";\n"; $out = "\n<!-- Liftium options -->\n"; $out .= Html::inlineScript($js) . "\n"; wfProfileOut(__METHOD__); return $out; }
public function searchIndex() { global $wgRequest, $wgSitename, $wgUser; $lang = $this->helper->getLangForSearchResults(); $centralUrl = $this->helper->getCentralUrlFromGlobalTitle($lang); $globalSearchUrl = $this->helper->getGlobalSearchUrl($centralUrl); $localSearchUrl = SpecialPage::getTitleFor('Search')->getFullUrl(); $fulltext = $wgUser->getGlobalPreference('enableGoSearch') ? 0 : 'Search'; $query = $wgRequest->getVal('search', $wgRequest->getVal('query', '')); $localSearchPlaceholder = html_entity_decode(wfMessage('global-navigation-local-search-placeholder', $wgSitename)->parse()); if (WikiaPageType::isCorporatePage() && !WikiaPageType::isWikiaHub()) { $this->response->setVal('disableLocalSearchOptions', true); $this->response->setVal('defaultSearchPlaceholder', wfMessage('global-navigation-global-search')->escaped()); $this->response->setVal('defaultSearchUrl', $globalSearchUrl); } else { $this->response->setVal('globalSearchUrl', $globalSearchUrl); $this->response->setVal('localSearchUrl', $localSearchUrl); $this->response->setVal('localSearchPlaceholder', $localSearchPlaceholder); $this->response->setVal('defaultSearchPlaceholder', $localSearchPlaceholder); $this->response->setVal('defaultSearchUrl', $localSearchUrl); } $this->response->setVal('fulltext', $fulltext); $this->response->setVal('query', $query); $this->response->setVal('lang', $lang); }
/** * Check if the page is sitemap page * @param Title $title * @return bool */ public function isSitemapPage($title) { if (WikiaPageType::isCorporatePage() && $title->getDBkey() == self::SITEMAP_PAGE) { return true; } return false; }
private function getTag() { $dbname = F::app()->wg->DBname; $t = F::app()->wg->Title; $title = $t->getText(); if ($dbname == 'dehauptseite') { if (Wikia::isMainPage()) { return 'RC_WIKIA_HOME'; } if (strpos($title, 'Mobil') === 0) { return 'RC_WIKIA_MOBIL'; } if (in_array($title, array('Videospiele', 'Entertainment', 'Lifestyle'))) { return 'RC_WIKIA_START'; } if (WikiaPageType::getPageType() == 'search') { return 'RC_WIKIA_SEARCH'; } return 'RC_WIKIA_SVCE'; } if ($dbname == 'de') { if ($t->getNamespace() == NS_FORUM) { return 'RC_WIKIA_PIN'; } return 'RC_WIKIA_COMMUNITY'; } if (HubService::getComscoreCategory(F::app()->wg->CityId)->cat_name == 'Entertainment') { return 'RC_WIKIA_UGCENT'; } return 'RC_WIKIA_UGC'; }
public function executeIndex() { OasisController::addBodyClass('wikinav2'); $themeSettings = new ThemeSettings(); $settings = $themeSettings->getSettings(); $this->wordmarkText = $settings["wordmark-text"]; $this->wordmarkType = $settings["wordmark-type"]; $this->wordmarkSize = $settings["wordmark-font-size"]; $this->wordmarkFont = $settings["wordmark-font"]; if ($this->wordmarkType == "graphic") { wfProfileIn(__METHOD__ . 'graphicWordmarkV2'); $this->wordmarkUrl = $themeSettings->getWordmarkUrl(); $imageTitle = Title::newFromText($themeSettings::WordmarkImageName, NS_IMAGE); if ($imageTitle instanceof Title) { $attributes = array(); $file = wfFindFile($imageTitle); if ($file instanceof File) { $attributes[] = 'width="' . $file->width . '"'; $attributes[] = 'height="' . $file->height . '"'; if (!empty($attributes)) { $this->wordmarkStyle = ' ' . implode(' ', $attributes) . ' '; } } } wfProfileOut(__METHOD__ . 'graphicWordmarkV2'); } $this->mainPageURL = Title::newMainPage()->getLocalURL(); $this->displaySearch = !empty($this->wg->EnableAdminDashboardExt) && AdminDashboardLogic::displayAdminDashboard($this, $this->wg->Title); $this->setVal('displayHeader', !$this->wg->HideNavigationHeaders); $this->displayHeaderButtons = !WikiaPageType::isWikiaHubMain(); }
public function executeIndex() { $this->setVal('specialSearchUrl', SpecialPage::getTitleFor('Search')->getFullUrl()); $this->searchterm = $this->wg->request->getVal('search'); if (!isset($this->searchterm)) { $this->searchterm = $this->request->getVal('search'); } $this->noautocomplete = $this->wg->request->getVal('noautocomplete'); if (!isset($this->noautocomplete)) { $this->noautocomplete = $this->request->getVal('noautocomplete'); } $searchParams = []; if (!$this->request->getVal('nonamespaces', false)) { $namespaces = $this->getNamespaceFromRequest(); foreach ($namespaces as $namespaceInt) { $searchParams['ns' . $namespaceInt] = 1; } } if ($this->wg->CityId == Wikia\Search\QueryService\Select\Dismax\Video::VIDEO_WIKI_ID) { $searchParams['filters[]'] = 'is_video'; // this is required to hide images $searchParams['rank'] = 'default'; // this is required to keep urls consistent between search and non-search pages } $this->searchParams = $searchParams; $this->fulltext = $this->wg->User->getGlobalPreference('enableGoSearch') ? 0 : 'Search'; $this->placeholder = WikiaPageType::isWikiaHub() ? wfMessage('wikiahubs-search-placeholder')->text() : wfMessage('Tooltip-search', $this->wg->Sitename)->text(); $this->isCrossWikiaSearch = $this->wg->request->getCheck('crossWikiaSearch'); $this->searchFormId = $this->request->getVal('searchFormId'); }
public static function onWikiaMobileAssetsPackages(array &$jsHeadPackages, array &$jsBodyPackages, array &$scssPackages) { //this hook is fired only by the WikiaMobile skin, no need to check for what skin is being used if (F::app()->wg->EnableWikiaHubsExt && WikiaPageType::isWikiaHub()) { $scssPackages[] = 'wikiahubs_scss_wikiamobile'; } return true; }
/** * Check if for current page the ads can be displayed or not * We only want ads on regular article pages plug a few * special pages. The logic lays here. * * @return bool */ public static function areAdsShowableOnPage() { $wg = F::app()->wg; $runAds = $wg->Out->isArticle() || WikiaPageType::isSearch() || WikiaPageType::isForum() || WikiaPageType::isWikiaHub(); // Can be re-enabled after AdDriver2.js is implemented: // || $wg->Title->isSpecial('Leaderboard'); return $runAds; }
/** * @param array $vars JS variables to be added at the top of the page * @param array $scripts JS scripts to add to the top of the page * @return bool return true - it's a hook */ function wfJSVariablesTopScripts(array &$vars, &$scripts) { $wg = F::app()->wg; $title = $wg->Title; $out = $wg->Out; // ads need it $vars['wgAfterContentAndJS'] = array(); if (is_array($wg->WikiFactoryTags)) { $vars['wgWikiFactoryTagIds'] = array_keys($wg->WikiFactoryTags); $vars['wgWikiFactoryTagNames'] = array_values($wg->WikiFactoryTags); } $vars['wgCdnRootUrl'] = $wg->CdnRootUrl; $vars['wgCdnApiUrl'] = $wg->CdnApiUrl; // analytics needs it (from here till the end of the function) $vars['wgDBname'] = $wg->DBname; $vars['wgCityId'] = $wg->CityId; // c&p from OutputPage::getJSVars with an old 1.16 name $vars['wgContentLanguage'] = $title->getPageLanguage()->getCode(); // c&p from OutputPage::getJSVars, it's needed earlier $user = $wg->User; /** @var $user User */ if ($user->isAnon()) { $vars['wgUserName'] = null; } else { $vars['wgUserName'] = $user->getName(); /* * Remove when SOC-217 ABTest is finished */ $vars['wgNotConfirmedEmail'] = $user->getGlobalAttribute(UserLoginSpecialController::NOT_CONFIRMED_LOGIN_OPTION_NAME); /* * End remove */ } if ($out->isArticle()) { $vars['wgArticleId'] = $out->getWikiPage()->getId(); } $vars['wgCategories'] = $out->getCategories(); $vars['wgPageName'] = $title->getPrefixedDBKey(); $vars['wikiaPageType'] = WikiaPageType::getPageType(); $vars['wikiaPageIsCorporate'] = WikiaPageType::isCorporatePage(); $vars['wgArticleType'] = WikiaPageType::getArticleType(); // missing in 1.19 $skin = RequestContext::getMain()->getSkin(); $vars['skin'] = $skin->getSkinName(); // for Google Analytics $vars['_gaq'] = array(); $vars['wgIsGASpecialWiki'] = $wg->IsGASpecialWiki; // PER-58: moved wgStyleVersion to <head> $vars['wgStyleVersion'] = (string) $wg->StyleVersion; $wg->NoExternals = $wg->Request->getBool('noexternals', $wg->NoExternals); if (!empty($wg->NoExternals)) { $vars["wgNoExternals"] = $wg->NoExternals; } $vars['wgTransactionContext'] = Transaction::getAttributes(); $scripts .= Html::inlineScript("var wgNow = new Date();") . "\n"; return true; }
public static function onSkinAfterBottomScripts($skin, &$text) { if (WikiaPageType::isMainPage()) { $scripts = AssetsManager::getInstance()->getURL('njord_js'); foreach ($scripts as $script) { $text .= Html::linkedScript($script); } } return true; }
/** * Register monetization-related scripts on the top of the page * @param array $jsAssetGroups * @return true */ public static function onOasisSkinAssetGroupsBlocking(&$jsAssetGroups) { wfProfileIn(__METHOD__); $app = F::app(); $script = 'monetization_module_top_script_js'; if (!WikiaPageType::isCorporatePage() && $app->wg->User->isAnon() && $app->checkSkin('oasis') && !in_array($script, $jsAssetGroups)) { $jsAssetGroups[] = $script; } wfProfileOut(__METHOD__); return true; }
/** * Show the Module only on File pages, Article pages, and Main pages * @return boolean */ public static function canShowModule() { wfProfileIn(__METHOD__); $app = F::app(); $status = false; $showableNameSpaces = array_merge($app->wg->ContentNamespaces, [NS_FILE]); if (!WikiaPageType::isCorporatePage() && $app->wg->Title->exists() && !$app->wg->Title->isMainPage() && in_array($app->wg->Title->getNamespace(), $showableNameSpaces) && in_array($app->wg->request->getVal('action'), ['view', null]) && $app->wg->request->getVal('diff') === null && $app->wg->User->isAnon() && $app->checkSkin('oasis')) { $status = true; } wfProfileOut(__METHOD__); return $status; }
/** * Get page type for the current page (ad-wise). * Take into account type of the page and user status. * Return one of the PAGE_TYPE_* constants * * @return string */ public function getPageType() { $title = null; if (WikiaPageType::isActionPage() || $this->wg->Request->getBool('noexternals', $this->wg->NoExternals) || $this->wg->Request->getBool('noads', false) || $this->wg->ShowAds === false || $this->wg->EnableAdEngineExt === false || !$this->app->checkSkin(['oasis', 'wikiamobile', 'venus'])) { $pageLevel = self::PAGE_TYPE_NO_ADS; return $pageLevel; } $runAds = WikiaPageType::isFilePage() || WikiaPageType::isForum() || WikiaPageType::isSearch() || WikiaPageType::isWikiaHub(); if (!$runAds) { if ($this->wg->Title) { $title = $this->wg->Title; $namespace = $title->getNamespace(); $runAds = in_array($namespace, $this->wg->ContentNamespaces) || isset($this->wg->ExtraNamespaces[$namespace]) || BodyController::isBlogListing() || BodyController::isBlogPost() || defined('NS_WIKIA_PLAYQUIZ') && $title->inNamespace(NS_WIKIA_PLAYQUIZ) || defined('NS_CATEGORY') && $namespace == NS_CATEGORY || defined('NS_PROJECT') && $namespace == NS_PROJECT || $title->isSpecial('Leaderboard') || $title->isSpecial('Maps') || $title->isSpecial('Newimages') || $title->isSpecial('Videos'); } } if (!$runAds) { $pageLevel = self::PAGE_TYPE_NO_ADS; return $pageLevel; } $user = $this->wg->User; if (!$user->isLoggedIn() || $user->getGlobalPreference('showAds')) { // Only leaderboard, medrec and invisible on corporate sites for anonymous users if (WikiaPageType::isCorporatePage()) { $pageLevel = self::PAGE_TYPE_CORPORATE; return $pageLevel; } if (WikiaPageType::isSearch()) { $pageLevel = self::PAGE_TYPE_SEARCH; return $pageLevel; } if ($title && $title->isSpecial('Maps')) { $pageLevel = self::PAGE_TYPE_MAPS; return $pageLevel; } // All ads everywhere else $pageLevel = self::PAGE_TYPE_ALL_ADS; return $pageLevel; } // Logged in users get some ads on the main pages (except on the corporate sites) if (!WikiaPageType::isCorporatePage() && WikiaPageType::isMainPage()) { $pageLevel = self::PAGE_TYPE_HOMEPAGE_LOGGED; return $pageLevel; } // Override ad level for a (set of) specific page(s) // Use case: sponsor ads on a landing page targeted to Wikia editors (=logged in) if ($title && !empty($this->wg->PagesWithNoAdsForLoggedInUsersOverriden) && in_array($title->getDBkey(), $this->wg->PagesWithNoAdsForLoggedInUsersOverriden)) { $pageLevel = self::PAGE_TYPE_CORPORATE; return $pageLevel; } // And no other ads $pageLevel = self::PAGE_TYPE_NO_ADS; return $pageLevel; }
public function getSetupHtml() { static $called = false; if ($called) { return false; } $called = true; global $wgDBname, $wgLang, $wgTitle, $wgAthenaDevHosts; if (!empty($_GET['athena_dev_hosts']) || !empty($wgAthenaDevHosts)) { $base = ""; $version = mt_rand(); $out = "<script type=\"text/javascript\">var athena_dev_hosts = 1;</script>"; } else { $base = "/__varnish_athena/"; $version = "1"; $out = ''; } $out .= '<script type="text/javascript" src="' . $base . 'athena/Athena.js?' . $version . '"></script>' . "\n"; if (!empty($_GET['athena_dev_hosts'])) { } // Page vars are variables that you want available in javascript for serving ads $pageVars = array(); $pageVars['wgDBname'] = $wgDBname; $pageVars['hostname'] = getenv('HTTP_HOST'); $pageVars['request'] = getenv('SCRIPT_URL'); if (is_object($wgTitle)) { $pageVars['article_id'] = $wgTitle->getArticleID(); } $pageVars['isMainPage'] = WikiaPageType::isMainPage(); $cat = AdEngine::getCachedCategory(); $pageVars['hub'] = $cat['name']; $pageVars['skin'] = RequestContext::getMain()->getSkin()->getSkinName(); $pageVars['user_lang'] = $wgLang->getCode(); $pageVars['cont_lang'] = $GLOBALS['wgLanguageCode']; $out .= '<script type="text/javascript">' . "\n"; foreach ($pageVars as $name => $value) { // Type juggling if ($value === true) { $value = "true"; // As a string } else { if ($value === false) { $value = ""; } } $out .= 'Athena.setPageVar("' . addslashes($name) . '", "' . addslashes($value) . '");' . "\n"; } $out .= 'Athena.setPageVar( "browser", Athena.getBrowser() );' . "\n"; // Pull the configs $out .= 'Athena.pullConfig();'; $out .= '</script>'; return $out; }
public function index() { if (WikiaPageType::isCorporatePage()) { return false; } $categoryLinks = $this->request->getVal('categoryLinks', ''); //$catlinks are always returned even empty if (strpos($categoryLinks, ' catlinks-allhidden\'></div>') !== false) { $categoryLinks = ''; } $this->response->setVal('categoryLinks', $categoryLinks); }
public function index() { $this->interlang = WikiaPageType::isCorporatePage(); $this->response->addAsset('extensions/wikia/CorporateFooter/styles/CorporateFooter.scss'); $helper = new WikiaHomePageHelper(); $wikisIncludedInCorporateFooterDropdown = $helper->getWikisIncludedInCorporateFooterDropdown(); $this->selectedLang = $this->wg->ContLang->getCode(); $this->dropDownItems = $this->prepareDropdownItems($wikisIncludedInCorporateFooterDropdown, $this->selectedLang); if ($this->app->wg->EnableWAMPageExt) { $wamModel = new WAMPageModel(); $this->wamPageUrl = $wamModel->getWAMMainPageUrl(); } }
public function getContext(Title $title, $skinName) { $wrapper = new GlobalStateWrapper(['wgTitle' => $title]); $wg = F::app()->wg; return $wrapper->wrap(function () use($title, $wg, $skinName) { $wikiFactoryHub = WikiFactoryHub::getInstance(); $hubService = new HubService(); $adPageTypeService = new AdEngine2PageTypeService(); $wikiaPageType = new WikiaPageType(); $sevenOneMediaCombinedUrl = null; if (!empty($wg->AdDriverUseSevenOneMedia)) { // TODO: implicitly gets the skin from the context! $sevenOneMediaCombinedUrl = ResourceLoader::makeCustomURL($wg->Out, ['wikia.ext.adengine.sevenonemedia'], 'scripts'); } $monetizationServiceAds = null; if (!empty($wg->AdDriverUseMonetizationService) && !empty($wg->EnableMonetizationModuleExt)) { $monetizationServiceAds = F::app()->sendRequest('MonetizationModule', 'index')->getData()['data']; } $langCode = $title->getPageLanguage()->getCode(); return ['opts' => $this->filterOutEmptyItems(['adsInContent' => $wg->EnableAdsInContent, 'delayBtf' => $wg->AdDriverDelayBelowTheFold, 'enableAdsInMaps' => $wg->AdDriverEnableAdsInMaps, 'pageType' => $adPageTypeService->getPageType(), 'paidAssetDropConfig' => $wg->PaidAssetDropConfig, 'showAds' => $adPageTypeService->areAdsShowableOnPage(), 'trackSlotState' => $wg->AdDriverTrackState, 'usePostScribe' => $wg->Request->getBool('usepostscribe', false)]), 'targeting' => $this->filterOutEmptyItems(['enablePageCategories' => array_search($langCode, $wg->AdPageLevelCategoryLangs) !== false, 'pageArticleId' => $title->getArticleId(), 'pageIsArticle' => !!$title->getArticleId(), 'pageIsHub' => $wikiaPageType->isWikiaHub(), 'pageName' => $title->getPrefixedDBKey(), 'pageType' => $wikiaPageType->getPageType(), 'sevenOneMediaSub2Site' => $wg->AdDriverSevenOneMediaOverrideSub2Site, 'skin' => $skinName, 'wikiCategory' => $wikiFactoryHub->getCategoryShort($wg->CityId), 'wikiCustomKeyValues' => $wg->DartCustomKeyValues, 'wikiDbName' => $wg->DBname, 'wikiDirectedAtChildren' => $wg->WikiDirectedAtChildrenByFounder || $wg->WikiDirectedAtChildrenByStaff, 'wikiIsCorporate' => $wikiaPageType->isCorporatePage(), 'wikiIsTop1000' => $wg->AdDriverWikiIsTop1000, 'wikiLanguage' => $langCode, 'wikiVertical' => $hubService->getCategoryInfoForCity($wg->CityId)->cat_name]), 'providers' => $this->filterOutEmptyItems(['monetizationService' => $wg->AdDriverUseMonetizationService, 'monetizationServiceAds' => $monetizationServiceAds, 'sevenOneMedia' => $wg->AdDriverUseSevenOneMedia, 'sevenOneMediaCombinedUrl' => $sevenOneMediaCombinedUrl, 'taboola' => $wg->AdDriverUseTaboola]), 'slots' => $this->filterOutEmptyItems(['exitstitial' => $wg->EnableOutboundScreenExt, 'exitstitialRedirectDelay' => $wg->OutboundScreenRedirectDelay, 'invisibleHighImpact' => $wg->AdDriverEnableInvisibleHighImpactSlot]), 'forcedProvider' => $wg->AdDriverForcedProvider]; }); }
public function executeTop() { if (WikiaPageType::isWikiaHub()) { $leaderboardName = 'HUB_TOP_LEADERBOARD'; } elseif ($this->wg->EnableWikiaHomePageExt) { $leaderboardName = 'CORP_TOP_LEADERBOARD'; } elseif (WikiaPageType::isMainPage()) { $leaderboardName = 'HOME_TOP_LEADERBOARD'; } else { $leaderboardName = 'TOP_LEADERBOARD'; } $this->leaderboardName = $leaderboardName; }
private function getLogoLink() { $verticalShortName = $this->getVerticalShortName(); if (WikiaPageType::isWikiaHomePage() || $verticalShortName === null) { global $wgLang; $link = (new WikiaLogoHelper())->getCentralUrlForLang($wgLang->getCode()); } else { /* possible message keys: global-footer-vertical-tv-link, global-footer-vertical-comics-link, global-footer-vertical-movies-link, global-footer-vertical-music-link, global-footer-vertical-books-link, global-footer-vertical-games-link, global-footer-vertical-lifestyle-link */ $link = wfMessage('global-footer-vertical-' . $verticalShortName . '-link')->plain(); } return $link; }
function wfWikiAnswersActionDropdown(&$moduleObject, &$params) { global $wgTitle; $answerObj = Answer::newFromTitle($wgTitle); if (WikiaPageType::isMainPage()) { $moduleObject->action = null; } elseif ($answerObj->isQuestion() && !$answerObj->isArticleAnswered()) { if (isset($moduleObject->dropdown['move'])) { $moduleObject->action = $moduleObject->dropdown['move']; $moduleObject->actionName = 'move'; unset($moduleObject->dropdown['move']); } } return true; }
private function setBodyModules() { $this->globalNavigation = $this->getGlobalNavigation(); $this->localNavigation = $this->getLocalNavigation(); $this->categorySelect = $this->getCategorySelect(); $this->notifications = $this->app->renderView('BannerNotifications', 'Confirmation'); if ($this->isUserLoggedIn) { $this->recentWikiActivity = $this->getRecentWikiActivity(); } if (WikiaPageType::isArticlePage()) { $this->articleNav = $this->getArticleNavigation(); $this->setVal('header', $this->app->renderView('Venus', 'header')); Wikia::addAssetsToOutput('article_scss'); } }
/** * Business-logic for determining if the javascript should be at the bottom of the page (it usually should be * at the bottom for performance reasons, but there are some exceptions for engineering reasons). * * TODO: make sure JavaScripts can be always loaded on bottom * * Note: NS_FILE pages need JS at top because AnyClips relies on jQuery. */ public static function JsAtBottom() { global $wgTitle; // decide where JS should be placed (only add JS at the top for non-search Special and edit pages) if (WikiaPageType::isSearch() || WikiaPageType::isForum()) { // Remove this whole condition when AdDriver2.js is fully implemented and deployed $jsAtBottom = true; // Liftium.js (part of AssetsManager) must be loaded after LiftiumOptions variable is set in page source } elseif ($wgTitle->getNamespace() == NS_SPECIAL || BodyController::isEditPage()) { $jsAtBottom = false; } else { $jsAtBottom = true; } return $jsAtBottom; }
/** * @group Slow * @slowExecutionTime 0.08448 ms * @covers WikiaSearchController::isCorporateWiki */ public function testIsCorporatePage() { $this->mockGlobalVariable('wgEnableWikiaHomePageExt', false); $this->mockGlobalVariable('wgEnableWikiaHubsV3Ext', false); $this->assertFalse(WikiaPageType::isCorporatePage()); $this->mockGlobalVariable('wgEnableWikiaHomePageExt', null); $this->mockGlobalVariable('wgEnableWikiaHubsV3Ext', null); $this->assertFalse(WikiaPageType::isCorporatePage()); $this->mockGlobalVariable('wgEnableWikiaHomePageExt', true); $this->mockGlobalVariable('wgEnableWikiaHubsV3Ext', false); $this->assertTrue(WikiaPageType::isCorporatePage()); $this->mockGlobalVariable('wgEnableWikiaHomePageExt', false); $this->mockGlobalVariable('wgEnableWikiaHubsV3Ext', true); $this->assertTrue(WikiaPageType::isCorporatePage()); $this->mockGlobalVariable('wgEnableWikiaHomePageExt', false); $this->mockGlobalVariable('wgEnableWikiaHubsV3Ext', true); $this->assertTrue(WikiaPageType::isCorporatePage()); }
/** * Get canonical vertical name for given cityId. * For Lifestyle and Gaming return their names. * For corporate pages return false - we don't want to track traffic from there in Comscore * For rest of values return Entertainment. * @param $cityId * @return Boolean|String */ public static function getVerticalNameForComscore($cityId) { $verticalId = WikiFactoryHub::getInstance()->getVerticalId($cityId); switch ($verticalId) { case WikiFactoryHub::VERTICAL_ID_VIDEO_GAMES: return 'gaming'; case WikiFactoryHub::VERTICAL_ID_LIFESTYLE: return 'lifestyle'; case WikiFactoryHub::VERTICAL_ID_OTHER: if (WikiaPageType::isCorporatePage()) { return false; } else { return 'lifestyle'; } default: return 'entertainment'; } }
/** * @param Title $title * @param Page $article * * @return true because it's a hook */ public static function onArticleFromTitle(&$title, &$article) { wfProfileIn(__METHOD__); $app = F::app(); if (WikiaPageType::isWikiaHubMain() || $title->isSubpageOf(Title::newMainPage())) { $model = new WikiaHubsV3HooksModel(); $dbKeyName = $title->getDBKey(); $dbKeyNameSplit = explode('/', $dbKeyName); $hubTimestamp = $model->getTimestampFromSplitDbKey($dbKeyNameSplit); $app->wg->SuppressRail = true; $app->wg->SuppressFooter = true; if (!$app->wg->request->wasPosted()) { // don't change article object while saving data $article = new WikiaHubsV3Article($title, $hubTimestamp); } } wfProfileOut(__METHOD__); return true; }
public function executeIndex() { global $wgOut, $wgTitle, $wgSitename, $wgUser, $wgEnableBlog, $wgEnableCorporatePageExt, $wgEnableInfoBoxTest, $wgEnableWikiAnswers, $wgRequest, $wgMaximizeArticleAreaArticleIds; $this->isMainPage = WikiaPageType::isMainPage(); // Replaces ContentDisplayModule->index() $this->bodytext = $this->app->getSkinTemplateObj()->data['bodytext']; // this hook allows adding extra HTML just after <body> opening tag // append your content to $html variable instead of echoing // (taken from Monaco skin) wfRunHooks('GetHTMLAfterBody', array ($wgUser->getSkin(), &$this->afterBodyHtml)); $this->headerModuleAction = 'Index'; $this->headerModuleParams = array ('showSearchBox' => false); $this->headerModuleName = 'CampfireHeader'; }
private function getTag() { $dbname = F::app()->wg->DBname; $t = F::app()->wg->Title; $title = $t->getText(); if (WikiaPageType::isWikiaHub()) { return 'RC_WIKIA_START'; } if ($dbname == 'dehauptseite') { if (Wikia::isMainPage()) { return 'RC_WIKIA_HOME'; } if (strpos($title, 'Mobil') === 0) { return 'RC_WIKIA_MOBIL'; } if (WikiaPageType::getPageType() == 'search') { return 'RC_WIKIA_SEARCH'; } return 'RC_WIKIA_SVCE'; } if ($dbname == 'de') { if ($t->getNamespace() == NS_FORUM) { return 'RC_WIKIA_PIN'; } return 'RC_WIKIA_COMMUNITY'; } if (strpos(F::app()->wg->DartCustomKeyValues, 'anime') !== false) { return 'RC_WIKIA_UGCANIME'; } $cat_name = HubService::getCategoryInfoForCurrentPage()->cat_name; if ($cat_name == 'Entertainment') { return 'RC_WIKIA_UGCENT'; } if ($cat_name == 'Gaming') { return 'RC_WIKIA_UGCGAMES'; } if ($cat_name == 'Lifestyle') { return 'RC_WIKIA_UGCLIFESTYLE'; } return 'RC_WIKIA_UGC'; }
<?php if (!empty($wg->EnableMonetizationModuleExt)) { if (!empty($wg->AdDriverUseMonetizationService)) { echo $app->renderView('Ad', 'Index', ['slotName' => 'MON_ABOVE_TITLE']); } else { if (!empty($monetizationModules[MonetizationModuleHelper::SLOT_TYPE_ABOVE_TITLE])) { echo $monetizationModules[MonetizationModuleHelper::SLOT_TYPE_ABOVE_TITLE]; } } } $runNjord = !empty($wg->EnableNjordExt) && WikiaPageType::isMainPage(); if ($runNjord) { // edit button with actions dropdown if (!empty($action)) { echo F::app()->renderView('MenuButton', 'Index', array('action' => $action, 'image' => $actionImage, 'dropdown' => $dropdown, 'name' => $actionName)); } } else { ?> <!-- @TODO CONCF-189 everything inside this if should be removed when social buttons are live --> <?php if (empty($wg->EnablePageShareExt)) { ?> <header id="WikiaPageHeader" class="WikiaPageHeader"> <h1><?php echo !empty($displaytitle) ? $title : htmlspecialchars($title); ?> </h1> <?php // edit button with actions dropdown
/** * Called instead of executeIndex when the CorporatePage extension is enabled. */ public function executeCorporate() { global $wgTitle, $wgOut, $wgUser, $wgSuppressNamespacePrefix; wfProfileIn(__METHOD__); $this->canAct = $wgUser->isAllowed('edit'); if ($this->canAct) { $this->prepareActionButton(); // dropdown actions $this->dropdown = $this->getDropdownActions(); } // page namespace $ns = $wgTitle->getNamespace(); // default title "settings" (RT #145371), don't touch special pages if ($ns == NS_FORUM) { $this->title = $wgTitle->getText(); $this->displaytitle = false; // we don't want htmlspecialchars for SpecialPages (BugId:6012) } else { if ($ns == NS_SPECIAL) { $this->displaytitle = true; } else { if ($ns != NS_SPECIAL) { $this->displaytitle = true; $this->title = $wgOut->getPageTitle(); } } } // remove namespaces prefix from title $namespaces = array(NS_MEDIAWIKI, NS_TEMPLATE, NS_CATEGORY, NS_FILE); if (in_array($ns, array_merge($namespaces, $wgSuppressNamespacePrefix))) { $this->title = $wgTitle->getText(); $this->displaytitle = false; } if (WikiaPageType::isMainPage()) { $this->title = ''; $this->subtitle = ''; } wfProfileOut(__METHOD__); }
public static function getLiftiumOptionsScript() { wfProfileIn(__METHOD__); global $wgDBname, $wgTitle, $wgLang; // See Liftium.js for documentation on options $options = array(); $options['pubid'] = 999; $options['baseUrl'] = '/__varnish_liftium/'; $options['kv_wgDBname'] = $wgDBname; if (is_object($wgTitle)) { $options['kv_article_id'] = $wgTitle->getArticleID(); $options['kv_wpage'] = $wgTitle->getPartialURL(); } $cat = AdEngine::getCachedCategory(); $options['kv_Hub'] = $cat['name']; $options['kv_skin'] = RequestContext::getMain()->getSkin()->getSkinName(); $options['kv_user_lang'] = $wgLang->getCode(); $options['kv_cont_lang'] = $GLOBALS['wgLanguageCode']; $options['kv_isMainPage'] = WikiaPageType::isMainPage(); $options['kv_page_type'] = WikiaPageType::getPageType(); $options['geoUrl'] = ""; if (!empty($wgDartCustomKeyValues)) { $options['kv_dart'] = $wgDartCustomKeyValues; } $options['kv_domain'] = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; $js = "LiftiumOptions = " . json_encode($options) . ";\n"; if (WikiaPageType::isSearch() || !$wgTitle->getNamespace() == NS_SPECIAL && !BodyController::isEditPage()) { $js .= <<<EOT \t\t\t\tif ( !window.wgLoadAdDriverOnLiftiumInit && ( !window.Wikia.AbTest || !Wikia.AbTest.inTreatmentGroup( "AD_LOAD_TIMING", "ONLOAD" ) ) ) { \t\t\t\t\tLiftiumOptions['hasMoreCalls'] = true; \t\t\t\t\tLiftiumOptions['isCalledAfterOnload'] = true; \t\t\t\t\tLiftiumOptions['maxLoadDelay'] = 6000; \t\t\t\t} \t\t\t\telse { \t\t\t\t\tLiftiumOptions['autoInit'] = false; \t\t\t\t} EOT; } else { $js .= <<<EOT \t\t\t\tLiftiumOptions['hasMoreCalls'] = true; \t\t\t\tLiftiumOptions['isCalledAfterOnload'] = true; \t\t\t\tLiftiumOptions['maxLoadDelay'] = 6000; EOT; } $js = AssetsManagerBaseBuilder::minifyJs($js); $out = "\n<!-- Liftium options -->\n"; $out .= Html::inlineScript($js) . "\n"; wfProfileOut(__METHOD__); return $out; }