  * Process images on S3 instead of from the images web server dir
 private static function processS3Images()
     //$file = '/tmp/whp';
     //if (!file_exists($file)) {
     $articles = self::getS3Articles($s3, self::AWS_BUCKET);
     $processed = self::dbGetArticlesUpdatedAll();
     //$out = yaml_emit(array($articles, $processed));
     //file_put_contents($file, $out);
     //} else {
     //list($articles, $processed) = yaml_parse(file_get_contents($file));
     // process all articles
     foreach ($articles as $id => $details) {
         $debug = self::$debugArticleID;
         if ($debug && $debug != $id) {
         if (@$details['err']) {
             if (!$processed[$id]) {
                 self::dbSetArticleProcessed($id, $details['user'], $details['err'], '', '', 0, 0, 0);
         // if article needs to be processed again because new files were
         // uploaded, but article has already been processed, we should
         // just flag as a retry attempt
         if (!$debug && isset($processed[$id]) && !$processed[$id]['retry'] && $processed[$id]['processed'] < $details['time']) {
             if ($details['time'] >= self::REPROCESS_EPOCH) {
                 $processed[$id]['retry'] = 1;
                 $processed[$id]['error'] = '';
             } else {
                 // don't reprocess stuff from before a certain point in time
         // if this article was already processed, and nothing about its
         // images has changes, and it's not set to be retried, don't
         // process it again
         if (!$debug && isset($processed[$id]) && !$processed[$id]['retry'] && $processed[$id]['processed'] > $details['time']) {
         // if article is not on Wikiphoto article exclude list
         if (WikiPhoto::checkExcludeList($id)) {
             $err = 'Article was found on Wikiphoto EXCLUDE list';
             self::dbSetArticleProcessed($id, $details['user'], $err, '', '', 0, 0, 0);
         // pull zip file into staging area
         $stageDir = '';
         $imageList = array();
         if ($details['zip']) {
             $prefix = $details['user'] . '/';
             $zipFile = $id . '.zip';
             $files = array($zipFile);
             list($err, $stageDir) = self::pullFiles($id, $s3, $prefix, $files);
             if (!$err) {
                 list($err, $files) = self::unzip($stageDir, $zipFile);
             if (!$err) {
                 foreach ($files as $file) {
                     $imageList[] = array('name' => basename($file), 'filename' => $file);
         } else {
             // no zip -- ignore
         if (!$err && in_array($id, self::$excludeArticles)) {
             $err = 'Forced skipping this article because there was an repeated error when processing it';
         if (!$err) {
             $warning = @$details['warning'];
             list($err, $title) = self::processImages($id, $details['user'], $imageList, $warning);
         } else {
             self::dbSetArticleProcessed($id, $details['user'], $err, '', '', 0, 0, 0);
         if ($stageDir) {
         $titleStr = $title ? ' (' . $title->getText() . ')' : '';
         $errStr = $err ? ' err=' . $err : '';
         $imageCount = count($imageList);
         print date('Y/M/d H:i') . " processed: {$details['user']}/{$id}{$titleStr} images={$imageCount}{$errStr}\n";
  * Process images on S3 instead of from the images web server dir
 private function processS3Media()
     // $file = '/tmp/whp';
     // if (!file_exists($file)) {
     $articles = $this->getS3Articles($s3, self::AWS_BUCKET);
     $processed = $this->dbGetArticlesUpdatedAll();
     // $out = yaml_emit(array($articles, $processed));
     // file_put_contents($file, $out);
     // } else {
     // list($articles, $processed) = yaml_parse(file_get_contents($file));
     // }
     // process all articles
     $articlesProcessed = 0;
     foreach ($articles as $id => $details) {
         $debug = self::$debugArticleID;
         if ($debug && $debug != $id) {
         if (@$details['err']) {
             if (!$processed[$id]) {
                 self::dbSetArticleProcessed($id, $details['user'], $details['err'], '', '', 0, 0, 0, 0, self::STATUS_ERROR, 0, '');
         // if article needs to be processed again because new files were
         // uploaded, but article has already been processed, we should
         // just flag as a retry attempt
         if (!$debug && isset($processed[$id]) && !$processed[$id]['retry'] && $processed[$id]['processed'] < $details['time']) {
             if ($details['time'] >= self::REPROCESS_EPOCH) {
                 $processed[$id]['retry'] = 1;
                 $processed[$id]['error'] = '';
             } else {
                 self::d("don't reprocess stuff from before a certain point in time: Article id :" . $id);
                 // don't reprocess stuff from before a certain point in time
         // if this article was already processed, and nothing about its
         // images has changes, and it's not set to be retried, don't
         // process it again
         if (!$debug && isset($processed[$id]) && !$processed[$id]['retry'] && $processed[$id]['processed'] > $details['time']) {
             self::d("if this article was already processed, and nothing about its images has changes, and it's not set to be retried, don't process it again:" . $id . ", processed[id]['processed']=" . $processed[$id]['processed'] . " > details['time']=" . $details['time']);
         // if article is not on Wikiphoto article exclude list
         if (WikiPhoto::checkExcludeList($id)) {
             $err = 'Article was found on Wikiphoto EXCLUDE list';
             self::dbSetArticleProcessed($id, $details['user'], $err, '', '', 0, 0, 0, 0, self::STATUS_ERROR, 0, '');
         // pull zip file into staging area
         $stageDir = '';
         $photoList = array();
         $videoList = array();
         if ($details['zip']) {
             $prefix = $details['user'] . '/';
             $zipFile = $id . '.zip';
             $files = array($zipFile);
             list($err, $stageDir) = $this->pullFiles($id, $s3, $prefix, $files);
             if (!$err) {
                 list($err, $files) = $this->unzip($stageDir, $zipFile);
             if (!$err) {
                 list($photoList, $videoList) = self::splitSrcMediaFileList($files);
         } else {
             // no zip -- ignore
         if (!$err && in_array($id, self::$excludeArticles)) {
             $err = 'Forced skipping this article because there was an repeated error when processing it';
         self::d("PhotoList size " . count($photoList) . ", VideoList size " . count($videoList) . " err={$err}");
         $isHybridMedia = false;
         $photoCnt = 0;
         $vidCnt = 0;
         if (!$err) {
             $warning = @$details['warning'];
             $photoCnt = count($photoList);
             $vidCnt = count($videoList);
             self::dbSetArticleProcessed($id, $details['user'], $err, $warning, '', $vidCnt, $photoCnt, 0, 0, self::STATUS_PROCESSING_UPLOADS, 0, $stageDir);
             $isHybridMedia = $photoCnt > 0 && $vidCnt > 0;
             //start processing uploads
             if ($photoCnt > 0 && $vidCnt <= 0) {
                 list($err, $title, $warning, $url, $photoCnt, $replaced) = $this->imageTranscoder->processMedia($id, $details['user'], $photoList, $warning, $isHybridMedia);
                 $this->updateArticleStatusPhotoProcessed($id, $err, $warning, $url, $photoCnt, $replaced, true);
             } else {
                 if (!$err && $vidCnt > 0) {
                     self::d("Processing mp4Transcoder->processMedia");
                     list($err, $url, $status) = $this->mp4Transcoder->processMedia($id, $details['user'], $videoList, $warning, $isHybridMedia);
                     $this->updateArticleStatusVideoTranscoding($id, $err, $warning, $url, $status);
         } else {
             self::dbSetArticleProcessed($id, $details['user'], $err, '', '', 0, 0, 0, 0, self::STATUS_ERROR, 0, '');
         //don't cleanup if isHybridMedia is present and zip file contains images.
         if (!empty($stageDir) && $isHybridMedia === false) {
         $titleStr = $title ? ' (' . $title->getText() . ')' : '';
         $errStr = $err ? ', err=' . $err : '';
         $mediaCount = count($files);
         self::i("processed: {$details['user']}/{$id}{$titleStr} original mediaFilesCount={$mediaCount} {$errStr}");
         if (self::$DEBUG !== false && self::$exitAfterNumArticles > 0 && $articlesProcessed >= self::$exitAfterNumArticles) {
             self::d("articlesProcessed {$articlesProcessed} >= self::\$exitAfterNumArticles " . self::$exitAfterNumArticles . ", hence stopping further processing of articles if there are any.");