function showTip($smarty, $tip, $db, $title) { $options = array('token' => WX_TOKEN, 'appid' => WX_APPID, 'encodingaeskey' => '6pnP7qHyqJ1kFXMjuO4Z3QrpOa9WfapsgkPOtXoZKC2', 'appsecret' => WX_SECRET, 'logcallback' => logdebug); $we = new Wechat($options); $auth = $we->checkAuth(); $js_ticket = $we->getJsTicket(); $smarty->assign('tip', $tip); $smarty->assign('title', $title); $url = 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; $smarty->assign('js_sign', $we->getJsSign($url)); $smarty->display('templates/tip.html'); $db->disconnect(); die; }
<?php require_once '../config.php'; require_once '../db.php'; require_once '../wechat.class.php'; $options = array('token' => WX_TOKEN, 'appid' => WX_APPID, 'appsecret' => WX_SECRET, 'debug' => false, 'logcallback' => 'logdebug'); $weObj = new Wechat($options); $weObj->checkAuth(); $ret = $weObj->getQRCode($_GET['id'], 1); $url = "" . urlencode($ret['ticket']); echo "<img src='{$url}' /><a href='{$url}'>View in new page</a>";
<?php // WP_Wechat Handle $wechat = new WP_Wechat(); // wechat-php-sdk Handle $we = new Wechat(array('appsecret' => $wechat->app_secret, 'appid' => $wechat->app_id)); $auth = $we->checkAuth(); $js_ticket = $we->getJsTicket(); if (!$js_ticket) { $errcode = $we->errCode; $errtext = ErrCode::getErrText($weObj->errCode); echo "获取 js_ticket 失败! 错误码:{$errcode} 错误原因:{$errtext} "; } $https = isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && 'on' === $_SERVER['HTTPS']; $url = ($https ? 'https://' : 'http://') . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; $js_sign = $we->getJsSign($url); ?> <script> if(window.wx) { wx.config({ debug: /debug=1/.test(location.href), appId: '<?php echo $js_sign['appId']; ?> ', // 必填,公众号的唯一标识 timestamp: <?php echo $js_sign['timestamp']; ?> , // 必填,生成签名的时间戳,切记时间戳是整数型,别加引号 nonceStr: '<?php
/** * 获取access_token的接口 * @return [type] [description] */ public function check_auth() { $appid = I('get.appid'); $appsecret = I('get.appsecret'); if (empty($appid) || empty($appsecret)) { echo json_encode(array('errmsg' => '信息不完整,请提供完整信息', 'errcode' => 1)); exit; } $config = $this->model->table('wechat')->field('token, appid, appsecret')->where('appid = "' . $appid . '" and appsecret = "' . $appsecret . '" and status = 1')->find(); if (empty($config)) { echo json_encode(array('errmsg' => '信息错误,请检查提供的信息', 'errcode' => 1)); exit; } $obj = new Wechat($config); $access_token = $obj->checkAuth(); if ($access_token) { echo json_encode(array('access_token' => $access_token, 'errcode' => 0)); exit; } else { echo json_encode(array('errmsg' => $obj->errmsg, 'errcode' => $obj->errcode)); exit; } }
<?php require_once '../config.php'; require_once '../function.php'; require_once '../db.php'; require_once '../wechat.class.php'; if ($_GET['p'][4] != ':') { $db = new DB(); $db->connect(); $weObj = new Wechat(); $weObj->checkAuth(WX_APPID, WX_SECRET); echo "<img src='" . $weObj->getMediaURL($_GET['p']) . "'>"; $db->disconnect(); } else { echo "<a href='" . $_GET['p'] . "'>" . $_GET['p'] . "</a><br>请复制链接查看原图,或打开链接后在地址栏回车重新打开。(刷新无用)"; }
<?php /** * Created by PhpStorm. * User: run * Date: 2015/7/15 * Time: 11:36 */ include "wechat.class.php"; $options = array('token' => 'vonvon', 'encodingaeskey' => 'encodingaeskey', 'appid' => 'wx519f23f4a45e8c37', 'appsecret' => 'ea8f0b17b3a0882bf5fda7ed27758482'); $weObj = new Wechat($options); $weObj->valid(); //明文或兼容模式可以在接口验证通过后注释此句,但加密模式一定不能注释,否则会验证失败 $openid = $weObj->getRev()->getRevFrom(); $token = $weObj->checkAuth(); $info = $weObj->getUserInfo($openid); $type = $weObj->getRev()->getRevType(); switch ($type) { case Wechat::MSGTYPE_TEXT: $content = $weObj->getRev()->getRevContent(); if (substr($content, 0, 6) == '姓名') { $name = substr($content, 6); $res = array("0" => array('Title' => $name . ', 你的生辰八字', 'Description' => 'Vonvon作为国际化的SNS社交媒体,从2015年1月起,在全世界已经拥有1亿以上的 用户。现在已在韩国,中国,台湾,泰国,越南,印尼,美国,巴西,西班牙等国家 开放。将来会拓展到更多的国家,并且会创作更多有趣的主题测试。', 'PicUrl' => '', 'Url' => '')); $weObj->news($res)->reply(); } else { $weObj->text("Your nickname is " . $info['nickname'] . "\nYour sex is " . $info['sex'] . "\nYour city is " . $info['city'] . "\nYour province is " . $info['province'] . "\n Your country is " . $info['country'] . "\nYour headimgurl is " . $info['headimgurl'] . "\nYour subscribe_time is " . date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $info['subscribe_time']) . "\nNow is " . date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time()))->reply(); exit; } break; case Wechat::MSGTYPE_EVENT: $event = $weObj->getRev()->getRevEvent();