Exemplo n.º 1
 public function vxSectionView($section_id)
     // The latest version: 2
     global $GOOGLE_AD_LEGAL;
     $Node = new Node($section_id, $this->db);
     echo '<div class="blank">';
     echo ' <a href="/">' . Vocabulary::site_name . '</a> &gt; ' . $Node->nod_title_i18n . '</div>';
     if ($this->User->usr_id == 1) {
         echo ' <span class="tip_i">ADMINISTRATIVE TOOLS | </span>';
         echo '&nbsp;<a href="/node/edit/' . $Node->nod_id . '.vx" class="regular"><strong>Edit</strong></a>&nbsp;';
     echo '<div style="float: right;">';
     _v_btn_l($this->lang->new_topic(), '/topic/new/' . $Node->nod_id . '.vx');
     echo '</div>';
     $sql = "SELECT nod_id, nod_name, nod_title, nod_topics FROM babel_node WHERE nod_sid = {$Node->nod_id} ORDER BY nod_title ASC";
     $rs = mysql_query($sql);
     $_nodes = array();
     while ($_node = mysql_fetch_array($rs)) {
         if (!(preg_match('/^[0-9]{6}$/', $_node['nod_name']) | preg_match('/^f[0-9]{6}$/', $_node['nod_name']))) {
             $_nodes[] = $_node;
     $total = count($_nodes);
     $col = floor($total / 4);
     $col_1 = $col * 1;
     $col_2 = $col * 2;
     $col_3 = $col * 3;
     $col_4 = $col * 4;
     echo '<img src="/img/seccap/' . $Node->nod_name . '.png" alt="' . $Node->nod_title . '" />';
     echo '<h1 class="silver">Latest Active Discussions</h1>';
     echo '<blockquote>';
     $sql = "SELECT tpc_id, tpc_title, tpc_created, tpc_posts, usr_nick, usr_gender, usr_portrait, nod_name, nod_title, nod_topics FROM babel_topic, babel_user, babel_node WHERE nod_id = tpc_pid AND nod_sid = {$Node->nod_id} AND tpc_uid = usr_id ORDER BY tpc_lasttouched DESC LIMIT 30";
     $rs = mysql_query($sql);
     while ($_topic = mysql_fetch_array($rs)) {
         $img_p = $_topic['usr_portrait'] ? '/img/p/' . $_topic['usr_portrait'] . '_n.jpg' : '/img/p_' . $_topic['usr_gender'] . '_n.gif';
         echo '<div style="padding: 2px;">';
         echo '<img src="' . $img_p . '" align="absmiddle" border="0" class="portrait" />';
         echo ' <a href="/topic/view/' . $_topic['tpc_id'] . '.html">' . make_plaintext($_topic['tpc_title']) . '</a>';
         if (intval($_topic['tpc_posts'])) {
             echo ' <small class="fade">(' . $_topic['tpc_posts'] . ')</small>';
         echo ' <span class="tip_i"><small>Posted by <a href="/u/' . urlencode($_topic['usr_nick']) . '">' . $_topic['usr_nick'] . '</a> on ' . date('M-j G:i:s T', $_topic['tpc_created']) . '</small>';
         if ($_topic['tpc_title'] != '') {
             echo '<small> in <a href="/go/' . $_topic['nod_name'] . '" rel="tag" class="regular">' . make_plaintext($_topic['nod_title']) . '</a> (' . $_topic['nod_topics'] . ')</small>';
         echo '</span>';
         echo '</div>';
     echo '</blockquote>';
     echo '<h1 class="silver">Contains ' . $total . ' discussion areas</small></h1>';
     echo '<table width="99%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="font-size: 11px;">';
     echo '<tr>';
     echo '<td width="25%" valign="top" class="col">';
     for ($i = 0; $i < $col; $i++) {
         if (intval($_nodes[$i]['nod_topics']) > 100) {
             echo '<strong style="font-size: 13px;">';
         echo '<a href="/go/' . $_nodes[$i]['nod_name'] . '" class="var" rel="tag" style="color: ' . Weblog::vxGetPortalTagColor($_nodes[$i]['nod_topics']) . ';">' . $_nodes[$i]['nod_title'] . '</a><br />';
         if (intval($_nodes[$i]['nod_topics']) > 100) {
             echo '</strong>';
     echo '</td>';
     echo '<td width="25%" valign="top" class="col">';
     for ($i = $col_1; $i < $col_2; $i++) {
         if (intval($_nodes[$i]['nod_topics']) > 100) {
             echo '<strong style="font-size: 13px;">';
         echo '<a href="/go/' . $_nodes[$i]['nod_name'] . '" class="var" rel="tag" style="color: ' . Weblog::vxGetPortalTagColor($_nodes[$i]['nod_topics']) . ';">' . $_nodes[$i]['nod_title'] . '</a><br />';
         if (intval($_nodes[$i]['nod_topics']) > 100) {
             echo '</strong>';
     echo '</td>';
     echo '<td width="25%" valign="top" class="col">';
     for ($i = $col_2; $i < $col_3; $i++) {
         if (intval($_nodes[$i]['nod_topics']) > 100) {
             echo '<strong style="font-size: 13px;">';
         echo '<a href="/go/' . $_nodes[$i]['nod_name'] . '" class="var" rel="tag" style="color: ' . Weblog::vxGetPortalTagColor($_nodes[$i]['nod_topics']) . ';">' . $_nodes[$i]['nod_title'] . '</a><br />';
         if (intval($_nodes[$i]['nod_topics']) > 100) {
             echo '</strong>';
     echo '</td>';
     echo '<td width="24%" valign="top" class="col">';
     for ($i = $col_3; $i < $total; $i++) {
         if (intval($_nodes[$i]['nod_topics']) > 100) {
             echo '<strong style="font-size: 13px;">';
         echo '<a href="/go/' . $_nodes[$i]['nod_name'] . '" class="var" rel="tag" style="color: ' . Weblog::vxGetPortalTagColor($_nodes[$i]['nod_topics']) . ';">' . $_nodes[$i]['nod_title'] . '</a><br />';
         if (intval($_nodes[$i]['nod_topics']) > 100) {
             echo '</strong>';
     echo '</td>';
     echo '</tr>';
     echo '</table>';