  * Parses a specified page ID and redirects to another ID if required.
  * @param WebSoccer $websoccer Website context.
  * @param I18n $i18n messages provider.
  * @param string $requestedPageId unfiltered Page ID that has been requested.
  * @return string target page ID to display.
 public static function getTargetPageId(WebSoccer $websoccer, I18n $i18n, $requestedPageId)
     $pageId = $requestedPageId;
     // set default page ID
     if ($pageId == NULL) {
         $pageId = DEFAULT_PAGE_ID;
     // redirect to log-in form if website is generally protected
     $user = $websoccer->getUser();
     if ($websoccer->getConfig('password_protected') && $user->getRole() == ROLE_GUEST) {
         // list of page IDs that needs to be excluded.
         $freePageIds = array(LOGIN_PAGE_ID, 'register', 'register-success', 'activate-user', 'forgot-password', 'imprint', 'logout', 'termsandconditions');
         if (!$websoccer->getConfig('password_protected_startpage')) {
             $freePageIds[] = DEFAULT_PAGE_ID;
         if (!in_array($pageId, $freePageIds)) {
             // create warning message
             $websoccer->addFrontMessage(new FrontMessage(MESSAGE_TYPE_WARNING, $i18n->getMessage('requireslogin_box_title'), $i18n->getMessage('requireslogin_box_message')));
             $pageId = LOGIN_PAGE_ID;
     // exception rule: If user clicks at breadcrumb navigation on team details, there will be no ID given, so redirect to leagues
     if ($pageId == 'team' && $websoccer->getRequestParameter('id') == null) {
         $pageId = 'leagues';
     // prompt user to enter user name, after he has been created without user name (e.g. by a custom LoginMethod).
     if ($user->getRole() == ROLE_USER && !strlen($user->username)) {
         $pageId = ENTERUSERNAME_PAGE_ID;
     return $pageId;
  * Creates a new unseen notification about any event which shall catch the user's attention.
  * @param WebSoccer $websoccer application context.
  * @param DbConnection $db DB connection.
  * @return int ID of national team managed by the current user, or NULL if user does not manage a national team.
 public static function getNationalTeamManagedByCurrentUser(WebSoccer $websoccer, DbConnection $db)
     $result = $db->queryCachedSelect("id", $websoccer->getConfig("db_prefix") . "_verein", "user_id = %d AND nationalteam = '1'", $websoccer->getUser()->id, 1);
     if (count($result)) {
         return $result[0]["id"];
     return NULL;
 private static function createTransaction(WebSoccer $websoccer, DbConnection $db, $user, $userId, $amount, $subject, $data)
     // create transaction
     $fromTable = $websoccer->getConfig('db_prefix') . '_premiumstatement';
     $columns = array('user_id' => $userId, 'action_id' => $subject, 'amount' => $amount, 'created_date' => $websoccer->getNowAsTimestamp(), 'subject_data' => json_encode($data));
     $db->queryInsert($columns, $fromTable);
     // update user budget
     $newBudget = $user['premium_balance'] + $amount;
     $updateColumns = array('premium_balance' => $newBudget);
     $fromTable = $websoccer->getConfig('db_prefix') . '_user';
     $whereCondition = 'id = %d';
     $parameters = $userId;
     $db->queryUpdate($updateColumns, $fromTable, $whereCondition, $parameters);
     // also update user profile, if executed by user.
     if ($userId == $websoccer->getUser()->id) {
         $websoccer->getUser()->premiumBalance = $newBudget;
 public static function getLastMatch(WebSoccer $websoccer, DbConnection $db)
     // where
     $whereCondition = 'M.berechnet = 1 AND (HOME.user_id = %d OR GUEST.user_id = %d) AND M.datum < %d ORDER BY M.datum DESC';
     $parameters = array($websoccer->getUser()->id, $websoccer->getUser()->id, $websoccer->getNowAsTimestamp());
     return self::_getMatchSummaryByCondition($websoccer, $db, $whereCondition, $parameters);
 public static function countOutboxMessages(WebSoccer $websoccer, DbConnection $db)
     $userId = $websoccer->getUser()->id;
     $columns = "COUNT(*) AS hits";
     $fromTable = $websoccer->getConfig("db_prefix") . "_briefe AS L";
     $whereCondition = "L.absender_id = %d AND typ = 'ausgang'";
     $result = $db->querySelect($columns, $fromTable, $whereCondition, $userId);
     $letters = $result->fetch_array();
     if (isset($letters["hits"])) {
         return $letters["hits"];
     return 0;
 private static function _handlePremiumAction(WebSoccer $website, DbConnection $db, I18n $i18n, $actionId, $creditsRequired, $validatedParams, $controllerName)
     // check if user has enough credit
     if ($creditsRequired > $website->getUser()->premiumBalance) {
         $targetPage = $website->getConfig('premium_infopage');
         // redirect to external info page
         if (filter_var($targetPage, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL)) {
             header('location: ' . $targetPage);
             // render info page
         } else {
             $website->addContextParameter('premium_balance_required', $creditsRequired);
             return $targetPage;
     // debit amount and execute action
     if ($website->getRequestParameter('premiumconfirmed')) {
         PremiumDataService::debitAmount($website, $db, $website->getUser()->id, $creditsRequired, $actionId);
         return self::_executeAction($website, $db, $i18n, $actionId, $controllerName, $validatedParams);
     // redirect to confirmation page
     $website->addContextParameter('premium_balance_required', $creditsRequired);
     $website->addContextParameter('actionparameters', $validatedParams);
     $website->addContextParameter('actionid', $actionId);
     $website->addContextParameter('srcpage', $website->getPageId());
     return 'premium-confirm-action';
  * Stores ID of user in session and triggers authentication by SessionBasedUserAuthentication.
  * @param WebSoccer $websoccer Application context.
  * @param int $userId ID of user to log in.
 public static function loginFrontUserUsingApplicationSession(WebSoccer $websoccer, $userId)
     // actual log-in
     $_SESSION['frontuserid'] = $userId;
     // update user data
     $userProvider = new SessionBasedUserAuthentication($websoccer);