Exemplo n.º 1

require_once 'WeatherForecast.php';
require_once 'WeatherDayInfo.php';
$url = "http://jornaldotempo.uol.com.br/rss/cidades/rss_prev_Lavras-MG.xml";
$reader = new RSSReader(simplexml_load_file($url));
$rssItem = $reader->getRssWeahter();
$wheaterForecast = new WeatherForecast($rssItem->title(), $rssItem->description());
$daysInfo = $wheaterForecast->daysInfo();
<div id="weatherforecast">
    <label for="weather-city" style="color: #921b1b; font-weight: bold;">
        Para trocar a cidade clique na caixa abaixo
    </label><br />
        <!--<span><?echo $wheaterForecast->city()?></span>-->
        <?include "cities.html"?>
    <div class="painel-weather">
        <table class="weather-table" border="0">
            <?$i = 0;?>
            <?while($daysInfo->valid() && $i < 4):?>
              <?$dayInfo = $daysInfo->current();?>
              <?if($i % 2 == 0):?>
                      <div class="td-weather">
                        <?echo $dayInfo->day()?> <!--(<?//echo $dayInfo->situation()?>)--> <br/>
                        <div class="weather-info">
Exemplo n.º 2
  * Gets the most current weather forecast for Cuba 
  * @param Request
  * @return Response
  * */
 public function _main(Request $request)
     // include the weather channel library
     include_once "{$this->pathToService}/lib/WeatherForecast.php";
     $argument = $request->query;
     $argument = trim($argument);
     $argument = trim(strtolower($argument));
     $weather = array();
     $images = array();
     $imagesya = array();
     $places_cuba = explode(",", "La Habana,Pinar del Rio,Artemisa,Batabano,Varadero,Matanzas,Santa Clara,Cienfuegos,Sancti Spiritus,Trinidad,Camaguey,Ciego de Avila,Las Tunas,Holguin,Bayamo,Santiago de Cuba,Guantanamo");
     $places = $places_cuba;
     $country = 'Cuba';
     if (trim($argument) != '') {
         $arr = explode(',', $argument);
         $arr[0] = trim($arr[0]);
         if (isset($arr[1])) {
             $arr[1] = trim($arr[1]);
         } else {
             $arr[1] = '';
         $city = $arr[0];
         $country = $arr[1];
         if ("{$country}" == '') {
             $country = false;
         if ("{$city}" == '' && "{$country}" != '') {
             $city = $country;
             $country = false;
         $places = array($city);
     if ($country != 'Cuba') {
         $r = new WeatherForecast('93fvz526zx8uu26b59cpy9xf');
         $x = $r->setRequest($places[0], $country, 3);
         if ($x === false) {
             $places = $places_cuba;
             $country = 'Cuba';
     // get the weather information for each province
     foreach ($places as $place) {
         // get the weather forecast
         $r = new WeatherForecast('93fvz526zx8uu26b59cpy9xf');
         $r->setRequest($place, $country, 3);
         $r = $r->getLocalWeather();
         if (!$r) {
         // get weather details for today
         $today = new stdClass();
         $today->location = $place;
         $today->time = $r->weather_now['weatherTime'];
         $today->temperature = $r->weather_now['weatherTemp'];
         $today->description = $this->getDescriptionBasedOnCode($r->weather_now['weatherCode']);
         $today->icon = $this->getImageBasedOnCode($r->weather_now['weatherCode']);
         if (!isset($imagesya[$today->icon])) {
             $imagesya[$today->icon] = true;
             $images[] = $today->icon;
         $today->windDirection = $r->weather_now['windDirection'];
         $today->windSpeed = $r->weather_now['windSpeed'];
         $today->precipitation = $r->weather_now['precipitation'];
         $today->humidity = $r->weather_now['humidity'];
         $today->visibility = $r->weather_now['visibility'];
         $today->pressure = $r->weather_now['pressure'];
         $today->cloudcover = $r->weather_now['cloudcover'];
         // get weather details for next 3 days
         $days = array();
         foreach ($r->weather_forecast as $w) {
             $day = new stdClass();
             $day->date = $w['weatherDate'];
             $day->weekday = $this->translate($w['weatherDay']);
             $day->description = $this->getDescriptionBasedOnCode($w['weatherCode']);
             $day->icon = $this->getImageBasedOnCode($w['weatherCode']);
             if (!isset($imagesya[$day->icon])) {
                 $imagesya[$day->icon] = true;
                 $images[] = $day->icon;
             $day->windDirection = $w['windDirection'];
             $day->windSpeed = $w['windSpeed'];
             $day->tempMax = $w['tempMax'];
             $day->tempMin = $w['tempMin'];
             $days[] = $day;
         // add days to the final result
         $today->days = $days;
         $weather[] = $today;
     $response = new Response();
     $response->setResponseSubject("El Clima");
     $response->createFromTemplate("basic.tpl", array("weather" => $weather), $images);
     return $response;
Exemplo n.º 3

require_once 'WeatherForecast.php';
require_once 'WeatherDayInfo.php';
$url = "http://jornaldotempo.uol.com.br/rss/cidades/rss_prev_" . $_GET['id'] . ".xml";
$reader = new RSSReader(simplexml_load_file($url));
$rssItem = $reader->getRssWeahter();
$wheaterForecast = new WeatherForecast($rssItem->title(), $rssItem->description());
$daysInfo = $wheaterForecast->daysInfo();
        <table class="weather-table" border="0">
            <?$i = 0;?>
            <?while($daysInfo->valid() && $i < 4):?>
              <?$dayInfo = $daysInfo->current();?>
              <?if($i % 2 == 0):?>
                      <div class="td-weather">
                        <?echo $dayInfo->day()?> <!--(<?//echo $dayInfo->situation()?>)--> <br/>
                        <div class="weather-info">
                            <div class="img-weather">
                                <?echo str_replace("src='imgs", "src='".LinkController::getBaseURL()."/images/weather_imgs", $dayInfo->imageSituation())?>
                            <div class="weather-data">
                                <img alt="Mínima" src="<?echo LinkController::getBaseURL()?>/images/weather_imgs/cli_min.gif"/> Mín.: <?echo $dayInfo->min()?><br />
                                <img alt="Mínima" src="<?echo LinkController::getBaseURL()?>/images/weather_imgs/cli_max.gif"/> Max.: <?echo $dayInfo->max()?>
Exemplo n.º 4
  * Returns data from the weather
  * @param string $type_of_request Type of the URL of the request
  * @return SimpleXMLIterator Object
 private function getRequest($type_of_request = 'local')
     // Gets the unique key of the API
     $key = self::getKey();
     if (empty($key)) {
         echo 'The API key is missing.';
         return false;
     // Gets the City name
     $city = self::$city;
     // Gets the Country name
     $country = self::$country ? ',' . self::$country : null;
     // Gets the Number of days to display
     $num_of_days = self::$num_of_days;
     // Checks if has been set the city
     if (empty($city)) {
         echo 'You can specify the location for any of these options: City and Town Name, IP Address, UK Postcode, Canada Postal Code, US Zipcode and Latitude and Longitude (in decimal).';
         return false;
     // Stores the request URL
     $request = self::$request[$type_of_request] . '?q=' . $city . $country . '&format=xml&num_of_days=' . $num_of_days . '&key=' . $key;
     // Lifetime of the cache file, in seconds (1 hour = 3600)
     $cache_life = '0';
     // Cache file
     $cache_file = '../temp/cached-' . (substr($key, 0, 8) . '-' . $city . $country) . '.xml';
     // Generates the cache file if it does not exist or has expired life time
     $filemtime = @filemtime($cache_file);
     if (!$filemtime || time() - $filemtime >= $cache_life) {
         // Starts the request to cache
         $contents = @file_get_contents($request);
         // Reads the request and checks for errors
         $doc = simplexml_load_string($contents);
         // Does not make the file cache on error
         if (isset($doc->error)) {
             $doc_error = $doc->error;
             $msg = !empty($doc_error->msg) ? $doc_error->msg : 'Data could not be retrieved.';
             if (self::$display_error) {
                 echo '<strong style="color:red;">' . $msg . '</strong>';
                 return false;
         } else {
             file_put_contents($cache_file, $contents);
     // Initiates the request
     if (filesize($cache_file) > 0) {
         $doc = simplexml_load_file($cache_file);
         self::$has_response = true;
         return self::$doc = $doc;
     } else {
         return null;