Exemplo n.º 1
Arquivo: _view.php Projeto: Gnafu/wiz
    echo CHtml::encode($data->getAttributeLabel('effective_water_demand'));
    echo CHtml::encode(Math::wd_round($data->effective_water_demand) . ' ' . Yii::app()->params['water_demand_unit']);
			<br />
if ($data->phase == 1 and ($data->status == WaterRequests::SW_NODE(WaterRequests::SUBMITTED_STATUS) and Yii::app()->user->isPlanner)) {
    echo CHtml::link(Yii::t('waterrequest', 'Move on Executive Phase'), array('waterRequests/create', 'phase' => 2, 'parent' => $data->id));

	<div class="water_request_operation">
if (Yii::app()->user->checkAccess('pdfWaterRequest', array('waterRequest' => $data))) {
    $img = CHtml::image('images/document_pdf.png');
    echo CHtml::link($img, array('pdf', 'id' => $data->id), array('id' => 'pdf-link', 'title' => Yii::t('waterrequest', 'Generate PDF')));
if (Yii::app()->user->checkAccess('epanetWaterRequest', array('waterRequest' => $data))) {
    $img = CHtml::image('images/document_epanet.png');
    echo CHtml::link($img, array('epanet', 'id' => $data->id), array('id' => 'epanet-link', 'title' => Yii::t('waterrequest', 'Generate Epanet file')));
Exemplo n.º 2
  * Returns the data model based on the primary key given in the GET variable.
  * If the data model is not found, an HTTP exception will be raised.
  * @param integer the ID of the model to be loaded
 public function loadModel($id)
     $model = WaterRequests::model()->findByPk($id);
     if ($model === null) {
         throw new CHttpException(404, 'The requested page does not exist.');
     return $model;
Exemplo n.º 3
 public function getParentWDUsage($include_current = true)
     if ($this->phase == 2 || $this->phase == 3) {
         $brothers = WaterRequests::model()->findAllByAttributes(array('username' => $this->user->username, 'phase' => $this->phase, 'parent_phase' => $this->parent_wr->id));
         $usage = 0;
         foreach ($brothers as $brother) {
             if (!$include_current && $brother->id == $this->id) {
             $usage += $brother->total_water_demand;
         return $usage;
     return 0;
Exemplo n.º 4
Arquivo: index.php Projeto: Gnafu/wiz
echo Yii::t('waterrequest', 'Water Requests');
if (Yii::app()->user->isPlanner) {
    echo CHtml::openTag('p');
    echo CHtml::link(Yii::t('waterrequest', 'Create New Water Request'), CController::createUrl('waterRequests/create'));
    echo CHtml::closeTag('p');
echo CHtml::openTag('div', array('id' => 'wr_list'));
// Status Filter line
echo CHtml::openTag('div');
echo Yii::t('waterrequest', 'View status: ');
echo CHtml::link(Yii::t('waterrequest', 'All'), 'javascript:void(0);', array('id' => 'all_wr', 'class' => $status == 'all' ? 'wr_filter_selected' : '', 'onclick' => '$.fn.yiiListView.update(\'waterRequestsList\', {data:{\'status\':\'all\', \'gridview\':view_wr_list_as_grid}});'));
foreach (WaterRequests::allStatuses() as $value) {
    if (Yii::app()->user->canSee($value)) {
        echo '&nbsp;&#124;&nbsp;';
        echo CHtml::link(ucfirst(Yii::t('waterrequest', $value)), 'javascript:void(0);', array('id' => $value . '_wr', 'class' => $status == $value ? 'wr_filter_selected' : '', 'onclick' => 'javascript: $.fn.yiiListView.update(\'waterRequestsList\', {data:{\'status\':\'' . $value . '\', \'gridview\':view_wr_list_as_grid }});'));
<span id="search_links"></span>	

echo CHtml::closeTag('div');
echo CHtml::openTag('div', array('style' => 'float:right'));
// Choose visualization type List or Grid
echo CHtml::link('&nbsp;', 'javascript:void(0);', array('id' => 'wr_view_list', 'title' => Yii::t('waterrequest', 'List View'), 'class' => $gridview ? 'wr_view' : 'wr_view active', 'onclick' => '$(\'.wr_view\').removeClass(\'active\'); $(\'.water_request\').removeClass(\'square\'); $(this).addClass(\'active\'); setgridview(false);'));
echo '&nbsp;';
  * Updates a particular model.
  * If update is successful, the browser will be redirected to the 'view' page.
  * @param integer $id the ID of the model to be updated
 public function actionUpdate($id)
     $geom_zone_model = $this->loadModel($id);
     // TODO: controllare se è un modello orfano
     $wr_model = WaterRequests::model()->findByPk($geom_zone_model->geometry->wr_id);
     if (!Yii::app()->user->checkAccess('updateWaterRequest', array('waterRequest' => $wr_model))) {
         throw new CHttpException(403, Yii::t('http_status', '403'));
     // TODO: Gestire con ajax.error?
     //		Yii::log("Updating $geom_zone_model->id ", CLogger::LEVEL_INFO, "Update WRG_Zones" );
     // Uncomment the following line if AJAX validation is needed
     // $this->performAjaxValidation($model);
     if (isset($_POST['WaterRequestGeometryZones']) && isset($_POST['WaterRequestGeometryZoneProperties'])) {
         //Yii::log("Into IF", CLogger::LEVEL_INFO, "Update WRG_Zones" );
         // Actually assign only 'zone'
         $geom_zone_model->attributes = $_POST['WaterRequestGeometryZones'];
         if (isset($_POST['WaterRequestGeometryZoneProperties']['ae_choice'])) {
             $ae = $_POST['WaterRequestGeometryZoneProperties']['ae_choice'];
         } else {
             $ae = false;
         $found_props_ids = array();
         foreach ($_POST['WaterRequestGeometryZoneProperties'] as $param => $value) {
             //Yii::log("Param $param -> Value $value", CLogger::LEVEL_INFO, "Update WRG_Zones" );
             if ($param != 'ae_choice' && !empty($value)) {
                 $load_prop = WaterRequestGeometryZoneProperties::model()->find('parameter=:param AND geometry_zone=:geom_zone', array(':param' => $param, ':geom_zone' => $geom_zone_model->id));
                 if ($load_prop == null) {
                     $load_prop = new WaterRequestGeometryZoneProperties();
                 } else {
                     $found_props_ids[] = $load_prop->id;
                 //Yii::log("Caricato ".print_r($load_prop->attributes,true), CLogger::LEVEL_INFO, "Update WRG_Zones" );
                 $load_prop->parameter = $param;
                 $load_prop->value = $value;
                 // the prop is selected
                 if ($ae == $param) {
                     $load_prop->use4ae = true;
                 } else {
                     $load_prop->use4ae = false;
                 // append to array
                 $sent_props[] = $load_prop;
         if (!isset($sent_props)) {
             echo CJSON::encode(array('status' => 'error no props sent'));
         // check if one is selected, otherwise select the first one.
         $choosedProp = -1;
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($sent_props) && $choosedProp < 0; $i++) {
             if ($sent_props[$i]->use4ae) {
                 $choosedProp = $i;
         // non ho settato nulla, cerco 'cp'
         if ($choosedProp < 0) {
             foreach ($sent_props as $geom_zone_property_model) {
                 if ($geom_zone_property_model->parameter == 'cp') {
                     $geom_zone_property_model->use4ae = true;
                 $choosedProp = 0;
                 // NOW IT'S ONLY A FLAG (0 = found, -1 = not found)
         // 'cp' not found, set the first prop.
         if ($choosedProp < 0) {
             $sent_props[0]->use4ae = true;
             $choosedProp = 0;
         // Check if use4ae is needed to be set to a specific prop
         foreach($sent_props as $geom_zone_property_model){
         	if ($geom_zone_property_model->()) {
         		//Yii::log("Zone_name $geom_zone_model->zone_name", CLogger::LEVEL_INFO, "LOOP");
         		//echo $geom_zone_property_model->parameter;  // DEBUG
         		$_propserror = true;
         // Select all old properties to delete
         $all_props = WaterRequestGeometryZoneProperties::model()->findAll('geometry_zone=:geom_zone', array(':geom_zone' => $geom_zone_model->id));
         foreach ($all_props as $found) {
             if (!in_array($found->id, $found_props_ids)) {
                 $to_purge[] = $found->id;
         //Yii::log("Inseriti da utente ".print_r($found_props_ids,true), CLogger::LEVEL_INFO, "Update WRG_Zones" );
         //Yii::log("Da eliminare ".print_r($to_purge,true), CLogger::LEVEL_INFO, "Update WRG_Zones" );
         //starting new transaction
         $transaction = Yii::app()->db->beginTransaction();
         try {
             $_error = true;
             // purge old properties
             if (isset($to_purge)) {
                 foreach ($to_purge as $del_id) {
             //calculate pe and water demand
             //$geom_zone_model->pe = $geom_zone_model->calculatePE($sent_props[$choosedProp]->parameter, $sent_props[$choosedProp]->value);
             //$geom_zone_model->water_demand = $geom_zone_model->calculateWaterDemand();
             if ($geom_zone_model->validate()) {
                 $_propserror = false;
                 $error_status = 'ok';
                 foreach ($sent_props as $geom_zone_property_model) {
                     $geom_zone_property_model->geometry_zone = $geom_zone_model->id;
                     if ($geom_zone_property_model->validate()) {
                         //Yii::log("Zone_name $geom_zone_model->zone_name", CLogger::LEVEL_INFO, "LOOP");
                         //echo $geom_zone_property_model->parameter;  // DEBUG
                     } else {
                         //Yii::log('PROPERTY MODEL NON VALIDA' , CLogger::LEVEL_INFO, 'actionUpdate');  // DEBUG
                         //Yii::log($geom_zone_property_model->attributes , CLogger::LEVEL_INFO, 'actionUpdate');  // DEBUG
                         //Yii::log($geom_zone_property_model->getErrors(), CLogger::LEVEL_INFO, 'actionUpdate');  // DEBUG
                         $error_status = 'Error: ';
                         foreach ($geom_zone_property_model->getErrors() as $attr => $err_msg) {
                             $error_status = $error_status . $attr . ': ' . implode(',', $err_msg) . ' ';
                         $_propserror = true;
                 if ($_propserror) {
                     echo CJSON::encode(array('status' => $error_status));
                 $_error = $_propserror;
                 //echo 'after foreach: '.$_propserror.' ';  // DEBUG
             } else {
                 echo CJSON::encode(array('status' => ' error geom_zone_model non valida '));
             // DEBUG
             if ($_error) {
                 //echo CJSON::encode(array('status'=>'error una delle prop non valida'));
             } else {
                 echo CJSON::encode(array('status' => 'ok'));
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             echo CJSON::encode(array('status' => 'not inserted ' . $e));
     //if isset...
     Yii::log('Something went wrong Zone=' . isset($_POST['WaterRequestGeometryZones']) . ' Property=' . isset($_POST['WaterRequestGeometryZoneProperties']), CLogger::LEVEL_INFO);
  * Check if the Geometry has an existing WaterRequest parent.
  * If the parent is not found, the geometry is deletted.
  * @param WaterRequestGeomtries the model to check
  * @return true if the geometry was orphan and deletted, false otherwise
 public function deleteIfOrphan($model)
     $wr_model = WaterRequests::model()->findByPk($model->wr_id);
     if ($wr_model === null) {
         //orphan geometry
         if ($model->zones()) {
             foreach ($model->zones() as $zone) {
                 if ($zone->properties()) {
                     foreach ($zone->properties() as $property) {
                         Yii::log("Cancello Orphan Property {$property->id}", CLogger::LEVEL_INFO, 'DELETE Geom');
                 Yii::log("Cancello Orphan Zone {$zone->id}", CLogger::LEVEL_INFO, 'DELETE Geom');
         Yii::log("Cancello Orphan Geometry {$geom_model->id}", CLogger::LEVEL_INFO, 'DELETE Geom');
         return true;
     return false;
Exemplo n.º 7

$form = $this->beginWidget('CActiveForm', array('id' => 'water-requests-form', 'enableAjaxValidation' => false, 'action' => CController::createUrl('waterRequests/updateStatus', array('id' => $model->id))));
<div class="row status_buttons">
foreach (SWHelper::nextStatuslistData($model, false) as $k => $v) {
    if ($model->status === WaterRequests::SW_NODE(WaterRequests::CANCELLED_STATUS)) {
        echo CHtml::submitButton(Yii::t('waterrequest', 'Restore'), array('id' => 'save-button', 'name' => 'save-button', 'class' => 'restore-button'));
    } else {
        echo CHtml::submitButton(Yii::t('waterrequest', ucwords(str_replace('_', ' ', $v))), array('id' => $v . '-button', 'name' => $v . '-button'));

Exemplo n.º 8
  * Displays statistics about waterrequests.
 public function actionWr()
     if (!Yii::app()->user->checkAccess('viewStatistics')) {
         throw new CHttpException(403, Yii::t('http_status', '403'));
     if (isset($_POST['city'])) {
         $selection = $_POST['city'];
     } else {
         $selection = null;
     $wrs = WaterRequests::model()->findAll('status!=:temp AND status!=:saved AND username!=:username ORDER BY timestamp', array(':temp' => WaterRequests::SW_NODE(WaterRequests::TEMP_STATUS), ':saved' => WaterRequests::SW_NODE(WaterRequests::SAVED_STATUS), ':username' => 'planner'));
     //$wrs = WaterRequests::model()->findAll('status!=:temp AND status!=:saved ORDER BY timestamp',array(':temp'=>WaterRequests::SW_NODE(WaterRequests::TEMP_STATUS),':saved'=>WaterRequests::SW_NODE(WaterRequests::SAVED_STATUS)));
     if ($wrs != null) {
         $total_wrs = 0;
         $stat = array();
         $city = array();
         foreach ($wrs as $wr) {
             $city_states = $wr->cityStates;
             if ($city_states) {
                 if (!isset($city[$city_states[0]])) {
                     $city[$city_states[0]] = ucfirst(strtolower($city_states[0]));
                 if ($selection) {
                     if ($selection !== $city_states[0]) {
             } else {
                 if ($selection) {
             $y = $wr->year;
             $m = $wr->month;
             $pe = 0;
             foreach ($wr->geometries() as $geom) {
                 foreach ($geom->zones() as $zone) {
                     $pe += $zone->pe;
             if (isset($stat[$y])) {
                 $stat[$y]['pe'] += $pe;
             } else {
                 $stat[$y]['total'] = 1;
                 $stat[$y]['pe'] = $pe;
             if (isset($stat[$y][$m])) {
                 $stat[$y][$m]['pe'] += $pe;
             } else {
                 $stat[$y][$m]['total'] = 1;
                 $stat[$y][$m]['pe'] = $pe;
         $this->render('wr', array('total_wrs' => $total_wrs, 'stat' => $stat, 'city' => array_unique($city), 'selection' => $selection));
     $this->render('wr', array('total_wrs' => null));
Exemplo n.º 9
Arquivo: _form.php Projeto: Gnafu/wiz
	<div class="row">
echo $form->labelEx($model, 'id');
echo CHtml::encode($model->id);
	<div class="row">
echo $form->labelEx($model, 'status');
if ($model->status == WaterRequests::SW_NODE(WaterRequests::TEMP_STATUS)) {
    echo CHtml::encode($model->statusHR);
} else {
    echo $model->statusIcon;
	<div class="row">
echo $form->labelEx($model, 'phase');
echo CHtml::encode($model->phaseHR);