public function albums($atts = null, $content = null, $code = "") { global $wpdb, $_wt_options; require_once WT_PLUGIN_PATH . 'admin/template.php'; require_once WT_PLUGIN_PATH . 'admin/handlers.php'; require_once WT_PLUGIN_PATH . 'dwoo/dwooAutoload.php'; $dwoo = new Dwoo(); # CONFIG PARAMS $attr = shortcode_atts(self::$album_default, $atts); # TEMPLATE $theme_file_name = empty($attr["theme_file_name"]) ? 0 : $attr["theme_file_name"]; #ARTIST $artists_to_show = empty($attr["artist"]) ? 0 : explode(",", $attr["artist"]); #ALBUMS $albums_to_show = empty($attr["album"]) ? 0 : explode(",", $attr["album"]); #EXCLUDE ALBUMS $albums_to_hide = empty($attr["exclude"]) ? 0 : explode(",", $attr["exclude"]); #GENRE $genre_to_show = empty($attr["genre"]) ? 0 : explode(",", $attr["genre"]); #ORDER $order = strtolower($attr["order_by"]) == "order" ? "album_order" : "album_title"; #DIRECTION $direction = strtoupper($attr["direction"]) == "ASC" ? "ASC" : "DESC"; #START WITH $start_with = $attr["start_with"]; #TYPE $album_type = !empty($attr["type"]) ? $attr["type"] : 0; #TYPE $album_genre = !empty($attr["genre"]) ? $attr["genre"] : 0; #LIMIT $limit = $attr["limit"] && is_numeric($attr["limit"]) ? " LIMIT {$attr['limit']} " : ""; $albums = 0; # GET RESULTS $conds = array(); $conds_str = ""; if (!empty($start_with)) { $conds[] = "UPPER(album.album_title) LIKE UPPER('{$start_with}%')"; } if ($albums_to_show) { $conds[] = $this->columns_sql("album.album_id", $albums_to_show); } if ($albums_to_hide) { $conds[] = $this->columns_sql("album.album_id", $albums_to_hide, null, "!="); } if ($artists_to_show) { $conds[] = $this->columns_sql("album.album_artist_id", $artists_to_show); } if ($album_type) { $conds[] = "album.album_type='{$album_type}'"; } if ($album_genre) { $conds_str .= " JOIN wp_wtr_attachment AS att ON album.album_id = att.attachment_target_id"; $conds[] = "att.attachment_target='album'"; $conds[] = "att.attachment_type='genre'"; $conds[] = $this->columns_sql("att.attachment_info", $genre_to_show); } if (count($conds) > 0) { $conds_str .= " WHERE " . implode(" AND ", $conds); } $albums = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM " . WORDTOUR_ALBUMS . " as album LEFT JOIN " . WORDTOUR_ARTISTS . " as artist ON artist.artist_id=album.album_artist_id {$conds_str} GROUP BY album.album_id ORDER BY {$order} {$direction} {$limit}", "ARRAY_A"); //$this->result_unique("album_id",$albums); # SET TEMPLATE $tpl = array(); if ($albums) { $albumObj = new WT_Album(); foreach ($albums as $album) { $albumObj->id = $album["album_id"]; $tpl["data"][] = $albumObj->template($album); } } else { $tpl["data"] = array(); } include WT_PLUGIN_PATH . 'theme/layout.renderer.php'; return $html; }
break; case "quickupdate_album": $album = new WT_Album($_POST["album_id"]); $album->quick_update($_POST); $album->db_response("json"); break; case "delete_album": unset($_POST["action"]); $artist = new WT_Album($_POST["album_id"]); $artist->delete($_POST["_nonce"]); $artist->db_response("json"); break; case "delete_all_albums": unset($_POST["action"]); if ($_POST["id"]) { $album = new WT_Album(); $album->delete_all(json_decode(stripslashes($_POST["id"])), $_POST["_nonce"]); $album->db_response("json"); } break; case "import_album_info": global $_wt_options; $api_key = $_wt_options->options("lastfm_key"); $artist = $_POST['artist']; $album = $_POST['album']; $lastfm_base_url = "{$api_key}"; $lastfm_query = "&artist=" . urlencode($artist) . "&album=" . urlencode($album) . "&format=json&autocorrect=1"; $lastfm_query_url = $lastfm_base_url . $lastfm_query; $response = wt_file_get_contents($lastfm_query_url); $response = json_decode($response); if ($response->album) {
function albums_rows($rows) { global $wpdb; if (!$rows) { ?> <tr class="empty"> <td colspan="5"><p>No Albums Found</p></td> </tr> <?php } else { ?> <?php $album = new WT_Album(); foreach ($rows as $row) { echo get_album_row_html($album->db_out($row)); } } }
public function similar($data = 0) { global $wpdb; $result = array(); try { if (!$data) { $data = $this->data["album_genre"]; } $artist_id = $this->data["album_artist_id"]; $album_id = $this->data["album_id"]; if ($data) { $genres = array(); foreach ($data as $genre) { $genres[] = "att.attachment_info='{$genre['0']}'"; } if (count($genres)) { $genre_sql = "(" . implode(" OR ", $genres) . ")"; $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . WORDTOUR_ALBUMS . " as album \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tJOIN " . WORDTOUR_ATTACHMENT . " AS att ON album.album_id = att.attachment_target_id \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND att.attachment_target='album' AND att.attachment_type='genre' AND album.album_id != {$album_id} \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND {$genre_sql} GROUP BY album.album_id ORDER BY album.album_title LIMIT 5"; $albums = $wpdb->get_results($sql, "ARRAY_A"); $albums_obj = new WT_Album(); foreach ($albums as $album) { $albums_obj->id = $album["album_id"]; $albums_obj->retrieve(); $result[] = $albums_obj->template(); } } } } catch (Exception $e) { return array(); } return $result; }