Exemplo n.º 1
 public function _actionRegisterViewsButton()
     if (!class_exists('WP_Views')) {
         remove_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', array($this, '_actionScriptsAndStyles'));
     $view = new WP_Views();
Exemplo n.º 2
	function wpv_register_assets() {
		* Backend scripts
		// Views, WPA and CT edit screens JS
		// @todo on a future revision, once common is spread, make **_editor.js depend on icl_editor-script and remove fallbacks
		$editor_translations = array(
			'screen_options'							=> array(
															'pagination_needs_filter'	=> __('Pagination requires the Filter HTML section to be visible.', 'wpv-views'),
															'can_not_hide'				=> __('This section has unsaved changes, so you can not hide it', 'wpv-views')
			'event_trigger_callback_comments'			=> array(
															'view_unique_id'							=> __( '(string) The View unique ID hash', 'wpv-views' ),
															'effect'									=> __( '(string) The View AJAX pagination effect', 'wpv-views' ),
															'speed'										=> __( '(integer) The View AJAX pagination speed in miliseconds', 'wpv-views' ),
															'form'										=> __( '(object) The jQuery object for the View form', 'wpv-views' ),
															'layout'									=> __( '(object) The jQuery object for the View layout wrapper', 'wpv-views' ),
															'force_form_update'							=> __( '(bool) (optional) Whether the View settings force to update the form after a change', 'wpv-views' ),
															'force_results_update'						=> __( '(bool) (optional) Whether the View settings force to update the results after a change', 'wpv-views' ),
															'view_changed_form_additional_forms_only'	=> __( '(object) The jQuery object containing additional forms from other instances of the same View inserted using the [wpv-form-view] shortcode', 'wpv-views' ),
															'view_changed_form_additional_forms_full'	=> __( '(object) The jQuery object containing additional forms from other instances of the same View inserted using the [wpv-view] shortcode', 'wpv-views' )
			'frontend_events_dialog_title' 				=> __( 'Insert Views frontend event handler', 'wpv-views'),
			'add_archive_pagination_dialog_title' 		=> __( 'Archive pagination controls', 'wpv-views'),
			'add_archive_pagination_dialog_cancel' 		=> __( 'Cancel', 'wpv-views' ),
			'add_archive_pagination_dialog_insert' 		=> __( 'Add query filter', 'wpv-views' ),
			'add_event_trigger_callback_dialog_insert'	=> __( 'Insert event trigger callback', 'wpv-views' ),
			'dialog_close'								=> __( 'Close', 'wpv-views')

		wp_register_script( 'views-editor-js', ( WPV_URL . "/res/js/redesign/views_editor.js" ), array( 'jquery', 'suggest', 'wp-pointer', 'jquery-ui-dialog', 'jquery-ui-sortable', 'jquery-ui-draggable', 'jquery-ui-tooltip', 'views-codemirror-conf-script', 'views-utils-script', 'underscore', 'quicktags', 'wplink'), WPV_VERSION, true );
		wp_localize_script( 'views-editor-js', 'wpv_editor_strings', $editor_translations );

		wp_register_script( 'views-filters-js', ( WPV_URL . "/res/js/redesign/views_section_filters.js" ), array( 'views-editor-js'), WPV_VERSION, true );
		$filters_strings = array(
			'add_filter_dialog_title' => __('Add a query filter to this View','wpv-views'),
			'add_filter_dialog_cancel' => __( 'Cancel', 'wpv-views' ),
			'add_filter_dialog_insert' => __( 'Add query filter', 'wpv-views' ),
			'select_empty' => __( "Please select an option", 'wpv-views' ),
			'param_missing' => __("This field can not be empty", 'wpv-views'),
			'param_url_ilegal' => __("Only lowercase letters, numbers, hyphens and underscores allowed as URL parameters", 'wpv-views'),
			'param_shortcode_ilegal' => __("Only lowercase letters and numbers allowed as shortcode attributes", 'wpv-views'),
			'param_year_ilegal' => __( 'Years can only be a four digits number', 'wpv-views'  ),
			'param_month_ilegal' => __( 'Months can only be a number between 1 and 12', 'wpv-views' ),
			'param_week_ilegal' => __( 'Weeks can only be numbers between 1 and 53', 'wpv-views' ),
			'param_day_ilegal' => __( 'Days can only be a number between 1 and 31', 'wpv-views' ),
			'param_hour_ilegal' => __( 'Hours can only be numbers between 0 and 23', 'wpv-views' ),
			'param_minute_ilegal' => __( 'Minutes can only be numbers between 0 and 59', 'wpv-views' ),
			'param_second_ilegal' => __( 'Seconds can only be numbers between 0 and 59', 'wpv-views' ),
			'param_dayofyear_ilegal' => __( 'Days of the year can only be numbers between 1 and 366', 'wpv-views' ),
			'param_dayofweek_ilegal' => __( 'Days of the week can only be numbers between 1 and 7', 'wpv-views' ),
			'param_numeric_natural_ilegal' => __( 'This needs to be a non-negative number', 'wpv-views' ),
			'param_forbidden_wordpress' => __("This is a word reserved by WordPress", 'wpv-views'),
			'param_forbidden_toolset' => __("This is a word reserved by any of the ToolSet plugins", 'wpv-views'),
			'param_forbidden_toolset_attr' => __("This is an attribute reserved by any of the ToolSet plugins", 'wpv-views'),
			'param_forbidden_post_type' => __("There is a post type named like that", 'wpv-views'),
			'param_forbidden_taxonomy' => __("There is a taxonomy named like that", 'wpv-views'),
			'parent_type_not_hierarchical' => __("The posts you want to display are not hierarchical, so this filter will not work", 'wpv-views'),
			'taxonomy_parent_changed' => __("The taxonomy you want to display has changed, so this filter needs some action", 'wpv-views'),
			'taxonomy_term_changed' => __("The taxonomy you want to display has changed, so this filter needs some action", 'wpv-views'),
			'add_filter_nonce' => wp_create_nonce( 'wpv_view_filters_add_filter_nonce' )
		wp_localize_script( 'views-filters-js', 'wpv_filters_strings', $filters_strings );
		wp_register_script( 'views-pagination-js', ( WPV_URL . "/res/js/redesign/views_section_pagination.js" ), array( 'views-editor-js'), WPV_VERSION, true );
		$pagination_translation = array(
			'add_pagination_dialog_title' 				=> __( 'Would you like to insert transition controls for the pagination?', 'wpv-views' ),
			'add_pagination_dialog_cancel' 				=> __( 'Cancel', 'wpv-views' ),
			'add_pagination_dialog_insert' 				=> __( 'Insert pagination controls', 'wpv-views' ),
			'close' 									=> __( 'Close', 'wpv-views' ),
			'wpv_page_pagination_shortcode_definition'	=> __('This is an optional placeholder to wrap the pagination shortcodes. The content of this shortcode will only be displayed if there is more than one page of results.', 'wpv-views'),
			'wpv_page_num_shortcode_definition'			=> __('Displays the current page number', 'wpv-views'),
			'wpv_page_total_shortcode_definition'		=> __('Displays the maximum number of pages found by the Views Query.', 'wpv-views'),
			'wpv_page_selector_shortcode_definition'	=> __('Displays a pager with the current page selected. Depending on the value of the <em>style</em> parameter it displays a list of links to the other pages or a drop-down list to select another page.', 'wpv-views'),
			'wpv_page_pre_shortcode_definition'			=> __('Display a <em>Previous</em> link to move to the previous page.', 'wpv-views'),
			'wpv_page_next_shortcode_definition'		=> __('Display a <em>Next</em> link to move to the next page.', 'wpv-views')
		wp_localize_script( 'views-pagination-js', 'wpv_pagination_texts', $pagination_translation );
		wp_register_script( 'views-update-js', ( WPV_URL . "/res/js/redesign/views_sections_update.js" ), array( 'views-editor-js', 'underscore' ), WPV_VERSION, true );
        $sections_update_l10n = array(
            'sections_saved' => __( 'All sections have been saved', 'wpv-views' ),
            'some_section_unsaved' => __( 'One or more sections haven\'t been saved.', 'wpv-views' )
        wp_localize_script( 'views-update-js', 'wpv_views_update_l10n', $sections_update_l10n );

		wp_register_script( 'views-archive-editor-js', ( WPV_URL . "/res/js/redesign/views_archive_editor.js" ), array( 'jquery', 'suggest', 'wp-pointer', 'jquery-ui-dialog', 'jquery-ui-sortable', 'jquery-ui-draggable', 'views-codemirror-conf-script', 'views-utils-script', 'underscore', 'quicktags', 'wplink'), WPV_VERSION, true );
		wp_localize_script( 'views-archive-editor-js', 'wpv_editor_strings', $editor_translations );
		wp_register_script( 'views-archive-update-js', ( WPV_URL . "/res/js/redesign/views_archives_sections_update.js" ), array( 'views-archive-editor-js', 'underscore' ), WPV_VERSION, true );
        wp_localize_script( 'views-archive-update-js', 'wpv_views_archive_update_l10n', $sections_update_l10n );

		wp_register_script( 'views-layout-template-js', ( WPV_URL . "/res/js/redesign/views_section_layout_template.js" ), array( 'jquery', 'views-codemirror-conf-script' ), WPV_VERSION, true );
		$inline_content_templates_translations = array(
            'new_template_name_in_use'		=> __( 'A Content Template with that name already exists. Please try with another name.', 'wpv-views' ),
			'pointer_close'					=> __( 'Close', 'wpv-views' ),
			'pointer_scroll_to_template'	=> __( 'Scroll to the Content Template', 'wpv-views' ),
			'dialog_cancel'					=> __( 'Cancel', 'wpv-views' ),
			'dialog_unassign_ct_title'		=> __( 'Remove the Content Template from the View', 'wpv-views' ),
			'dialog_unassign_ct_remove'		=> __( 'Remove', 'wpv-views' ),
			'dialog_assign_ct_title'		=> __( 'Assign a Content Template to this View', 'wpv-views' ),
			'dialog_assign_ct_assign'		=> __( 'Assign Content Template', 'wpv-views' ),
			'loading_options'				=> __( 'Loading', 'wpv-views' )
		wp_localize_script( 'views-layout-template-js', 'wpv_inline_templates_strings', $inline_content_templates_translations );
		wp_register_script( 'views-redesign-media-manager-js', ( WPV_URL . "/res/js/redesign/views_media_manager.js" ), array( 'jquery'), WPV_VERSION, true );
		$media_manager_translations = array(
			'only_img_allowed_here' => __( "You can only use an image file here", 'wpv-views' )
		wp_localize_script( 'views-redesign-media-manager-js', 'wpv_media_manager', $media_manager_translations );
		wp_register_script( 'views-layout-wizard-script' , WPV_URL . '/res/js/redesign/views_layout_edit_wizard.js', array('jquery', 'views-shortcodes-gui-script'), WPV_VERSION, true);
		$layout_wizard_translations = array(
			'button_next' => __( 'Next', 'wpv-views' ),
			'button_insert' => __( 'Finish', 'wpv-views' ),
			'unknown_error' => __( 'Something wrong happened, please try again', 'wpv-views' ),
            'bootstrap_not_set' => __( 'You need to set the Bootstrap version used in your theme.', 'wpv-views' ) . ' ' .
                    __("<a href='%s' target='_blank'>Go to the Settings page &raquo;</a>", 'wpv-views'),
                    add_query_arg( array( 'page' => 'views-settings', 'tab' => 'compatibility' ), admin_url( 'admin.php' ) )
            'bootstrap_2' => __( 'This site is using Bootstrap 2.0', 'wpv-views' ),
            'bootstrap_3' => __( 'This site is using Bootstrap 3.0', 'wpv-views' ),
            'bootstrap_not_used' => __( 'This site is not using Bootstrap CSS.', 'wpv-views' ),
			'wpnonce'				=> wp_create_nonce( 'wpv_loop_wizard_nonce' )
		wp_localize_script( 'views-layout-wizard-script', 'wpv_layout_wizard_strings', $layout_wizard_translations );

        // Reusable Content Template dialogs
        wp_register_script( 'views-ct-dialogs-js', WPV_URL . '/res/js/ct-dialogs.js', array( 'jquery', 'underscore', 'jquery-ui-dialog', 'views-utils-script', 'toolset-utils' ) );
        $views_ct_dialogs_texts = array(
            'dialog_cancel'	=> __( 'Cancel', 'wpv-views' ),
            'dialog_trash_warning_dialog_title'	=> __( 'Content Template in use', 'wpv-views' ),
            'dialog_trash_warning_action' => __( 'Trash', 'wpv-views' ),
            'view_listing_actions_nonce' => wp_create_nonce( 'wpv_view_listing_actions_nonce' )
        wp_localize_script( 'views-ct-dialogs-js', 'wpv_ct_dialogs_l10n', $views_ct_dialogs_texts );

        // Suggestion Script for Views edit screen
		// @todo deprecate this, FGS
		wp_register_script( 'views-suggestion_script', ( WPV_URL . "/res/js/redesign/suggestion_script.js" ), array(), WPV_VERSION, true );
		wp_register_style( 'views_suggestion_style', WPV_URL . '/res/css/token-input.css', array(), WPV_VERSION );
		wp_register_style( 'views_suggestion_style2', WPV_URL . '/res/css/token-input-wpv-theme.css', array(), WPV_VERSION );

		// Listing JS

		wp_register_script( 'views-listing-common-script' , WPV_URL . '/res/js/redesign/wpv_listing_common.js', array( 'jquery', 'jquery-ui-dialog', 'views-utils-script' ), WPV_VERSION, true);
		wp_register_script( 'views-listing-script' , WPV_URL . '/res/js/redesign/views_listing_page.js', array( 'jquery', 'views-listing-common-script' ), WPV_VERSION, true);
		$views_listing_texts = array(
			'dialog_cancel'					=> __( 'Cancel', 'wpv-views' ),
			'loading_options'				=> __( 'Loading', 'wpv-views' ),
			'scan_no_results'				=> __( 'Nothing found', 'wpv-views' ),
			'dialog_create_add_title_hint'	=> __( 'Now give this View a name', 'wpv-views' ),// DEPRECATED
			'dialog_create_dialog_title'	=> __( 'Add a new View', 'wpv-views' ),
			'dialog_create_action'			=> __( 'Create View', 'wpv-views' ),
			'dialog_duplicate_dialog_title'	=> __( 'Duplicate a View', 'wpv-views' ),
			'dialog_duplicate_action'		=> __( 'Duplicate', 'wpv-views' ),
			'dialog_duplicate_nonce'		=> wp_create_nonce( 'wpv_duplicate_view_nonce' ),
			'dialog_bulktrash_dialog_title'	=> __( 'Trash Views', 'wpv-views' ),
			'dialog_bulktrash_action'		=> __( 'Trash', 'wpv-views' ),
			'dialog_bulktrash_nonce'		=> wp_create_nonce( 'wpv_view_listing_actions_nonce' ),
			'dialog_bulkdel_dialog_title'	=> __( 'Delete Views', 'wpv-views' ),
			'dialog_bulkdel_action'			=> __( 'Delete', 'wpv-views' ),
			'dialog_bulkdel_nonce'			=> wp_create_nonce( 'wpv_bulk_remove_view_permanent_nonce' )
		wp_localize_script( 'views-listing-script', 'views_listing_texts', $views_listing_texts );
		wp_register_script( 'views-archive-listing-script' , WPV_URL . '/res/js/redesign/views_wordpress_archive_listing_page.js', array( 'jquery', 'views-listing-common-script' ), WPV_VERSION, true);
		$wpa_listing_texts = array(
			'dialog_cancel'					=> __( 'Cancel', 'wpv-views' ),
			'loading_options'				=> __( 'Loading', 'wpv-views' ),
			'edit_url'						=> admin_url( 'admin.php?page=view-archives-editor&amp;view_id=' ),
			'dialog_create_dialog_title'	=> __( 'Add a new WordPress Archive', 'wpv-views' ),
			'dialog_create_action'			=> __( 'Create WordPress Archive', 'wpv-views' ),
			'dialog_bulk_trash_dialog_title'	=> __( 'Trash WordPress Archives', 'wpv-views' ),
			'dialog_bulk_trash_action'			=> __( 'Trash', 'wpv-views' ),
			'dialog_delete_dialog_title'	=> __( 'Delete WordPress Archive', 'wpv-views' ),
			'dialog_bulk_delete_dialog_title'	=> __( 'Delete WordPress Archive', 'wpv-views' ),
			'dialog_delete_action'			=> __( 'Delete', 'wpv-views' ),
			'dialog_change_usage_dialog_title'	=> __( 'Change how this WordPress Archive is used', 'wpv-views' ),
			'dialog_change_usage_action'		=> __( 'Change usage', 'wpv-views' ),
			'dialog_create_wpa_for_archive_loop_dialog_title'	=> __( 'Create a WordPress Archive for an archive loop', 'wpv-views' ),
			'dialog_create_wpa_for_archive_loop_action'			=> __( 'Create WordPress Archive', 'wpv-views' ),
			'dialog_change_wpa_for_archive_loop_dialog_title'	=> __( 'Use another WordPress Archive for this archive loop', 'wpv-views' ),
			'dialog_change_wpa_for_archive_loop_action'			=> __( 'Assign', 'wpv-views' ),
			'dialog_bulktrash_nonce'		=> wp_create_nonce( 'wpv_view_listing_actions_nonce' ),
			'dialog_bulkdel_nonce'			=> wp_create_nonce( 'wpv_bulk_remove_view_permanent_nonce' )
		wp_localize_script( 'views-archive-listing-script', 'wpa_listing_texts', $wpa_listing_texts );
		wp_register_script( 'views-content-template-listing-script' , WPV_URL . '/res/js/redesign/wpv_content_template_listing.js', array('jquery', 'views-listing-common-script', 'views-ct-dialogs-js' ), WPV_VERSION, true);
		$ct_listing_texts = array(
			'dialog_cancel'					=> __( 'Cancel', 'wpv-views' ),
			'dialog_update'					=> __( 'Update', 'wpv-views' ),
			'loading_options'				=> __( 'Loading', 'wpv-views' ),
			'scan_no_results'				=> __( 'Nothing found', 'wpv-views' ),
			'update_completed'				=> __( 'Update completed!', 'wpv-views' ),
			'action_nonce'					=> wp_create_nonce( 'wpv_view_listing_actions_nonce' ),
			'dialog_create_dialog_title'	=> __( 'Add new Content Template', 'wpv-views' ),
			'dialog_create_action'			=> __( 'Create Content Template', 'wpv-views' ),
			'dialog_duplicate_dialog_title'	=> __( 'Duplicate a Content Template', 'wpv-views' ),
			'dialog_duplicate_action'		=> __( 'Duplicate', 'wpv-views' ),
			'dialog_trash_warning_dialog_title'		=> __( 'Content Template in use', 'wpv-views' ), // todo remove
			'dialog_trash_warning_action'			=> __( 'Trash', 'wpv-views' ),
			'dialog_bulktrash_dialog_title'	=> __( 'Trash Content Templates', 'wpv-views' ),
			'dialog_bulktrash_action'		=> __( 'Trash', 'wpv-views' ),
			'dialog_bulktrash_nonce'		=> wp_create_nonce( 'wpv_view_listing_actions_nonce' ),
			'dialog_bulkdel_dialog_title'	=> __( 'Delete Content Template', 'wpv-views' ),
			'dialog_bulkdel_dialog_title_plural'	=> __( 'Delete Content Templates', 'wpv-views' ),
			'dialog_bulkdel_action'			=> __( 'Delete', 'wpv-views' ),
			'dialog_bulkdel_nonce'			=> wp_create_nonce( 'wpv_bulk_remove_view_permanent_nonce' ),
			'dialog_bind_ct_dialog_title'	=> __( 'Do you want to apply to all?', 'wpv-views' ),
			'dialog_change_ct_usage_dialog_title'	=> __( 'Change how this Content Template is used', 'wpv-views' ),
			'dialog_change_ct_usage_action'			=> __( 'Change usage', 'wpv-views' ),
			'dialog_unlink_dialog_title'	=> __( 'Clear a post type', 'wpv-views' ),
			'dialog_unlink_action'			=> __( 'Clear', 'wpv-views' ),
			'dialog_unlink_nonce'			=> wp_create_nonce( 'wpv_clear_cpt_from_ct_nonce' ),
			'dialog_change_ct_assigned_to_sth_dialog_title'		=> __( 'Change the Content Template assigned to this', 'wpv-views' ),
		wp_localize_script( 'views-content-template-listing-script', 'ct_listing_texts', $ct_listing_texts );
		// Update help
		wp_register_script( 'views-update-help-js', WPV_URL . '/res/js/views_admin_update_help.js', array( 'jquery' ), WPV_VERSION, true );

        /* Knockout.js 3.3.0
         * If WP_DEBUG is defined (and true), debug version of the script will be registered. Otherwise we will use a minified one.
         * Please add a note if you enqueue this script somewhere. This may change to just 'knockout'
         * when the old version (knockout 2.2.1) is thrown away. So we'd like to know what to replace.
		 * @note We need a small refactor to do the switch, since knockout3 does not allow multiple bindings to the same element, and we have them.
         * - wpv_ct_editor_enqueue()
        if( defined( 'WP_DEBUG' ) && true == WP_DEBUG ) {
            wp_register_script('knockout3', WPV_URL . '/res/js/lib/knockout-3.3.0.debug.js', array(), '3.3.0');
        } else {
            wp_register_script('knockout3', WPV_URL . '/res/js/lib/knockout-3.3.0.js', array(), '3.3.0');