public function add_meta_box()
     add_meta_box('wpupg_meta_box_shortcode', __('Shortcode', 'wp-ultimate-post-grid'), array($this, 'meta_box_shortcode'), WPUPG_POST_TYPE, 'side', 'high');
     if (!WPUltimatePostGrid::is_premium_active()) {
         add_meta_box('wpupg_meta_box_premium_only', __('Premium Only', 'wp-ultimate-post-grid'), array($this, 'meta_box_premium_only'), WPUPG_POST_TYPE, 'side', 'default');
Exemplo n.º 2
 public function shortcode($options)
     $output = '';
     $slug = strtolower(trim($options['id']));
     if ($slug) {
         $post = get_page_by_path($slug, OBJECT, WPUPG_POST_TYPE);
         if (!is_null($post)) {
             $grid = new WPUPG_Grid($post);
             // Check if we need to filter the grid dynamically
             $dynamic_rules = array();
             if (count($options) > 0 && WPUltimatePostGrid::is_premium_active()) {
                 foreach ($options as $taxonomy => $terms) {
                     if (taxonomy_exists($taxonomy)) {
                         $dynamic_rules[] = array('post_type' => 'wpupg_dynamic', 'taxonomy' => $taxonomy, 'values' => explode(';', str_replace(',', ';', $terms)), 'type' => 'restrict');
             if (count($dynamic_rules) > 0) {
             $link_type = $grid->link_type();
             $link_target = $grid->link_target();
             $layout_mode = $grid->layout_mode();
             $centered = $grid->centered() ? 'true' : 'false';
             $posts = '<div id="wpupg-grid-' . esc_attr($slug) . '" class="wpupg-grid" data-grid="' . esc_attr($slug) . '" data-grid-id="' . $grid->ID() . '" data-link-type="' . $link_type . '" data-link-target="' . $link_target . '" data-layout-mode="' . $layout_mode . '" data-centered="' . $centered . '">';
             $posts .= $grid->draw_posts();
             $posts .= '</div>';
             $output = apply_filters('wpupg_posts_shortcode', $posts, $grid);
             $pagination = '';
             if ($grid->pagination_type() == 'pages') {
                 $pagination_type = $grid->pagination_type();
                 $pagination_style = $grid->pagination_style();
                 $style_data = ' data-margin-vertical="' . $pagination_style['margin_vertical'] . '"';
                 $style_data .= ' data-margin-horizontal="' . $pagination_style['margin_horizontal'] . '"';
                 $style_data .= ' data-padding-vertical="' . $pagination_style['padding_vertical'] . '"';
                 $style_data .= ' data-padding-horizontal="' . $pagination_style['padding_horizontal'] . '"';
                 $style_data .= ' data-border-width="' . $pagination_style['border_width'] . '"';
                 $style_data .= ' data-background-color="' . $pagination_style['background_color'] . '"';
                 $style_data .= ' data-text-color="' . $pagination_style['text_color'] . '"';
                 $style_data .= ' data-border-color="' . $pagination_style['border_color'] . '"';
                 $style_data .= ' data-active-background-color="' . $pagination_style['background_active_color'] . '"';
                 $style_data .= ' data-active-text-color="' . $pagination_style['text_active_color'] . '"';
                 $style_data .= ' data-active-border-color="' . $pagination_style['border_active_color'] . '"';
                 $style_data .= ' data-hover-background-color="' . $pagination_style['background_hover_color'] . '"';
                 $style_data .= ' data-hover-text-color="' . $pagination_style['text_hover_color'] . '"';
                 $style_data .= ' data-hover-border-color="' . $pagination_style['border_hover_color'] . '"';
                 $pagination .= '<div id="wpupg-grid-' . esc_attr($slug) . '-pagination" class="wpupg-pagination wpupg-pagination-' . $pagination_type . '" style="text-align: ' . $pagination_style['alignment'] . ';" data-grid="' . esc_attr($slug) . '" data-type="' . $pagination_type . '"' . $style_data . '>';
                 $pagination .= $grid->draw_pagination();
                 $pagination .= '</div>';
             $output .= apply_filters('wpupg_pagination_shortcode', $pagination, $grid);
             wp_localize_script('wpupg_grid', 'wpupg_grid_' . $grid->ID(), array('posts' => $grid->posts()));
     return $output;
Exemplo n.º 3
 public function shortcode($options)
     $output = '';
     $slug = strtolower(trim($options['id']));
     if ($slug) {
         $post = get_page_by_path($slug, OBJECT, WPUPG_POST_TYPE);
         if (!is_null($post)) {
             $grid = new WPUPG_Grid($post);
             // Check if we need to filter the grid dynamically
             $dynamic_rules = array();
             if (count($options) > 0 && WPUltimatePostGrid::is_premium_active()) {
                 foreach ($options as $taxonomy => $terms) {
                     if (taxonomy_exists($taxonomy)) {
                         $dynamic_rules[] = array('post_type' => 'wpupg_dynamic', 'taxonomy' => $taxonomy, 'values' => explode(';', str_replace(',', ';', $terms)), 'type' => 'restrict');
             if (count($dynamic_rules) > 0) {
             $filter_type = $grid->filter_type();
             $filter = '';
             if ($filter_type == 'isotope') {
                 $filter_style = $grid->filter_style();
                 $filter_style = $filter_style[$filter_type];
                 $style_data = ' data-filter-type="' . $filter_type . '"';
                 $style_data .= ' data-margin-vertical="' . $filter_style['margin_vertical'] . '"';
                 $style_data .= ' data-margin-horizontal="' . $filter_style['margin_horizontal'] . '"';
                 $style_data .= ' data-padding-vertical="' . $filter_style['padding_vertical'] . '"';
                 $style_data .= ' data-padding-horizontal="' . $filter_style['padding_horizontal'] . '"';
                 $style_data .= ' data-border-width="' . $filter_style['border_width'] . '"';
                 $style_data .= ' data-background-color="' . $filter_style['background_color'] . '"';
                 $style_data .= ' data-text-color="' . $filter_style['text_color'] . '"';
                 $style_data .= ' data-border-color="' . $filter_style['border_color'] . '"';
                 $style_data .= ' data-active-background-color="' . $filter_style['background_active_color'] . '"';
                 $style_data .= ' data-active-text-color="' . $filter_style['text_active_color'] . '"';
                 $style_data .= ' data-active-border-color="' . $filter_style['border_active_color'] . '"';
                 $style_data .= ' data-hover-background-color="' . $filter_style['background_hover_color'] . '"';
                 $style_data .= ' data-hover-text-color="' . $filter_style['text_hover_color'] . '"';
                 $style_data .= ' data-hover-border-color="' . $filter_style['border_hover_color'] . '"';
                 $multiselect = $grid->filter_multiselect() ? 'true' : 'false';
                 $inverse = $grid->filter_inverse() ? 'true' : 'false';
                 $filter .= '<div id="wpupg-grid-' . esc_attr($slug) . '-filter" class="wpupg-filter wpupg-filter-' . $filter_type . '" style="text-align: ' . $filter_style['alignment'] . ';" data-grid="' . esc_attr($slug) . '" data-type="' . $filter_type . '" data-multiselect="' . $multiselect . '" data-multiselect-type="' . $grid->filter_multiselect_type() . '" data-inverse="' . $inverse . '"' . $style_data . '>';
                 $filter .= $grid->filter();
                 $filter .= '</div>';
             $output = apply_filters('wpupg_filter_shortcode', $filter, $grid);
     return $output;
Exemplo n.º 4
 public function dropdown_filters_css()
     if (WPUltimatePostGrid::is_premium_active()) {
         $border_color = WPUltimatePostGrid::option('filters_dropdown_border_color', '#AAAAAA');
         $text_color = WPUltimatePostGrid::option('filters_dropdown_text_color', '#444444');
         $background_highlight_color = WPUltimatePostGrid::option('filters_dropdown_highlight_background_color', '#5897FB');
         $text_highlight_color = WPUltimatePostGrid::option('filters_dropdown_highlight_text_color', '#FFFFFF');
         echo '<style type="text/css">';
         // Border Color
         echo '.select2wpupg-selection, .select2wpupg-dropdown { border-color: ' . $border_color . '!important; }';
         echo '.select2wpupg-selection__arrow b { border-top-color: ' . $border_color . '!important; }';
         echo '.select2wpupg-container--open .select2wpupg-selection__arrow b { border-bottom-color: ' . $border_color . '!important; }';
         // Text color
         echo '.select2wpupg-selection__placeholder, .select2wpupg-search__field, .select2wpupg-selection__rendered, .select2wpupg-results__option { color: ' . $text_color . '!important; }';
         echo '.select2wpupg-search__field::-webkit-input-placeholder { color: ' . $text_color . '!important; }';
         echo '.select2wpupg-search__field:-moz-placeholder { color: ' . $text_color . '!important; }';
         echo '.select2wpupg-search__field::-moz-placeholder { color: ' . $text_color . '!important; }';
         echo '.select2wpupg-search__field:-ms-input-placeholder { color: ' . $text_color . '!important; }';
         // Highlight colors
         echo '.select2wpupg-results__option--highlighted { color: ' . $text_highlight_color . '!important; background-color: ' . $background_highlight_color . '!important; }';
         echo '</style>';
Exemplo n.º 5
 public function filter_multiselect()
     if (WPUltimatePostGrid::is_premium_active()) {
         return $this->meta('wpupg_filter_multiselect');
     } else {
         return false;

// Grid should never be null. Construct just allows easy access to WPUPG_Grid functions in IDE.
if (is_null($grid)) {
    $grid = new WPUPG_Grid(0);
$premium_only = WPUltimatePostGrid::is_premium_active() ? '' : ' (' . __('Premium only', 'wp-ultimate-post-grid') . ')';

<input type="hidden" name="wpupg_nonce" value="<?php 
echo wp_create_nonce('grid');
" />
<table id="wpupg_form_data_source" class="wpupg_form">
        <td><label for="wpupg_post_types"><?php 
_e('Post Types', 'wp-ultimate-post-grid');
            <select name="wpupg_post_types" id="wpupg_post_types" class="wpupg-select2">
$post_types = get_post_types('', 'objects');
foreach ($post_types as $post_type => $options) {
    $selected = in_array($post_type, $grid->post_types()) ? ' selected="selected"' : '';
    echo '<option value="' . esc_attr($post_type) . '"' . $selected . '>' . $options->labels->name . '</option>';
Exemplo n.º 7

// Subpage
$sub = isset($_GET['sub']) ? $_GET['sub'] : 'getting_started';
if (!in_array($sub, array('getting_started', 'whats_new', 'support', 'our_plugins'))) {
    $sub = 'getting_started';
// Active version
if (WPUltimatePostGrid::is_premium_active()) {
    $name = 'WP Ultimate Post Grid Premium';
} else {
    $name = 'WP Ultimate Post Grid';
    $version = WPUPG_VERSION;
$full_name = $name . ' ' . $version;
// Image directory
$img_dir = WPUltimatePostGrid::get()->coreUrl . '/img/faq/';

<div class="wrap about-wrap">

echo $name;

    <div class="about-text">Welcome to version <?php 
echo $version;
 of the very best grid plugin!</div>
    <tr class="wpupg_divider">
        <td><label for="wpupg_filter_taxonomy_post"><?php 
_e('Taxonomy', 'wp-ultimate-post-grid');
$post_types = get_post_types('', 'objects');
foreach ($post_types as $post_type => $options) {
    $taxonomies = get_object_taxonomies($post_type, 'objects');
    if (count($taxonomies) > 0) {
        $multiple = WPUltimatePostGrid::is_premium_active() ? ' multiple' : '';
        echo '<div id="wpupg_filter_taxonomy_' . $post_type . '_container" class="wpupg_filter_taxonomy_container">';
        echo '<select name="wpupg_filter_taxonomy_' . $post_type . '[]" id="wpupg_filter_taxonomy_' . $post_type . '" class="wpupg-select2"' . $multiple . '>';
        foreach ($taxonomies as $taxonomy => $tax_options) {
            $selected = in_array($taxonomy, $grid->filter_taxonomies()) ? ' selected="selected"' : '';
            echo '<option value="' . esc_attr($taxonomy) . '"' . $selected . '>' . $tax_options->labels->name . '</option>';
        echo '</select>';
        echo '</div>';
_e('Taxonomy to be used for filtering the grid.', 'wp-ultimate-post-grid');
Exemplo n.º 9
  * Helper functions
 public function set_dynamic_rules($dynamic_rules)
     if (WPUltimatePostGrid::is_premium_active()) {
         $this->meta['wpupg_limit_posts'][0] = 'on';
         $limit_rules = maybe_unserialize($this->meta('wpupg_limit_rules'));
         $limit_rules = is_array($limit_rules) ? $limit_rules : array();
         $new_rules = array_merge($limit_rules, $dynamic_rules);
         $this->meta['wpupg_limit_rules'][0] = serialize($new_rules);
         $generated = WPUltimatePostGrid::get()->helper('grid_cache')->dynamic_generate($this);
         $this->meta['wpupg_posts'][0] = serialize($generated['cache']);
         $this->meta['wpupg_filter'][0] = $generated['filter'];