	 * Returns the user array that creates the user dropdown in the authors metabox.
	 * Developer note: Using array_merge was reordering the array keys, causing the keys,
	 * which signified the user id, to cause the plugin to assign incorrect authors.
	 * This copying of arrays by brute force ensures that the order of elements and the
	 * numbering of keys is retained.
	 * @param bool|integer|string $user_ids A user ID, or login, or an array of such
	 * @param bool $existing_only If true, returns only existing users in a flat array. Otherwise, returns a structure with additional data.
	 * @param bool $login_names If true, will return an array where keys are login names. Otherwise, the keys will be IDs. Values are the login names regardless.
	 * @since 2.0
	public static function get_users_array( $user_ids = false, $existing_only = false, $login_names = false ) {
		// Get the users
		$users =  WPRSS_FTP_Settings::get_users( true, $user_ids );
		// Copy all users into this array
		$user_options = array();
		foreach ( $users as $key => $value ) {
			$user_options[$login_names ? $value : $key] = $value;
		// Return only existing if needed
		if( $existing_only ) return $user_options;

		// Create a new array
		$return_array = array( '.' => 'Author in feed' );
		$existing_key = __( 'Existing user', WPRSS_TEXT_DOMAIN );
		$return_array[ $existing_key ] = $user_options;

		// Return the array
		return $return_array;